From aa002707c4490a8b4318928d4257ab80748031b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Hierholzer <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 18:21:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] changed formatting

 Modules/include/BitMask.h                     |  165 ++-
 Modules/include/ConfigReader.h                |  277 ++--
 Modules/include/DataLossCounter.h             |   57 +-
 Modules/include/LimitValue.h                  |  139 +-
 Modules/include/Logging.h                     |  159 ++-
 Modules/include/MicroDAQ.h                    |  177 ++-
 Modules/include/Multiplier.h                  |  221 +--
 Modules/include/PeriodicTrigger.h             |   94 +-
 Modules/include/Pipe.h                        |  173 +--
 Modules/include/ServerHistory.h               |   87 +-
 Modules/include/SplitArray.h                  |  294 ++--
 Modules/src/                   |  541 +++----
 Modules/src/                        |  179 +--
 Modules/src/                       |  698 ++++-----
 Modules/src/                  |  151 +-
 example/                    |   68 +-
 example/                   |  175 ++-
 example/                            |  135 +-
 example2/                          |   51 +-
 example2a/                        |  100 +-
 example3/                          |   18 +-
 include/Application.h                         |  737 +++++-----
 include/ApplicationCore.h                     |   14 +-
 include/ApplicationModule.h                   |  142 +-
 include/ArrayAccessor.h                       |  289 ++--
 include/ConstantAccessor.h                    |  189 +--
 include/ConsumingFanOut.h                     |   58 +-
 include/ControlSystemModule.h                 |  118 +-
 include/DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h         |  134 +-
 include/DeviceModule.h                        |  255 ++--
 include/EnableXMLGenerator.h                  |   23 +-
 include/EntityOwner.h                         |  349 +++--
 include/FanOut.h                              |   78 +-
 include/FeedingFanOut.h                       |  382 ++---
 include/Flags.h                               |   64 +-
 include/InternalModule.h                      |   28 +-
 include/InversionOfControlAccessor.h          |  209 +--
 include/Module.h                              |  265 ++--
 include/ModuleGraphVisitor.h                  |   25 +-
 include/ModuleGroup.h                         |   76 +-
 include/ModuleImpl.h                          |   67 +-
 include/Profiler.h                            |  163 +--
 include/ScalarAccessor.h                      |  281 ++--
 include/SupportedUserTypes.h                  |   50 +-
 include/TestFacility.h                        |  319 +++--
 include/TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h       |  294 ++--
 include/ThreadedFanOut.h                      |  238 ++--
 include/TriggerFanOut.h                       |  195 +--
 include/VariableGroup.h                       |   81 +-
 include/VariableNetwork.h                     |  286 ++--
 include/VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h       |   16 +-
 include/VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h  |   39 +-
 include/VariableNetworkNode.h                 |  522 +++----
 include/VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h   |   79 +-
 .../VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator.h  |   38 +-
 include/VirtualModule.h                       |   81 +-
 include/Visitor.h                             |   16 +-
 include/VisitorHelper.h                       |    6 +-
 include/XMLGeneratorVisitor.h                 |   26 +-
 src/                            | 1024 +++++++------
 src/                      |   84 +-
 src/                    |   83 +-
 src/                           |  410 +++---
 src/                            |  316 ++--
 src/                                 |  159 ++-
 src/                     |   99 +-
 src/                            |   19 +-
 src/                             |   32 +-
 src/                               |    4 +-
 src/                          |   22 +-
 src/                        |  538 +++----
 src/          |   89 +-
 src/     |  268 ++--
 src/                    |  635 +++++----
 src/      |   85 +-
 src/ |   15 +-
 src/                          |  183 +--
 src/                          |   17 +-
 src/                    |  202 +--
 .../               |  271 ++--
 tests/executables_src/      |  383 ++---
 .../             |  492 +++----
 tests/executables_src/     |   81 +-
 tests/executables_src/        |  130 +-
 .../             |  188 +--
 tests/executables_src/  |  176 +--
 tests/executables_src/ |  230 +--
 tests/executables_src/    |   44 +-
 tests/executables_src/  |  135 +-
 tests/executables_src/          |   51 +-
 tests/executables_src/          | 1265 ++++++++++-------
 tests/executables_src/   |  588 ++++----
 tests/executables_src/          |  241 ++--
 tests/executables_src/    |  105 +-
 tests/include/ExceptionDevice.h               |   28 +-
 95 files changed, 10147 insertions(+), 8736 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Modules/include/BitMask.h b/Modules/include/BitMask.h
index 2a7c25db..af71f498 100644
--- a/Modules/include/BitMask.h
+++ b/Modules/include/BitMask.h
@@ -9,105 +9,112 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  template<size_t NBITS>
-  struct WriteBitMask : public ApplicationModule {
-      using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-      /// individual inputs for each bit
-      struct Input : public VariableGroup {
-        Input() {}
-        Input(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
-        : VariableGroup(owner, name, description)
-        {
-          setEliminateHierarchy();
-          for(size_t i=0; i<NBITS; ++i) {
-            bit[i].replace(ScalarPushInput<int>(this, "bit"+std::to_string(i), "", "The bit "+std::to_string(i)+" of the bit mask"));
-          }
-        }
-        ScalarPushInput<int> bit[NBITS];
-      };
-      Input input{this, "input", "The input bits"};
+template <size_t NBITS> struct WriteBitMask : public ApplicationModule {
+  using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  /// individual inputs for each bit
+  struct Input : public VariableGroup {
+    Input() {}
+    Input(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+          const std::string &description)
+        : VariableGroup(owner, name, description) {
+      setEliminateHierarchy();
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < NBITS; ++i) {
+        bit[i].replace(ScalarPushInput<int>(this, "bit" + std::to_string(i), "",
+                                            "The bit " + std::to_string(i) +
+                                                " of the bit mask"));
+      }
+    }
-      ScalarOutput<int32_t> bitmask{this, "bitmask", "", "Output bit mask."};
+    ScalarPushInput<int> bit[NBITS];
+  };
+  Input input{this, "input", "The input bits"};
-      void mainLoop() {
+  ScalarOutput<int32_t> bitmask{this, "bitmask", "", "Output bit mask."};
-        auto readGroup = input.readAnyGroup();
+  void mainLoop() {
-        while(true) {
+    auto readGroup = input.readAnyGroup();
-          // create bit mask
-          bitmask = 0;
-          for(size_t i=0; i<NBITS; ++i) {
-            if(input.bit[i] != 0) {
-              bitmask |= 1 << i;
-            }
-          }
-          bitmask.write();
+    while (true) {
-          // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-          readGroup.readAny();
+      // create bit mask
+      bitmask = 0;
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < NBITS; ++i) {
+        if (input.bit[i] != 0) {
+          bitmask |= 1 << i;
+      bitmask.write();
-  };
+      // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+      readGroup.readAny();
+    }
+  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<size_t NBITS>
-  struct ReadBitMask : public ApplicationModule {
-      ReadBitMask(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-                  bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
+template <size_t NBITS> struct ReadBitMask : public ApplicationModule {
+  ReadBitMask(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+              const std::string &description, bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+              const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags) {}
-      ReadBitMask() {}
-      ReadBitMask( EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &inputName, const std::string &inputDescription,
-                   const std::unordered_set<std::string> &inputTags, const std::array<std::string, NBITS> &outputNames,
-                   const std::array<std::string, NBITS> &outputDescriptions, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &outputTags )
-      : ApplicationModule(owner, inputName, inputDescription, true)
-      {
-        bitmask.setMetaData(inputName, "", inputDescription, inputTags);
-        output.setEliminateHierarchy();
-        for(size_t i=0; i<NBITS; ++i) {
-          output.bit[i].setMetaData(outputNames[i], "", outputDescriptions[i], outputTags);
-        }
+  ReadBitMask() {}
+  ReadBitMask(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &inputName,
+              const std::string &inputDescription,
+              const std::unordered_set<std::string> &inputTags,
+              const std::array<std::string, NBITS> &outputNames,
+              const std::array<std::string, NBITS> &outputDescriptions,
+              const std::unordered_set<std::string> &outputTags)
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, inputName, inputDescription, true) {
+    bitmask.setMetaData(inputName, "", inputDescription, inputTags);
+    output.setEliminateHierarchy();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < NBITS; ++i) {
+      output.bit[i].setMetaData(outputNames[i], "", outputDescriptions[i],
+                                outputTags);
+    }
+  }
+  /// individual outputs for each bit
+  struct Output : public VariableGroup {
+    Output() {}
+    Output(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+           const std::string &description)
+        : VariableGroup(owner, name, description) {
+      setEliminateHierarchy();
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < NBITS; ++i) {
+        bit[i].replace(ScalarOutput<int>(this, "bit" + std::to_string(i), "",
+                                         "The bit " + std::to_string(i) +
+                                             " of the bit mask"));
+    }
-      /// individual outputs for each bit
-      struct Output : public VariableGroup {
-        Output() {}
-        Output(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
-        : VariableGroup(owner, name, description)
-        {
-          setEliminateHierarchy();
-          for(size_t i=0; i<NBITS; ++i) {
-            bit[i].replace(ScalarOutput<int>(this, "bit"+std::to_string(i), "", "The bit "+std::to_string(i)+" of the bit mask"));
-          }
-        }
-        ScalarOutput<int> bit[NBITS];
-      };
-      Output output{this, "output", "The extracted output bits"};
-      ScalarPushInput<int32_t> bitmask{this, "bitmask", "", "Input bit mask."};
+    ScalarOutput<int> bit[NBITS];
+  };
+  Output output{this, "output", "The extracted output bits"};
-      void mainLoop() {
-        while(true) {
+  ScalarPushInput<int32_t> bitmask{this, "bitmask", "", "Input bit mask."};
-          // decode bit mask
-          for(size_t i=0; i<NBITS; ++i) {
-            output.bit[i] = (bitmask & (1 << i)) != 0;
-            output.bit[i].write();                        /// @todo TODO better make a writeAll() for VariableGroups
-          }
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
-          // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-        }
+      // decode bit mask
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < NBITS; ++i) {
+        output.bit[i] = (bitmask & (1 << i)) != 0;
+        output.bit[i]
+            .write(); /// @todo TODO better make a writeAll() for VariableGroups
-  };
+      // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/ConfigReader.h b/Modules/include/ConfigReader.h
index 956e095a..fa3fb2cc 100644
--- a/Modules/include/ConfigReader.h
+++ b/Modules/include/ConfigReader.h
@@ -9,149 +9,156 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  struct FunctorFill;
-  struct ArrayFunctorFill;
-  struct FunctorSetValues;
-  struct FunctorSetValuesArray;
-  /**
-   *  Generic module to read an XML config file and provide the defined values as constant variables. The config file
-   *  should look like this:
-   *  \code{.xml}
+struct FunctorFill;
+struct ArrayFunctorFill;
+struct FunctorSetValues;
+struct FunctorSetValuesArray;
+ *  Generic module to read an XML config file and provide the defined values as
+constant variables. The config file
+ *  should look like this:
+ *  \code{.xml}
-  <variable name="variableName" type="int32" value="42"/>
-  <variable name="anotherVariable" type="string" value="Hello world!"/>
+<variable name="variableName" type="int32" value="42"/>
+<variable name="anotherVariable" type="string" value="Hello world!"/>
-      \endcode
-   *
-   *  Outputs are created for each variable, so they can be connected to other modules. All values will be provided to
-   *  the receivers already in the preparation phase, so no read() must be called. Updates will never be sent, so any
-   *  blocking read operation on the receivers will block forever.
-   *
-   *  Configuration values can already be accessed during the Application::defineConnection() function by using the
-   *  ConfigReader::get() function.
-   */
-  struct ConfigReader : ApplicationModule {
-      ConfigReader(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &fileName,
-                  const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
-      void mainLoop() override {}
-      void prepare() override;
-      /** Get value for given configuration variable. This is already accessible right after construction of this
-       *  object. Throws std::out_of_range if variable doesn't exist.
-       *  To obtain the value of an array, use an std::vector<T> as template argument. */
-      template<typename T>
-      const T& get(const std::string &variableName) const;
-    protected:
-      /** File name */
-      std::string _fileName;
-      /** throw a parsing error with more information */
-      void parsingError(const std::string &message);
-      /** Class holding the value and the accessor for one configuration variable */
-      template<typename T>
-      struct Var {
-          Var(Module *owner, const std::string &name, const T &value)
-          : _accessor(owner, name, "unknown", "Configuration variable"),
-          _value(value)
-          {}
-          ScalarOutput<T> _accessor;
-          T _value;
-      };
-      /** Class holding the values and the accessor for one configuration array */
-      template<typename T>
-      struct Array {
-          Array(Module *owner, const std::string &name, const std::vector<T> &value)
-          : _accessor(owner, name, "unknown", value.size(), "Configuration array"),
-          _value(value)
-          {}
-          ArrayOutput<T> _accessor;
-          std::vector<T> _value;
-      };
-      /** Create an instance of Var<T> and place it on the variableMap */
-      template<typename T>
-      void createVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &value);
-      /** Create an instance of Array<T> and place it on the arrayMap */
-      template<typename T>
-      void createArray(const std::string &name, const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values);
-      /** Define type for map of std::string to Var, so we can put it into the TemplateUserTypeMap */
-      template<typename T>
-      using MapOfVar = std::map<std::string, Var<T>>;
-      /** Type-depending map of vectors of variables */
-      ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<MapOfVar> variableMap;
-      /** Define type for map of std::string to Array, so we can put it into the TemplateUserTypeMap */
-      template<typename T>
-      using MapOfArray = std::map<std::string, Array<T>>;
-      /** Type-depending map of vectors of arrays */
-      ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<MapOfArray> arrayMap;
-      /** Map assigning string type identifyers to C++ types */
-      ChimeraTK::SingleTypeUserTypeMap<const char*> typeMap{"int8","uint8","int16","uint16","int32","uint32",
-                                                         "int64","uint64","float","double","string"};
-      /** Implementation of get() which can be overloaded for scalars and vectors. The second argument is a dummy
-       *  only to distinguish the two overloaded functions. */
-      template<typename T>
-      const T& get_impl(const std::string &variableName, T*) const;
-      template<typename T>
-      const std::vector<T>& get_impl(const std::string &variableName, std::vector<T>*) const;
-      friend struct FunctorFill;
-      friend struct ArrayFunctorFill;
-      friend struct FunctorSetValues;
-      friend struct FunctorSetValuesArray;
+    \endcode
+ *
+ *  Outputs are created for each variable, so they can be connected to other
+modules. All values will be provided to
+ *  the receivers already in the preparation phase, so no read() must be called.
+Updates will never be sent, so any
+ *  blocking read operation on the receivers will block forever.
+ *
+ *  Configuration values can already be accessed during the
+Application::defineConnection() function by using the
+ *  ConfigReader::get() function.
+ */
+struct ConfigReader : ApplicationModule {
+  ConfigReader(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+               const std::string &fileName,
+               const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
+  void mainLoop() override {}
+  void prepare() override;
+  /** Get value for given configuration variable. This is already accessible
+   * right after construction of this object. Throws std::out_of_range if
+   * variable doesn't exist. To obtain the value of an array, use an
+   * std::vector<T> as template argument. */
+  template <typename T> const T &get(const std::string &variableName) const;
+  /** File name */
+  std::string _fileName;
+  /** throw a parsing error with more information */
+  void parsingError(const std::string &message);
+  /** Class holding the value and the accessor for one configuration variable */
+  template <typename T> struct Var {
+    Var(Module *owner, const std::string &name, const T &value)
+        : _accessor(owner, name, "unknown", "Configuration variable"),
+          _value(value) {}
+    ScalarOutput<T> _accessor;
+    T _value;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  /** Class holding the values and the accessor for one configuration array */
+  template <typename T> struct Array {
+    Array(Module *owner, const std::string &name, const std::vector<T> &value)
+        : _accessor(owner, name, "unknown", value.size(),
+                    "Configuration array"),
+          _value(value) {}
-  template<typename T>
-  const T& ConfigReader::get(const std::string &variableName) const {
-    return get_impl(variableName, static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
-  }
+    ArrayOutput<T> _accessor;
+    std::vector<T> _value;
+  };
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename T>
-  const T& ConfigReader::get_impl(const std::string &variableName, T*) const {
-    try {
-      return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(variableMap.table).at(variableName)._value;
-    }
-    catch(std::out_of_range &e) {
-      throw(ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Cannot find a scalar configuration variable of the name '"+
-                              variableName+"' in the config file '"+_fileName+"'."));
-    }
+  /** Create an instance of Var<T> and place it on the variableMap */
+  template <typename T>
+  void createVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &value);
+  /** Create an instance of Array<T> and place it on the arrayMap */
+  template <typename T>
+  void createArray(const std::string &name,
+                   const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values);
+  /** Define type for map of std::string to Var, so we can put it into the
+   * TemplateUserTypeMap */
+  template <typename T> using MapOfVar = std::map<std::string, Var<T>>;
+  /** Type-depending map of vectors of variables */
+  ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<MapOfVar> variableMap;
+  /** Define type for map of std::string to Array, so we can put it into the
+   * TemplateUserTypeMap */
+  template <typename T> using MapOfArray = std::map<std::string, Array<T>>;
+  /** Type-depending map of vectors of arrays */
+  ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<MapOfArray> arrayMap;
+  /** Map assigning string type identifyers to C++ types */
+  ChimeraTK::SingleTypeUserTypeMap<const char *> typeMap{
+      "int8",  "uint8",  "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32",
+      "int64", "uint64", "float", "double", "string"};
+  /** Implementation of get() which can be overloaded for scalars and vectors.
+   * The second argument is a dummy only to distinguish the two overloaded
+   * functions. */
+  template <typename T>
+  const T &get_impl(const std::string &variableName, T *) const;
+  template <typename T>
+  const std::vector<T> &get_impl(const std::string &variableName,
+                                 std::vector<T> *) const;
+  friend struct FunctorFill;
+  friend struct ArrayFunctorFill;
+  friend struct FunctorSetValues;
+  friend struct FunctorSetValuesArray;
+template <typename T>
+const T &ConfigReader::get(const std::string &variableName) const {
+  return get_impl(variableName, static_cast<T *>(nullptr));
+template <typename T>
+const T &ConfigReader::get_impl(const std::string &variableName, T *) const {
+  try {
+    return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(variableMap.table).at(variableName)._value;
+  } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
+    throw(ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Cannot find a scalar "
+                                 "configuration variable of the name '" +
+                                 variableName + "' in the config file '" +
+                                 _fileName + "'."));
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename T>
-  const std::vector<T>& ConfigReader::get_impl(const std::string &variableName, std::vector<T>*) const {
-    try {
-      return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table).at(variableName)._value;
-    }
-    catch(std::out_of_range &e) {
-      throw(ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Cannot find an array configuration variable of the name '"+
-                              variableName+"' in the config file '"+_fileName+"'."));
-    }
+template <typename T>
+const std::vector<T> &ConfigReader::get_impl(const std::string &variableName,
+                                             std::vector<T> *) const {
+  try {
+    return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table).at(variableName)._value;
+  } catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
+    throw(ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Cannot find an array "
+                                 "configuration variable of the name '" +
+                                 variableName + "' in the config file '" +
+                                 _fileName + "'."));
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/DataLossCounter.h b/Modules/include/DataLossCounter.h
index c06f5c20..8b8f05b3 100644
--- a/Modules/include/DataLossCounter.h
+++ b/Modules/include/DataLossCounter.h
@@ -9,32 +9,37 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /**
-   *  Module which gathers statistics on data loss inside the application. It will read the data loss counter once per
-   *  trigger and update the output statistics variables.
-   */
-  struct DataLossCounter : ApplicationModule {
-      using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-      ScalarPushInput<int32_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "Trigger input"};
-      ScalarOutput<uint64_t> lostDataInLastTrigger{this, "lostDataInLastTrigger", "", "Number of data transfers during "
-                                                   "the last trigger which resulted in data loss."};
-      ScalarOutput<uint64_t> triggersWithDataLoss{this, "triggersWithDataLoss", "", "Number of trigger periods during "
-                                                  "which at least on data transfer resulted in data loss."};
-      void mainLoop() override {
-        while(true) {
-          uint64_t counter = Application::getAndResetDataLossCounter();
-          lostDataInLastTrigger = counter;
-          if(counter > 0) ++triggersWithDataLoss;
-          writeAll();
-        }
-      }
-  };
+ *  Module which gathers statistics on data loss inside the application. It will
+ * read the data loss counter once per trigger and update the output statistics
+ * variables.
+ */
+struct DataLossCounter : ApplicationModule {
+  using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ScalarPushInput<int32_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "Trigger input"};
+  ScalarOutput<uint64_t> lostDataInLastTrigger{
+      this, "lostDataInLastTrigger", "",
+      "Number of data transfers during "
+      "the last trigger which resulted in data loss."};
+  ScalarOutput<uint64_t> triggersWithDataLoss{
+      this, "triggersWithDataLoss", "",
+      "Number of trigger periods during "
+      "which at least on data transfer resulted in data loss."};
+  void mainLoop() override {
+    while (true) {
+      uint64_t counter = Application::getAndResetDataLossCounter();
+      lostDataInLastTrigger = counter;
+      if (counter > 0)
+        ++triggersWithDataLoss;
+      writeAll();
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/LimitValue.h b/Modules/include/LimitValue.h
index fb7891b8..752dd2c4 100644
--- a/Modules/include/LimitValue.h
+++ b/Modules/include/LimitValue.h
@@ -9,75 +9,76 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  template<typename UserType>
-  struct LimitValueModuleBase : public ApplicationModule {
-      using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-      ScalarPushInput<UserType> input{this, "input", "", "The input value to be limited into the range."};
-      ScalarOutput<UserType> output{this, "output", "", "The output value after limiting."};
-      ScalarOutput<int> isLimited{this, "isLimited", "", "Boolean set to true if the value was limited and to false otherwise."};
-      void applyLimit(UserType min, UserType max) {
-        bool wasLimited = isLimited;
-        // clamp input value into given range
-        UserType value = input;
-        if(value > max) {
-          output = max;
-          isLimited = true;
-        }
-        else if(value < min) {
-          output = min;
-          isLimited = true;
-        }
-        else {
-          output = value;
-          isLimited = false;
-        }
-        // write output. isLimited is only written when changed
-        output.write();
-        if(isLimited != wasLimited) isLimited.write();
-        wasLimited = isLimited;
-      }
-  };
-  template<typename UserType>
-  struct LimitValue : public LimitValueModuleBase<UserType> {
-      using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::LimitValueModuleBase;
-      ScalarPushInput<UserType> min{this, "min", "", "The minimum allowed value."};
-      ScalarPushInput<UserType> max{this, "max", "", "The maximum allowed value."};
-      using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::input;
-      using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::applyLimit;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        auto readGroup = this->readAnyGroup();
-        while(true) {
-          applyLimit(min,max);
-          // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-          readGroup.readAny();
-        }
-      }
-  };
-  template<typename UserType, UserType min, UserType max>
-  struct FixedLimitValue : public LimitValueModuleBase<UserType> {
-      using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::LimitValueModuleBase;
-      using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::input;
-      using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::applyLimit;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        while(true) {
-          applyLimit(min,max);
-          // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-        }
-      }
-  };
+template <typename UserType>
+struct LimitValueModuleBase : public ApplicationModule {
+  using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ScalarPushInput<UserType> input{
+      this, "input", "", "The input value to be limited into the range."};
+  ScalarOutput<UserType> output{this, "output", "",
+                                "The output value after limiting."};
+  ScalarOutput<int> isLimited{
+      this, "isLimited", "",
+      "Boolean set to true if the value was limited and to false otherwise."};
+  void applyLimit(UserType min, UserType max) {
+    bool wasLimited = isLimited;
+    // clamp input value into given range
+    UserType value = input;
+    if (value > max) {
+      output = max;
+      isLimited = true;
+    } else if (value < min) {
+      output = min;
+      isLimited = true;
+    } else {
+      output = value;
+      isLimited = false;
+    }
+    // write output. isLimited is only written when changed
+    output.write();
+    if (isLimited != wasLimited)
+      isLimited.write();
+    wasLimited = isLimited;
+  }
+template <typename UserType>
+struct LimitValue : public LimitValueModuleBase<UserType> {
+  using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::LimitValueModuleBase;
+  ScalarPushInput<UserType> min{this, "min", "", "The minimum allowed value."};
+  ScalarPushInput<UserType> max{this, "max", "", "The maximum allowed value."};
+  using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::input;
+  using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::applyLimit;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    auto readGroup = this->readAnyGroup();
+    while (true) {
+      applyLimit(min, max);
+      // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+      readGroup.readAny();
+    }
+  }
+template <typename UserType, UserType min, UserType max>
+struct FixedLimitValue : public LimitValueModuleBase<UserType> {
+  using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::LimitValueModuleBase;
+  using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::input;
+  using LimitValueModuleBase<UserType>::applyLimit;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      applyLimit(min, max);
+      // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/Logging.h b/Modules/include/Logging.h
index 64e107bf..c06b2ba6 100644
--- a/Modules/include/Logging.h
+++ b/Modules/include/Logging.h
@@ -3,22 +3,32 @@
  * \date 03.04.2018
  * \page loggingdoc Logging module and Logger
  * \section logginintro Introduction to the logging mechanism
- * The logging provided here requires to add the LoggingModule to your Application.
- * The module introduces the following input variables, that need to be connected to the control system:
- * - targetStream: Allows to choose where messages send to the logging module end up:
+ * The logging provided here requires to add the LoggingModule to your
+ Application.
+ * The module introduces the following input variables, that need to be
+ connected to the control system:
+ * - targetStream: Allows to choose where messages send to the logging module
+ end up:
  *   - 0: cout/cerr+logfile
  *   - 1: logfile
  *   - 2: cout/cerr
  *   - 3: nowhere
- * - logFile: Give the logfile name. If the file is not empty logging messages will be appended. If
- *   you choose targetStream 0 or 1 and don't set a logFile the Logging module simply skips the file
+ * - logFile: Give the logfile name. If the file is not empty logging messages
+ will be appended. If
+ *   you choose targetStream 0 or 1 and don't set a logFile the Logging module
+ simply skips the file
  *   writing.
- * - logLevel: Choose a certain logging level of the Module. Messages send to the Logging module also include a logging
- *   level. The Logging module compares both levels and decides if a message is dropped (e.g. message level is
+ * - logLevel: Choose a certain logging level of the Module. Messages send to
+ the Logging module also include a logging
+ *   level. The Logging module compares both levels and decides if a message is
+ dropped (e.g. message level is
  *   DEBUG and Module level is ERROR) or broadcasted.
