/* * VariableNetworkNode.h * * Created on: Jun 23, 2016 * Author: Martin Hierholzer */ #ifndef CHIMERATK_VARIABLE_NETWORK_NODE_H #define CHIMERATK_VARIABLE_NETWORK_NODE_H #include <assert.h> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include "Flags.h" #include "ConstantAccessor.h" namespace xmlpp { class Element; } namespace ChimeraTK { class VariableNetwork; class AccessorBase; struct VariableNetworkNode_data; /** Pseudo type to identify nodes which can have arbitrary types */ class AnyType {}; /** Class describing a node of a variable network */ class VariableNetworkNode { public: /** Copy-constructor: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */ VariableNetworkNode(const VariableNetworkNode &other); /** Copy by assignment operator: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */ VariableNetworkNode& operator=(const VariableNetworkNode &rightHandSide); /** Constructor for an Application node */ VariableNetworkNode(AccessorBase &accessor); /** Constructor for a Device node */ VariableNetworkNode(const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string ®isterName, UpdateMode mode, VariableDirection direction, const std::type_info &valTyp=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0); /** Constructor for a ControlSystem node */ VariableNetworkNode(std::string publicName, VariableDirection direction, const std::type_info &valTyp=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0); /** Constructor for a TriggerReceiver node triggering the data transfer of another network. The additional dummy * argument is only there to discriminate the signature from the copy constructor and will be ignored. */ VariableNetworkNode(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger, int); /** Default constructor for an invalid node */ VariableNetworkNode(); /** Factory function for a constant (a constructor cannot be templated) */ template<typename UserType> static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value=0, size_t length=1); /** Set the owner network of this node. If an owner network is already set, an assertion will be raised */ void setOwner(VariableNetwork *network); /** Set the value type for this node. Only possible of the current value type is undecided (i.e. AnyType). */ void setValueType(const std::type_info& newType) const; /** Function checking if the node requires a fixed implementation */ bool hasImplementation() const; /** Compare two nodes */ bool operator==(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const; bool operator!=(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const; /** Connect two nodes */ // VariableNetworkNode& operator<<(const VariableNetworkNode &other); VariableNetworkNode operator>>(VariableNetworkNode other); /** Add a trigger */ VariableNetworkNode operator[](VariableNetworkNode trigger); /** Check for presence of an external trigger */ bool hasExternalTrigger() const; /** Return the external trigger node. if no external trigger is present, an assertion will be raised. */ VariableNetworkNode getExternalTrigger(); /** Print node information to std::cout */ void dump() const; /** Create an XML node describing this network node as seen by the control syste. If the type is not * NodeType::ControlSystem, this function does nothing. Otherwise the correct directory hierarchy will be * created (if not yet existing) and a variable tag will be created containing the externally visible * properties of this variable. */ void createXML(xmlpp::Element *rootElement) const; /** Check if the node already has an owner */ bool hasOwner() const; /** Getter for the properties */ NodeType getType() const; UpdateMode getMode() const; VariableDirection getDirection() const; const std::type_info& getValueType() const; const std::string& getUnit() const; const std::string& getDescription() const; VariableNetwork& getOwner() const; AccessorBase& getAppAccessor() const; boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement> getConstAccessor() const; VariableNetworkNode getTriggerReceiver(); const std::string& getPublicName() const; const std::string& getDeviceAlias() const; const std::string& getRegisterName() const; void setNumberOfElements(size_t nElements); size_t getNumberOfElements() const; protected: boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata; }; /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /** We use a pimpl pattern so copied instances of VariableNetworkNode refer to the same instance of the data * structure and thus stay consistent all the time. */ struct VariableNetworkNode_data { VariableNetworkNode_data() {} /** Type of the node (Application, Device, ControlSystem, Trigger) */ NodeType type{NodeType::invalid}; /** Update mode: poll or push */ UpdateMode mode{UpdateMode::invalid}; /** Node direction: feeding or consuming */ VariableDirection direction{VariableDirection::invalid}; /** Value type of this node. If the type_info is the typeid of AnyType, the actual type can be decided when making * the connections. */ const std::type_info* valueType{&typeid(AnyType)}; /** Engineering unit. If equal to mtca4u::TransferElement::unitNotSet, no unit has been defined (and any unit is allowed). */ std::string unit{mtca4u::TransferElement::unitNotSet}; /** Description */ std::string description{""}; /** The network this node belongs to */ VariableNetwork *network{nullptr}; /** Pointer to Accessor if type == Application */ AccessorBase *appNode{nullptr}; /** Pointer to implementation if type == Constant */ boost::shared_ptr<mtca4u::TransferElement> constNode; /** Pointer to network which should be triggered by this node */ VariableNetworkNode triggerReceiver; /** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger. May only be used for feeding nodes with an * update mode poll. When enabled, the update mode will be converted into push. */ VariableNetworkNode externalTrigger; /** Public name if type == ControlSystem */ std::string publicName; /** Device information if type == Device */ std::string deviceAlias; std::string registerName; /** Number of elements in the variable. 0 means not yet decided. */ size_t nElements{0}; }; /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*** Implementations *************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ template<typename UserType> VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value, size_t length) { VariableNetworkNode node; node.pdata.reset(new VariableNetworkNode_data); node.pdata->constNode.reset(new ConstantAccessor<UserType>(value, length)); node.pdata->type = NodeType::Constant; node.pdata->valueType = &typeid(UserType); node.pdata->nElements = length; if(makeFeeder) { node.pdata->direction = VariableDirection::feeding; node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push; } else { node.pdata->direction = VariableDirection::consuming; node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::poll; } return node; } } /* namespace ChimeraTK */ #endif /* CHIMERATK_VARIABLE_NETWORK_NODE_H */