/* * ArrayAccessor.h * * Created on: Jun 07, 2016 * Author: Martin Hierholzer */ #ifndef CHIMERATK_ARRAY_ACCESSOR_H #define CHIMERATK_ARRAY_ACCESSOR_H #include <string> #include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include "Accessor.h" /** Macros to declare an array variable/accessor more easily. The call to this macro must be placed inside the * class definiton of a Module (e.g. ApplicationModule or VariableGroup). * * UserType is the data type of the variable. * name will be the C++ symbol name of the variable accessor. It will be of the type ChimeraTK::ScalarAccessor<UserType> * unit is the engineering unit as a character constant. * nElements is the size of the array (number of elements) * mode can be either ChimeraTK::UpdateMode::push or ChimeraTK::UpdateMode::poll, deciding whether a call to read() * will block until new data is available (push) or just return the latest value (poll, might not be fully realtime * capable). */ #define CTK_ARRAY_INPUT(UserType, name, unit, nElements, mode, description) \ ChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor<UserType> name{this, #name, ChimeraTK::VariableDirection::consuming, unit, \ nElements, mode, description} #define CTK_ARRAY_OUTPUT(UserType, name, unit, nElements, description) \ ChimeraTK::ArrayAccessor<UserType> name{this, #name, ChimeraTK::VariableDirection::feeding, unit, \ nElements, ChimeraTK::UpdateMode::push, description} namespace ChimeraTK { /** Accessor for array variables (i.e. vectors). */ template< typename UserType > class ArrayAccessor : public Accessor<UserType> { public: ArrayAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description) : Accessor<UserType>(owner, name, direction, unit, nElements, mode, description) {} void read() { if(Accessor<UserType>::_mode == UpdateMode::push) { while(impl->readNonBlocking() == false) { /// @todo TODO proper blocking implementation boost::this_thread::yield(); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); } } else { /// @todo TODO empty the queue to always receive the latest value impl->readNonBlocking(); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); } } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE this line somehow ends up having a negative counter in the coverage report, which leads to a failure void write() { impl->write(); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); } bool readNonBlocking() { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); return impl->readNonBlocking(); } /** Get or set buffer content by [] operator. * @attention No bounds checking is performed, use getNumberOfElements() to obtain the number of elements in * the register. * Note: Using the iterators is slightly more efficient than using this operator! */ UserType& operator[](unsigned int element) { return impl->accessData(0,element); } /** Return number of elements/samples in the register */ unsigned int getNElements() { return impl->getNumberOfSamples(); } /** Access data with std::vector-like iterators */ typedef typename std::vector<UserType>::iterator iterator; typedef typename std::vector<UserType>::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename std::vector<UserType>::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; typedef typename std::vector<UserType>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; iterator begin() { return impl->accessChannel(0).begin(); } const_iterator begin() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).cbegin(); } const_iterator cbegin() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).cbegin(); } iterator end() { return impl->accessChannel(0).end(); } const_iterator end() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).cend(); } const_iterator cend() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).cend(); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return impl->accessChannel(0).rbegin(); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).crbegin(); } const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).crbegin(); } reverse_iterator rend() { return impl->accessChannel(0).rend(); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).crend(); } const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return impl->accessChannel(0).crend(); } /* Swap content of (cooked) buffer with std::vector */ void swap(std::vector<UserType> &x) { if(x.size() != impl->accessChannel(0).size()) { throw DeviceException("Swapping with a buffer of a different size is not allowed.", DeviceException::WRONG_PARAMETER); } impl->accessChannel(0).swap(x); } /** Assignment operator */ ArrayAccessor<UserType>& operator=(const std::vector<UserType> &rightHandSide) { impl->accessChannel(0) = rightHandSide; return *this; } bool isInitialised() const { return impl != nullptr; } void useProcessVariable(const boost::shared_ptr<TransferElement > &var) { impl = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(var); assert(impl); if(Accessor<UserType>::getDirection() == VariableDirection::consuming) { assert(impl->isReadable()); } else { assert(impl->isWriteable()); } } protected: boost::shared_ptr< NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> > impl; }; } /* namespace ChimeraTK */ #endif /* CHIMERATK_ARRAY_ACCESSOR_H */