- * - tailLength: The number of messages published by the Logging module (see logTail), i.e. to the control system.
- *   This length has no influence on the targetStreams, that receive all messages (depending on the logLevel). The
- *   logLevel also applies to messages that are published by the Logging module via the logTail
+ * - tailLength: The number of messages published by the Logging module (see
+ logTail), i.e. to the control system.
+ *   This length has no influence on the targetStreams, that receive all
+ messages (depending on the logLevel). The
+ *   logLevel also applies to messages that are published by the Logging module
+ via the logTail
  * Available logging levels are:
  *  - DEBUG
@@ -27,16 +37,23 @@
  *  - ERROR
  *  - SILENT
- *  The only variable that is published by the Logging module is the logTail. It contains the list of latest messages.
- *  Messages are separated by a newline character. The number of messages published in the logTail is set via the
- *  input variable tailLength. Other than that, messages are written to cout/cerr and/or a log file as explained above.
+ *  The only variable that is published by the Logging module is the logTail. It
+ contains the list of latest messages.
+ *  Messages are separated by a newline character. The number of messages
+ published in the logTail is set via the
+ *  input variable tailLength. Other than that, messages are written to
+ cout/cerr and/or a log file as explained above.
- *  In order to add a source to the Logging module the method \c addSource(Logger*) is
+ *  In order to add a source to the Logging module the method \c
+ addSource(Logger*) is
  *  available.
- *  The foreseen way of using the Logger is to add a Logger to a module that should send log messages.
- *  In the definition of connections of the application (\c defineConnections() ) one can add this source to the Logging module.
+ *  The foreseen way of using the Logger is to add a Logger to a module that
+ should send log messages.
+ *  In the definition of connections of the application (\c defineConnections()
+ ) one can add this source to the Logging module.
- *  The following example shows how to integrate the Logging module and the Logging into an application (myApp) and one module sending
+ *  The following example shows how to integrate the Logging module and the
+ Logging into an application (myApp) and one module sending
  *  messages (TestModule).
  *  \code
  *  sruct TestModule: public ChimeraTK::ApplicationModule{
@@ -75,33 +92,35 @@
  *  \code
  *  DEBUG::LogggingModule/test 2018-Apr-12 14:03:07.947949 -> Test
  *  \endcode
- *  \remark Instead of adding a Logger to every module that should feed the Logging module, one could also consider using only one Logger object.
- *  This is not thread safe and would not work for multiple modules trying to send messages via the Logger object to the Logging module at the same time.
+ *  \remark Instead of adding a Logger to every module that should feed the
+ Logging module, one could also consider using only one Logger object.
+ *  This is not thread safe and would not work for multiple modules trying to
+ send messages via the Logger object to the Logging module at the same time.
 #include "ApplicationCore.h"
-#include <queue>
-#include <map>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <queue>
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
-namespace logging{
+namespace logging {
 /** Pair of message and messageLevel */
-using Message = std::pair<ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string>,ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint> >;
+using Message =
+    std::pair<ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string>, ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint>>;
 /** Define available logging levels. */
 /** Define stream operator to use the LogLevel in streams, e.g. std::cout */
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LogLevel &level);
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LogLevel &level);
 /** Construct a sting containing the current time. */
 std::string getTime();
@@ -109,30 +128,36 @@ std::string getTime();
  * \brief Class used to send messages in a convenient way to the LoggingModule.
- * In principle this class only adds two output variables and provides a simple method
- * to fill these variables. They are supposed to be connected to the LoggingModule via LoggingModule::addSource.
- * If sendMessage is used before chimeraTK process variables are initialized an internal buffer is used to store those
- * messages. Once the process variables are initialized the messages from the buffer are send.
- * \attention This only happens once a message is send after chimeraTK process variables are initialized!
- * In other words if no message is send in the mainLoop messages from defineConnections will never be shown.
+ * In principle this class only adds two output variables and provides a simple
+ * method to fill these variables. They are supposed to be connected to the
+ * LoggingModule via LoggingModule::addSource. If sendMessage is used before
+ * chimeraTK process variables are initialized an internal buffer is used to
+ * store those messages. Once the process variables are initialized the messages
+ * from the buffer are send. \attention This only happens once a message is send
+ * after chimeraTK process variables are initialized! In other words if no
+ * message is send in the mainLoop messages from defineConnections will never be
+ * shown.
-class Logger{
+class Logger {
-  std::queue<std::pair<std::string, logging::LogLevel> > msg_buffer;
+  std::queue<std::pair<std::string, logging::LogLevel>> msg_buffer;
-   * \brief Default constructor: Allows late initialization of modules (e.g. when creating arrays of modules).
+   * \brief Default constructor: Allows late initialization of modules (e.g.
+   * when creating arrays of modules).
-   *  This constructor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed to allow constructor
-   *  inheritance of modules owning other modules. This constructor will not actually be called then.
-   *  See this bug report: */
+   *  This constructor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is
+   * needed to allow constructor inheritance of modules owning other modules.
+   * This constructor will not actually be called then. See this bug report:
+   * */
    * \brief Constructor to be used.
-   * \param module The owning module that is using the Logger. It will appear as sender in the LoggingModule,
-   * which is receiving messages from the Logger.
+   * \param module The owning module that is using the Logger. It will appear as
+   * sender in the LoggingModule, which is receiving messages from the Logger.
   Logger(ctk::Module *module);
   /** Message to be send to the logging module */
@@ -142,7 +167,8 @@ public:
   ctk::ScalarOutput<uint> messageLevel;
-   * \brief Send a message, which means to update the message and messageLevel member variables.
+   * \brief Send a message, which means to update the message and messageLevel
+   * member variables.
   void sendMessage(const std::string &msg, const logging::LogLevel &level);
@@ -152,9 +178,9 @@ public:
  * \brief Module used to handle logging messages.
  * A ChimeraTK module is producing messages, that are send to the LoggingModule
- * via the \c message variable. The message is then put into the logfile ring buffer
- * and published in the \c LogFileTail. In addidtion the message can be put to an ostream.
- * Available streams are:
+ * via the \c message variable. The message is then put into the logfile ring
+ * buffer and published in the \c LogFileTail. In addidtion the message can be
+ * put to an ostream. Available streams are:
  * - file stream
  * - cout/cerr
@@ -166,19 +192,21 @@ public:
  * The logfile is given by the client using the logFile variable.
-class LoggingModule: public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+class LoggingModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-  std::pair<ctk::VariableNetworkNode,ctk::VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorPair(const std::string &sender);
+  std::pair<ctk::VariableNetworkNode, ctk::VariableNetworkNode>
+  getAccessorPair(const std::string &sender);
   /** Map key is the feeding module */
-  std::map<std::string,Message> msg_list;
+  std::map<std::string, Message> msg_list;
   /** Update message or messageLevel from the sending module
-   * Basically the first element read by readAny() could be either the message or
-   * the messageLevel.
-   * Here the element not updated by readSAny is also read, since both are PushInput variables.
+   * Basically the first element read by readAny() could be either the message
+   * or the messageLevel. Here the element not updated by readSAny is also read,
+   * since both are PushInput variables.
-  std::map<std::string, Message>::iterator UpdatePair(const ChimeraTK::TransferElementID &id);
+  std::map<std::string, Message>::iterator
+  UpdatePair(const ChimeraTK::TransferElementID &id);
   /** Number of messages stored in the tail */
   size_t messageCounter;
@@ -192,20 +220,28 @@ private:
   using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-  ctk::ScalarPollInput<uint> targetStream { this, "targetStream", "",
-          "Set the tagret stream: 0 (cout/cerr+logfile), 1 (logfile), 2 (cout/cerr), 3 (none)" };
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<uint> targetStream{
+      this, "targetStream", "",
+      "Set the tagret stream: 0 (cout/cerr+logfile), 1 (logfile), 2 "
+      "(cout/cerr), 3 (none)"};
-  ctk::ScalarPollInput<std::string> logFile { this, "Logfile", "",
-    "Name of the external logfile. If empty messages are pushed to cout/cerr" };
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<std::string> logFile{
+      this, "Logfile", "",
+      "Name of the external logfile. If empty messages are pushed to "
+      "cout/cerr"};
-  ctk::ScalarPollInput<uint> tailLength { this, "maxLength", "",
-      "Maximum number of messages to be shown in the logging stream tail." };
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<uint> tailLength{
+      this, "maxLength", "",
+      "Maximum number of messages to be shown in the logging stream tail."};
-  ctk::ScalarPollInput<uint> logLevel { this, "logLevel", "",
-      "Current log level used for messages." };
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<uint> logLevel{this, "logLevel", "",
+                                      "Current log level used for messages."};
-  ctk::ScalarOutput<std::string> logTail { this, "LogTail", "", "Tail of the logging stream.",
-      { "CS", "PROCESS", getName() } };
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<std::string> logTail{this,
+                                         "LogTail",
+                                         "",
+                                         "Tail of the logging stream.",
+                                         {"CS", "PROCESS", getName()}};
   std::unique_ptr<std::ofstream> file; ///< Log file where to write log messages
@@ -218,9 +254,8 @@ public:
   void mainLoop() override;
   void terminate() override;
+} // namespace logging
 #endif /* MODULES_LOGGING_H_ */
diff --git a/Modules/include/MicroDAQ.h b/Modules/include/MicroDAQ.h
index 4444c77f..b79547d2 100644
--- a/Modules/include/MicroDAQ.h
+++ b/Modules/include/MicroDAQ.h
@@ -10,85 +10,112 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  namespace detail {
-    struct AccessorAttacher;
-    struct H5storage;
-    struct DataSpaceCreator;
-    struct DataWriter;
-  }
+namespace detail {
+struct AccessorAttacher;
+struct H5storage;
+struct DataSpaceCreator;
+struct DataWriter;
+} // namespace detail
+ *  MicroDAQ module for logging data to HDF5 files. This can be usefull in
+ * enviromenents where no sufficient logging of data is possible through the
+ * control system. Any ChimeraTK::Module can act as a data source. Which
+ * variables should be logged can be selected through EntityOwner::findTag().
+ */
+struct MicroDAQ : public ApplicationModule {
-   *  MicroDAQ module for logging data to HDF5 files. This can be usefull in enviromenents where no sufficient logging
-   *  of data is possible through the control system. Any ChimeraTK::Module can act as a data source. Which variables
-   *  should be logged can be selected through EntityOwner::findTag().
+   *  Constructor. decimationFactor and decimationThreshold are configuration
+   * constants which determine how the data reduction is working. Arrays with a
+   * size bigger than decimationThreshold will be decimated by decimationFactor
+   * before writing to the HDF5 file.
-  struct MicroDAQ : public ApplicationModule {
-      /**
-       *  Constructor. decimationFactor and decimationThreshold are configuration constants which determine how the
-       *  data reduction is working. Arrays with a size bigger than decimationThreshold will be decimated by
-       *  decimationFactor before writing to the HDF5 file.
-       */
-      MicroDAQ(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, uint32_t decimationFactor=10,
-               uint32_t decimationThreshold=1000, bool eliminateHierarchy=false,
-               const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
+  MicroDAQ(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+           const std::string &description, uint32_t decimationFactor = 10,
+           uint32_t decimationThreshold = 1000, bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+           const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags),
-        decimationFactor_(decimationFactor), decimationThreshold_(decimationThreshold) {}
-      /** Default constructor, creates a non-working module. Can be used for late initialisation. */
-      MicroDAQ() : decimationFactor_(0), decimationThreshold_(0) {}
-      ScalarPushInput<int> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "When written, the MicroDAQ write snapshot of all variables "
-                "to the file", {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
-      ScalarPollInput<int> enable{this, "enable", "", "DAQ is active when set to 0 and disabled when set to 0.",
-                {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
-      ScalarPollInput<uint32_t> nMaxFiles{this, "nMaxFiles", "", "Maximum number of files in the ring buffer "
-                "(oldest file will be overwritten).", {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
-      ScalarPollInput<uint32_t> nTriggersPerFile{this, "nTriggersPerFile", "",
-                "Number of triggers stored in each file.", {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
-      ScalarOutput<uint32_t> currentFile{this, "currentFile", "", "File number currently written to.",
-                {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
-      /** Add a Module as a source to this DAQ. */
-      void addSource(const Module &source, const RegisterPath &namePrefix="");
-    protected:
-      void mainLoop() override;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      VariableNetworkNode getAccessor(const std::string &variableName);
-      /** Map of VariableGroups required to build the hierarchies. The key it the full path name. */
-      std::map<std::string, VariableGroup> groupMap;
-      /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the ArrayPollInput accessors. These accessors are
-      *  dynamically created by the AccessorAttacher. */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      using AccessorList = std::list<ArrayPollInput<UserType>>;
-      TemplateUserTypeMap<AccessorList> accessorListMap;
-      /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the names of the accessors. Technically there would
-      *  be no need to use TemplateUserTypeMap for this (as type does not depend on the UserType), but since these
-      *  lists must be filled consistently with the accessorListMap, the same construction is used here. */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      using NameList = std::list<std::string>;
-      TemplateUserTypeMap<NameList> nameListMap;
-      /** Overall variable name list, used to detect name collisions */
-      std::list<std::string> overallVariableList;
-      /** Parameters for the data decimation */
-      uint32_t decimationFactor_, decimationThreshold_;
-      friend struct detail::AccessorAttacher;
-      friend struct detail::H5storage;
-      friend struct detail::DataSpaceCreator;
-      friend struct detail::DataWriter;
-  };
+        decimationFactor_(decimationFactor),
+        decimationThreshold_(decimationThreshold) {}
+  /** Default constructor, creates a non-working module. Can be used for late
+   * initialisation. */
+  MicroDAQ() : decimationFactor_(0), decimationThreshold_(0) {}
+  ScalarPushInput<int> trigger{
+      this,
+      "trigger",
+      "",
+      "When written, the MicroDAQ write snapshot of all variables "
+      "to the file",
+      {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
+  ScalarPollInput<int> enable{
+      this,
+      "enable",
+      "",
+      "DAQ is active when set to 0 and disabled when set to 0.",
+      {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
+  ScalarPollInput<uint32_t> nMaxFiles{
+      this,
+      "nMaxFiles",
+      "",
+      "Maximum number of files in the ring buffer "
+      "(oldest file will be overwritten).",
+      {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
+  ScalarPollInput<uint32_t> nTriggersPerFile{
+      this,
+      "nTriggersPerFile",
+      "",
+      "Number of triggers stored in each file.",
+      {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
+  ScalarOutput<uint32_t> currentFile{this,
+                                     "currentFile",
+                                     "",
+                                     "File number currently written to.",
+                                     {"MicroDAQ.CONFIG"}};
+  /** Add a Module as a source to this DAQ. */
+  void addSource(const Module &source, const RegisterPath &namePrefix = "");
+  void mainLoop() override;
+  template <typename UserType>
+  VariableNetworkNode getAccessor(const std::string &variableName);
+  /** Map of VariableGroups required to build the hierarchies. The key it the
+   * full path name. */
+  std::map<std::string, VariableGroup> groupMap;
+  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the
+   * ArrayPollInput accessors. These accessors are dynamically created by the
+   * AccessorAttacher. */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  using AccessorList = std::list<ArrayPollInput<UserType>>;
+  TemplateUserTypeMap<AccessorList> accessorListMap;
+  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the names of the
+   * accessors. Technically there would be no need to use TemplateUserTypeMap
+   * for this (as type does not depend on the UserType), but since these lists
+   * must be filled consistently with the accessorListMap, the same construction
+   * is used here. */
+  template <typename UserType> using NameList = std::list<std::string>;
+  TemplateUserTypeMap<NameList> nameListMap;
+  /** Overall variable name list, used to detect name collisions */
+  std::list<std::string> overallVariableList;
+  /** Parameters for the data decimation */
+  uint32_t decimationFactor_, decimationThreshold_;
+  friend struct detail::AccessorAttacher;
+  friend struct detail::H5storage;
+  friend struct detail::DataSpaceCreator;
+  friend struct detail::DataWriter;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/Multiplier.h b/Modules/include/Multiplier.h
index 7c7acb18..2efeb582 100644
--- a/Modules/include/Multiplier.h
+++ b/Modules/include/Multiplier.h
@@ -5,140 +5,149 @@
-#include <limits>
 #include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
 #include "ApplicationCore.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  template<typename InputType, typename OutputType=InputType, size_t NELEMS=1>
-  struct ConstMultiplier : public ApplicationModule {
+template <typename InputType, typename OutputType = InputType,
+          size_t NELEMS = 1>
+struct ConstMultiplier : public ApplicationModule {
-      ConstMultiplier(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, double factor)
+  ConstMultiplier(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                  const std::string &description, double factor)
       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, ""),
         input(this, "input", "", NELEMS, description),
-        output(this, "output", "", NELEMS, description),
-        _factor(factor)
-      {
-        setEliminateHierarchy();
-      }
-      ArrayPushInput<InputType> input;
-      ArrayOutput<OutputType> output;
-      double _factor;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        while(true) {
-          // scale value (with rounding, if integral type)
-          if(!std::numeric_limits<OutputType>::is_integer) {
-            for(size_t i=0; i<NELEMS; ++i) output[i] = input[i] * _factor;
-          }
-          else {
-            for(size_t i=0; i<NELEMS; ++i) output[i] = std::round(input[i] * _factor);
-          }
-          // write scaled value
-          output.write();
+        output(this, "output", "", NELEMS, description), _factor(factor) {
+    setEliminateHierarchy();
+  }
-          // wait for new input value (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-        }
-      }
-  };
+  ArrayPushInput<InputType> input;
+  ArrayOutput<OutputType> output;
-  template<typename InputType, typename OutputType=InputType, size_t NELEMS=1>
-  struct Multiplier : public ApplicationModule {
+  double _factor;
-      using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
-      Multiplier(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &factorName,
-                 const std::string &unitInput, const std::string &unitOutput,
-                 const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput={},
-                 const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput={},
-                 const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsFactor={})
-      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, "", true)
-      {
-        input.replace(ArrayPushInput<InputType>(this, name, unitInput, NELEMS, description, tagsInput));
-        output.replace(ArrayOutput<OutputType>(this, name, unitOutput, NELEMS, description, tagsOutput));
-        factor.replace(ScalarPushInput<double>(this, factorName, "("+unitOutput+")/("+unitInput+")", description, tagsFactor));
+      // scale value (with rounding, if integral type)
+      if (!std::numeric_limits<OutputType>::is_integer) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEMS; ++i)
+          output[i] = input[i] * _factor;
+      } else {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEMS; ++i)
+          output[i] = std::round(input[i] * _factor);
-      /** Note: This constructor is deprectated! */
-      Multiplier(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
+      // write scaled value
+      output.write();
+      // wait for new input value (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+    }
+  }
+template <typename InputType, typename OutputType = InputType,
+          size_t NELEMS = 1>
+struct Multiplier : public ApplicationModule {
+  using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  Multiplier(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+             const std::string &factorName, const std::string &unitInput,
+             const std::string &unitOutput, const std::string &description,
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput = {},
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput = {},
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsFactor = {})
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, "", true) {
+    input.replace(ArrayPushInput<InputType>(this, name, unitInput, NELEMS,
+                                            description, tagsInput));
+    output.replace(ArrayOutput<OutputType>(this, name, unitOutput, NELEMS,
+                                           description, tagsOutput));
+    factor.replace(ScalarPushInput<double>(
+        this, factorName, "(" + unitOutput + ")/(" + unitInput + ")",
+        description, tagsFactor));
+  }
+  /** Note: This constructor is deprectated! */
+  Multiplier(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+             const std::string &description)
       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, "", true),
         input(this, "input", "", NELEMS, description),
         factor(this, "factor", "", "Factor to scale the input value with"),
-        output(this, "output", "", NELEMS, description)
-      {}
-      ArrayPushInput<InputType> input;
-      ScalarPushInput<double> factor;
-      ArrayOutput<OutputType> output;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        ReadAnyGroup group{input, factor};
-        while(true) {
-          // scale value (with rounding, if integral type)
-          if(!std::numeric_limits<OutputType>::is_integer) {
-            for(size_t i=0; i<NELEMS; ++i) output[i] = input[i] * factor;
-          }
-          else {
-            for(size_t i=0; i<NELEMS; ++i) output[i] = std::round(input[i] * factor);
-          }
-          // write scaled value
-          output.write();
-          // wait for new input value (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-          group.readAny();
-        }
+        output(this, "output", "", NELEMS, description) {}
+  ArrayPushInput<InputType> input;
+  ScalarPushInput<double> factor;
+  ArrayOutput<OutputType> output;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    ReadAnyGroup group{input, factor};
+    while (true) {
+      // scale value (with rounding, if integral type)
+      if (!std::numeric_limits<OutputType>::is_integer) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEMS; ++i)
+          output[i] = input[i] * factor;
+      } else {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEMS; ++i)
+          output[i] = std::round(input[i] * factor);
-  };
+      // write scaled value
+      output.write();
-  template<typename InputType, typename OutputType=InputType, size_t NELEMS=1>
-  struct Divider : public ApplicationModule {
+      // wait for new input value (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+      group.readAny();
+    }
+  }
-      using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-      Divider(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
+template <typename InputType, typename OutputType = InputType,
+          size_t NELEMS = 1>
+struct Divider : public ApplicationModule {
+  using ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  Divider(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+          const std::string &description)
       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, ""),
         input(this, "input", "", NELEMS, description),
         divider(this, "divider", "", "Divider to scale the input value with"),
-        output(this, "output", "", NELEMS, description)
-      {
-        setEliminateHierarchy();
+        output(this, "output", "", NELEMS, description) {
+    setEliminateHierarchy();
+  }
+  ArrayPushInput<InputType> input;
+  ScalarPushInput<double> divider;
+  ArrayOutput<OutputType> output;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    ReadAnyGroup group{input, divider};
+    while (true) {
+      // scale value (with rounding, if integral type)
+      if (!std::numeric_limits<OutputType>::is_integer) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEMS; ++i)
+          output[i] = input[i] / divider;
+      } else {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < NELEMS; ++i)
+          output[i] = std::round(input[i] / divider);
-      ArrayPushInput<InputType> input;
-      ScalarPushInput<double> divider;
-      ArrayOutput<OutputType> output;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        ReadAnyGroup group{input, divider};
-        while(true) {
-          // scale value (with rounding, if integral type)
-          if(!std::numeric_limits<OutputType>::is_integer) {
-            for(size_t i=0; i<NELEMS; ++i) output[i] = input[i] / divider;
-          }
-          else {
-            for(size_t i=0; i<NELEMS; ++i) output[i] = std::round(input[i] / divider);
-          }
-          // write scaled value
-          output.write();
-          // wait for new input value (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-          group.readAny();
-        }
-      }
+      // write scaled value
+      output.write();
-  };
+      // wait for new input value (at the end, since we want to process the
+      // initial values first)
+      group.readAny();
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/PeriodicTrigger.h b/Modules/include/PeriodicTrigger.h
index 809d04a6..6a734a34 100644
--- a/Modules/include/PeriodicTrigger.h
+++ b/Modules/include/PeriodicTrigger.h
@@ -7,55 +7,63 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /**
-   * Simple periodic trigger that fires a variable once per second.
-   * After configurable number of seconds it will wrap around
-   */
-  struct PeriodicTrigger : public ApplicationModule {
-      /** Constructor. In addition to the usual arguments of an ApplicationModule, the default timeout value is specified.
-       *  This value is used as a timeout if the timeout value is set to 0. The timeout value is in milliseconds. */
-      PeriodicTrigger(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-             const uint32_t defaultPeriod=1000, bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
+ * Simple periodic trigger that fires a variable once per second.
+ * After configurable number of seconds it will wrap around
+ */
+struct PeriodicTrigger : public ApplicationModule {
+  /** Constructor. In addition to the usual arguments of an ApplicationModule,
+   * the default timeout value is specified.
+   *  This value is used as a timeout if the timeout value is set to 0. The
+   * timeout value is in milliseconds. */
+  PeriodicTrigger(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                  const std::string &description,
+                  const uint32_t defaultPeriod = 1000,
+                  bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+                  const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags),
-        defaultPeriod_(defaultPeriod)
-      {}
+        defaultPeriod_(defaultPeriod) {}
-      ScalarPollInput<uint32_t> period{this, "period", "ms", "period in milliseconds. The trigger is sent once per the specified duration."};
-      ScalarOutput<uint64_t> tick{this, "tick", "", "Timer tick. Counts the trigger number starting from 0."};
+  ScalarPollInput<uint32_t> period{this, "period", "ms",
+                                   "period in milliseconds. The trigger is "
+                                   "sent once per the specified duration."};
+  ScalarOutput<uint64_t> tick{
+      this, "tick", "",
+      "Timer tick. Counts the trigger number starting from 0."};
-      void sendTrigger() {
-        ++tick;
-        tick.write();
-      }
+  void sendTrigger() {
+    ++tick;
+    tick.write();
+  }
-      void mainLoop() {
-        if (Application::getInstance().isTestableModeEnabled()) {
-          return;
-        }
-        tick = 0;
-        std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> t = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-        while(true) {
-          if(period == 0){
-            // set receiving end of timeout. Will only be overwritten if there is new data.
-            period = defaultPeriod_;
-          }
-          t += std::chrono::milliseconds(static_cast<uint32_t>(period));
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          std::this_thread::sleep_until(t);
-          tick++;
-          tick.write();
-        }
-      }
+  void mainLoop() {
+    if (Application::getInstance().isTestableModeEnabled()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tick = 0;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> t =
+        std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
-    private:
+    while (true) {
+      if (period == 0) {
+        // set receiving end of timeout. Will only be overwritten if there is
+        // new data.
+        period = defaultPeriod_;
+      }
+      t += std::chrono::milliseconds(static_cast<uint32_t>(period));
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      std::this_thread::sleep_until(t);
-      uint32_t defaultPeriod_;
+      tick++;
+      tick.write();
+    }
+  }
-  };
+  uint32_t defaultPeriod_;
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/Pipe.h b/Modules/include/Pipe.h
index d58a2e85..d711b0db 100644
--- a/Modules/include/Pipe.h
+++ b/Modules/include/Pipe.h
@@ -1,93 +1,104 @@
-#include <limits>
 #include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
 #include "ApplicationCore.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /**
-  *  Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it.
-  *  @todo Make it more efficient by removing this module entirely in the ApplicationCore connection logic!
