 * DeviceModule.h
 *  Created on: Jun 27, 2016
 *      Author: Martin Hierholzer


#include <ChimeraTK/ForwardDeclarations.h>
#include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "VirtualModule.h"
#include "VariableGroup.h"
//#include "ScalarAccessor.h"

namespace ChimeraTK {
class Application;
class DeviceModule : public Module {

      /** Constructor: The device represented by this DeviceModule is identified by either the device alias found
       *  in the DMAP file or directly an URI. The given optional prefix will be prepended to all register names
       *  (separated by a slash). */
      DeviceModule(Application *application, const std::string& deviceAliasOrURI, const std::string& registerNamePrefix="");

      DeviceModule(const std::string& deviceAliasOrURI, const std::string& registerNamePrefix="");

      /** Default constructor: create dysfunctional device module */
      DeviceModule() {}

      /** Move operation with the move constructor */
      DeviceModule(DeviceModule &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }

      /** Move assignment */
      DeviceModule& operator=(DeviceModule &&other) {
        deviceAliasOrURI = std::move(other.deviceAliasOrURI);
        registerNamePrefix = std::move(other.registerNamePrefix);
        subModules = std::move(other.subModules);
        return *this;

      /** The subscript operator returns a VariableNetworkNode which can be used in the Application::initialise()
       *  function to connect the register with another variable. */
      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, UpdateMode mode,
          const std::type_info &valueType=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0) const;
      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, const std::type_info &valueType,
          size_t nElements=0, UpdateMode mode=UpdateMode::poll) const {
        return operator()(registerName, mode, valueType, nElements);
      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override {
        return operator()(variableName, UpdateMode::poll);

      Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;

      const Module& virtualise() const override;

      void connectTo(const Module &target, VariableNetworkNode trigger={}) const override;

      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::Device; }
      void reportException(std::string errMsg);
      void run() override;
      void terminate() override;
      // populate virtualisedModuleFromCatalog based on the information in the device's catalogue
      VirtualModule& virtualiseFromCatalog() const;
      mutable VirtualModule virtualisedModuleFromCatalog{"INVALID", "", ModuleType::Invalid};
      mutable bool virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid{false};

      std::string deviceAliasOrURI;
      ChimeraTK::RegisterPath registerNamePrefix;

      // List of sub modules accessed through the operator[]. This is mutable since it is little more than a cache and
      // thus does not change the logical state of this module
      mutable std::map<std::string, DeviceModule> subModules;
      struct DeviceError : public VariableGroup {
        /*using VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
        ScalarOutput<double> status{this,"status","",""}; 
        ScalarOutput<std::string> message{this,"errMsg","",""}; */
        int status;
        std::string message;
      DeviceError deviceError;
      //DeviceError deviceError{this, "deviceError", "...",true}; 
      /** The thread executing reportException() */
      boost::thread moduleThread;
      cppext::future_queue<std::string> errorQueue{5};
      std::mutex errorMutex;
      std::condition_variable errorCondVar;
      void handleException();

} /* namespace ChimeraTK */