diff --git a/cmake/Modules/registerTests.cmake b/cmake/Modules/registerTests.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7bffc254519d61599cd4f79653d1e390460e32d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/Modules/registerTests.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# usage:
+# register_tests(SOURCES
+#                  ${list_of_source_files}
+#                  "test_src.cc"
+#                  ${concatenated_string_of_source_files}
+#                NAMESPACE
+#                  "test_namespace"
+#                LINK_LIBRARIES
+#                  ${list_of_targets}
+#                INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
+#                  ${list_of_include_directories}
+#                COMPILE_OPTIONS
+#                  ${list_of_compile_options})
+# Function registers tests defined as a list of souce files.  Test
+# defined by file source_name.cc in the SOURCES list is registered under
+# the name
+#   test_namespace.source_name
+# Provided list of dependent link targets and include directories are
+# used as PRIVATE dependencies during compilation of test executable.
+# Function implicitly adds a dependency on the boost unit test framework
+# to each generated test executable.
+  find_package(Boost COMPONENTS unit_test_framework REQUIRED)
+  list(APPEND single_parmeter_keywords NAMESPACE)
+  list(APPEND multi_parmeter_keywords SOURCES 
+                                      LINK_LIBRARIES
+                                      INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES 
+                                      COMPILE_OPTIONS)
+  cmake_parse_arguments("arg" "" "${single_parmeter_keywords}"
+                        "${multi_parmeter_keywords}" "${ARGN}")
+  register_exe(SOURCES "${arg_SOURCES}" 
+               NAMESPACE "${arg_NAMESPACE}")
+  get_test_targets(list_of_targets "${arg_SOURCES}")
+  add_target_includes_private(TARGETS "${list_of_targets}" 
+                              LINK_LIBRARIES "${arg_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}" 
+                              "${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}")
+  add_target_link_libraries_private(TARGETS "${list_of_targets}" 
+                                    LINK_LIBRARIES "${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY}"
+                                            "${arg_LINK_LIBRARIES}")
+  add_target_compile_options_private(TARGETS "${list_of_targets}"
+                                     COMPILE_OPTIONS "${arg_COMPILE_OPTIONS}")
+# Private functions: Do not use directly
+  list(APPEND list_of_multivalue_keywords TARGETS COMPILE_OPTIONS)
+  cmake_parse_arguments("arg" "" "" "${list_of_multivalue_keywords}" "${ARGN}")
+  foreach( target IN LISTS arg_TARGETS)
+    target_compile_options(${target}
+                           PRIVATE
+                             ${arg_COMPILE_OPTIONS})
+  endforeach()
+  list(APPEND multi_value_keywords TARGETS LINK_LIBRARIES)
+  cmake_parse_arguments("arg" "" "" "${multi_value_keywords}" "${ARGN}")
+  foreach(target_name IN LISTS arg_TARGETS)
+    target_include_directories("${target_name}"
+                               PRIVATE
+                               "${arg_LINK_LIBRARIES}")
+  endforeach()
+  list(APPEND multi_value_keywords TARGETS LINK_LIBRARIES)
+  cmake_parse_arguments("arg" "" "" "${multi_value_keywords}" "${ARGN}")
+  foreach(target_name IN LISTS arg_TARGETS)
+    target_link_libraries("${target_name}"
+                               PRIVATE
+                               "${arg_LINK_LIBRARIES}")
+  endforeach()
+  list(APPEND single_value_keywords NAMESPACE)
+  list(APPEND multi_value_keywords SOURCES)
+  cmake_parse_arguments("arg" "" "${single_value_keywords}" 
+                         "${multi_value_keywords}" "${ARGN}")
+  foreach(source_name IN LISTS arg_SOURCES)
+    get_filename_component(target_name ${source_name} NAME_WE)
+    add_executable(${target_name} ${source_name})
+    # Fixme: The thing below doesnt work for some reason
+    #add_test(NAME ${test_namespace}.${target_name} 
+    #        COMMAND ${target_name} 
+    #        
+    add_test(${arg_NAMESPACE}.${target_name} 
+             ${target_name} 
+  endforeach()
+function(get_test_targets list_of_targets list_of_source_files )
+  foreach(source_name IN LISTS list_of_source_files)
+    get_filename_component(target_name ${source_name} NAME_WE)
+    list(APPEND list_of_targets_ ${target_name})
+  endforeach()
+  set(${list_of_targets} ${list_of_targets_} PARENT_SCOPE)
diff --git a/cmake/add_dependency.cmake b/cmake/add_dependency.cmake
index 06ce179102e4bf3d1bf74118491192a016c67a3a..539efe021fd0aac99313e4323e0c1e80784d8a02 100644
--- a/cmake/add_dependency.cmake
+++ b/cmake/add_dependency.cmake
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 # project-template!
 # The macro is called "add_dependency" and takes 3 arguments:
-#   - name of the dependency project as passed to FIND_PACKAGE (e.g. "mtca4u-deviceaccess")
+#   - name of the dependency project as passed to FIND_PACKAGE (e.g. "ChimeraTK-DeviceAccess")
 #   - required version as passed to FIND_PACKAGE
 #   - a list of components used by this project including the REQUIRED keyword etc.
diff --git a/cmake/make_coverage.sh.in b/cmake/make_coverage.sh.in
index f2e13f51026d2ebee2bde7814b8db44a144ed61b..140c4556d247fd72d64533de7c5cda83e12ff882 100755
--- a/cmake/make_coverage.sh.in
+++ b/cmake/make_coverage.sh.in
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ lcov --capture --directory . --output-file coverage_all.info
 #lcov capture also includes external stuff like glibc, boost etc.
 #only extract the reports for this project
-lcov --extract coverage_all.info "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@*" -o coverage_only_source_tree.info
+lcov --extract coverage_all.info "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@*" -o coverage_only_source_tree.info --ignore-errors gcov
 #Some parts of the source code might be excluded. Set EXCLUDE_FROM_COVERAGE to contain 
 # a list of directories to be excluded from the coverage report.