-  */
-  template<typename Type>
-  struct ScalarPipe : public ApplicationModule {
-      ScalarPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description,
-                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput={}, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput={})
-      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, "", true)
-      {
-        input.replace(ScalarPushInput<Type>(this, name, unit, description, tagsInput));
-        output.replace(ScalarOutput<Type>(this, name, unit, description, tagsOutput));
-      }
-      ScalarPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &inputName, const std::string &outputName, const std::string &unit,
-                const std::string &description,
-                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput={}, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput={})
-      : ApplicationModule(owner, inputName, "", true)
-      {
-        input.replace(ScalarPushInput<Type>(this, inputName, unit, description, tagsInput));
-        output.replace(ScalarOutput<Type>(this, outputName, unit, description, tagsOutput));
-      }
-      ScalarPipe() {}
-      ScalarPushInput<Type> input;
-      ScalarOutput<Type> output;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        while(true) {
-          output = static_cast<Type>(input);
-          output.write();
-        }
-      }
-  };
-  /**
-  *  Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it.
-  *  @todo Make it more efficient by removing this module entirely in the ApplicationCore connection logic!
-  */
-  template<typename Type>
-  struct ArrayPipe : public ApplicationModule {
-      ArrayPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
-                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput={}, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput={})
-      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, true)
-      {
-        input.replace(ArrayPushInput<Type>(this, name, unit, nElements, description, tagsInput));
-        output.replace(ArrayOutput<Type>(this, name, unit, nElements, description, tagsOutput));
-      }
-      ArrayPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &inputName, const std::string &outputName, const std::string &unit,
-                size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
-                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput={}, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput={})
-      : ApplicationModule(owner, inputName, description, true)
-      {
-        input.replace(ArrayPushInput<Type>(this, inputName, unit, nElements, description, tagsInput));
-        output.replace(ArrayOutput<Type>(this, outputName, unit, nElements, description, tagsOutput));
-      }
-      ArrayPipe() {}
-      ArrayPushInput<Type> input;
-      ArrayOutput<Type> output;
-      void mainLoop() {
-        std::vector<Type> temp(input.getNElements());
-        while(true) {
-          input.swap(temp);
-          output.swap(temp);
-          input.swap(temp);
-          output.write();
-        }
-      }
-  };
+ *  Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it.
+ *  @todo Make it more efficient by removing this module entirely in the
+ * ApplicationCore connection logic!
+ */
+template <typename Type> struct ScalarPipe : public ApplicationModule {
+  ScalarPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+             const std::string &unit, const std::string &description,
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput = {},
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput = {})
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, "", true) {
+    input.replace(
+        ScalarPushInput<Type>(this, name, unit, description, tagsInput));
+    output.replace(
+        ScalarOutput<Type>(this, name, unit, description, tagsOutput));
+  }
+  ScalarPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &inputName,
+             const std::string &outputName, const std::string &unit,
+             const std::string &description,
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput = {},
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput = {})
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, inputName, "", true) {
+    input.replace(
+        ScalarPushInput<Type>(this, inputName, unit, description, tagsInput));
+    output.replace(
+        ScalarOutput<Type>(this, outputName, unit, description, tagsOutput));
+  }
+  ScalarPipe() {}
+  ScalarPushInput<Type> input;
+  ScalarOutput<Type> output;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      output = static_cast<Type>(input);
+      output.write();
+    }
+  }
+ *  Generic module to pipe through a scalar value without altering it.
+ *  @todo Make it more efficient by removing this module entirely in the
+ * ApplicationCore connection logic!
+ */
+template <typename Type> struct ArrayPipe : public ApplicationModule {
+  ArrayPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+            const std::string &unit, size_t nElements,
+            const std::string &description,
+            const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput = {},
+            const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput = {})
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, true) {
+    input.replace(ArrayPushInput<Type>(this, name, unit, nElements, description,
+                                       tagsInput));
+    output.replace(ArrayOutput<Type>(this, name, unit, nElements, description,
+                                     tagsOutput));
+  }
+  ArrayPipe(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &inputName,
+            const std::string &outputName, const std::string &unit,
+            size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
+            const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsInput = {},
+            const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tagsOutput = {})
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, inputName, description, true) {
+    input.replace(ArrayPushInput<Type>(this, inputName, unit, nElements,
+                                       description, tagsInput));
+    output.replace(ArrayOutput<Type>(this, outputName, unit, nElements,
+                                     description, tagsOutput));
+  }
+  ArrayPipe() {}
+  ArrayPushInput<Type> input;
+  ArrayOutput<Type> output;
+  void mainLoop() {
+    std::vector<Type> temp(input.getNElements());
+    while (true) {
+      input.swap(temp);
+      output.swap(temp);
+      input.swap(temp);
+      output.write();
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/ServerHistory.h b/Modules/include/ServerHistory.h
index 6681b26a..39df411b 100644
--- a/Modules/include/ServerHistory.h
+++ b/Modules/include/ServerHistory.h
@@ -3,20 +3,24 @@
  * \date 10.08.2018
  * \page historydoc Server based history module
  * \section historyintro Server based history
- *  Some control systems offer a variable history but some do not. In this case the \c ServerHistory can be used to
- *  create a history ring buffer on the server. If only a local history is needed consider to use the \c MicroDAQ module.
- *  In order to do so you connect the variable that should have a history on the server
- *  to the \c ServerHistory module.
- *  The history length is set during module construction and fixed per module. Every time one of the variable handled by the history module
- *  is updated it will be filled into the history buffer. The buffer length (history length) can not be changed during runtime.
+ *  Some control systems offer a variable history but some do not. In this case
+ * the \c ServerHistory can be used to create a history ring buffer on the
+ * server. If only a local history is needed consider to use the \c MicroDAQ
+ * module. In order to do so you connect the variable that should have a history
+ * on the server to the \c ServerHistory module. The history length is set
+ * during module construction and fixed per module. Every time one of the
+ * variable handled by the history module is updated it will be filled into the
+ * history buffer. The buffer length (history length) can not be changed during
+ * runtime.
- *  Output variables created by the \c ServerHistory module are named like their feeding process variables with a prefixed name
- *  that is set when the process variables is added to the history module.
- *  In case of Array type feeding process variables n history buffers are created (where n is the Array size) and the element index i is appended to the
- *  feeding process variable name.
- *  In consequence an input array of length i will result in i output history arrays.
- *  The following tags are added to the history output variable:
+ *  Output variables created by the \c ServerHistory module are named like their
+ * feeding process variables with a prefixed name that is set when the process
+ * variables is added to the history module. In case of Array type feeding
+ * process variables n history buffers are created (where n is the Array size)
+ * and the element index i is appended to the feeding process variable name. In
+ * consequence an input array of length i will result in i output history
+ * arrays. The following tags are added to the history output variable:
  *  - CS
  *  - name of the history module
@@ -24,12 +28,14 @@
  *  The following example shows how to integrate the \c ServerHistory module.
  *  \code
  *  sruct TestModule: public ChimeraTK::ApplicationModule{
- *  chimeraTK::ScalarOutput<float> measurement{this, "measurement", "" , "measurement variable", {"CS", History"}};
+ *  chimeraTK::ScalarOutput<float> measurement{this, "measurement", "" ,
+ * "measurement variable", {"CS", History"}};
  *  ...
  *  };
  *  struct myApp : public ChimeraTK::Application{
- *  history::ServerHistory<float> history{this, "ServerHistory", "History for certain scalara float variables", 20}; // History buffer length is 20
+ *  history::ServerHistory<float> history{this, "ServerHistory", "History for
+ * certain scalara float variables", 20}; // History buffer length is 20
  *  ChimeraTK::ControlSystemModule cs;
@@ -49,28 +55,30 @@
  *  \endcode
 #include "ApplicationCore.h"
 #include <ChimeraTK/SupportedUserTypes.h>
-#include <vector>
 #include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
-namespace ChimeraTK{
-namespace history{
+namespace ChimeraTK {
+namespace history {
 struct AccessorAttacher;
-struct ServerHistory: public ApplicationModule{
-  ServerHistory(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, size_t historyLength=1200,
-                bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-       : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags),
-         _historyLength(historyLength){}
+struct ServerHistory : public ApplicationModule {
+  ServerHistory(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                const std::string &description, size_t historyLength = 1200,
+                bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags),
+        _historyLength(historyLength) {}
-       /** Default constructor, creates a non-working module. Can be used for late initialisation. */
+  /** Default constructor, creates a non-working module. Can be used for late
+   * initialisation. */
   ServerHistory() : _historyLength(1200) {}
   /** Add a Module as a source to this History module. */
@@ -79,23 +87,28 @@ struct ServerHistory: public ApplicationModule{
   void mainLoop() override;
-  template<typename UserType>
-  VariableNetworkNode getAccessor(const std::string &variableName, const size_t &nElements);
+  template <typename UserType>
+  VariableNetworkNode getAccessor(const std::string &variableName,
+                                  const size_t &nElements);
-  /** Map of VariableGroups required to build the hierarchies. The key it the full path name. */
+  /** Map of VariableGroups required to build the hierarchies. The key it the
+   * full path name. */
   std::map<std::string, VariableGroup> groupMap;
-  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the ArrayPushInput and ArrayOutput accessors. These accessors are
-  *  dynamically created by the AccessorAttacher. */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  using AccessorList = std::list<std::pair<ArrayPushInput<UserType>, std::vector<ArrayOutput<UserType> > > >;
+  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the
+   * ArrayPushInput and ArrayOutput accessors. These accessors are dynamically
+   * created by the AccessorAttacher. */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  using AccessorList = std::list<
+      std::pair<ArrayPushInput<UserType>, std::vector<ArrayOutput<UserType>>>>;
   TemplateUserTypeMap<AccessorList> _accessorListMap;
-  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the names of the accessors. Technically there would
-  *  be no need to use TemplateUserTypeMap for this (as type does not depend on the UserType), but since these
-  *  lists must be filled consistently with the accessorListMap, the same construction is used here. */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  using NameList = std::list<std::string>;
+  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the names of the
+   * accessors. Technically there would be no need to use TemplateUserTypeMap
+   * for this (as type does not depend on the UserType), but since these lists
+   * must be filled consistently with the accessorListMap, the same construction
+   * is used here. */
+  template <typename UserType> using NameList = std::list<std::string>;
   TemplateUserTypeMap<NameList> _nameListMap;
   /** Overall variable name list, used to detect name collisions */
@@ -106,6 +119,6 @@ protected:
   friend struct AccessorAttacher;
-} // namespace histroy
+} // namespace history
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/include/SplitArray.h b/Modules/include/SplitArray.h
index 5733cef5..3461c0ee 100644
--- a/Modules/include/SplitArray.h
+++ b/Modules/include/SplitArray.h
@@ -9,171 +9,181 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /**
-   * Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup elements. The splitted array is an
-   * output of this module and will be written everytime any of the inputs is updated. Each input is an array of the
-   * length nElemsPerGroup and there are nGroups inputs. nElemsPerGroup defaults to 1, so the array is split into
-   * its individual elements (and the inputs can be used as scalars).
-   *
-   * The output array is called "output", while each input is called "input#", where # is the index of the input
-   * counting from 0. When using the C++ interface, the inputs are stored in a std::vector and thus can be accessed
-   * e.g. through "input[index]".
-   *
-   * The output array has a size of nGroups*nElementsPerGroup.
-   */
-  template<typename TYPE>
-  struct WriteSplitArrayModule : public ApplicationModule {
-      WriteSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-                            size_t nGroups, size_t nElemsPerGroup=1);
-      WriteSplitArrayModule() {}
-      /** Vector of input arrays, each with a length of nElemsPerGroup. If nElemsPerGroup is 1 (default), the inputs
-       *  can be used as scalars.
-       *
-       *  The input with the index "index" corresponds to the elements "index*nElemsPerGroup" to
-       *  "(index+1)*nElemsPerGroup-1" of the output array. */
-      std::vector<ArrayPushInput<TYPE>> input;
-      /** Output array. Will be updated each time any input was changed with the corresponding data from the input. */
-      ArrayOutput<TYPE> output;
+ * Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup
+ * elements. The splitted array is an output of this module and will be written
+ * everytime any of the inputs is updated. Each input is an array of the length
+ * nElemsPerGroup and there are nGroups inputs. nElemsPerGroup defaults to 1, so
+ * the array is split into its individual elements (and the inputs can be used
+ * as scalars).
+ *
+ * The output array is called "output", while each input is called "input#",
+ * where # is the index of the input counting from 0. When using the C++
+ * interface, the inputs are stored in a std::vector and thus can be accessed
+ * e.g. through "input[index]".
+ *
+ * The output array has a size of nGroups*nElementsPerGroup.
+ */
+template <typename TYPE>
+struct WriteSplitArrayModule : public ApplicationModule {
-      void mainLoop();
+  WriteSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                        const std::string &description, size_t nGroups,
+                        size_t nElemsPerGroup = 1);
-    private:
+  WriteSplitArrayModule() {}
-      size_t _nGroups;
-      size_t _nElemsPerGroup;
+  /** Vector of input arrays, each with a length of nElemsPerGroup. If
+   * nElemsPerGroup is 1 (default), the inputs can be used as scalars.
+   *
+   *  The input with the index "index" corresponds to the elements
+   * "index*nElemsPerGroup" to
+   *  "(index+1)*nElemsPerGroup-1" of the output array. */
+  std::vector<ArrayPushInput<TYPE>> input;
+  /** Output array. Will be updated each time any input was changed with the
+   * corresponding data from the input. */
+  ArrayOutput<TYPE> output;
+  void mainLoop();
+  size_t _nGroups;
+  size_t _nElemsPerGroup;
+ * Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup
+ * elements. The splitted array is an input to this module and ann outputs will
+ * be written to each time the input is updated. Each output is an array of then
+ * length nElemsPerGroup and there are nGroups inputs. nElemsPerGroup defaults
+ * to 1, so the array is split into its individual elements (and the outpus can
+ * be used as scalars).
+ *
+ * The input array is called "input", while each output is called "output#",
+ * where # is the index of the output counting from 0. When using the C++
+ * interface, the outputs are stored in a std::vector and thus can be accessed
+ * e.g. through "output[index]".
+ *
+ * The input array has a size of nGroups*nElementsPerGroup.
+ */
+template <typename TYPE>
+struct ReadSplitArrayModule : public ApplicationModule {
-  };
+  ReadSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                       const std::string &description, size_t nGroups,
+                       size_t nElemsPerGroup = 1);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  ReadSplitArrayModule() {}
-  /**
-   * Split an array of the data type TYPE into nGroups with each nElemsPerGroup elements. The splitted array is an
-   * input to this module and ann outputs will be written to each time the input is updated. Each output is an array of
-   * then length nElemsPerGroup and there are nGroups inputs. nElemsPerGroup defaults to 1, so the array is split into
-   * its individual elements (and the outpus can be used as scalars).
-   *
-   * The input array is called "input", while each output is called "output#", where # is the index of the output
-   * counting from 0. When using the C++ interface, the outputs are stored in a std::vector and thus can be accessed
-   * e.g. through "output[index]".
+  /** Vector of output arrays, each with a length of nElemsPerGroup. If
+   * nElemsPerGroup is 1 (default), the outputs can be used as scalars.
-   * The input array has a size of nGroups*nElementsPerGroup.
-   */
-  template<typename TYPE>
-  struct ReadSplitArrayModule : public ApplicationModule {
-      ReadSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-                           size_t nGroups, size_t nElemsPerGroup=1);
-      ReadSplitArrayModule() {}
-      /** Vector of output arrays, each with a length of nElemsPerGroup. If nElemsPerGroup is 1 (default), the outputs
-       *  can be used as scalars.
-       *
-       *  The output with the index "index" corresponds to the elements "index*nElemsPerGroup" to
-       *  "(index+1)*nElemsPerGroup-1" of the input array. */
-      std::vector<ArrayOutput<TYPE>> output;
-      /** Input array. Each time this input is changed, all outputs will be updated with the corresponding data. */
-      ArrayPushInput<TYPE> input;
-      void mainLoop();
-    private:
-      size_t _nGroups;
-      size_t _nElemsPerGroup;
-  };
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename TYPE>
-  WriteSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::WriteSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
-                                                  const std::string &description, size_t nGroups, size_t nElemsPerGroup)
-  : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description),
-    output(this, "output", "", nGroups*nElemsPerGroup, "Output array"),
-    _nGroups(nGroups),
-    _nElemsPerGroup(nElemsPerGroup)
-  {
-    for(size_t i=0; i<_nGroups; ++i) {
-      std::string comment;
-      if(_nElemsPerGroup == 1) {
-        comment = "The element "+std::to_string(i)+" of the output array";
-      }
-      else {
-        comment = "The elements "+std::to_string(i*_nElemsPerGroup)+" to "+
-                  std::to_string((i+1)*_nElemsPerGroup-1)+" of the output array";
-      }
-      input.push_back(ArrayPushInput<TYPE>(this, "input"+std::to_string(i), "", _nElemsPerGroup, comment));
+   *  The output with the index "index" corresponds to the elements
+   * "index*nElemsPerGroup" to
+   *  "(index+1)*nElemsPerGroup-1" of the input array. */
+  std::vector<ArrayOutput<TYPE>> output;
+  /** Input array. Each time this input is changed, all outputs will be updated
+   * with the corresponding data. */
+  ArrayPushInput<TYPE> input;
+  void mainLoop();
+  size_t _nGroups;
+  size_t _nElemsPerGroup;
+template <typename TYPE>
+    EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
+    size_t nGroups, size_t nElemsPerGroup)
+    : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description),
+      output(this, "output", "", nGroups * nElemsPerGroup, "Output array"),
+      _nGroups(nGroups), _nElemsPerGroup(nElemsPerGroup) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < _nGroups; ++i) {
+    std::string comment;
+    if (_nElemsPerGroup == 1) {
+      comment = "The element " + std::to_string(i) + " of the output array";
+    } else {
+      comment = "The elements " + std::to_string(i * _nElemsPerGroup) + " to " +
+                std::to_string((i + 1) * _nElemsPerGroup - 1) +
+                " of the output array";
+    input.push_back(ArrayPushInput<TYPE>(this, "input" + std::to_string(i), "",
+                                         _nElemsPerGroup, comment));
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename TYPE>
-  void WriteSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::mainLoop() {
-    auto readGroup = readAnyGroup();
-    while(true) {
+template <typename TYPE> void WriteSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::mainLoop() {
+  auto readGroup = readAnyGroup();
+  while (true) {
-      // write the array from the individual elements
-      for(size_t i=0; i<_nGroups; ++i) {
-        for(size_t k=0; k<_nElemsPerGroup; ++k) {
-          output[i*_nElemsPerGroup + k] = input[i][k];
-        }
+    // write the array from the individual elements
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < _nGroups; ++i) {
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < _nElemsPerGroup; ++k) {
+        output[i * _nElemsPerGroup + k] = input[i][k];
-      output.write();
-      // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
-      readGroup.readAny();
-  }
+    output.write();
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename TYPE>
-  ReadSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::ReadSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
-                                                  const std::string &description, size_t nGroups, size_t nElemsPerGroup)
-  : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description),
-    input(this, "input", "", nGroups*nElemsPerGroup, "Input array"),
-    _nGroups(nGroups),
-    _nElemsPerGroup(nElemsPerGroup)
-  {
-    for(size_t i=0; i<_nGroups; ++i) {
-      std::string comment;
-      if(_nElemsPerGroup == 1) {
-        comment = "The element "+std::to_string(i)+" of the input array";
-      }
-      else {
-        comment = "The elements "+std::to_string(i*_nElemsPerGroup)+" to "+
-                  std::to_string((i+1)*_nElemsPerGroup-1)+" of the input array";
-      }
-      output.push_back(ArrayOutput<TYPE>(this, "output"+std::to_string(i), "", _nElemsPerGroup, comment));
+    // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the
+    // initial values first)
+    readGroup.readAny();
+  }
+template <typename TYPE>
+ReadSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::ReadSplitArrayModule(EntityOwner *owner,
+                                                 const std::string &name,
+                                                 const std::string &description,
+                                                 size_t nGroups,
+                                                 size_t nElemsPerGroup)
+    : ApplicationModule(owner, name, description),
+      input(this, "input", "", nGroups * nElemsPerGroup, "Input array"),
+      _nGroups(nGroups), _nElemsPerGroup(nElemsPerGroup) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < _nGroups; ++i) {
+    std::string comment;
+    if (_nElemsPerGroup == 1) {
+      comment = "The element " + std::to_string(i) + " of the input array";
+    } else {
+      comment = "The elements " + std::to_string(i * _nElemsPerGroup) + " to " +
+                std::to_string((i + 1) * _nElemsPerGroup - 1) +
+                " of the input array";
+    output.push_back(ArrayOutput<TYPE>(this, "output" + std::to_string(i), "",
+                                       _nElemsPerGroup, comment));
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename TYPE>
-  void ReadSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::mainLoop() {
-    while(true) {
+template <typename TYPE> void ReadSplitArrayModule<TYPE>::mainLoop() {
+  while (true) {
-      // write the array from the individual elements
-      for(size_t i=0; i<_nGroups; ++i) {
-        for(size_t k=0; k<_nElemsPerGroup; ++k) {
-          input[i][k] = output[i*_nElemsPerGroup + k];
-        }
+    // write the array from the individual elements
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < _nGroups; ++i) {
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < _nElemsPerGroup; ++k) {
+        input[i][k] = output[i * _nElemsPerGroup + k];
-      writeAll();
-      // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the initial values first)
+    writeAll();
+    // wait for new input values (at the end, since we want to process the
+    // initial values first)
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/src/ b/Modules/src/
index 289f8435..ec0e5098 100644
--- a/Modules/src/
+++ b/Modules/src/
@@ -4,316 +4,357 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Functor to fill variableMap */
-  struct FunctorFill {
-    FunctorFill(ConfigReader *owner, const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const std::string &value,
-                bool &processed)
-    : _owner(owner), _type(type), _name(name), _value(value), _processed(processed)
-    {}
+/** Functor to fill variableMap */
+struct FunctorFill {
+  FunctorFill(ConfigReader *owner, const std::string &type,
+              const std::string &name, const std::string &value,
+              bool &processed)
+      : _owner(owner), _type(type), _name(name), _value(value),
+        _processed(processed) {}
-    template<typename PAIR>
-    void operator()(PAIR&) const {
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
-      // extract the user type from the pair
-      typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
+    // extract the user type from the pair
+    typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
-      // skip this type, if not matching the type string in the config file
-      if(_type != boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->typeMap)) return;
+    // skip this type, if not matching the type string in the config file
+    if (_type != boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->typeMap))
+      return;
-      _owner->createVar<T>(_name, _value);
-      _processed = true;
-    }
-    ConfigReader *_owner;
-    const std::string &_type, &_name, &_value;
-    bool &_processed;   // must be a non-const reference, since we want to return this to the caller
+    _owner->createVar<T>(_name, _value);
+    _processed = true;
+  }
-    typedef boost::fusion::pair<std::string,ConfigReader::Var<std::string>> StringPair;
-  };
+  ConfigReader *_owner;
+  const std::string &_type, &_name, &_value;
+  bool &_processed; // must be a non-const reference, since we want to return
+                    // this to the caller
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  typedef boost::fusion::pair<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<std::string>>
+      StringPair;
-  /** Functor to fill variableMap for arrays */
-  struct ArrayFunctorFill {
-    ArrayFunctorFill(ConfigReader *owner, const std::string &type, const std::string &name,
-                     const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values, bool &processed)
-    : _owner(owner), _type(type), _name(name), _values(values), _processed(processed)
-    {}
-    template<typename PAIR>
-    void operator()(PAIR&) const {
+/** Functor to fill variableMap for arrays */
+struct ArrayFunctorFill {
+  ArrayFunctorFill(ConfigReader *owner, const std::string &type,
+                   const std::string &name,
+                   const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values, bool &processed)
+      : _owner(owner), _type(type), _name(name), _values(values),
+        _processed(processed) {}
-      // extract the user type from the pair
-      typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
-      // skip this type, if not matching the type string in the config file
-      if(_type != boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->typeMap)) return;
+    // extract the user type from the pair
+    typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
-      _owner->createArray<T>(_name, _values);
-      _processed = true;
-    }
+    // skip this type, if not matching the type string in the config file
+    if (_type != boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->typeMap))
+      return;
-    ConfigReader *_owner;
-    const std::string &_type, &_name;
-    const std::map<size_t, std::string> &_values;
-    bool &_processed;   // must be a non-const reference, since we want to return this to the caller
+    _owner->createArray<T>(_name, _values);
+    _processed = true;
+  }
-    typedef boost::fusion::pair<std::string,ConfigReader::Var<std::string>> StringPair;
-  };
+  ConfigReader *_owner;
+  const std::string &_type, &_name;
+  const std::map<size_t, std::string> &_values;
+  bool &_processed; // must be a non-const reference, since we want to return
+                    // this to the caller
+  typedef boost::fusion::pair<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<std::string>>
+      StringPair;
+template <typename T>
+void ConfigReader::createVar(const std::string &name,
+                             const std::string &value) {
+  // convert value into user type
+  /// @todo error handling!
+  std::stringstream stream(value);
+  T convertedValue;
+  if (typeid(T) == typeid(int8_t) ||
+      typeid(T) ==
+          typeid(uint8_t)) { // prevent interpreting int8-types as characters
+    int16_t intermediate;
+    stream >> intermediate;
+    convertedValue = intermediate;
+  } else { // note: string is done in template specialisation
+    stream >> convertedValue;
+  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  // place the variable onto the vector
+  std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<T>> &theMap =
+      boost::fusion::at_key<T>(variableMap.table);
+  theMap.emplace(
+      std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Var<T>(this, name, convertedValue)));
+template <>
+void ConfigReader::createVar<std::string>(const std::string &name,
+                                          const std::string &value) {
+  // place the variable onto the vector
+  std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<std::string>> &theMap =
+      boost::fusion::at_key<std::string>(variableMap.table);
+  theMap.emplace(
+      std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Var<std::string>(this, name, value)));
+template <typename T>
+void ConfigReader::createArray(const std::string &name,
+                               const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values) {
+  std::vector<T> Tvalues;
+  size_t expectedIndex = 0;
+  for (auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) {
+    // check index (std::map should be ordered by the index)
+    if (it->first != expectedIndex) {
+      parsingError("Array index " + std::to_string(expectedIndex) +
+                   " not found, but " + std::to_string(it->first) +
+                   " was. "
+                   "Sparse arrays are not supported!");
+    }
+    ++expectedIndex;
-  template<typename T>
-  void ConfigReader::createVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) {
     // convert value into user type
-    /// @todo error handling!
