diff --git a/include/VariableMapper.h b/include/VariableMapper.h
index ec88ad352da57c1fdef82b139b97e6f1557495ad..d81aed4024d0ada62c1dc5795829a4cb22968253 100644
--- a/include/VariableMapper.h
+++ b/include/VariableMapper.h
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ namespace ChimeraTK{
+    std::set< std::string > _inputVariables;
     void processLocation(xmlpp::Node const * locationNode);
     void processProperty(xmlpp::Node const * propertyNode, std::string locationName);
     void processLocationImport(xmlpp::Node const * importNode, std::string locationName);
diff --git a/src/VariableMapper.cc b/src/VariableMapper.cc
index 234cdc5cefd133d8a7670c03e0599865922f8f5d..c6db75fccdaf6052592d45a0d39aef02b1b230a1 100644
--- a/src/VariableMapper.cc
+++ b/src/VariableMapper.cc
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include <libxml++/libxml++.h>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <regex>
 namespace ChimeraTK{
 void print_indentation(unsigned int indentation)
@@ -156,12 +157,33 @@ void print_node(const xmlpp::Node* node, unsigned int indentation = 0)
   void VariableMapper::processLocationImport(xmlpp::Node const * importNode, std::string locationName){
     for (auto const & node : importNode->get_children()){
       const xmlpp::TextNode* nodeAsText = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::TextNode*>(node);
-      std::cout << "Importing location: " <<  nodeAsText->get_content() << std::endl;
-      // loop source tree, cut beginning, replace / with _ and add a property 
+      std::string importSource = nodeAsText->get_content();
+      std::cout << "Importing in location '"<<locationName <<"': " <<  importSource << std::endl;
+      // loop source tree, cut beginning, replace / with _ and add a property
+      for (auto const & processVariable : _inputVariables){
+        if (_inputSortedDescriptions.find(processVariable) != _inputSortedDescriptions.end()){
+          std::cout << processVariable << " alread in the map. Not importing" << std::endl;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if ( processVariable.find( importSource+"/") == 0 ){
+          // processVariable starts with wanted source
+          std::cout << "importing " << processVariable << " from " <<  importSource << " into "
+                    << locationName << std::endl;
+          auto propertyNameSource = processVariable.substr( importSource.size() + 1); // add the slash to be removed
+          std::cout << "propertyNameSource " << propertyNameSource << std::endl;
+          auto propertyName = std::regex_replace(propertyNameSource, std::regex("/"), ".");
+          std::cout << "new property name is " << propertyName << std::endl;
+          _inputSortedDescriptions[processVariable] = PropertyDescription(locationName, propertyName);
+        }
+      }
   void VariableMapper::prepareOutput(std::string xmlFile, std::set< std::string > inputVariables){
+    _inputVariables=inputVariables;
     xmlpp::DomParser parser;
     //    parser.set_validate();
     parser.set_substitute_entities(); //We just want the text to be resolved/unescaped automatically.
@@ -175,8 +197,8 @@ void print_node(const xmlpp::Node* node, unsigned int indentation = 0)
       //Walk the tree:
       const xmlpp::Node* rootNode = parser.get_document()->get_root_node(); //deleted by DomParser.
-      std::cout << "****************************\nPredefined printout in "<< xmlFile<<":\n" << std::endl;
-      print_node(rootNode);
+      //      std::cout << "****************************\nPredefined printout in "<< xmlFile<<":\n" << std::endl;
+      //      print_node(rootNode);
       std::cout << "\n My interpretation for "<< xmlFile << "\n===================================" << std::endl;
diff --git a/tests/src/testVariableMapper.cpp b/tests/src/testVariableMapper.cpp
index 0227d897e5b04704603330f3bc65f2416e69ac1e..5d0bf6ed0f4a2076dddb401e571d0d45d2ce9f05 100644
--- a/tests/src/testVariableMapper.cpp
+++ b/tests/src/testVariableMapper.cpp
@@ -64,9 +64,11 @@ std::set< std::string > generateInputVariables(){
 template <typename Map>
 bool mapCompare (Map const &lhs, Map const &rhs) {
   // No predicate needed because there is operator== for pairs already.
-  std::cout << "lhs.size() " << lhs.size() << ", rhs.size() " << rhs.size() << std::endl;
-  return lhs.size() == rhs.size()
-    && std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
+  if ( lhs.size() != rhs.size() ){
+    std::cout << "Map size comparison failed: lhs.size() " << lhs.size() << ", rhs.size() " << rhs.size() << std::endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
 void testXmlParsing(std::string xmlFile, std::map< std::string, VariableMapper::PropertyDescription > propertyMap){
@@ -82,27 +84,27 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testRename ){
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testImportLocation ){
-  testXmlParsing("variableTreeXml/importLocation.xml", { {"/A/a/di",  {"B","a_di"}},
-                                                         {"/A/a/do",  {"B","a_do"}},
+  testXmlParsing("variableTreeXml/importLocation.xml", { {"/A/a/di",  {"B","a.di"}},
+                                                         {"/A/a/do",  {"B","a.do"}},
                                                          {"/A/b",     {"B","b"}}
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testImportAll ){
-  testXmlParsing("variableTreeXml/importAll.xml", { {"/A/a/di",  {"A","a_di"}},
-                                                    {"/A/a/do",  {"A","a_do"}},
+  testXmlParsing("variableTreeXml/importAll.xml", { {"/A/a/di",  {"A","a.di"}},
+                                                    {"/A/a/do",  {"A","a.do"}},
                                                     {"/A/b",     {"A","b"}},
-                                                    {"/B/a/dr",  {"B","a_dr"}},
-                                                    {"/B/c/de",  {"B","c_de"}},
-                                                    {"/B/c/gne", {"B","c_gne"}},
-                                                    {"/C/a/da",  {"C","a_da"}},
-                                                    {"/C/b/ge",  {"C","b_ge"}},
-                                                    {"/C/c/be",  {"C","c_be"}},
-                                                    {"/C/c/de",  {"C","c_de"}},
+                                                    {"/B/a/dr",  {"B","a.dr"}},
+                                                    {"/B/c/de",  {"B","c.de"}},
+                                                    {"/B/c/gne", {"B","c.gne"}},
+                                                    {"/C/a/da",  {"C","a.da"}},
+                                                    {"/C/b/ge",  {"C","b.ge"}},
+                                                    {"/C/c/be",  {"C","c.be"}},
+                                                    {"/C/c/de",  {"C","c.de"}},
                                                     {"/DIRECT/DOUBLE",  {"DIRECT","DOUBLE"}},
-                                                    {"/DIRECT/DOUBLE",  {"DIRECT","DOUBLE_ARRAY"}},
+                                                    {"/DIRECT/DOUBLE_ARRAY",  {"DIRECT","DOUBLE_ARRAY"}},
                                                     {"/DIRECT/INT",  {"DIRECT","INT"}},
-                                                    {"/DIRECT/INT",  {"DIRECT","INT_ARRAY"}}
+                                                    {"/DIRECT/INT_ARRAY",  {"DIRECT","INT_ARRAY"}}