diff --git a/tests/executables_src/testDeviceInitialisationHandler.cc b/tests/executables_src/testDeviceInitialisationHandler.cc
index 34e85de30312daf0d0100128923967d2e0c64bce..e8e9128d46b88a95842dc87c37ac57901aa39a28 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/testDeviceInitialisationHandler.cc
+++ b/tests/executables_src/testDeviceInitialisationHandler.cc
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "check_timeout.h"
-#include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
@@ -43,28 +41,6 @@ void initialiseReg3(ctk::DeviceModule* dev) {
   dev->device.write<int32_t>("/REG3", dev->device.read<int32_t>("/REG2") + 5);
-struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-  ctk::ScalarPushInput<int32_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "This is my trigger."};
-  ctk::ScalarOutput<int32_t> scalarOutput{this, "scalarOutput", "", "Here I write a scaler"};
-  ctk::ArrayOutput<int32_t> arrayOutput{this, "arrayOutput", "", 4, "Here I write an array"};
-  void mainLoop() override {
-    while(true)
-    {
-      trigger.read();
-      scalarOutput = int32_t(trigger);
-      scalarOutput.write();
-      for(uint i=0; i<4; i++){
-        arrayOutput[i] = int32_t(trigger);
-      }
-      arrayOutput.write();
-    }
-  }
 /* dummy application */
 struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
   TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
@@ -73,107 +49,10 @@ struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
   void defineConnections() {} // the setup is done in the tests
   ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
   ctk::DeviceModule dev{this, deviceCDD, &initialiseReg1};
-  TestModule applicationModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testProcessVariableRecovery) {
-  std::cout << "testProcessVariableRecovery" << std::endl;
-  TestApplication app;
-  app.dev.connectTo(app.cs);
-  app.applicationModule.connectTo(app.cs);
-  //Connect PVs directly to device
-  app.cs("scalarOutput") >> app.dev("/REG1");
-  app.cs("arrayOutput") >> app.dev("/AREA1");
-  ctk::TestFacility test;
-  test.runApplication();
-  //app.dumpConnections();
-  //Check default hardware values.
-  ctk::Device dummy;
-  dummy.open(deviceCDD);
-  auto reg1 = dummy.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/REG1");
-  reg1.readLatest();
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg1, 42);
-  auto area1 = dummy.getOneDRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/AREA1");
-  area1.readLatest();
-  for(auto values : area1) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values, 0);
-  }
-  //Initialized device registers through process variable.
-  auto trigger = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/trigger");
-  trigger = 100;
-  trigger.write();
-  test.stepApplication();
-  //Add some zzz to make sure that changes propagate.
-  usleep(1000000);
-  //Verify that the device registers are updated.
-  reg1.readLatest();
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg1, 100);
-  area1.readLatest();
-  for(auto values : area1) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values, 100);
-  }
-  auto dummyBackend =
-      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ExceptionDummy>(ctk::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(deviceCDD));
-  //Device should be functional.
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dummyBackend->isFunctional(), 1);
-  //Set the device to throw.
-  dummyBackend->throwExceptionWrite = true;
-  dummyBackend->throwExceptionOpen = true;
-  //Add some zzz to make sure condition is set.
-  usleep(1000000);
-  //Verify device is in not functional anymore.
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dummyBackend->isFunctional(), 0);
-  //Set write exception to false so that device registers can be set to 0.
-  dummyBackend->throwExceptionWrite = false;
-  //Set dummy registers to 0.
-  app.dev.device.write<int32_t>("/REG1", 0);
-  std::vector<int32_t> array= {0,0,0,0};
-  app.dev.device.write<int32_t>("/AREA1", array);
-  //Add some zzz for wait.
-  usleep(1000000);
-  //Verify that the device registers are updated.
-  reg1.readLatest();
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg1, 0);
-  area1.readLatest();
-  for(auto values : area1) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values, 0);
-  }
-  //Set device back to normal.
-  dummyBackend->throwExceptionOpen = false;
-  //Let's wait for some time to make sure device is ready.
-  usleep(1000000);
-  //Verify if the device is ready.
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dummyBackend->isFunctional(), 1);
-  //DeviceModule should have the correct values now.
-  reg1.readLatest();
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reg1, 100);
-  area1.readLatest();
-  for(auto values : area1) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(values, 100);
-  }
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testBasicInitialisation) {
   std::cout << "testBasicInitialisation" << std::endl;
   TestApplication app;