-    std::stringstream stream(value);
+    std::stringstream stream(it->second);
     T convertedValue;
-    if(typeid(T) == typeid(int8_t) || typeid(T) == typeid(uint8_t)) {       // prevent interpreting int8-types as characters
+    if (typeid(T) == typeid(int8_t) ||
+        typeid(T) ==
+            typeid(uint8_t)) { // prevent interpreting int8-types as characters
       int16_t intermediate;
       stream >> intermediate;
       convertedValue = intermediate;
-    }
-    else {      // note: string is done in template specialisation
+    } else { // note: string is done in template specialisation
       stream >> convertedValue;
-    // place the variable onto the vector
-    std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<T>> &theMap = boost::fusion::at_key<T>(variableMap.table);
-    theMap.emplace(std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Var<T>(this, name, convertedValue)));
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<>
-  void ConfigReader::createVar<std::string>(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) {
-    // place the variable onto the vector
-    std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<std::string>> &theMap = boost::fusion::at_key<std::string>(variableMap.table);
-    theMap.emplace(std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Var<std::string>(this, name, value)));
+    // store value in vector
+    Tvalues.push_back(convertedValue);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename T>
-  void ConfigReader::createArray(const std::string &name, const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values) {
-    std::vector<T> Tvalues;
-    size_t expectedIndex = 0;
-    for(auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) {
-      // check index (std::map should be ordered by the index)
-      if(it->first != expectedIndex) {
-        parsingError("Array index "+std::to_string(expectedIndex)+" not found, but "+std::to_string(it->first)+" was. "
-                     "Sparse arrays are not supported!");
-      }
-      ++expectedIndex;
-      // convert value into user type
-      std::stringstream stream(it->second);
-      T convertedValue;
-      if(typeid(T) == typeid(int8_t) || typeid(T) == typeid(uint8_t)) {       // prevent interpreting int8-types as characters
-        int16_t intermediate;
-        stream >> intermediate;
-        convertedValue = intermediate;
-      }
-      else {      // note: string is done in template specialisation
-        stream >> convertedValue;
-      }
-      // store value in vector
-      Tvalues.push_back(convertedValue);
+  // place the variable onto the vector
+  std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Array<T>> &theMap =
+      boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table);
+  theMap.emplace(
+      std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Array<T>(this, name, Tvalues)));
+template <>
+void ConfigReader::createArray<std::string>(
+    const std::string &name, const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values) {
+  std::vector<std::string> Tvalues;
+  size_t expectedIndex = 0;
+  for (auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) {
+    // check index (std::map should be ordered by the index)
+    if (it->first != expectedIndex) {
+      parsingError("Array index " + std::to_string(expectedIndex) +
+                   " not found, but " + std::to_string(it->first) +
+                   " was. "
+                   "Sparse arrays are not supported!");
+    ++expectedIndex;
-    // place the variable onto the vector
-    std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Array<T>> &theMap = boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table);
-    theMap.emplace(std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Array<T>(this, name, Tvalues)));
+    // store value in vector
+    Tvalues.push_back(it->second);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<>
-  void ConfigReader::createArray<std::string>(const std::string &name, const std::map<size_t, std::string> &values) {
-    std::vector<std::string> Tvalues;
-    size_t expectedIndex = 0;
-    for(auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) {
-      // check index (std::map should be ordered by the index)
-      if(it->first != expectedIndex) {
-        parsingError("Array index "+std::to_string(expectedIndex)+" not found, but "+std::to_string(it->first)+" was. "
-                     "Sparse arrays are not supported!");
-      }
-      ++expectedIndex;
-      // store value in vector
-      Tvalues.push_back(it->second);
-    }
+  // place the variable onto the vector
+  std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Array<std::string>> &theMap =
+      boost::fusion::at_key<std::string>(arrayMap.table);
+  theMap.emplace(std::make_pair(
+      name, ConfigReader::Array<std::string>(this, name, Tvalues)));
+ConfigReader::ConfigReader(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                           const std::string &fileName,
+                           const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : ApplicationModule(owner, name,
+                        "Configuration read from file '" + fileName + "'",
+                        false, tags),
+      _fileName(fileName) {
+  // parse the file into a DOM structure
+  xmlpp::DomParser parser;
+  try {
+    parser.parse_file(fileName);
+  } catch (xmlpp::exception &e) { /// @todo change exception!
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "ConfigReader: Error opening the config file '" + fileName +
+        "': " + e.what());
+  }
-    // place the variable onto the vector
-    std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Array<std::string>> &theMap = boost::fusion::at_key<std::string>(arrayMap.table);
-    theMap.emplace(std::make_pair(name, ConfigReader::Array<std::string>(this, name, Tvalues)));
+  // get root element
+  const auto root = parser.get_document()->get_root_node();
+  if (root->get_name() != "configuration") {
+    parsingError("Expected 'configuration' tag instead of: " +
+                 root->get_name());
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  ConfigReader::ConfigReader(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &fileName,
-                             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : ApplicationModule(owner, name, "Configuration read from file '"+fileName+"'", false, tags),
-    _fileName(fileName)
-  {
-    // parse the file into a DOM structure
-    xmlpp::DomParser parser;
-    try {
-      parser.parse_file(fileName);
-    }
-    catch(xmlpp::exception &e) { /// @todo change exception!
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Error opening the config file '"+fileName+"': "+e.what());
+  // parsing loop
+  for (const auto &child : root->get_children()) {
+    // cast into element, ignore if not an element (e.g. comment)
+    const xmlpp::Element *element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element *>(child);
+    if (!element)
+      continue;
+    if (element->get_name() != "variable") {
+      parsingError("Expected 'variable' tag instead of: " + root->get_name());
-    // get root element
-    const auto root = parser.get_document()->get_root_node();
-    if(root->get_name() != "configuration") {
-      parsingError("Expected 'configuration' tag instead of: "+root->get_name());
+    // obtain attributes from the element
+    auto name = element->get_attribute("name");
+    if (!name)
+      parsingError("Missing attribute 'name' for the 'variable' tag.");
+    auto type = element->get_attribute("type");
+    if (!type)
+      parsingError("Missing attribute 'type' for the 'variable' tag.");
+    // scalar value: obtain value from attribute
+    auto value = element->get_attribute("value");
+    if (value) {
+      // create accessor and store value in map using the functor
+      bool processed{false};
+      boost::fusion::for_each(variableMap.table,
+                              FunctorFill(this, type->get_value(),
+                                          name->get_value(), value->get_value(),
+                                          processed));
+      if (!processed)
+        parsingError("Incorrect value '" + type->get_value() +
+                     "' for attribute 'type' of the 'variable' tag.");
-    // parsing loop
-    for(const auto& child : root->get_children()) {
-      // cast into element, ignore if not an element (e.g. comment)
-      const xmlpp::Element *element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(child);
-      if(!element) continue;
-      if(element->get_name() != "variable") {
-        parsingError("Expected 'variable' tag instead of: "+root->get_name());
-      }
-      // obtain attributes from the element
-      auto name = element->get_attribute("name");
-      if(!name) parsingError("Missing attribute 'name' for the 'variable' tag.");
-      auto type = element->get_attribute("type");
-      if(!type) parsingError("Missing attribute 'type' for the 'variable' tag.");
-      // scalar value: obtain value from attribute
-      auto value = element->get_attribute("value");
-      if(value) {
-        // create accessor and store value in map using the functor
-        bool processed{false};
-        boost::fusion::for_each( variableMap.table,
-                                 FunctorFill(this, type->get_value(), name->get_value(), value->get_value(), processed) );
-        if(!processed) parsingError("Incorrect value '"+type->get_value()+"' for attribute 'type' of the 'variable' tag.");
-      }
-      // array value: obtain values from child elements
-      else {
-        bool valueFound = false;
-        std::map<size_t, std::string> values;
-        for(const auto& valueChild : child->get_children()) {
-          // obtain value child element and extract index and value from attributes
-          const xmlpp::Element *valueElement = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(valueChild);
-          if(!valueElement) continue;                    // ignore comments etc.
-          if(valueElement->get_name() != "value") {
-            parsingError("Expected 'value' tag instead of: "+root->get_name());
-          }
-          valueFound = true;
-          auto index = valueElement->get_attribute("i");
-          if(!index) parsingError("Missing attribute 'index' for the 'value' tag.");
-          auto value = valueElement->get_attribute("v");
-          if(!value) parsingError("Missing attribute 'value' for the 'value' tag.");
-          // get index as number and store value as a string
-          size_t intIndex;
-          try {
-            intIndex = std::stoi(index->get_value());
-          }
-          catch(std::exception &e) {
-            parsingError("Cannot parse string '"+std::string(index->get_value())+"' as an index number: "+e.what());
-          }
-          values[intIndex] = value->get_value();
+    // array value: obtain values from child elements
+    else {
+      bool valueFound = false;
+      std::map<size_t, std::string> values;
+      for (const auto &valueChild : child->get_children()) {
+        // obtain value child element and extract index and value from
+        // attributes
+        const xmlpp::Element *valueElement =
+            dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element *>(valueChild);
+        if (!valueElement)
+          continue; // ignore comments etc.
+        if (valueElement->get_name() != "value") {
+          parsingError("Expected 'value' tag instead of: " + root->get_name());
-        // make sure there is at least one value
-        if(!valueFound) {
-          parsingError("Each variable must have a value, either specified as an attribute or as child tags.");
+        valueFound = true;
+        auto index = valueElement->get_attribute("i");
+        if (!index)
+          parsingError("Missing attribute 'index' for the 'value' tag.");
+        auto value = valueElement->get_attribute("v");
+        if (!value)
+          parsingError("Missing attribute 'value' for the 'value' tag.");
+        // get index as number and store value as a string
+        size_t intIndex;
+        try {
+          intIndex = std::stoi(index->get_value());
+        } catch (std::exception &e) {
+          parsingError("Cannot parse string '" +
+                       std::string(index->get_value()) +
+                       "' as an index number: " + e.what());
+        values[intIndex] = value->get_value();
+      }
-        // create accessor and store array value in map using functor
-        bool processed{false};
-        boost::fusion::for_each( variableMap.table,
-                                 ArrayFunctorFill(this, type->get_value(), name->get_value(), values, processed) );
-        if(!processed) parsingError("Incorrect value '"+type->get_value()+"' for attribute 'type' of the 'variable' tag.");
+      // make sure there is at least one value
+      if (!valueFound) {
+        parsingError("Each variable must have a value, either specified as an "
+                     "attribute or as child tags.");
+      // create accessor and store array value in map using functor
+      bool processed{false};
+      boost::fusion::for_each(variableMap.table,
+                              ArrayFunctorFill(this, type->get_value(),
+                                               name->get_value(), values,
+                                               processed));
+      if (!processed)
+        parsingError("Incorrect value '" + type->get_value() +
+                     "' for attribute 'type' of the 'variable' tag.");
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void ConfigReader::parsingError(const std::string &message) {
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Error parsing the config file '"+_fileName+"': "+message);
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+void ConfigReader::parsingError(const std::string &message) {
+  throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ConfigReader: Error parsing the config file '" +
+                               _fileName + "': " + message);
-  /** Functor to set values to the scalar accessors */
-  struct FunctorSetValues {
-    FunctorSetValues(ConfigReader *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
-    template<typename PAIR>
-    void operator()(PAIR&) const {
+/** Functor to set values to the scalar accessors */
+struct FunctorSetValues {
+  FunctorSetValues(ConfigReader *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
-      // get user type and vector
-      typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
-      std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<T>> &theMap = boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->variableMap.table);
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
-      // iterate vector and set values
-      for(auto &pair : theMap) {
-        auto &var = pair.second;
-        var._accessor = var._value;
-        var._accessor.write();
-      }
+    // get user type and vector
+    typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
+    std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Var<T>> &theMap =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->variableMap.table);
+    // iterate vector and set values
+    for (auto &pair : theMap) {
+      auto &var = pair.second;
+      var._accessor = var._value;
+      var._accessor.write();
+  }
-    ConfigReader *_owner;
-  };
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  ConfigReader *_owner;
-  /** Functor to set values to the array accessors */
-  struct FunctorSetValuesArray {
-    FunctorSetValuesArray(ConfigReader *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
-    template<typename PAIR>
-    void operator()(PAIR&) const {
+/** Functor to set values to the array accessors */
+struct FunctorSetValuesArray {
+  FunctorSetValuesArray(ConfigReader *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
-      // get user type and vector
-      typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
-      std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Array<T>> &theMap = boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->arrayMap.table);
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
-      // iterate vector and set values
-      for(auto &pair : theMap) {
-        auto &var = pair.second;
-        var._accessor = var._value;
-        var._accessor.write();
-      }
+    // get user type and vector
+    typedef typename PAIR::first_type T;
+    std::map<std::string, ConfigReader::Array<T>> &theMap =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<T>(_owner->arrayMap.table);
+    // iterate vector and set values
+    for (auto &pair : theMap) {
+      auto &var = pair.second;
+      var._accessor = var._value;
+      var._accessor.write();
+  }
-    ConfigReader *_owner;
-  };
+  ConfigReader *_owner;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void ConfigReader::prepare() {
-    boost::fusion::for_each( variableMap.table, FunctorSetValues(this) );
-    boost::fusion::for_each( arrayMap.table, FunctorSetValuesArray(this) );
-  }
+void ConfigReader::prepare() {
+  boost::fusion::for_each(variableMap.table, FunctorSetValues(this));
+  boost::fusion::for_each(arrayMap.table, FunctorSetValuesArray(this));
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/src/ b/Modules/src/
index 4b2446cb..1331224c 100644
--- a/Modules/src/
+++ b/Modules/src/
@@ -5,58 +5,62 @@
  *      Author: zenker
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ostream>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
 #include "Logging.h"
+#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
 using namespace logging;
-std::ostream& logging::operator<<(std::ostream &os,const LogLevel &level){
-  switch(level){
-    case LogLevel::DEBUG:
-      os << "DEBUG::";
-      break;
-    case LogLevel::INFO:
-      os << "INFO::";
-      break;
-    case LogLevel::WARNING:
-      os << "WARNING::";
-      break;
-    case LogLevel::ERROR:
-      os << "ERROR::";
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
+std::ostream &logging::operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LogLevel &level) {
+  switch (level) {
+  case LogLevel::DEBUG:
+    os << "DEBUG::";
+    break;
+  case LogLevel::INFO:
+    os << "INFO::";
+    break;
+  case LogLevel::WARNING:
+    os << "WARNING::";
+    break;
+  case LogLevel::ERROR:
+    os << "ERROR::";
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
   return os;
-std::string logging::getTime(){
+std::string logging::getTime() {
   std::string str;
-  str.append(boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time()) + " ");
+  str.append(boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(
+                 boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time()) +
+             " ");
   str.append(" -> ");
   return str;
-Logger::Logger(ctk::Module* module):
-    message(module, "message", "", "Message of the module to the logging System",
-        { "Logging", "OneWire", module->getName() }),
-    messageLevel(module,  "messageLevel", "", "Logging level of the message",
-        { "Logging", "OneWire", module->getName() }){}
-void Logger::sendMessage(const std::string &msg, const logging::LogLevel &level){
-  if(message.isInitialised()){
-    while(!msg_buffer.empty()){
-        message = msg_buffer.front().first;
-        messageLevel = msg_buffer.front().second;
-        message.write();
-        messageLevel.write();
-        msg_buffer.pop();
+Logger::Logger(ctk::Module *module)
+    : message(module, "message", "",
+              "Message of the module to the logging System",
+              {"Logging", "OneWire", module->getName()}),
+      messageLevel(module, "messageLevel", "", "Logging level of the message",
+                   {"Logging", "OneWire", module->getName()}) {}
+void Logger::sendMessage(const std::string &msg,
+                         const logging::LogLevel &level) {
+  if (message.isInitialised()) {
+    while (!msg_buffer.empty()) {
+      message = msg_buffer.front().first;
+      messageLevel = msg_buffer.front().second;
+      message.write();
+      messageLevel.write();
+      msg_buffer.pop();
     message = msg + "\n";
@@ -69,28 +73,28 @@ void Logger::sendMessage(const std::string &msg, const logging::LogLevel &level)
-void LoggingModule::broadcastMessage(std::string msg, bool isError){
-  if(msg.back() != '\n'){
+void LoggingModule::broadcastMessage(std::string msg, bool isError) {
+  if (msg.back() != '\n') {
-  std::string tmpLog  = (std::string)logTail;
-  if( tailLength == 0 && messageCounter > 20){
+  std::string tmpLog = (std::string)logTail;
+  if (tailLength == 0 && messageCounter > 20) {
-    tmpLog = tmpLog.substr(tmpLog.find_first_of("\n")+1, tmpLog.length());
-  } else if (tailLength > 0){
-    while(messageCounter >= tailLength){
+    tmpLog = tmpLog.substr(tmpLog.find_first_of("\n") + 1, tmpLog.length());
+  } else if (tailLength > 0) {
+    while (messageCounter >= tailLength) {
-      tmpLog = tmpLog.substr(tmpLog.find_first_of("\n")+1, tmpLog.length());
+      tmpLog = tmpLog.substr(tmpLog.find_first_of("\n") + 1, tmpLog.length());
-  if(targetStream == 0 || targetStream == 2){
-    if(isError)
+  if (targetStream == 0 || targetStream == 2) {
+    if (isError)
       std::cerr << msg;
       std::cout << msg;
-  if(targetStream == 0 || targetStream == 1){
-    if(file->is_open()){
+  if (targetStream == 0 || targetStream == 1) {
+    if (file->is_open()) {
       (*file) << msg.c_str();
@@ -101,41 +105,47 @@ void LoggingModule::broadcastMessage(std::string msg, bool isError){
-void LoggingModule::mainLoop(){
+void LoggingModule::mainLoop() {
   file.reset(new std::ofstream());
   messageCounter = 0;
   std::stringstream greeter;
-  greeter << getName() << " " << getTime() << "There are " << msg_list.size() << " modules registered for logging:" << std::endl;
+  greeter << getName() << " " << getTime() << "There are " << msg_list.size()
+          << " modules registered for logging:" << std::endl;
-  for(auto &module : msg_list){
+  for (auto &module : msg_list) {
     broadcastMessage(std::string("\t - ") + module.first);
   auto group = readAnyGroup();
-  while(1){
+  while (1) {
     auto id = group.readAny();
     auto sender = UpdatePair(id);
-    if(targetStream == 3)
+    if (targetStream == 3)
     LogLevel level = static_cast<LogLevel>((uint)sender->second.second);
     LogLevel setLevel = static_cast<LogLevel>((uint)logLevel);
     std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << level << getName() << "/" << sender->first << " " << getTime() << (std::string)sender->second.first;
-    if(targetStream == 0 || targetStream == 1){
-      if(!((std::string)logFile).empty() && !file->is_open()){
-        file->open((std::string)logFile,  std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
+    ss << level << getName() << "/" << sender->first << " " << getTime()
+       << (std::string)sender->second.first;
+    if (targetStream == 0 || targetStream == 1) {
+      if (!((std::string)logFile).empty() && !file->is_open()) {
+        file->open((std::string)logFile,
+                   std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
         std::stringstream ss_file;
-        if(!file->is_open() && setLevel <= LogLevel::ERROR){
-          ss_file << LogLevel::ERROR << getName() << " " << getTime() << "Failed to open log file for writing: " << (std::string)logFile << std::endl;
+        if (!file->is_open() && setLevel <= LogLevel::ERROR) {
+          ss_file << LogLevel::ERROR << getName() << " " << getTime()
+                  << "Failed to open log file for writing: "
+                  << (std::string)logFile << std::endl;
           broadcastMessage(ss_file.str(), true);
-        } else if (file->is_open() && setLevel <= LogLevel::INFO){
-          ss_file << LogLevel::INFO << getName() << " " << getTime() <<  "Opened log file for writing: " << (std::string)logFile << std::endl;
+        } else if (file->is_open() && setLevel <= LogLevel::INFO) {
+          ss_file << LogLevel::INFO << getName() << " " << getTime()
+                  << "Opened log file for writing: " << (std::string)logFile
+                  << std::endl;
-    if(level >= setLevel){
-      if(level < LogLevel::ERROR)
+    if (level >= setLevel) {
+      if (level < LogLevel::ERROR)
         broadcastMessage(ss.str(), true);
@@ -143,44 +153,49 @@ void LoggingModule::mainLoop(){
-void LoggingModule::addSource(Logger *logger){
+void LoggingModule::addSource(Logger *logger) {
   auto acc = getAccessorPair(logger->message.getOwner()->getName());
   logger->message >> acc.first;
   logger->messageLevel >> acc.second;
-std::pair<ctk::VariableNetworkNode,ctk::VariableNetworkNode> LoggingModule::getAccessorPair(const std::string &sender) {
-  if(msg_list.count(sender) == 0){
-    msg_list.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(sender),std::forward_as_tuple(
-      std::piecewise_construct,
-      std::forward_as_tuple(ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string>{this, sender + "Msg", "", ""}),
-      std::forward_as_tuple(ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint>{this, sender + "MsgLevel", "", ""})));
+std::pair<ctk::VariableNetworkNode, ctk::VariableNetworkNode>
+LoggingModule::getAccessorPair(const std::string &sender) {
+  if (msg_list.count(sender) == 0) {
+    msg_list.emplace(
+        std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(sender),
+        std::forward_as_tuple(
+            std::piecewise_construct,
+            std::forward_as_tuple(ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string>{
+                this, sender + "Msg", "", ""}),
+            std::forward_as_tuple(ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint>{
+                this, sender + "MsgLevel", "", ""})));
   } else {
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot add logging for module "+sender+
-      " since logging was already added for this module.");
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "Cannot add logging for module " + sender +
+        " since logging was already added for this module.");
   return msg_list[sender];
-std::map<std::string, Message>::iterator LoggingModule::UpdatePair(const ChimeraTK::TransferElementID &id){
-  for(auto it = msg_list.begin(), iend = msg_list.end(); it != iend; it++){
-    if(it->second.first.getId() == id){
+std::map<std::string, Message>::iterator
+LoggingModule::UpdatePair(const ChimeraTK::TransferElementID &id) {
+  for (auto it = msg_list.begin(), iend = msg_list.end(); it != iend; it++) {
+    if (it->second.first.getId() == id) {
       return it;
-    if(it->second.second.getId() == id){
+    if (it->second.second.getId() == id) {
       return it;
   throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot find  element id"
-        "when updating logging variables.");
+                               "when updating logging variables.");
-void LoggingModule::terminate(){
-  if((file.get() != nullptr) && (file->is_open()))
+void LoggingModule::terminate() {
+  if ((file.get() != nullptr) && (file->is_open()))
diff --git a/Modules/src/ b/Modules/src/
index a6e26c9e..dd80d9a9 100644
--- a/Modules/src/
+++ b/Modules/src/
@@ -9,391 +9,421 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  namespace detail {
+namespace detail {
-    /** Callable class for use with  boost::fusion::for_each: Attach the given accessor to the MicroDAQ with proper
-      *  handling of the UserType. */
-    struct AccessorAttacher {
-      AccessorAttacher(VariableNetworkNode& feeder, MicroDAQ *owner, const std::string &name)
+/** Callable class for use with  boost::fusion::for_each: Attach the given
+ * accessor to the MicroDAQ with proper handling of the UserType. */
+struct AccessorAttacher {
+  AccessorAttacher(VariableNetworkNode &feeder, MicroDAQ *owner,
+                   const std::string &name)
       : _feeder(feeder), _owner(owner), _name(name) {}
-      template<typename PAIR>
-      void operator()(PAIR&) const {
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
-        // only continue if the call is for the right type
-        if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _feeder.getValueType()) return;
+    // only continue if the call is for the right type
+    if (typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _feeder.getValueType())
+      return;
-        // register connection
-        _feeder >> _owner->template getAccessor<typename PAIR::first_type>(_name);
+    // register connection
+    _feeder >> _owner->template getAccessor<typename PAIR::first_type>(_name);
+  }
-      }
+  VariableNetworkNode &_feeder;
+  MicroDAQ *_owner;
+  const std::string &_name;
-      VariableNetworkNode &_feeder;
-      MicroDAQ *_owner;
-      const std::string &_name;
-    };
+} // namespace detail
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+void MicroDAQ::addSource(const Module &source, const RegisterPath &namePrefix) {
-  void MicroDAQ::addSource(const Module &source, const RegisterPath &namePrefix) {
+  // for simplification, first create a VirtualModule containing the correct
+  // hierarchy structure (obeying eliminate hierarchy etc.)
+  auto dynamicModel = source.findTag(".*"); /// @todo use virtualise() instead
-    // for simplification, first create a VirtualModule containing the correct hierarchy structure (obeying eliminate
-    // hierarchy etc.)
