#pragma once

#include "Visitor.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string>

// Forward declarations
namespace xmlpp {
  class Document;
  class Element;
} // namespace xmlpp

namespace ChimeraTK {
  // Forward declarations
  class Application;
  class VariableNetworkNode;

   * @brief The XMLGeneratorVisitor class
   * This class is responsible for generating the XML representation of the
   * Variables in an Application
  class XMLGeneratorVisitor : public Visitor<Application, VariableNetworkNode> {
    virtual ~XMLGeneratorVisitor() = default;
    void dispatch(const Application& app) override;
    void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode& node) override;

    void save(const std::string& filename);

    std::shared_ptr<xmlpp::Document> _doc;
    xmlpp::Element* _rootElement;

} // namespace ChimeraTK