namespace ChimeraTK { /** \page spec_VersionPropagation <b>STUB VERSION, COLLECTION OF BITS AND BOBS THAT ARE NOT WRITTEN DOWN ANYWHERE</b> ## ApplicationModule - Push-type ProcessArrays will try update their owner's module version (AplicationModule::setCurrentVersion()) on each TransferMode::read transfer - The version update is independent of the availability of new data. - The version will only updated if it is larger than the current version. - Poll-type ProcessArrays and non-blocking read transfers (TransferMode::readNonBlocking, TransferMode::readLatest) on Push-type ProccessArrays will NOT alter the version of their owner. - All write transfers on ProcessArrays associated with a module will use ApplicationModule::getCurrentVersion() as the version associated with that transfer. ## Transfer Groups - Transfer elements that are part of a TransferGroup can share a common version number that can signify data consistency if they are part of a merged transfer (TE, TODO needs anchor) */ }