-    auto dynamicModel = source.findTag(".*");     /// @todo use virtualise() instead
-    // create variable group map for namePrefix if needed
-    if(groupMap.find(namePrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
-      // search for existing parent (if any)
-      auto parentPrefix = namePrefix;
-      while(groupMap.find(parentPrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
-        if(parentPrefix == "/") break;  // no existing parent found
-        parentPrefix = std::string(parentPrefix).substr(0,std::string(parentPrefix).find_last_of("/"));
-      }
-      // create all not-yet-existing parents
-      while(parentPrefix != namePrefix) {
-        EntityOwner *owner = this;
-        if(parentPrefix != "/") owner = &groupMap[parentPrefix];
-        auto stop = std::string(namePrefix).find_first_of("/", parentPrefix.length()+1);
-        if(stop == std::string::npos) stop = namePrefix.length();
-        RegisterPath name = std::string(namePrefix).substr(parentPrefix.length(),stop-parentPrefix.length());
-        parentPrefix /= name;
-        groupMap[parentPrefix] = VariableGroup(owner, std::string(name).substr(1), "");
-      }
+  // create variable group map for namePrefix if needed
+  if (groupMap.find(namePrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
+    // search for existing parent (if any)
+    auto parentPrefix = namePrefix;
+    while (groupMap.find(parentPrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
+      if (parentPrefix == "/")
+        break; // no existing parent found
+      parentPrefix =
+          std::string(parentPrefix)
+              .substr(0, std::string(parentPrefix).find_last_of("/"));
-    // add all accessors on this hierarchy level
-    for(auto &acc : dynamicModel.getAccessorList()) {
-      boost::fusion::for_each(accessorListMap.table, detail::AccessorAttacher(acc, this, namePrefix/acc.getName()));
+    // create all not-yet-existing parents
+    while (parentPrefix != namePrefix) {
+      EntityOwner *owner = this;
+      if (parentPrefix != "/")
+        owner = &groupMap[parentPrefix];
+      auto stop =
+          std::string(namePrefix).find_first_of("/", parentPrefix.length() + 1);
+      if (stop == std::string::npos)
+        stop = namePrefix.length();
+      RegisterPath name =
+          std::string(namePrefix)
+              .substr(parentPrefix.length(), stop - parentPrefix.length());
+      parentPrefix /= name;
+      groupMap[parentPrefix] =
+          VariableGroup(owner, std::string(name).substr(1), "");
+  }
-    // recurse into submodules
-    for(auto mod : dynamicModel.getSubmoduleList()) {
-      addSource(*mod, namePrefix/mod->getName());
-    }
+  // add all accessors on this hierarchy level
+  for (auto &acc : dynamicModel.getAccessorList()) {
+    boost::fusion::for_each(
+        accessorListMap.table,
+        detail::AccessorAttacher(acc, this, namePrefix / acc.getName()));
+  }
+  // recurse into submodules
+  for (auto mod : dynamicModel.getSubmoduleList()) {
+    addSource(*mod, namePrefix / mod->getName());
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename UserType>
-  VariableNetworkNode MicroDAQ::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName) {
+template <typename UserType>
+VariableNetworkNode MicroDAQ::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName) {
-    // check if variable name already registered
-    for(auto &name : overallVariableList) {
-      if(name == variableName) {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot add '"+variableName+
-                  "' to MicroDAQ since a variable with that name is already registered.");
+  // check if variable name already registered
+  for (auto &name : overallVariableList) {
+    if (name == variableName) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot add '" + variableName +
+                                   "' to MicroDAQ since a variable with that "
+                                   "name is already registered.");
+    }
+  }
+  overallVariableList.push_back(variableName);
+  // add accessor and name to lists
+  auto &accessorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(accessorListMap.table);
+  auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(nameListMap.table);
+  auto dirName = variableName.substr(0, variableName.find_last_of("/"));
+  auto baseName = variableName.substr(variableName.find_last_of("/") + 1);
+  accessorList.emplace_back(&groupMap[dirName], baseName, "", 0, "");
+  nameList.push_back(variableName);
+  // return the accessor
+  return accessorList.back();
+namespace detail {
+struct H5storage {
+  H5storage(MicroDAQ *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
+  H5::H5File outFile;
+  std::string currentGroupName;
+  /** Unique list of groups, used to create the groups in the file */
+  std::list<std::string> groupList;
+  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the H5::DataSpace
+   * objects. */
+  template <typename UserType> using dataSpaceList = std::list<H5::DataSpace>;
+  TemplateUserTypeMap<dataSpaceList> dataSpaceListMap;
+  /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing decimation
+   * factors. */
+  template <typename UserType> using decimationFactorList = std::list<size_t>;
+  TemplateUserTypeMap<decimationFactorList> decimationFactorListMap;
+  uint32_t currentBuffer{0};
+  uint32_t nFillsInBuffer{0};
+  bool isOpened{false};
+  bool firstTrigger{true};
+  void processTrigger();
+  void writeData();
+  MicroDAQ *_owner;
+struct DataSpaceCreator {
+  DataSpaceCreator(H5storage &storage) : _storage(storage) {}
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
+    typedef typename PAIR::first_type UserType;
+    // get the lists for the UserType
+    auto &accessorList = pair.second;
+    auto &decimationFactorList =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.decimationFactorListMap.table);
+    auto &dataSpaceList =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.dataSpaceListMap.table);
+    auto &nameList =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage._owner->nameListMap.table);
+    // iterate through all accessors for this UserType
+    auto name = nameList.begin();
+    for (auto accessor = accessorList.begin(); accessor != accessorList.end();
+         ++accessor, ++name) {
+      // determine decimation factor
+      int factor = 1;
+      if (accessor->getNElements() > _storage._owner->decimationThreshold_) {
+        factor = _storage._owner->decimationFactor_;
+      }
+      decimationFactorList.push_back(factor);
+      // define data space
+      hsize_t dimsf[1]; // dataset dimensions
+      dimsf[0] = accessor->getNElements() / factor;
+      dataSpaceList.push_back(H5::DataSpace(1, dimsf));
+      // put all group names in list (each hierarchy level separately)
+      size_t idx = 0;
+      while ((idx = name->find('/', idx + 1)) != std::string::npos) {
+        std::string groupName = name->substr(0, idx);
+        _storage.groupList.push_back(groupName);
-    overallVariableList.push_back(variableName);
-    // add accessor and name to lists
-    auto &accessorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(accessorListMap.table);
-    auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(nameListMap.table);
-    auto dirName = variableName.substr(0,variableName.find_last_of("/"));
-    auto baseName = variableName.substr(variableName.find_last_of("/")+1);
-    accessorList.emplace_back(&groupMap[dirName], baseName, "", 0, "");
-    nameList.push_back(variableName);
-    // return the accessor
-    return accessorList.back();
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  namespace detail {
-    struct H5storage {
-        H5storage(MicroDAQ *owner) : _owner(owner) {}
-        H5::H5File outFile;
-        std::string currentGroupName;
-        /** Unique list of groups, used to create the groups in the file */
-        std::list <std::string> groupList;
-        /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing the H5::DataSpace objects. */
-        template<typename UserType>
-        using dataSpaceList = std::list<H5::DataSpace>;
-        TemplateUserTypeMap<dataSpaceList> dataSpaceListMap;
-        /** boost::fusion::map of UserTypes to std::lists containing decimation factors. */
-        template<typename UserType>
-        using decimationFactorList = std::list<size_t>;
-        TemplateUserTypeMap<decimationFactorList> decimationFactorListMap;
+  H5storage &_storage;
-        uint32_t currentBuffer{0};
-        uint32_t nFillsInBuffer{0};
-        bool isOpened{false};
-        bool firstTrigger{true};
+} // namespace detail
-        void processTrigger();
-        void writeData();
-        MicroDAQ *_owner;
-    };
+void MicroDAQ::mainLoop() {
+  std::cout << "Initialising MicroDAQ system...";
-    /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  // storage object
+  detail::H5storage storage(this);
-    struct DataSpaceCreator {
-        DataSpaceCreator(H5storage &storage) : _storage(storage) {}
+  // create the data spaces
+  boost::fusion::for_each(accessorListMap.table,
+                          detail::DataSpaceCreator(storage));
-        template<typename PAIR>
-        void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
-          typedef typename PAIR::first_type UserType;
+  // sort group list and make unique to make sure lower levels get created first
+  storage.groupList.sort();
+  storage.groupList.unique();
-          // get the lists for the UserType
-          auto &accessorList = pair.second;
-          auto &decimationFactorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.decimationFactorListMap.table);
-          auto &dataSpaceList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.dataSpaceListMap.table);
-          auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage._owner->nameListMap.table);
-          // iterate through all accessors for this UserType
-          auto name = nameList.begin();
-          for(auto accessor = accessorList.begin() ; accessor != accessorList.end() ; ++accessor , ++name) {
-            // determine decimation factor
-            int factor = 1;
-            if(accessor->getNElements() > _storage._owner->decimationThreshold_) {
-              factor = _storage._owner->decimationFactor_;
-            }
-            decimationFactorList.push_back(factor);
-            // define data space
-            hsize_t dimsf[1];  // dataset dimensions
-            dimsf[0] = accessor->getNElements()/factor;
-            dataSpaceList.push_back( H5::DataSpace(1, dimsf) );
+  // loop: process incoming triggers
+  while (true) {
+    storage.processTrigger();
+  }
-            // put all group names in list (each hierarchy level separately)
-            size_t idx = 0;
-            while( (idx = name->find('/', idx+1)) != std::string::npos ) {
-              std::string groupName = name->substr(0,idx);
-              _storage.groupList.push_back(groupName);
-            }
-          }
-        }
+  std::cout << " done." << std::endl;
+namespace detail {
+void H5storage::processTrigger() {
+  // update configuration variables
+  _owner->enable.readLatest();
+  _owner->nMaxFiles.readLatest();
+  _owner->nTriggersPerFile.readLatest();
+  // need to open or close file?
+  if (!isOpened && _owner->enable != 0) {
+    std::fstream bufferNumber;
+    // some things to be done only on first trigger
+    if (firstTrigger) {
+      // create sub-directory
+      boost::filesystem::create_directory("uDAQ");
+      // determine current buffer number
+"uDAQ/currentBuffer", std::ofstream::in);
+      bufferNumber.seekg(0);
+      if (!bufferNumber.eof()) {
+        bufferNumber >> currentBuffer;
+        char filename[64];
+        std::sprintf(filename, "uDAQ/data%04d.h5", currentBuffer);
+        if (boost::filesystem::exists(filename) &&
+            boost::filesystem::file_size(filename) > 1000)
+          currentBuffer++;
+        if (currentBuffer >= _owner->nMaxFiles)
+          currentBuffer = 0;
+      } else {
+        currentBuffer = 0;
+      }
+      bufferNumber.close();
+    }
-        H5storage &_storage;
-    };
+    // store current buffer number to disk
+    char filename[64];
+    std::sprintf(filename, "uDAQ/data%04d.h5", currentBuffer);
+    std::cout << "uDAQ: Starting with file: " << filename << std::endl;
+"uDAQ/currentBuffer", std::ofstream::out);
+    bufferNumber << currentBuffer << std::endl;
+    bufferNumber.close();
+    // update file number process variables
+    _owner->currentFile = currentBuffer;
+    _owner->currentFile.write();
+    // open file
+    try {
+      outFile = H5::H5File(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
+    } catch (H5::FileIException &) {
+      return;
+    }
+    isOpened = true;
+  } else if (isOpened && _owner->enable == 0) {
+    outFile.close();
+    isOpened = false;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void MicroDAQ::mainLoop() {
-      std::cout << "Initialising MicroDAQ system...";
+  // if file is opened, this trigger should be included in the DAQ
+  if (isOpened) {
-      // storage object
-      detail::H5storage storage(this);
+    // write data
+    writeData();
-      // create the data spaces
-      boost::fusion::for_each(accessorListMap.table, detail::DataSpaceCreator(storage));
+    // increment counter, after nTriggersPerFile triggers written to the same
+    // file, switch the file
+    nFillsInBuffer++;
+    if (nFillsInBuffer > _owner->nTriggersPerFile) {
-      // sort group list and make unique to make sure lower levels get created first
-      storage.groupList.sort();
-      storage.groupList.unique();
+      // increment file number. use at most nMaxFiles files, overwrite old files
+      currentBuffer++;
+      if (currentBuffer >= _owner->nMaxFiles)
+        currentBuffer = 0;
+      nFillsInBuffer = 0;
-      // loop: process incoming triggers
-      while(true) {
-        storage.processTrigger();
+      // just close the file here, will re-open on next trigger
+      outFile.close();
+      isOpened = false;
+    }
+  }
+struct DataWriter {
+  DataWriter(detail::H5storage &storage) : _storage(storage) {}
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
+    typedef typename PAIR::first_type UserType;
+    // get the lists for the UserType
+    auto &accessorList = pair.second;
+    auto &decimationFactorList =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.decimationFactorListMap.table);
+    auto &dataSpaceList =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.dataSpaceListMap.table);
+    auto &nameList =
+        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage._owner->nameListMap.table);
+    // iterate through all accessors for this UserType
+    auto decimationFactor = decimationFactorList.begin();
+    auto dataSpace = dataSpaceList.begin();
+    auto name = nameList.begin();
+    for (auto accessor = accessorList.begin(); accessor != accessorList.end();
+         ++accessor, ++decimationFactor, ++dataSpace, ++name) {
+      // form full path name of data set
+      std::string dataSetName = _storage.currentGroupName + "/" + *name;
+      // write to file (this is mainly a function call to allow template
+      // specialisations at this point)
+      try {
+        write2hdf<UserType>(*accessor, dataSetName, *decimationFactor,
+                            *dataSpace);
+      } catch (H5::FileIException &) {
+        std::cout << "MicroDAQ: ERROR writing data set " << dataSetName
+                  << std::endl;
+        throw;
-      std::cout << " done." << std::endl;
+    }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  namespace detail {
-    void H5storage::processTrigger() {
-        // update configuration variables
-        _owner->enable.readLatest();
-        _owner->nMaxFiles.readLatest();
-        _owner->nTriggersPerFile.readLatest();
-        // need to open or close file?
-        if(!isOpened && _owner->enable != 0) {
-          std::fstream bufferNumber;
-          // some things to be done only on first trigger
-          if(firstTrigger) {
-            // create sub-directory
-            boost::filesystem::create_directory("uDAQ");
-            // determine current buffer number
-  "uDAQ/currentBuffer", std::ofstream::in);
-            bufferNumber.seekg(0);
-            if(!bufferNumber.eof()) {
-              bufferNumber >> currentBuffer;
-              char filename[64];
-              std::sprintf(filename, "uDAQ/data%04d.h5", currentBuffer);
-              if(boost::filesystem::exists(filename) && boost::filesystem::file_size(filename) > 1000) currentBuffer++;
-              if(currentBuffer >= _owner->nMaxFiles) currentBuffer = 0;
-            }
-            else {
-              currentBuffer = 0;
-            }
-            bufferNumber.close();
-          }
-          // store current buffer number to disk
-          char filename[64];
-          std::sprintf(filename, "uDAQ/data%04d.h5", currentBuffer);
-          std::cout << "uDAQ: Starting with file: " << filename << std::endl;
-"uDAQ/currentBuffer", std::ofstream::out);
-          bufferNumber << currentBuffer << std::endl;
-          bufferNumber.close();
-          // update file number process variables
-          _owner->currentFile = currentBuffer;
-          _owner->currentFile.write();
-          // open file
-          try {
-            outFile = H5::H5File(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
-          }
-          catch(H5::FileIException &) {
-            return;
-          }
-          isOpened = true;
-        }
-        else if(isOpened && _owner->enable == 0) {
-          outFile.close();
-          isOpened = false;
-        }
-        // if file is opened, this trigger should be included in the DAQ
-        if(isOpened) {
-          // write data
-          writeData();
-          // increment counter, after nTriggersPerFile triggers written to the same file, switch the file
-          nFillsInBuffer++;
-          if(nFillsInBuffer > _owner->nTriggersPerFile) {
-            // increment file number. use at most nMaxFiles files, overwrite old files
-            currentBuffer++;
-            if(currentBuffer >= _owner->nMaxFiles) currentBuffer = 0;
-            nFillsInBuffer = 0;
-            // just close the file here, will re-open on next trigger
-            outFile.close();
-            isOpened = false;
-          }
-        }
-    }
+  template <typename UserType>
+  void write2hdf(ArrayPollInput<UserType> &accessor, std::string &name,
+                 size_t decimationFactor, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const;
-    /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-    struct DataWriter {
-        DataWriter(detail::H5storage &storage) : _storage(storage) {}
-        template<typename PAIR>
-        void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
-          typedef typename PAIR::first_type UserType;
-          // get the lists for the UserType
-          auto &accessorList = pair.second;
-          auto &decimationFactorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.decimationFactorListMap.table);
-          auto &dataSpaceList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage.dataSpaceListMap.table);
-          auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_storage._owner->nameListMap.table);
-          // iterate through all accessors for this UserType
-          auto decimationFactor = decimationFactorList.begin();
-          auto dataSpace = dataSpaceList.begin();
-          auto name = nameList.begin();
-          for(auto accessor = accessorList.begin() ; accessor != accessorList.end() ; ++accessor , ++decimationFactor, ++dataSpace, ++name) {
-            // form full path name of data set
-            std::string dataSetName = _storage.currentGroupName+"/"+*name;
-            // write to file (this is mainly a function call to allow template specialisations at this point)
-            try {
-              write2hdf<UserType>(*accessor, dataSetName, *decimationFactor, *dataSpace);
-            }
-            catch(H5::FileIException&) {
-              std::cout << "MicroDAQ: ERROR writing data set " << dataSetName << std::endl;
-              throw;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        template<typename UserType>
-        void write2hdf(ArrayPollInput<UserType> &accessor, std::string &name, size_t decimationFactor, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const;
-        H5storage &_storage;
-    };
-    /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-    template<typename UserType>
-    void DataWriter::write2hdf(ArrayPollInput<UserType> &accessor, std::string &dataSetName, size_t decimationFactor, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const {
-      // prepare decimated buffer
-      size_t n = accessor.getNElements()/decimationFactor;
-      std::vector<float> buffer(n);
-      for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
-        buffer[i] = accessor[i*decimationFactor];
-      }
+  H5storage &_storage;
-      // write data from internal buffer to data set in HDF5 file
-      H5::DataSet dataset = _storage.outFile.createDataSet(dataSetName, H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, dataSpace);
-      dataset.write(, H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
-    }
-    /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+template <typename UserType>
+void DataWriter::write2hdf(ArrayPollInput<UserType> &accessor,
+                           std::string &dataSetName, size_t decimationFactor,
+                           H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const {
-    template<>
-    void DataWriter::write2hdf<std::string>(ArrayPollInput<std::string> &accessor, std::string &dataSetName, size_t, H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const {
+  // prepare decimated buffer
+  size_t n = accessor.getNElements() / decimationFactor;
+  std::vector<float> buffer(n);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+    buffer[i] = accessor[i * decimationFactor];
+  }
-      // write data from internal buffer to data set in HDF5 file
-      H5::DataSet dataset = _storage.outFile.createDataSet(dataSetName, H5::PredType::C_S1, dataSpace);
-      dataset.write(accessor[0].c_str(), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
-    }
+  // write data from internal buffer to data set in HDF5 file
+  H5::DataSet dataset = _storage.outFile.createDataSet(
+      dataSetName, H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, dataSpace);
+  dataset.write(, H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
+template <>
+void DataWriter::write2hdf<std::string>(ArrayPollInput<std::string> &accessor,
+                                        std::string &dataSetName, size_t,
+                                        H5::DataSpace &dataSpace) const {
+  // write data from internal buffer to data set in HDF5 file
+  H5::DataSet dataset = _storage.outFile.createDataSet(
+      dataSetName, H5::PredType::C_S1, dataSpace);
+  dataset.write(accessor[0].c_str(), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
+void H5storage::writeData() {
+  // format current time
+  struct timeval tv;
+  gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
+  time_t t = tv.tv_sec;
+  if (t == 0)
+    t = time(nullptr);
+  struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
+  char timeString[64];
+  std::sprintf(timeString, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
+               1900 + tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon + 1, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_hour,
+               tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec, static_cast<int>(tv.tv_usec / 1000));
+  // create groups
+  currentGroupName = std::string("/") + std::string(timeString);
+  try {
+    outFile.createGroup(currentGroupName);
+    for (auto &group : groupList)
+      outFile.createGroup(currentGroupName + "/" + group);
+  } catch (H5::FileIException &) {
+    outFile.close();
+    isOpened = false; // will re-open file on next trigger
+    return;
+  }
-    /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-    void H5storage::writeData() {
-        // format current time
-        struct timeval tv;
-        gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
-        time_t t = tv.tv_sec;
-        if(t == 0) t = time(nullptr);
-        struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t);
-        char timeString[64];
-        std::sprintf(timeString, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", 1900+tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon+1, tmp->tm_mday,
-            tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec, static_cast<int>(tv.tv_usec / 1000));
-        // create groups
-        currentGroupName = std::string("/")+std::string(timeString);
-        try {
-          outFile.createGroup(currentGroupName);
-          for(auto &group : groupList) outFile.createGroup(currentGroupName+"/"+group);
-        }
-        catch(H5::FileIException &) {
-          outFile.close();
-          isOpened = false;    // will re-open file on next trigger
-          return;
-        }
-        // read all input data
-        _owner->readAllLatest();
-        // write all data to file
-        boost::fusion::for_each(_owner->accessorListMap.table, DataWriter(*this));
+  // read all input data
+  _owner->readAllLatest();
-    }
+  // write all data to file
+  boost::fusion::for_each(_owner->accessorListMap.table, DataWriter(*this));
-    /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  } // namespace detail
+} // namespace detail
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/Modules/src/ b/Modules/src/
index 5ecc1d1b..2b250932 100644
--- a/Modules/src/
+++ b/Modules/src/
@@ -2,24 +2,25 @@
 //#include "ChimeraTK/TransferElementID.h"
-namespace ChimeraTK{
-namespace history{
+namespace ChimeraTK {
+namespace history {
-/** Callable class for use with  boost::fusion::for_each: Attach the given accessor to the History with proper
-  *  handling of the UserType. */
+/** Callable class for use with  boost::fusion::for_each: Attach the given
+ * accessor to the History with proper handling of the UserType. */
 struct AccessorAttacher {
-  AccessorAttacher(VariableNetworkNode& feeder, ServerHistory *owner, const std::string &name)
-  : _feeder(feeder), _owner(owner), _name(name) {}
+  AccessorAttacher(VariableNetworkNode &feeder, ServerHistory *owner,
+                   const std::string &name)
+      : _feeder(feeder), _owner(owner), _name(name) {}
-  template<typename PAIR>
-  void operator()(PAIR&) const {
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
     // only continue if the call is for the right type
-    if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _feeder.getValueType()) return;
+    if (typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _feeder.getValueType())
+      return;
     // register connection
-    _feeder >> _owner->template getAccessor<typename PAIR::first_type>(_name, _feeder.pdata->nElements);
+    _feeder >> _owner->template getAccessor<typename PAIR::first_type>(
+                   _name, _feeder.pdata->nElements);
   VariableNetworkNode &_feeder;
@@ -27,52 +28,65 @@ struct AccessorAttacher {
   const std::string &_name;
-void ServerHistory::addSource(const Module &source, const RegisterPath &namePrefix) {
+void ServerHistory::addSource(const Module &source,
+                              const RegisterPath &namePrefix) {
-  // for simplification, first create a VirtualModule containing the correct hierarchy structure (obeying eliminate
-  // hierarchy etc.)
-  auto dynamicModel = source.findTag(".*");     /// @todo use virtualise() instead
+  // for simplification, first create a VirtualModule containing the correct
+  // hierarchy structure (obeying eliminate hierarchy etc.)
+  auto dynamicModel = source.findTag(".*"); /// @todo use virtualise() instead
   // create variable group map for namePrefix if needed
-  if(groupMap.find(namePrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
+  if (groupMap.find(namePrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
     // search for existing parent (if any)
     auto parentPrefix = namePrefix;
-    while(groupMap.find(parentPrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
-      if(parentPrefix == "/") break;  // no existing parent found
-      parentPrefix = std::string(parentPrefix).substr(0,std::string(parentPrefix).find_last_of("/"));
+    while (groupMap.find(parentPrefix) == groupMap.end()) {
+      if (parentPrefix == "/")
+        break; // no existing parent found
+      parentPrefix =
+          std::string(parentPrefix)
+              .substr(0, std::string(parentPrefix).find_last_of("/"));
     // create all not-yet-existing parents
-    while(parentPrefix != namePrefix) {
+    while (parentPrefix != namePrefix) {
       EntityOwner *owner = this;
-      if(parentPrefix != "/") owner = &groupMap[parentPrefix];
-      auto stop = std::string(namePrefix).find_first_of("/", parentPrefix.length()+1);
-      if(stop == std::string::npos) stop = namePrefix.length();
-      RegisterPath name = std::string(namePrefix).substr(parentPrefix.length(),stop-parentPrefix.length());
+      if (parentPrefix != "/")
+        owner = &groupMap[parentPrefix];
+      auto stop =
+          std::string(namePrefix).find_first_of("/", parentPrefix.length() + 1);
+      if (stop == std::string::npos)
+        stop = namePrefix.length();
+      RegisterPath name =
+          std::string(namePrefix)
+              .substr(parentPrefix.length(), stop - parentPrefix.length());
       parentPrefix /= name;
-      groupMap[parentPrefix] = VariableGroup(owner, std::string(name).substr(1), "");
+      groupMap[parentPrefix] =
+          VariableGroup(owner, std::string(name).substr(1), "");
   // add all accessors on this hierarchy level
-  for(auto &acc : dynamicModel.getAccessorList()) {
-    boost::fusion::for_each(_accessorListMap.table, AccessorAttacher(acc, this, namePrefix/acc.getName()));
+  for (auto &acc : dynamicModel.getAccessorList()) {
+    boost::fusion::for_each(
+        _accessorListMap.table,
+        AccessorAttacher(acc, this, namePrefix / acc.getName()));
   // recurse into submodules
-  for(auto mod : dynamicModel.getSubmoduleList()) {
-    addSource(*mod, namePrefix/mod->getName());
+  for (auto mod : dynamicModel.getSubmoduleList()) {
+    addSource(*mod, namePrefix / mod->getName());
-template<typename UserType>
-VariableNetworkNode ServerHistory::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName, const size_t &nElements) {
+template <typename UserType>
+VariableNetworkNode ServerHistory::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName,
+                                               const size_t &nElements) {
   // check if variable name already registered
-  for(auto &name : _overallVariableList) {
-    if(name == variableName) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot add '"+variableName+
-                "' to History since a variable with that name is already registered.");
+  for (auto &name : _overallVariableList) {
+    if (name == variableName) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Cannot add '" + variableName +
+                                   "' to History since a variable with that "
+                                   "name is already registered.");
@@ -80,20 +94,37 @@ VariableNetworkNode ServerHistory::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName,
   // add accessor and name to lists
   auto &accessorList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_accessorListMap.table);
   auto &nameList = boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(_nameListMap.table);
-  auto dirName = variableName.substr(0,variableName.find_last_of("/"));
-  auto baseName = variableName.substr(variableName.find_last_of("/")+1);
-  accessorList.emplace_back(std::piecewise_construct,
-          std::forward_as_tuple(ArrayPushInput<UserType>{&groupMap[dirName], baseName + "_in", "", 0, "",}),
-          std::forward_as_tuple(std::vector<ArrayOutput<UserType> >{}));
-  for(size_t i =0; i < nElements; i++){
-    if(nElements == 1) {
+  auto dirName = variableName.substr(0, variableName.find_last_of("/"));
+  auto baseName = variableName.substr(variableName.find_last_of("/") + 1);
+  accessorList.emplace_back(
+      std::piecewise_construct,
+      std::forward_as_tuple(ArrayPushInput<UserType>{
+          &groupMap[dirName],
+          baseName + "_in",
+          "",
+          0,
+          "",
+      }),
+      std::forward_as_tuple(std::vector<ArrayOutput<UserType>>{}));
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nElements; i++) {
+    if (nElements == 1) {
       // in case of a scalar history only use the variableName
-      accessorList.back().second.emplace_back(ArrayOutput<UserType>{&groupMap[dirName], baseName, "", _historyLength, "",
-        { "CS", getName() }});
+      accessorList.back().second.emplace_back(
+          ArrayOutput<UserType>{&groupMap[dirName],
+                                baseName,
+                                "",
+                                _historyLength,
+                                "",
+                                {"CS", getName()}});
     } else {
       // in case of an array history append the index to the variableName
-      accessorList.back().second.emplace_back(ArrayOutput<UserType>{&groupMap[dirName], baseName + "_" + std::to_string(i), "", _historyLength, "",
-        { "CS", getName() }});
+      accessorList.back().second.emplace_back(
+          ArrayOutput<UserType>{&groupMap[dirName],
+                                baseName + "_" + std::to_string(i),
+                                "",
+                                _historyLength,
+                                "",
+                                {"CS", getName()}});
@@ -103,16 +134,18 @@ VariableNetworkNode ServerHistory::getAccessor(const std::string &variableName,
 struct Update {
-  Update(ChimeraTK::TransferElementID id): _id(id){}
+  Update(ChimeraTK::TransferElementID id) : _id(id) {}
-  template<typename PAIR>
-  void operator()(PAIR &pair) const{
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
     auto &accessorList = pair.second;
-    for(auto accessor = accessorList.begin() ; accessor != accessorList.end() ; ++accessor){
-      if(accessor->first.getId() == _id){
-        for(size_t i = 0; i < accessor->first.getNElements(); i++) {
-          std::rotate(accessor->, accessor->, accessor->;
-          *(accessor-> = accessor->first[i];
+    for (auto accessor = accessorList.begin(); accessor != accessorList.end();
+         ++accessor) {
+      if (accessor->first.getId() == _id) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < accessor->first.getNElements(); i++) {
+          std::rotate(accessor->,
+                      accessor-> + 1,
+                      accessor->;
+          *(accessor-> - 1) = accessor->first[i];
@@ -122,13 +155,13 @@ struct Update {
   TransferElementID _id;
-void ServerHistory::mainLoop(){
+void ServerHistory::mainLoop() {
   auto group = readAnyGroup();
-  while(true){
+  while (true) {
     auto id = group.readAny();
     boost::fusion::for_each(_accessorListMap.table, Update(id));
-}// namespace history
-}// namespace ChimeraTK
+} // namespace history
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/example/ b/example/
index 7d4b90e7..20d07dbe 100644
--- a/example/
+++ b/example/
@@ -1,44 +1,50 @@
-#include <ChimeraTK/DummyBackend.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/DeviceAccessVersion.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/DummyBackend.h>
 class DemoDummy : public ChimeraTK::DummyBackend {
-  public:
-    DemoDummy(std::string mapFileName) : DummyBackend(mapFileName) {}
-    static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend> createInstance(std::string, std::string, std::list<std::string> parameters, std::string) {
-      return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(new DemoDummy(parameters.front()));
-    }
-    void read(uint8_t bar, uint32_t address, int32_t* data, size_t sizeInBytes) override {
-      // if probeSignal register is read, fill it first
-      if(bar == 2) {
-        assert(address == 0);
-        assert(sizeInBytes == 65536);
-        // build average of feed forward and setpoint tables
-        for(int i=0; i<65536; ++i) {
-          _barContents[2][i] = (_barContents[0][i] + _barContents[1][i])/2;
-        }
+  DemoDummy(std::string mapFileName) : DummyBackend(mapFileName) {}
+  static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>
+  createInstance(std::string, std::string, std::list<std::string> parameters,
+                 std::string) {
+    return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(new DemoDummy(parameters.front()));
+  }
+  void read(uint8_t bar, uint32_t address, int32_t *data,
+            size_t sizeInBytes) override {
+    // if probeSignal register is read, fill it first
+    if (bar == 2) {
+      assert(address == 0);
+      assert(sizeInBytes == 65536);
+      // build average of feed forward and setpoint tables
+      for (int i = 0; i < 65536; ++i) {
+        _barContents[2][i] = (_barContents[0][i] + _barContents[1][i]) / 2;
-      // perform the original read
-      DummyBackend::read(bar,address,data,sizeInBytes);
-    /** Class to register the backend type with the factory. */
-    class BackendRegisterer {
-      public:
-        BackendRegisterer();
-    };
-    static BackendRegisterer backendRegisterer;
+    // perform the original read
+    DummyBackend::read(bar, address, data, sizeInBytes);
+  }
+  /** Class to register the backend type with the factory. */
+  class BackendRegisterer {
+  public:
+    BackendRegisterer();
+  };
+  static BackendRegisterer backendRegisterer;
 DemoDummy::BackendRegisterer DemoDummy::backendRegisterer;
 DemoDummy::BackendRegisterer::BackendRegisterer() {
-    std::cout << "DemoDummy::BackendRegisterer: registering backend type DemoDummy" << std::endl;
-    ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType("DemoDummy","",&DemoDummy::createInstance, CHIMERATK_DEVICEACCESS_VERSION);
+  std::cout
+      << "DemoDummy::BackendRegisterer: registering backend type DemoDummy"
+      << std::endl;
+  ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType(
+      "DemoDummy", "", &DemoDummy::createInstance,
diff --git a/example/ b/example/
index 28deed04..7fbbb638 100644
--- a/example/
+++ b/example/
@@ -1,109 +1,126 @@
-#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackendImpl.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/DeviceAccessVersion.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackendImpl.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/SyncNDRegisterAccessor.h>
-template<typename UserType>
-class TimerDummyRegisterAccessor;
+template <typename UserType> class TimerDummyRegisterAccessor;
 class TimerDummy : public ChimeraTK::DeviceBackendImpl {
+  TimerDummy() : DeviceBackendImpl() {
+  }
+  static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend> createInstance(std::string,
+                                                         std::string,
+                                                         std::list<std::string>,
+                                                         std::string) {
+    return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(new TimerDummy());
+  }
+  template <typename UserType>
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>
+  getRegisterAccessor_impl(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &registerPathName,
+                           size_t, size_t, ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags flags);
+                                                 getRegisterAccessor_impl, 4);
+  void open() override {}
+  void close() override {}
+  std::string readDeviceInfo() override {
+    return std::string("Dummy timing device ");
+  }
+  /** Class to register the backend type with the factory. */
+  class BackendRegisterer {
-    TimerDummy() : DeviceBackendImpl() {
-      FILL_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_VTABLE(getRegisterAccessor_impl);
-    }
-    static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend> createInstance(std::string, std::string, std::list<std::string>, std::string) {
-      return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(new TimerDummy());
-    }
-    template<typename UserType>
-    boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> > getRegisterAccessor_impl(
-        const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &registerPathName, size_t , size_t , ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags flags);
-    DEFINE_VIRTUAL_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_VTABLE_FILLER( TimerDummy, getRegisterAccessor_impl, 4);
-    void open() override {}
-    void close() override {}
-    std::string readDeviceInfo() override {
-      return std::string("Dummy timing device ");
-    }
-    /** Class to register the backend type with the factory. */
-    class BackendRegisterer {
-      public:
-        BackendRegisterer();
-    };
-    static BackendRegisterer backendRegisterer;
+    BackendRegisterer();
+  };
+  static BackendRegisterer backendRegisterer;
 TimerDummy::BackendRegisterer TimerDummy::backendRegisterer;
 TimerDummy::BackendRegisterer::BackendRegisterer() {
-    std::cout << "TimerDummy::BackendRegisterer: registering backend type TimerDummy" << std::endl;
-    ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType("TimerDummy","",&TimerDummy::createInstance, CHIMERATK_DEVICEACCESS_VERSION);
+  std::cout
+      << "TimerDummy::BackendRegisterer: registering backend type TimerDummy"
+      << std::endl;
+  ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType(
+      "TimerDummy", "", &TimerDummy::createInstance,
-template<typename UserType>
-class TimerDummyRegisterAccessor : public ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
-  public:
-    TimerDummyRegisterAccessor(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &registerPathName)
-    : ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerPathName)
-    {
-      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize(1);
-      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0].resize(1);
-      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0][0] = UserType();
-    }
-    ~TimerDummyRegisterAccessor() { this->shutdown(); }
-    void doReadTransfer() override {
-      usleep(1000000);
-    }
+template <typename UserType>
+class TimerDummyRegisterAccessor
+    : public ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
+  TimerDummyRegisterAccessor(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &registerPathName)
+      : ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerPathName) {
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize(1);
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0].resize(1);
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0][0] = UserType();
+  }
-    void doPostRead() override {
-      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0][0]++;
-      currentVersion = {};
-    }
+  ~TimerDummyRegisterAccessor() { this->shutdown(); }
-    bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber) override { return false; }
+  void doReadTransfer() override { usleep(1000000); }
-    bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override { return false; }
+  void doPostRead() override {
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0][0]++;
+    currentVersion = {};
+  }
-    bool doReadTransferLatest() override { return false; }
-    bool isReadOnly() const override { return true; }
-    bool isReadable() const override { return true; }
-    bool isWriteable() const override { return false; }
+  bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber) override { return false; }
-    ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags getAccessModeFlags() const override { return {ChimeraTK::AccessMode::wait_for_new_data}; }
+  bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override { return false; }
-    bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement const> &) const override { return false; }
+  bool doReadTransferLatest() override { return false; }
+  bool isReadOnly() const override { return true; }
+  bool isReadable() const override { return true; }
+  bool isWriteable() const override { return false; }
-    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> > getHardwareAccessingElements() override { return { this->shared_from_this() }; }
+  ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags getAccessModeFlags() const override {
+    return {ChimeraTK::AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
+  }
-    void replaceTransferElement(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {}
+  bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement const>
+                           &) const override {
+    return false;
+  }
-    std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> > getInternalElements() override { return {}; }
+  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>>
+  getHardwareAccessingElements() override {
+    return {this->shared_from_this()};
+  }
-    ChimeraTK::VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const override { return currentVersion; }
+  void replaceTransferElement(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {}
-  protected:
+  std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>>
+  getInternalElements() override {
+    return {};
+  }
-    ChimeraTK::VersionNumber currentVersion;
+  ChimeraTK::VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const override {
+    return currentVersion;
+  }
+  ChimeraTK::VersionNumber currentVersion;
-void TimerDummyRegisterAccessor<std::string>::doPostRead() {
-template<typename UserType>
-boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> > TimerDummy::getRegisterAccessor_impl(
-                    const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &registerPathName, size_t , size_t , ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags flags) {
-    assert(registerPathName == "/macropulseNr");
-    assert(flags.has(ChimeraTK::AccessMode::wait_for_new_data));
-    flags.checkForUnknownFlags({ChimeraTK::AccessMode::wait_for_new_data});
-    return boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> >(new TimerDummyRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerPathName));
+template <> void TimerDummyRegisterAccessor<std::string>::doPostRead() {}
+template <typename UserType>
+    const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &registerPathName, size_t, size_t,
+    ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags flags) {
+  assert(registerPathName == "/macropulseNr");
+  assert(flags.has(ChimeraTK::AccessMode::wait_for_new_data));
+  flags.checkForUnknownFlags({ChimeraTK::AccessMode::wait_for_new_data});
+  return boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(
+      new TimerDummyRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerPathName));
diff --git a/example/ b/example/
index 79a5d118..7a8f15af 100644
--- a/example/
+++ b/example/
@@ -13,96 +13,99 @@
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 struct Automation : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> opSP{this, "opSP", "MV", "..."};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<double> curSP{this, "curSP", "MV", "..."};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "..."};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      while(true) {
-        opSP.readLatest();     // would be equivalent
-        if(std::abs(opSP - curSP) > 0.01) {
-          curSP += std::max( std::min(opSP - curSP, 0.1), -0.1);
-          curSP.write();
-        }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> opSP{this, "opSP", "MV", "..."};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<double> curSP{this, "curSP", "MV", "..."};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "..."};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      opSP.readLatest(); // would be equivalent
+      if (std::abs(opSP - curSP) > 0.01) {
+        curSP += std::max(std::min(opSP - curSP, 0.1), -0.1);
+        curSP.write();
+  }
 constexpr size_t tableLength{16384};
-constexpr double samplingFrequency = 9.0; // MHz
+constexpr double samplingFrequency = 9.0;   // MHz
 constexpr double bitScalingFactor = 2000.0; // bits/MV
 struct TableGeneration : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    struct TableParameters : public ctk::VariableGroup {
-      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> pulseLength{this, "pulseLength", "us", "..."};
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> setpoint{this, "setpoint", "MV", "..."};
-    };
-    TableParameters tableParameters{this, "tableParameters", "..."};
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<int32_t> setpointTable{this, "setpointTable", "bits", tableLength, "..."};
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<int32_t> feedforwardTable{this, "feedforwardTable", "bits", tableLength, "..."};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      ctk::ReadAnyGroup tableParametersReadGroup = tableParameters.readAnyGroup();
-      while(true) {
-        tableParametersReadGroup.readAny();    // block until the any table parameter is changed
-        for(size_t i = 0; i < tableLength; ++i) {
-          if(i < tableParameters.pulseLength * samplingFrequency) {
-            setpointTable[i] = tableParameters.setpoint * bitScalingFactor;
-            feedforwardTable[i] = 0.5 * tableParameters.setpoint * bitScalingFactor;
-          }
-          else {
-            setpointTable[i] = 0;
-            feedforwardTable[i] = 0;
-          }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  struct TableParameters : public ctk::VariableGroup {
+    using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> pulseLength{this, "pulseLength", "us", "..."};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> setpoint{this, "setpoint", "MV", "..."};
+  };
+  TableParameters tableParameters{this, "tableParameters", "..."};
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<int32_t> setpointTable{this, "setpointTable", "bits",
+                                          tableLength, "..."};
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<int32_t> feedforwardTable{this, "feedforwardTable", "bits",
+                                             tableLength, "..."};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    ctk::ReadAnyGroup tableParametersReadGroup = tableParameters.readAnyGroup();
+    while (true) {
+      tableParametersReadGroup
+          .readAny(); // block until the any table parameter is changed
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < tableLength; ++i) {
+        if (i < tableParameters.pulseLength * samplingFrequency) {
+          setpointTable[i] = tableParameters.setpoint * bitScalingFactor;
+          feedforwardTable[i] =
+              0.5 * tableParameters.setpoint * bitScalingFactor;
+        } else {
+          setpointTable[i] = 0;
+          feedforwardTable[i] = 0;
-        setpointTable.write();
-        feedforwardTable.write();
+      setpointTable.write();
+      feedforwardTable.write();
+  }
 struct ExampleApp : public ctk::Application {
-    ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
-    ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
+  ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
+  ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
-    Automation automation{this, "automation", "..."};
-    TableGeneration tableGeneration{this, "tableGeneration", "..."};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Device"};
-    ctk::DeviceModule timer{"Timer"};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"MyLocation"};
-    void defineConnections();
+  Automation automation{this, "automation", "..."};
+  TableGeneration tableGeneration{this, "tableGeneration", "..."};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Device"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule timer{"Timer"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"MyLocation"};
+  void defineConnections();
 ExampleApp theExampleApp;
 void ExampleApp::defineConnections() {
-    ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("dummy.dmap");
+  ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("dummy.dmap");
-    cs("setpoint") >> automation.opSP;
-    automation.curSP >> tableGeneration.tableParameters.setpoint >> cs("currentSetpoint");
+  cs("setpoint") >> automation.opSP;
+  automation.curSP >> tableGeneration.tableParameters.setpoint >>
+      cs("currentSetpoint");
-    auto macropulseNr = timer("macropulseNr", typeid(int), 1, ctk::UpdateMode::push);
-    macropulseNr >> automation.trigger;
+  auto macropulseNr =
+      timer("macropulseNr", typeid(int), 1, ctk::UpdateMode::push);
+  macropulseNr >> automation.trigger;
-    cs("pulseLength") >> tableGeneration.tableParameters.pulseLength;
+  cs("pulseLength") >> tableGeneration.tableParameters.pulseLength;
-    tableGeneration.setpointTable >> dev("setpointTable");
-    tableGeneration.feedforwardTable >> dev("feedforwardTable");
+  tableGeneration.setpointTable >> dev("setpointTable");
+  tableGeneration.feedforwardTable >> dev("feedforwardTable");
-    dev("probeSignal", typeid(int), tableLength) [ macropulseNr ] >> cs("probeSignal");
+  dev("probeSignal", typeid(int), tableLength)[macropulseNr] >>
+      cs("probeSignal");
-    dumpConnections();
-    dumpConnectionGraph();
-    dumpGraph();
-    dumpModuleGraph("");
+  dumpConnections();
+  dumpConnectionGraph();
+  dumpGraph();
+  dumpModuleGraph("");
diff --git a/example2/ b/example2/
index a8b14b06..32b3f7c9 100644
--- a/example2/
+++ b/example2/
@@ -4,42 +4,43 @@
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 struct Controller : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> sp{this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "Description", {"CS"}};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> rb{this, "temperatureReadback", "degC", "...", {"DEV", "CS"}};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<double> cur{this, "heatingCurrent", "mA", "...", {"DEV"}};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      const double gain = 100.0;
-      while(true) {
-        readAll();     // waits until rb updated, then reads sp
-        cur = gain * (sp - rb);
-        writeAll();    // writes any outputs
-      }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> sp{
+      this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "Description", {"CS"}};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> rb{
+      this, "temperatureReadback", "degC", "...", {"DEV", "CS"}};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<double> cur{this, "heatingCurrent", "mA", "...", {"DEV"}};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    const double gain = 100.0;
+    while (true) {
+      readAll(); // waits until rb updated, then reads sp
+      cur = gain * (sp - rb);
+      writeAll(); // writes any outputs
+  }
 struct ExampleApp : public ctk::Application {
-    ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
-    ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
+  ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
+  ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
-    Controller controller{this, "Controller", "The Controller"};
+  Controller controller{this, "Controller", "The Controller"};
-    ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller", 1000};
+  ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller",
+                             1000};
-    ctk::DeviceModule heater{"oven","heater"};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"Bakery"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule heater{"oven", "heater"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"Bakery"};
-    void defineConnections();
+  void defineConnections();
 static ExampleApp theExampleApp;
 void ExampleApp::defineConnections() {
-    ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap");
+  ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap");
-    controller.findTag("DEV").connectTo(heater, timer.tick);
-    controller.findTag("CS").connectTo(cs);
+  controller.findTag("DEV").connectTo(heater, timer.tick);
+  controller.findTag("CS").connectTo(cs);
diff --git a/example2a/ b/example2a/
index 20f2ff08..ee4b264f 100644
--- a/example2a/
+++ b/example2a/
@@ -1,72 +1,76 @@
 #include <ApplicationCore.h>
-#include <PeriodicTrigger.h>
 #include <ConfigReader.h>
+#include <PeriodicTrigger.h>
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 struct Controller : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> sp{this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "Description", {"CS"}};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> rb{this, "temperatureReadback", "degC", "...", {"DEV", "CS"}};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<double> cur{this, "heatingCurrent", "mA", "...", {"DEV"}};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      const double gain = 100.0;
-      while(true) {
-        readAll();     // waits until rb updated, then reads sp
-        cur = gain * (sp - rb);
-        writeAll();    // writes any outputs
-      }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> sp{
+      this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "Description", {"CS"}};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> rb{
+      this, "temperatureReadback", "degC", "...", {"DEV", "CS"}};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<double> cur{this, "heatingCurrent", "mA", "...", {"DEV"}};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    const double gain = 100.0;
+    while (true) {
+      readAll(); // waits until rb updated, then reads sp
+      cur = gain * (sp - rb);
+      writeAll(); // writes any outputs
+  }
 struct Automation : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> opSp{this, "operatorSetpoint", "degC", "...", {"CS"}};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<double> actSp{this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "...", {"Controller"}};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint64_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "..."};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      const double maxStep = 0.1;
-      while(true) {
-        readAll();     // waits until trigger received, then read opSp
-        actSp += std::max(std::min(opSp - actSp, maxStep), -maxStep);
-        writeAll();
-      }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<double> opSp{
+      this, "operatorSetpoint", "degC", "...", {"CS"}};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<double> actSp{
+      this, "temperatureSetpoint", "degC", "...", {"Controller"}};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint64_t> trigger{this, "trigger", "", "..."};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    const double maxStep = 0.1;
+    while (true) {
+      readAll(); // waits until trigger received, then read opSp
+      actSp += std::max(std::min(opSp - actSp, maxStep), -maxStep);
+      writeAll();
+  }
 struct ExampleApp : public ctk::Application {
-    ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
-    ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
+  ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
+  ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
-    ctk::ConfigReader config{this, "config", "demoApp2a.xml"};
+  ctk::ConfigReader config{this, "config", "demoApp2a.xml"};
-    Controller controller{this, "Controller", "The Controller"};
-    Automation automation;
+  Controller controller{this, "Controller", "The Controller"};
+  Automation automation;
-    ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller", 1000};
+  ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller",
+                             1000};
-    ctk::DeviceModule heater{"oven","heater"};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"Bakery"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule heater{"oven", "heater"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"Bakery"};
-    void defineConnections();
+  void defineConnections();
 static ExampleApp theExampleApp;
 void ExampleApp::defineConnections() {
-    ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap");
-    config.connectTo(cs["Configuration"]);
-    if(config.get<int>("enableAutomation")) {
-      automation = Automation(this, "Automation", "Slow setpoint ramping algorithm");
-      automation.findTag("Controller").connectTo(controller);
-      timer.tick >> automation.trigger;
-    }
-    controller.findTag("DEV").connectTo(heater, timer.tick);
-    findTag("CS").connectTo(cs);
+  ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap");
+  config.connectTo(cs["Configuration"]);
+  if (config.get<int>("enableAutomation")) {
+    automation =
+        Automation(this, "Automation", "Slow setpoint ramping algorithm");
+    automation.findTag("Controller").connectTo(controller);
+    timer.tick >> automation.trigger;
+  }
+  controller.findTag("DEV").connectTo(heater, timer.tick);
+  findTag("CS").connectTo(cs);
diff --git a/example3/ b/example3/
index cd5b7cd3..df38a720 100644
--- a/example3/
+++ b/example3/
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 struct ExampleApp : public ctk::Application {
-    ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
-    ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
+  ExampleApp() : Application("exampleApp") {}
+  ~ExampleApp() { shutdown(); }
-    ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller", 1000};
+  ctk::PeriodicTrigger timer{this, "Timer", "Periodic timer for the controller",
+                             1000};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"oven"};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"Bakery"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"oven"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{"Bakery"};
-    void defineConnections();
+  void defineConnections();
 static ExampleApp theExampleApp;
 void ExampleApp::defineConnections() {
-    ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap");
-    dev.connectTo(cs, timer.tick);
+  ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath("example2.dmap");
+  dev.connectTo(cs, timer.tick);
diff --git a/include/Application.h b/include/Application.h
index 4183cfec..7f360346 100644
--- a/include/Application.h
+++ b/include/Application.h
@@ -8,364 +8,411 @@
-#include <mutex>
 #include <atomic>
+#include <mutex>
-#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackend.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ApplicationBase.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackend.h>
-#include "VariableNetwork.h"
+#include "EntityOwner.h"
 #include "Flags.h"
 #include "InternalModule.h"
-#include "EntityOwner.h"
 #include "Profiler.h"
+#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 //#include "DeviceModule.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class Module;
-  class AccessorBase;
-  class VariableNetwork;
-  class TriggerFanOut;
-  class TestFacility;
-  class DeviceModule;
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class Accessor;
-  class Application : public ApplicationBase, public EntityOwner {
-    public:
-      /** The constructor takes the application name as an argument. The name must have a non-zero length and must not
-       *  contain any spaces or special characters. Use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. */
-      Application(const std::string& name);
-      ~Application() {}
-      using ApplicationBase::getName;
-      /** This will remove the global pointer to the instance and allows creating another instance
-       *  afterwards. This is mostly useful for writing tests, as it allows to run several applications sequentially
-       *  in the same executable. Note that any ApplicationModules etc. owned by this Application are no longer
-       *  valid after destroying the Application and must be destroyed as well (or at least no longer used). */
-      void shutdown() override;
-      /** Define the connections between process variables. Must be implemented by the application developer. */
-      virtual void defineConnections() = 0;
-      void initialise() override;
-      void run() override;
-      /** Instead of running the application, just initialise it and output the published variables to an XML file. */
-      void generateXML();
-      /** Output the connections requested in the initialise() function to std::cout. This may be done also before
-       *  makeConnections() has been called. */
-      void dumpConnections();
-      /** Create Graphviz dot graph and write to file. The graph will contain the connections made in the initilise()
-       * function. @see dumpConnections */
-      void dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string &filename = {""});
-      /** Enable warning about unconnected variables. This can be helpful to identify missing connections but is
-       *  disabled by default since it may often be very noisy. */
-      void warnUnconnectedVariables() { enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning = true; }
-      /** Obtain instance of the application. Will throw an exception if called before the instance has been
-       *  created by the control system adapter, or if the instance is not based on the Application class. */
-      static Application& getInstance();
-      /** Enable the testable mode. This allows to pause and resume the application for testing purposes using the
-       *  functions pauseApplication() and resumeApplication(). The application will start in paused state.
-       *
-       *  This function must be called before the application is initialised (i.e. before the call to initialise()).
-       *
-       *  Note: Enabling the testable mode will have a singificant impact on the performance, since it will prevent
-       *  any module threads to run at the same time! */
-      void enableTestableMode() {
-        threadName() = "TEST THREAD";
-        testableMode = true;
-        testableModeLock("enableTestableMode");
-      }
-      /**
-       * Returns true if application is in testable mode else returns
-       * false.
-       **/
-      bool isTestableModeEnabled() { return testableMode; }
-      /** Resume the application until all application threads are stuck in a blocking read operation. Works only when
-       *  the testable mode was enabled. */
-      void stepApplication();
-      /** Enable some additional (potentially noisy) debug output for the testable mode. Can be useful if tests
-       *  of applications seem to hang for no reason in stepApplication. */
-      void debugTestableMode() { enableDebugTestableMode = true; }
-      /** Lock the testable mode mutex for the current thread. Internally, a thread-local std::unique_lock<std::mutex>
-       *  will be created and re-used in subsequent calls within the same thread to this function and to
-       *  testableModeUnlock().
-       *
-       *  This function should generally not be used in user code. */
-      static void testableModeLock(const std::string& name);
-      /** Unlock the testable mode mutex for the current thread. See also testableModeLock().
-       *
-       *  Initially the lock will not be owned by the current thread, so the first call to this function will throw an
-       *  exception (see std::unique_lock::unlock()), unless testableModeLock() has been called first.
-       *
-       *  This function should generally not be used in user code. */
-      static void testableModeUnlock(const std::string& name);
-      /** Test if the testable mode mutex is locked by the current thread.
-       *
-       *  This function should generally not be used in user code. */
-      static bool testableModeTestLock() {
-        if(!getInstance().testableMode) return false;
-        return getTestableModeLockObject().owns_lock();
-      }
-      /** Get string holding the name of the current thread. This is used e.g. for debugging output of the testable
-       *  mode and for the internal profiler. */
-      static std::string& threadName();
-      /** Register the thread in the application system and give it a name. This should be done for all threads used by
-       *  the application to help with debugging and to allow profiling. */
-      static void registerThread(const std::string &name) {
-        threadName() = name;
-        Profiler::registerThread(name);
-        pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), name.substr(0,std::min(name.length(),15UL)).c_str());
-      }
-      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ModuleGroup; }
-      std::string getQualifiedName() const override {
-        return "/" + _name;
-      }
-      std::string getFullDescription() const override {
-        return "";
-      }
-      /** Special exception class which will be thrown if tests with the testable mode are stalled. Normally this
-       *  exception should never be caught. The only reason for catching it might be a situation where the expected
-       *  behaviour of an app is to do nothing and one wants to test this. Note that the stall condition only appears
-       *  after a certain timeout, thus tests relying on this will take time.
-       *
-       *  This exception must not be based on a generic exception class to prevent catching it unintentionally. */
-      class TestsStalled {};
-      /** Enable debug output for a given variable. */
-      void enableVariableDebugging(const VariableNetworkNode &node) {
-        debugMode_variableList.insert(node.getUniqueId());
-      }
-      /** Incremenet counter for how many write() operations have overwritten unread data */
-      static void incrementDataLossCounter() {
-        getInstance().dataLossCounter++;
-      }
-      static size_t getAndResetDataLossCounter() {
-        size_t counter = getInstance().dataLossCounter.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-        while(!getInstance().dataLossCounter.compare_exchange_weak( counter, 0, std::memory_order_release,
-                                                                                std::memory_order_relaxed ));
-        return counter;
-      }
-      /** Convenience function for creating constants. See VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant() for details. */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(UserType value, size_t length=1, bool makeFeeder=true) {
-        return VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(makeFeeder, value, length);
-      }
-      void registerDeviceModule(DeviceModule* deviceModule);
-    protected:
-      friend class Module;
-      friend class VariableNetwork;
-      friend class VariableNetworkNode;
-      friend class VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor;
-      friend class XMLGeneratorVisitor;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      friend class Accessor;
-      /** Finalise connections, i.e. decide still-undecided details mostly for Device and ControlSystem variables */
-      void finaliseNetworks();
-      /** Check if all connections are valid. Internally called in initialise(). */
-      void checkConnections();
-      /** Obtain the lock object for the testable mode lock for the current thread. The returned object has
-       *  thread_local storage duration and must only be used inside the current thread. Initially (i.e. after
-       *  the first call in one particular thread) the lock will not be owned by the returned object, so it is
-       *  important to catch the corresponding exception when calling std::unique_lock::unlock(). */
-      static std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& getTestableModeLockObject();
-      /** Register the connections to constants for previously unconnected nodes. */
-      void processUnconnectedNodes();
-      /** Make the connections between accessors as requested in the initialise() function. */
-      void makeConnections();
-      /** Apply optimisations to the VariableNetworks, e.g. by merging networks sharing the same feeder. */
-      void optimiseConnections();
-      /** Make the connections for a single network */
-      void makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork &network);
-      /** UserType-dependent part of makeConnectionsForNetwork() */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      void typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork &network);
-      /** Functor class to call typedMakeConnection() with the right template argument. */
-      struct TypedMakeConnectionCaller {
-        TypedMakeConnectionCaller(Application &owner, VariableNetwork &network);
-        template<typename PAIR>
-        void operator()(PAIR&) const;
-        Application &_owner;
-        VariableNetwork &_network;
-        mutable bool done{false};
-      };
-      /** Register a connection between two VariableNetworkNode */
-      VariableNetwork& connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode b);
-      /** Perform the actual connection of an accessor to a device register */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> createDeviceVariable(const std::string &deviceAlias,
-          const std::string &registerName, VariableDirection direction, UpdateMode mode, size_t nElements);
-      /** Create a process variable with the PVManager, which is exported to the control system adapter. nElements will
-          be the array size of the created variable. */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> createProcessVariable(VariableNetworkNode const &node);
-      /** Create a local process variable which is not exported. The first element in the returned pair will be the
-       *  sender, the second the receiver. If two nodes are passed, the first node should be the sender and the second
-       *  the receiver. */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      std::pair< boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>, boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> >
-            createApplicationVariable(VariableNetworkNode const &node, VariableNetworkNode const &consumer={});
-      /** List of InternalModules */
-      std::list<boost::shared_ptr<InternalModule>> internalModuleList;
-      /** List of variable networks */
-      std::list<VariableNetwork> networkList;
-      /** List of constant variable nodes */
-      std::list<VariableNetworkNode> constantList;
-      /** Map of trigger sources to their corresponding TriggerFanOuts. Note: the key is the unique ID of the
-       *  triggering node. */
-      std::map<const void*, boost::shared_ptr<TriggerFanOut>> triggerMap;
-      /** Create a new, empty network */
-      VariableNetwork& createNetwork();
-      /** Instance of VariableNetwork to indicate an invalid network */
-      VariableNetwork invalidNetwork;
-      /** Map of DeviceBackends used by this application. The map key is the alias name from the DMAP file */
-      std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::DeviceBackend>> deviceMap;
-      /** Flag if connections should be made in testable mode (i.e. the TestableModeAccessorDecorator is put around all
-       *  push-type input accessors etc.). */
-      bool testableMode{false};
-      /** Mutex used in testable mode to take control over the application threads. Use only through the lock object
-       *  obtained through getLockObjectForCurrentThread().
-       *
-       *  This member is static, since it should survive destroying an application instance and creating a new one.
-       *  Otherwise getTestableModeLockObject() would not work, since it relies on thread_local instances which have to
-       *  be static. The static storage duration presents no problem in either case, since there can only be one single
-       *  instance of Application at a time (see ApplicationBase constructor). */
-      static std::mutex testableMode_mutex;
-      /** Semaphore counter used in testable mode to check if application code is finished executing. This value may
-       *  only be accessed while holding the testableMode_mutex. */
-      size_t testableMode_counter{0};
-      /** Flag if noisy debug output is enabled for the testable mode */
-      bool enableDebugTestableMode{false};
-      /** Flag whether to warn about unconnected variables or not */
-      bool enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning{false};
-      /** Map from ProcessArray uniqueId to the variable ID for control system variables. This is required for the
-       *  TestFacility. */
-      std::map<size_t, size_t> pvIdMap;
-      /** Return a fresh variable ID which can be assigned to a sender/receiver pair. The ID will always be non-zero. */
-      static size_t getNextVariableId() {
-        static size_t nextId{0};
-        return ++nextId;
-      }
-      /** Last thread which successfully obtained the lock for the testable mode. This is used to prevent spamming
-       *  repeating messages if the same thread acquires and releases the lock in a loop without another thread
-       *  activating in between. */
-      std::thread::id testableMode_lastMutexOwner;
-      /** Counter how often the same thread has acquired the testable mode mutex in a row without another thread
-       *  owning it in between. This is an indicator for the test being stalled due to data send through a process
-       *  variable but not read by the receiver. */
-      std::atomic<size_t> testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner{false};
-      /** Testable mode: like testableMode_counter but broken out for each variable. This is not actually used as a
-       *  semaphore counter but only in case of a detected stall (see testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner) to print
-       *  a list of variables which still contain unread values. The index of the map is the unique ID of the
-       *  variable. */
-      std::map<size_t, size_t> testableMode_perVarCounter;
-      /** Map of unique IDs to namess, used along with testableMode_perVarCounter to print sensible information. */
-      std::map<size_t, std::string> testableMode_names;
-      /** Map of unique IDs to process variables which have been decorated with the TestableModeAccessorDecorator. */
-      std::map<size_t, boost::shared_ptr<TransferElement>> testableMode_processVars;
-      /** Map of unique IDs to flags whether the update mode is UpdateMode::poll (so we do not use the decorator) */
-      std::map<size_t, bool> testableMode_isPollMode;
-      /** List of variables for which debug output was requested via enableVariableDebugging(). Stored is the unique
-       *  id of the VariableNetworkNode.*/
-      std::unordered_set<const void*> debugMode_variableList;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      friend class TestableModeAccessorDecorator;   // needs access to the testableMode_mutex and testableMode_counter and the idMap
-      friend class TestFacility;                    // needs access to testableMode_variables
-      template<typename UserType>
-      friend class DebugPrintAccessorDecorator;   // needs access to the idMap
-      /** Counter for how many write() operations have overwritten unread data */
-      std::atomic<size_t> dataLossCounter{0};
-      VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("getCurrentVersionNumber() called on the application. This is probably caused by "
-                                     "incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
-      }
-      void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber) {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("setCurrentVersionNumber() called on the application. This is probably caused by "
-                                     "incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
-      }
-      std::list<DeviceModule*> deviceModuleList;
+class Module;
+class AccessorBase;
+class VariableNetwork;
+class TriggerFanOut;
+class TestFacility;
+class DeviceModule;
+template <typename UserType> class Accessor;
+class Application : public ApplicationBase, public EntityOwner {
+  /** The constructor takes the application name as an argument. The name must
+   * have a non-zero length and must not contain any spaces or special
+   * characters. Use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. */
+  Application(const std::string &name);
+  ~Application() {}
+  using ApplicationBase::getName;
+  /** This will remove the global pointer to the instance and allows creating
+   * another instance afterwards. This is mostly useful for writing tests, as it
+   * allows to run several applications sequentially in the same executable.
+   * Note that any ApplicationModules etc. owned by this Application are no
+   * longer
+   *  valid after destroying the Application and must be destroyed as well (or
+   * at least no longer used). */
+  void shutdown() override;
+  /** Define the connections between process variables. Must be implemented by
+   * the application developer. */
+  virtual void defineConnections() = 0;
+  void initialise() override;
+  void run() override;
+  /** Instead of running the application, just initialise it and output the
+   * published variables to an XML file. */
+  void generateXML();
+  /** Output the connections requested in the initialise() function to
+   * std::cout. This may be done also before
+   *  makeConnections() has been called. */
+  void dumpConnections();
+  /** Create Graphviz dot graph and write to file. The graph will contain the
+   * connections made in the initilise() function. @see dumpConnections */
+  void dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string &filename = {
+                               ""});
+  /** Enable warning about unconnected variables. This can be helpful to
+   * identify missing connections but is
+   *  disabled by default since it may often be very noisy. */
+  void warnUnconnectedVariables() { enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning = true; }
+  /** Obtain instance of the application. Will throw an exception if called
+   * before the instance has been created by the control system adapter, or if
+   * the instance is not based on the Application class. */
+  static Application &getInstance();
+  /** Enable the testable mode. This allows to pause and resume the application
+   * for testing purposes using the functions pauseApplication() and
+   * resumeApplication(). The application will start in paused state.
+   *
+   *  This function must be called before the application is initialised (i.e.
+   * before the call to initialise()).
+   *
+   *  Note: Enabling the testable mode will have a singificant impact on the
+   * performance, since it will prevent any module threads to run at the same
+   * time! */
+  void enableTestableMode() {
+    threadName() = "TEST THREAD";
+    testableMode = true;
+    testableModeLock("enableTestableMode");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns true if application is in testable mode else returns
+   * false.
+   **/
+  bool isTestableModeEnabled() { return testableMode; }
+  /** Resume the application until all application threads are stuck in a
+   * blocking read operation. Works only when the testable mode was enabled. */
+  void stepApplication();
+  /** Enable some additional (potentially noisy) debug output for the testable
+   * mode. Can be useful if tests
+   *  of applications seem to hang for no reason in stepApplication. */
+  void debugTestableMode() { enableDebugTestableMode = true; }
+  /** Lock the testable mode mutex for the current thread. Internally, a
+   * thread-local std::unique_lock<std::mutex> will be created and re-used in
+   * subsequent calls within the same thread to this function and to
+   *  testableModeUnlock().
+   *
+   *  This function should generally not be used in user code. */
+  static void testableModeLock(const std::string &name);
+  /** Unlock the testable mode mutex for the current thread. See also
+   * testableModeLock().
+   *
+   *  Initially the lock will not be owned by the current thread, so the first
+   * call to this function will throw an exception (see
+   * std::unique_lock::unlock()), unless testableModeLock() has been called
+   * first.
+   *
+   *  This function should generally not be used in user code. */
+  static void testableModeUnlock(const std::string &name);
+  /** Test if the testable mode mutex is locked by the current thread.
+   *
+   *  This function should generally not be used in user code. */
+  static bool testableModeTestLock() {
+    if (!getInstance().testableMode)
+      return false;
+    return getTestableModeLockObject().owns_lock();
+  }
+  /** Get string holding the name of the current thread. This is used e.g. for
+   * debugging output of the testable mode and for the internal profiler. */
+  static std::string &threadName();
+  /** Register the thread in the application system and give it a name. This
+   * should be done for all threads used by the application to help with
+   * debugging and to allow profiling. */
+  static void registerThread(const std::string &name) {
+    threadName() = name;
+    Profiler::registerThread(name);
+    pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(),
+                       name.substr(0, std::min(name.length(), 15UL)).c_str());
+  }
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ModuleGroup; }
+  std::string getQualifiedName() const override { return "/" + _name; }
+  std::string getFullDescription() const override { return ""; }
+  /** Special exception class which will be thrown if tests with the testable
+   * mode are stalled. Normally this exception should never be caught. The only
+   * reason for catching it might be a situation where the expected behaviour of
+   * an app is to do nothing and one wants to test this. Note that the stall
+   * condition only appears after a certain timeout, thus tests relying on this
+   * will take time.
+   *
+   *  This exception must not be based on a generic exception class to prevent
+   * catching it unintentionally. */
+  class TestsStalled {};
+  /** Enable debug output for a given variable. */
+  void enableVariableDebugging(const VariableNetworkNode &node) {
+    debugMode_variableList.insert(node.getUniqueId());
+  }
+  /** Incremenet counter for how many write() operations have overwritten unread
+   * data */
+  static void incrementDataLossCounter() { getInstance().dataLossCounter++; }
+  static size_t getAndResetDataLossCounter() {
+    size_t counter =
+        getInstance().dataLossCounter.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+    while (!getInstance().dataLossCounter.compare_exchange_weak(
+        counter, 0, std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_relaxed))
+      ;
+    return counter;
+  }
+  /** Convenience function for creating constants. See
+   * VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant() for details. */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(UserType value, size_t length = 1,
+                                          bool makeFeeder = true) {
+    return VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(makeFeeder, value, length);
+  }
+  void registerDeviceModule(DeviceModule *deviceModule);
+  friend class Module;
+  friend class VariableNetwork;
+  friend class VariableNetworkNode;
+  friend class VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor;
+  friend class XMLGeneratorVisitor;
+  template <typename UserType> friend class Accessor;
+  /** Finalise connections, i.e. decide still-undecided details mostly for
+   * Device and ControlSystem variables */
+  void finaliseNetworks();
+  /** Check if all connections are valid. Internally called in initialise(). */
+  void checkConnections();
+  /** Obtain the lock object for the testable mode lock for the current thread.
+   * The returned object has thread_local storage duration and must only be used
+   * inside the current thread. Initially (i.e. after the first call in one
+   * particular thread) the lock will not be owned by the returned object, so it
+   * is important to catch the corresponding exception when calling
+   * std::unique_lock::unlock(). */
+  static std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &getTestableModeLockObject();
+  /** Register the connections to constants for previously unconnected nodes. */
+  void processUnconnectedNodes();
+  /** Make the connections between accessors as requested in the initialise()
+   * function. */
+  void makeConnections();
+  /** Apply optimisations to the VariableNetworks, e.g. by merging networks
+   * sharing the same feeder. */
+  void optimiseConnections();
+  /** Make the connections for a single network */
+  void makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork &network);
+  /** UserType-dependent part of makeConnectionsForNetwork() */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  void typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork &network);
+  /** Functor class to call typedMakeConnection() with the right template
+   * argument. */
+  struct TypedMakeConnectionCaller {
+    TypedMakeConnectionCaller(Application &owner, VariableNetwork &network);
+    template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const;
+    Application &_owner;
+    VariableNetwork &_network;
+    mutable bool done{false};
+  /** Register a connection between two VariableNetworkNode */
+  VariableNetwork &connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode b);
+  /** Perform the actual connection of an accessor to a device register */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>
+  createDeviceVariable(const std::string &deviceAlias,
+                       const std::string &registerName,
+                       VariableDirection direction, UpdateMode mode,
+                       size_t nElements);
+  /** Create a process variable with the PVManager, which is exported to the
+     control system adapter. nElements will be the array size of the created
+     variable. */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>
+  createProcessVariable(VariableNetworkNode const &node);
+  /** Create a local process variable which is not exported. The first element
+   * in the returned pair will be the sender, the second the receiver. If two
+   * nodes are passed, the first node should be the sender and the second the
+   * receiver. */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>,
+            boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>>
+  createApplicationVariable(VariableNetworkNode const &node,
+                            VariableNetworkNode const &consumer = {});
+  /** List of InternalModules */
+  std::list<boost::shared_ptr<InternalModule>> internalModuleList;
+  /** List of variable networks */
+  std::list<VariableNetwork> networkList;
+  /** List of constant variable nodes */
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> constantList;
+  /** Map of trigger sources to their corresponding TriggerFanOuts. Note: the
+   * key is the unique ID of the triggering node. */
+  std::map<const void *, boost::shared_ptr<TriggerFanOut>> triggerMap;
+  /** Create a new, empty network */
+  VariableNetwork &createNetwork();
+  /** Instance of VariableNetwork to indicate an invalid network */
+  VariableNetwork invalidNetwork;
+  /** Map of DeviceBackends used by this application. The map key is the alias
+   * name from the DMAP file */
+  std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::DeviceBackend>> deviceMap;
+  /** Flag if connections should be made in testable mode (i.e. the
+   * TestableModeAccessorDecorator is put around all push-type input accessors
+   * etc.). */
+  bool testableMode{false};
+  /** Mutex used in testable mode to take control over the application threads.
+   * Use only through the lock object obtained through
+   * getLockObjectForCurrentThread().
+   *
+   *  This member is static, since it should survive destroying an application
+   * instance and creating a new one. Otherwise getTestableModeLockObject()
+   * would not work, since it relies on thread_local instances which have to be
+   * static. The static storage duration presents no problem in either case,
+   * since there can only be one single instance of Application at a time (see
+   * ApplicationBase constructor). */
+  static std::mutex testableMode_mutex;
+  /** Semaphore counter used in testable mode to check if application code is
+   * finished executing. This value may only be accessed while holding the
+   * testableMode_mutex. */
+  size_t testableMode_counter{0};
+  /** Flag if noisy debug output is enabled for the testable mode */
+  bool enableDebugTestableMode{false};
+  /** Flag whether to warn about unconnected variables or not */
+  bool enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning{false};
+  /** Map from ProcessArray uniqueId to the variable ID for control system
+   * variables. This is required for the TestFacility. */
+  std::map<size_t, size_t> pvIdMap;
+  /** Return a fresh variable ID which can be assigned to a sender/receiver
+   * pair. The ID will always be non-zero. */
+  static size_t getNextVariableId() {
+    static size_t nextId{0};
+    return ++nextId;
+  }
+  /** Last thread which successfully obtained the lock for the testable mode.
+   * This is used to prevent spamming repeating messages if the same thread
+   * acquires and releases the lock in a loop without another thread
+   *  activating in between. */
+  std::thread::id testableMode_lastMutexOwner;
+  /** Counter how often the same thread has acquired the testable mode mutex in
+   * a row without another thread owning it in between. This is an indicator for
+   * the test being stalled due to data send through a process
+   *  variable but not read by the receiver. */
+  std::atomic<size_t> testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner{false};
+  /** Testable mode: like testableMode_counter but broken out for each variable.
+   * This is not actually used as a semaphore counter but only in case of a
+   * detected stall (see testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner) to print a list of
+   * variables which still contain unread values. The index of the map is the
+   * unique ID of the variable. */
+  std::map<size_t, size_t> testableMode_perVarCounter;
+  /** Map of unique IDs to namess, used along with testableMode_perVarCounter to
+   * print sensible information. */
+  std::map<size_t, std::string> testableMode_names;
+  /** Map of unique IDs to process variables which have been decorated with the
+   * TestableModeAccessorDecorator. */
+  std::map<size_t, boost::shared_ptr<TransferElement>> testableMode_processVars;
+  /** Map of unique IDs to flags whether the update mode is UpdateMode::poll (so
+   * we do not use the decorator) */
+  std::map<size_t, bool> testableMode_isPollMode;
+  /** List of variables for which debug output was requested via
+   * enableVariableDebugging(). Stored is the unique id of the
+   * VariableNetworkNode.*/
+  std::unordered_set<const void *> debugMode_variableList;
+  template <typename UserType>
+  friend class TestableModeAccessorDecorator; // needs access to the
+                                              // testableMode_mutex and
+                                              // testableMode_counter and the
+                                              // idMap
+  friend class TestFacility; // needs access to testableMode_variables
+  template <typename UserType>
+  friend class DebugPrintAccessorDecorator; // needs access to the idMap
+  /** Counter for how many write() operations have overwritten unread data */
+  std::atomic<size_t> dataLossCounter{0};
+  VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "getCurrentVersionNumber() called on the application. This is probably "
+        "caused by "
+        "incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
+  }
+  void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber) {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "setCurrentVersionNumber() called on the application. This is probably "
+        "caused by "
+        "incorrect ownership of variables/accessors or VariableGroups.");
+  }
+  std::list<DeviceModule *> deviceModuleList;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ApplicationCore.h b/include/ApplicationCore.h
index 64cd51b1..c88f35da 100644
--- a/include/ApplicationCore.h
+++ b/include/ApplicationCore.h
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
  *  Created on: Jun 14, 2016
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
- *  This is the main header file for the ApplicationCore library. It brings all includes and functionality needed
- *  for writing an application.
+ *  This is the main header file for the ApplicationCore library. It brings all
+ * includes and functionality needed for writing an application.
-#include <ChimeraTK/Utilities.h>   // for ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath(), which is used by all applications
+#include <ChimeraTK/Utilities.h> // for ChimeraTK::setDMapFilePath(), which is used by all applications
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
-#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
-#include "VariableGroup.h"
+#include "DeviceModule.h"
 #include "ModuleGroup.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
+#include "VariableGroup.h"
 #include "VirtualModule.h"
diff --git a/include/ApplicationModule.h b/include/ApplicationModule.h
index ce14bb8c..59562ee5 100644
--- a/include/ApplicationModule.h
+++ b/include/ApplicationModule.h
@@ -14,75 +14,83 @@
 #include "ModuleImpl.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class Application;
-  class ModuleGroup;
-  class ApplicationModule : public ModuleImpl {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor: register the module with its owner. If eliminateHierarchy is true, the hierarchy level
-       *  introduced by this module will be eliminated from the "dynamic" data model (see
-       *  EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The tags given as the last argument are added to all variables
-       *  in this module recursively (see EntityOwner::addTag()).
-       *
-       *  Note: ApplicationModules may only be owned by ModuleGroups or Applications. */
-      ApplicationModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-             bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
-      /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of modules (e.g. when creating arrays of modules).
-       *
-       *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed to allow constructor
-       *  inheritance of modules owning other modules. This constructor will not actually be called then.
-       *  See this bug report: */
-      ApplicationModule() {}
-      /** Move operation with the move constructor */
-      ApplicationModule(ApplicationModule &&other)
-      {
-        operator=(std::move(other));
-      }
-      /** Move assignment */
-      ApplicationModule& operator=(ApplicationModule &&other) {
-        assert(!moduleThread.joinable());   // if the thread is already running, moving is no longer allowed!
-        ModuleImpl::operator=(std::move(other));
-        return *this;
-      }
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~ApplicationModule();
-      /** To be implemented by the user: function called in a separate thread executing the main loop of the module */
-      virtual void mainLoop() = 0;
-      void run() override;
-      void terminate() override;
-      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ApplicationModule; }
-      VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override { return currentVersionNumber; }
-    protected:
-      /** Wrapper around mainLoop(), to execute additional tasks in the thread before entering the main loop */
-      void mainLoopWrapper();
-      /** The thread executing mainLoop() */
-      boost::thread moduleThread;
-      void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) override {
-        if(versionNumber > currentVersionNumber) currentVersionNumber = versionNumber;
-      }
-      /** Version number of last push-type read operation - will be passed on to any write operations */
-      VersionNumber currentVersionNumber;
-  };
+class Application;
+class ModuleGroup;
+class ApplicationModule : public ModuleImpl {
+  /** Constructor: register the module with its owner. If eliminateHierarchy is
+   * true, the hierarchy level introduced by this module will be eliminated from
+   * the "dynamic" data model (see EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The
+   * tags given as the last argument are added to all variables in this module
+   * recursively (see EntityOwner::addTag()).
+   *
+   *  Note: ApplicationModules may only be owned by ModuleGroups or
+   * Applications. */
+  ApplicationModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                    const std::string &description,
+                    bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+                    const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
+  /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of modules (e.g. when
+   * creating arrays of modules).
+   *
+   *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed
+   * to allow constructor inheritance of modules owning other modules. This
+   * constructor will not actually be called then. See this bug report:
+   * */
+  ApplicationModule() {}
+  /** Move operation with the move constructor */
+  ApplicationModule(ApplicationModule &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  /** Move assignment */
+  ApplicationModule &operator=(ApplicationModule &&other) {
+    assert(!moduleThread.joinable()); // if the thread is already running,
+                                      // moving is no longer allowed!
+    ModuleImpl::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~ApplicationModule();
+  /** To be implemented by the user: function called in a separate thread
+   * executing the main loop of the module */
+  virtual void mainLoop() = 0;
+  void run() override;
+  void terminate() override;
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override {
+    return ModuleType::ApplicationModule;
+  }
+  VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
+    return currentVersionNumber;
+  }
+  /** Wrapper around mainLoop(), to execute additional tasks in the thread
+   * before entering the main loop */
+  void mainLoopWrapper();
+  /** The thread executing mainLoop() */
+  boost::thread moduleThread;
+  void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) override {
+    if (versionNumber > currentVersionNumber)
+      currentVersionNumber = versionNumber;
+  }
+  /** Version number of last push-type read operation - will be passed on to any
+   * write operations */
+  VersionNumber currentVersionNumber;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ArrayAccessor.h b/include/ArrayAccessor.h
index 166ddc2f..c07c12a2 100644
--- a/include/ArrayAccessor.h
+++ b/include/ArrayAccessor.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-* ArrayAccessor.h
-*  Created on: Jun 07, 2016
-*      Author: Martin Hierholzer
+ * ArrayAccessor.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jun 07, 2016
+ *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
+ */
@@ -15,143 +15,158 @@
 #include <ChimeraTK/OneDRegisterAccessor.h>
+#include "Application.h"
 #include "InversionOfControlAccessor.h"
 #include "Profiler.h"
-#include "Application.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Accessor for array variables (i.e. vectors). Note for users: Use the convenience classes
-  *  ArrayPollInput, ArrayPushInput, ArrayOutput instead of this class directly. */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  class ArrayAccessor :  public ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>,
-                         public InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>> {
-    public:
-      using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::operator VariableNetworkNode;
-      using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::operator>>;
-      void replace(const ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType> &newAccessor) = delete;
-      using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace;
-      ArrayAccessor<UserType>& operator=(ArrayAccessor<UserType> &other) = delete;
-      using ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-      /** Move constructor */
-      ArrayAccessor(ArrayAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
-        InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace(std::move(other));
-      }
-      /** Move assignment */
-      ArrayAccessor<UserType>& operator=(ArrayAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
-        // Having a move-assignment operator is required to use the move-assignment operator of a module containing
-        // an accessor.
-        InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace(std::move(other));
-        return *this;
-      }
-      bool write(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) = delete;
-      bool write() {
-        auto versionNumber = this->getOwner()->getCurrentVersionNumber();
-        bool dataLoss = ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::write(versionNumber);
-        if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
-        return dataLoss;
-      }
-      TransferFuture readAsync() {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ArrayAccessor::readAsync() is currently not supported by ApplicationCore!");
-      }
-    protected:
-      friend class InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>;
-      ArrayAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
-          size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description,
-          const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-      : InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>(owner, name, direction, unit, nElements, mode,
-                                                            description, &typeid(UserType), tags)
-      {}
-      /** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with a real accessor later) */
-      ArrayAccessor() {}
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::push */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ArrayPushInput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
-    ArrayPushInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
-                   const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push,
-                              description, tags)
-    {}
-    ArrayPushInput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::poll */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ArrayPollInput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
-    ArrayPollInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
-                   const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::poll,
-                              description, tags)
-    {}
-    ArrayPollInput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    void doReadTransfer() { this->doReadTransferLatest(); }
-    void read() { this->readLatest(); }
-    using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for output array accessors (always UpdateMode::push) */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ArrayOutput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
-    ArrayOutput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
-                const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push,
-                              description, tags)
-    {}
-    ArrayOutput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for input array accessors with return channel ("write back") and UpdateMode::push */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ArrayPushInputWB : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
-    ArrayPushInputWB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
-                   const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, true}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push,
-                              description, tags)
-    {}
-    ArrayPushInputWB() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for output array accessors with return channel ("read back") (always UpdateMode::push) */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ArrayOutputRB : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
-    ArrayOutputRB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
-                const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, true}, unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push,
-                              description, tags)
-    {}
-    ArrayOutputRB() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
+/** Accessor for array variables (i.e. vectors). Note for users: Use the
+ * convenience classes ArrayPollInput, ArrayPushInput, ArrayOutput instead of
+ * this class directly. */
+template <typename UserType>
+class ArrayAccessor
+    : public ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>,
+      public InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>> {
+  using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::
+  operator VariableNetworkNode;
+  using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::operator>>;
+  void replace(const ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>
+                   &newAccessor) = delete;
+  using InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace;
+  ArrayAccessor<UserType> &operator=(ArrayAccessor<UserType> &other) = delete;
+  using ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+  /** Move constructor */
+  ArrayAccessor(ArrayAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
+    InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace(
+        std::move(other));
+  }
+  /** Move assignment */
+  ArrayAccessor<UserType> &operator=(ArrayAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
+    // Having a move-assignment operator is required to use the move-assignment
+    // operator of a module containing an accessor.
+    InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>::replace(
+        std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  bool write(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) = delete;
+  bool write() {
+    auto versionNumber = this->getOwner()->getCurrentVersionNumber();
+    bool dataLoss =
+        ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::write(versionNumber);
+    if (dataLoss)
+      Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
+    return dataLoss;
+  }
+  TransferFuture readAsync() {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ArrayAccessor::readAsync() is currently not "
+                                 "supported by ApplicationCore!");
+  }
+  friend class InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>;
+  ArrayAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name,
+                VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, size_t nElements,
+                UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description,
+                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : InversionOfControlAccessor<ArrayAccessor<UserType>>(
+            owner, name, direction, unit, nElements, mode, description,
+            &typeid(UserType), tags) {}
+  /** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with
+   * a real accessor later) */
+  ArrayAccessor() {}
+/** Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::push */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ArrayPushInput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
+  ArrayPushInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                 size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
+                 const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
+            owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, nElements,
+            UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ArrayPushInput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for input array accessors with UpdateMode::poll */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ArrayPollInput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
+  ArrayPollInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                 size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
+                 const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
+            owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, nElements,
+            UpdateMode::poll, description, tags) {}
+  ArrayPollInput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  void doReadTransfer() { this->doReadTransferLatest(); }
+  void read() { this->readLatest(); }
+  using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for output array accessors (always UpdateMode::push) */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ArrayOutput : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
+  ArrayOutput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+              size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
+              const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
+            owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, unit, nElements,
+            UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ArrayOutput() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for input array accessors with return channel ("write
+ * back") and UpdateMode::push */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ArrayPushInputWB : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
+  ArrayPushInputWB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                   size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
+                   const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(
+            owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, true}, unit, nElements,
+            UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ArrayPushInputWB() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for output array accessors with return channel ("read
+ * back") (always UpdateMode::push) */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ArrayOutputRB : public ArrayAccessor<UserType> {
+  ArrayOutputRB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                size_t nElements, const std::string &description,
+                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ArrayAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, true},
+                                unit, nElements, UpdateMode::push, description,
+                                tags) {}
+  ArrayOutputRB() : ArrayAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ArrayAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ConstantAccessor.h b/include/ConstantAccessor.h
index cec3a3c0..0b05a255 100644
--- a/include/ConstantAccessor.h
+++ b/include/ConstantAccessor.h
@@ -12,99 +12,102 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Implementation of the NDRegisterAccessor which delivers always the same value and ignors any write operations */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class ConstantAccessor : public ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
-    public:
-      ConstantAccessor(UserType value=0, size_t length=1)
-        : ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType>("UnnamedConstantAccessor"), _value(length, value)
-      {
-        try {
-          ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize(1);
-          ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0] = _value;
-        }
-        catch(...) {
-          this->shutdown();
-          throw;
-        }
-      }
-      ~ConstantAccessor() {
-        this->shutdown();
-      }
-      void doReadTransfer() override {
-        if(firstRead) {
-          firstRead = false;
-          return;
-        }
-        // block forever
-        isInterrupted = false;
-        promise.get_future().wait();
-        // if we get here, interrupt() has been called
-        throw boost::thread_interrupted();
-      }
-      bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
-        if(firstRead) {
-          firstRead = false;
-          return true;
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
-        return doReadTransferNonBlocking();
-      }
-      void doPostRead() override {
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0] = _value;
-      }
-      bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber /*versionNumber*/={}) override {
-        return true;
-      }
-      bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement const>&) const override {
-        return false;   /// @todo implement properly?
-      }
-      bool isReadOnly() const override {return false;}
-      bool isReadable() const override {return true;}
-      bool isWriteable() const override {return true;}
-      std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> > getHardwareAccessingElements() override {return{};}
-      void replaceTransferElement(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {}
-      std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> > getInternalElements() override {return {};}
-      AccessModeFlags getAccessModeFlags() const override { return {}; }
-      void interrupt() override {
-        if(isInterrupted) return;
-        promise.set_value();
-        isInterrupted = true;
-      }
-      VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const override { return versionNumber; }
-    protected:
-      std::vector<UserType> _value;
-      bool firstRead{true};
-      bool isInterrupted{false};
-      boost::promise<void> promise;
-      VersionNumber versionNumber;
-  };
+/** Implementation of the NDRegisterAccessor which delivers always the same
+ * value and ignors any write operations */
+template <typename UserType>
+class ConstantAccessor : public ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
+  ConstantAccessor(UserType value = 0, size_t length = 1)
+      : ChimeraTK::SyncNDRegisterAccessor<UserType>("UnnamedConstantAccessor"),
+        _value(length, value) {
+    try {
+      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize(1);
+      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0] = _value;
+    } catch (...) {
+      this->shutdown();
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+  ~ConstantAccessor() { this->shutdown(); }
+  void doReadTransfer() override {
+    if (firstRead) {
+      firstRead = false;
+      return;
+    }
+    // block forever
+    isInterrupted = false;
+    promise.get_future().wait();
+    // if we get here, interrupt() has been called
+    throw boost::thread_interrupted();
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
+    if (firstRead) {
+      firstRead = false;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferLatest() override { return doReadTransferNonBlocking(); }
+  void doPostRead() override {
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0] = _value;
+  }
+  bool
+  doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber /*versionNumber*/ = {}) override {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement const>
+                           &) const override {
+    return false; /// @todo implement properly?
+  }
+  bool isReadOnly() const override { return false; }
+  bool isReadable() const override { return true; }
+  bool isWriteable() const override { return true; }
+  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>>
+  getHardwareAccessingElements() override {
+    return {};
+  }
+  void replaceTransferElement(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {}
+  std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>>
+  getInternalElements() override {
+    return {};
+  }
+  AccessModeFlags getAccessModeFlags() const override { return {}; }
+  void interrupt() override {
+    if (isInterrupted)
+      return;
+    promise.set_value();
+    isInterrupted = true;
+  }
+  VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const override { return versionNumber; }
+  std::vector<UserType> _value;
+  bool firstRead{true};
+  bool isInterrupted{false};
+  boost::promise<void> promise;
+  VersionNumber versionNumber;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ConsumingFanOut.h b/include/ConsumingFanOut.h
index f942cda3..5a76febd 100644
--- a/include/ConsumingFanOut.h
+++ b/include/ConsumingFanOut.h
@@ -14,38 +14,38 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** FanOut implementation which acts as a read-only (i.e. consuming) NDRegisterAccessor. The values read through
-   *  this accessor will be obtained from the given feeding implementation and distributed to any number of slaves. */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class ConsumingFanOut : public FanOut<UserType>, public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
-    public:
-      ConsumingFanOut(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
-        : FanOut<UserType>(feedingImpl),
-          ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>(feedingImpl)
-      {
-        assert(feedingImpl->isReadable());
+/** FanOut implementation which acts as a read-only (i.e. consuming)
+ * NDRegisterAccessor. The values read through this accessor will be obtained
+ * from the given feeding implementation and distributed to any number of
+ * slaves. */
+template <typename UserType>
+class ConsumingFanOut
+    : public FanOut<UserType>,
+      public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
+  ConsumingFanOut(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
+      : FanOut<UserType>(feedingImpl),
+        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>(feedingImpl) {
+    assert(feedingImpl->isReadable());
+  }
+  void doPostRead() override {
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead();
+    for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
+      // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
+      if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
+        slave->accessChannel(0) = buffer_2D[0];
+      slave->write();
+    }
+  }
-      void doPostRead() override {
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead();
-        for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {     // send out copies to slaves
-          // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
-          if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
-            slave->accessChannel(0) = buffer_2D[0];
-          }
-          slave->write();
-        }
-      }
-    protected:
-      using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D;
-  };
+  using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ControlSystemModule.h b/include/ControlSystemModule.h
index dfbdf0b0..a5396ac3 100644
--- a/include/ControlSystemModule.h
+++ b/include/ControlSystemModule.h
@@ -12,66 +12,72 @@
 #include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
-#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
 #include "Module.h"
+#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class ControlSystemModule : public Module {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor: the optional variableNamePrefix will be prepended to all control system variable names
-       *  (separated by a slash). */
-      ControlSystemModule(const std::string& variableNamePrefix="");
-      /** Move operation with the move constructor */
-      ControlSystemModule(ControlSystemModule &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-      /** Move assignment */
-      ControlSystemModule& operator=(ControlSystemModule &&other) {
-        Module::operator=(std::move(other));
-        variableNamePrefix = std::move(other.variableNamePrefix);
-        subModules = std::move(other.subModules);
-        variables = std::move(other.variables);
-        return *this;
-      }
-      /** The function call operator returns a VariableNetworkNode which can be used in the Application::initialise()
-       *  function to connect the control system variable with another variable. */
-      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName, const std::type_info &valueType,
-                                     size_t nElements=0) const;
-      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override {
-        return operator()(variableName, typeid(AnyType));
-      }
-      void connectTo(const Module &, VariableNetworkNode ={}) const override {
-        throw;   /// @todo make proper exception
-      }
-      Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;
-      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ControlSystem; }
-      const Module& virtualise() const override;
-      std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorList() const override;
-      std::list<Module*> getSubmoduleList() const override;
-    protected:
-      ChimeraTK::RegisterPath variableNamePrefix;
-      // List of sub modules accessed through the operator[]. This is mutable since it is little more than a cache and
-      // thus does not change the logical state of this module
-      mutable std::map<std::string, ControlSystemModule> subModules;
-      // List of variables accessed through the operator(). This is mutable since it is little more than a cache and
-      // thus does not change the logical state of this module
-      mutable std::map<std::string, VariableNetworkNode> variables;
-  };
+class ControlSystemModule : public Module {
+  /** Constructor: the optional variableNamePrefix will be prepended to all
+   * control system variable names (separated by a slash). */
+  ControlSystemModule(const std::string &variableNamePrefix = "");
+  /** Move operation with the move constructor */
+  ControlSystemModule(ControlSystemModule &&other) {
+    operator=(std::move(other));
+  }
+  /** Move assignment */
+  ControlSystemModule &operator=(ControlSystemModule &&other) {
+    Module::operator=(std::move(other));
+    variableNamePrefix = std::move(other.variableNamePrefix);
+    subModules = std::move(other.subModules);
+    variables = std::move(other.variables);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** The function call operator returns a VariableNetworkNode which can be used
+   * in the Application::initialise() function to connect the control system
+   * variable with another variable. */
+  VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string &variableName,
+                                 const std::type_info &valueType,
+                                 size_t nElements = 0) const;
+  VariableNetworkNode
+  operator()(const std::string &variableName) const override {
+    return operator()(variableName, typeid(AnyType));
+  }
+  void connectTo(const Module &, VariableNetworkNode = {}) const override {
+    throw; /// @todo make proper exception
+  }
+  Module &operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const override;
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override {
+    return ModuleType::ControlSystem;
+  }
+  const Module &virtualise() const override;
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorList() const override;
+  std::list<Module *> getSubmoduleList() const override;
+  ChimeraTK::RegisterPath variableNamePrefix;
+  // List of sub modules accessed through the operator[]. This is mutable since
+  // it is little more than a cache and thus does not change the logical state
+  // of this module
+  mutable std::map<std::string, ControlSystemModule> subModules;
+  // List of variables accessed through the operator(). This is mutable since it
+  // is little more than a cache and thus does not change the logical state of
+  // this module
+  mutable std::map<std::string, VariableNetworkNode> variables;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h b/include/DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h
index 10ddcb36..56a7b9ad 100644
--- a/include/DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h
+++ b/include/DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h
@@ -14,67 +14,81 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the application */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class DebugPrintAccessorDecorator : public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
-    public:
-      DebugPrintAccessorDecorator(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> accessor,
-                                     const std::string &fullyQualifiedName)
+/** Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the
+ * application */
+template <typename UserType>
+class DebugPrintAccessorDecorator
+    : public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
+  DebugPrintAccessorDecorator(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> accessor,
+      const std::string &fullyQualifiedName)
       : ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>(accessor),
-        _fullyQualifiedName(fullyQualifiedName)
-      {
-        std::cout << "Enable debug output for variable '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-      }
-      bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber={}) override {
-        std::cout << "doWriteTransfer() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
-      }
-      void doReadTransfer() override {
-        std::cout << "doReadTransfer() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransfer();
-      }
-      bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
-        std::cout << "doReadTransferNonBlocking() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferNonBlocking();
-      }
-      bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
-        std::cout << "doReadTransferLatest() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransferLatest();
-      }
-      TransferFuture doReadTransferAsync() override {
-        std::cout << "doReadTransferAsync() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << std::endl;
-        return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::readAsync();
-      }
-      void doPreRead() override {
-        std::cout << "preRead() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPreRead();
-      }
-      void doPostRead() override {
-        std::cout << "postRead() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead();
-      }
-      void doPreWrite() override {
-        std::cout << "preWrite() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPreWrite();
-      }
-      void doPostWrite() override {
-        std::cout << "postWrite() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostWrite();
-      }
-    protected:
-      std::string _fullyQualifiedName;
-  };
+        _fullyQualifiedName(fullyQualifiedName) {
+    std::cout << "Enable debug output for variable '" << _fullyQualifiedName
+              << "'." << std::endl;
+  }
+  bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber = {}) override {
+    std::cout << "doWriteTransfer() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'."
+              << std::endl;
+    return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doWriteTransfer(
+        versionNumber);
+  }
+  void doReadTransfer() override {
+    std::cout << "doReadTransfer() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'."
+              << std::endl;
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doReadTransfer();
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
+    std::cout << "doReadTransferNonBlocking() called on '"
+              << _fullyQualifiedName << "'." << std::endl;
+    return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<
+        UserType>::doReadTransferNonBlocking();
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
+    std::cout << "doReadTransferLatest() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName
+              << "'." << std::endl;
+    return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<
+        UserType>::doReadTransferLatest();
+  }
+  TransferFuture doReadTransferAsync() override {
+    std::cout << "doReadTransferAsync() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName
+              << std::endl;
+    return ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::readAsync();
+  }
+  void doPreRead() override {
+    std::cout << "preRead() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'."
+              << std::endl;
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPreRead();
+  }
+  void doPostRead() override {
+    std::cout << "postRead() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'."
+              << std::endl;
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead();
+  }
+  void doPreWrite() override {
+    std::cout << "preWrite() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'."
+              << std::endl;
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPreWrite();
+  }
+  void doPostWrite() override {
+    std::cout << "postWrite() called on '" << _fullyQualifiedName << "'."
+              << std::endl;
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostWrite();
+  }
+  std::string _fullyQualifiedName;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/DeviceModule.h b/include/DeviceModule.h
index 9822ddea..a96e6c42 100644
--- a/include/DeviceModule.h
+++ b/include/DeviceModule.h
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
  * \page excpetiondoc Exception Handling
  * \section Introduction
- * To handle expection, the current simple implementation includes two error state variables:
+ * To handle expection, the current simple implementation includes two error
+ * state variables:
  *  - "state" (boolean flag if error occurred)
  *  - "message" (string with error message)
- * These variables are automatically connected to the control systen in this format:
+ * These variables are automatically connected to the control systen in this
+ * format:
  *  - /Devices/{AliasName}/message
  *  - /Devices/{AliasName}/status
@@ -23,7 +25,8 @@
  * lead to exception e.g., read or write, should be repeated after the exception
  * is handled.
- * Checkout under tests/executables_src to see how it works.
+ * Checkout under tests/executables_src to see how it
+ * works.
@@ -36,125 +39,145 @@
-#include <ChimeraTK/ForwardDeclarations.h>
-#include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
-#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
+#include "ControlSystemModule.h"
 #include "Module.h"
-#include "VirtualModule.h"
-#include "VariableGroup.h"
 #include "ScalarAccessor.h"
-#include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "VariableGroup.h"
+#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
+#include "VirtualModule.h"
+#include <ChimeraTK/ForwardDeclarations.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class Application;
-  class DeviceModule : public Module {
-   public:
-    /** Constructor: The device represented by this DeviceModule is identified by either the device alias found
-     *  in the DMAP file or directly an URI. The given optional prefix will be prepended to all register names
-     *  (separated by a slash). */
+class Application;
+class DeviceModule : public Module {
+  /** Constructor: The device represented by this DeviceModule is identified by
+   * either the device alias found in the DMAP file or directly an URI. The
+   * given optional prefix will be prepended to all register names
+   *  (separated by a slash). */
+  DeviceModule(Application *application, const std::string &deviceAliasOrURI,
+               const std::string &registerNamePrefix = "");
+  DeviceModule(const std::string &deviceAliasOrURI,
+               const std::string &registerNamePrefix = "");
+  /** Default constructor: create dysfunctional device module */
+  DeviceModule() {}
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~DeviceModule();
+  /** Move operation with the move constructor */
+  DeviceModule(DeviceModule &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  /** Move assignment */
+  DeviceModule &operator=(DeviceModule &&other) {
+    Module::operator=(std::move(other));
+    deviceAliasOrURI = std::move(other.deviceAliasOrURI);
+    registerNamePrefix = std::move(other.registerNamePrefix);
+    subModules = std::move(other.subModules);
+    deviceError = std::move(other.deviceError);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** The subscript operator returns a VariableNetworkNode which can be used in
+   * the Application::initialise()
+   *  function to connect the register with another variable. */
+  VariableNetworkNode
+  operator()(const std::string &registerName, UpdateMode mode,
+             const std::type_info &valueType = typeid(AnyType),
+             size_t nElements = 0) const;
+  VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string &registerName,
+                                 const std::type_info &valueType,
+                                 size_t nElements = 0,
+                                 UpdateMode mode = UpdateMode::poll) const {
+    return operator()(registerName, mode, valueType, nElements);
+  }
+  VariableNetworkNode
+  operator()(const std::string &variableName) const override {
+    return operator()(variableName, UpdateMode::poll);
+  }
+  Module &operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const override;
+  const Module &virtualise() const override;
+  void connectTo(const Module &target,
+                 VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const override;
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::Device; }
+  /** Use this function to report an exception. It should be called whenever a
+   * ChimeraTK::runtime_error has been caught when trying to interact with this
+   * device. This function shall not be called by the user, all exception
+   *  handling is done internally by ApplicationCore. */
+  void reportException(std::string errMsg);
+  void run() override;
+  void terminate() override;
+  VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
+    return currentVersionNumber;
+  }
+  void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) override {
+    if (versionNumber > currentVersionNumber)
+      currentVersionNumber = versionNumber;
+  }
+  VersionNumber currentVersionNumber;
+  /** This function connects DeviceError VariableGroup to ContolSystem*/
+  void defineConnections() override;
+  // populate virtualisedModuleFromCatalog based on the information in the
+  // device's catalogue
+  VirtualModule &virtualiseFromCatalog() const;
+  mutable VirtualModule virtualisedModuleFromCatalog{"INVALID", "",
+                                                     ModuleType::Invalid};
+  mutable bool virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid{false};
+  std::string deviceAliasOrURI;
+  ChimeraTK::RegisterPath registerNamePrefix;
+  // List of sub modules accessed through the operator[]. This is mutable since
+  // it is little more than a cache and thus does not change the logical state
+  // of this module
+  mutable std::map<std::string, DeviceModule> subModules;
+  /** A  VariableGroup for exception status and message. It can be protected, as
+   * it is automatically connected to the control system in
+   * DeviceModule::defineConnections() */
+  struct DeviceError : public VariableGroup {
+    using VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    ScalarOutput<int> status{this, "status", "", ""};
+    ScalarOutput<std::string> message{this, "message", "", ""};
+  };
+  DeviceError deviceError{this, "DeviceError", "Error status of the device"};
-    DeviceModule(
-        Application* application, const std::string& deviceAliasOrURI, const std::string& registerNamePrefix = "");
-    DeviceModule(const std::string& deviceAliasOrURI, const std::string& registerNamePrefix = "");
-    /** Default constructor: create dysfunctional device module */
-    DeviceModule() {}
-    /** Destructor */
-    virtual ~DeviceModule();
-    /** Move operation with the move constructor */
-    DeviceModule(DeviceModule&& other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-    /** Move assignment */
-    DeviceModule& operator=(DeviceModule&& other) {
-      Module::operator=(std::move(other));
-      deviceAliasOrURI = std::move(other.deviceAliasOrURI);
-      registerNamePrefix = std::move(other.registerNamePrefix);
-      subModules = std::move(other.subModules);
-      deviceError = std::move(other.deviceError);
-      return *this;
-    }
-    /** The subscript operator returns a VariableNetworkNode which can be used in the Application::initialise()
-     *  function to connect the register with another variable. */
-    VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, UpdateMode mode,
-        const std::type_info& valueType = typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements = 0) const;
-    VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& registerName, const std::type_info& valueType,
-        size_t nElements = 0, UpdateMode mode = UpdateMode::poll) const {
-      return operator()(registerName, mode, valueType, nElements);
-    }
-    VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override {
-      return operator()(variableName, UpdateMode::poll);
-    }
-    Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;
-    const Module& virtualise() const override;
-    void connectTo(const Module& target, VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const override;
-    ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::Device; }
-    /** Use this function to report an exception. It should be called whenever a ChimeraTK::runtime_error has been
-     *  caught when trying to interact with this device. This function shall not be called by the user, all exception
-     *  handling is done internally by ApplicationCore. */
-    void reportException(std::string errMsg);
-    void run() override;
-    void terminate() override;
-    VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override { return currentVersionNumber; }
-    void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) override {
-      if(versionNumber > currentVersionNumber) currentVersionNumber = versionNumber;
-    }
-    VersionNumber currentVersionNumber;
-    /** This function connects DeviceError VariableGroup to ContolSystem*/
-    void defineConnections() override;
-   protected:
-    // populate virtualisedModuleFromCatalog based on the information in the device's catalogue
-    VirtualModule& virtualiseFromCatalog() const;
-    mutable VirtualModule virtualisedModuleFromCatalog{"INVALID", "", ModuleType::Invalid};
-    mutable bool virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid{false};
-    std::string deviceAliasOrURI;
-    ChimeraTK::RegisterPath registerNamePrefix;
-    // List of sub modules accessed through the operator[]. This is mutable since it is little more than a cache and
-    // thus does not change the logical state of this module
-    mutable std::map<std::string, DeviceModule> subModules;
-    /** A  VariableGroup for exception status and message. It can be protected, as it is automatically connected to the
-     *  control system in DeviceModule::defineConnections() */
-    struct DeviceError : public VariableGroup {
-      using VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-      ScalarOutput<int> status{this, "status", "", ""};
-      ScalarOutput<std::string> message{this, "message", "", ""};
-    };
-    DeviceError deviceError{this, "DeviceError", "Error status of the device"};
-    /** The thread waiting for reportException(). It runs handleException() */
-    boost::thread moduleThread;
-    /** Queue used for communication between reportException() and the moduleThread. */
-    cppext::future_queue<std::string> errorQueue{5};
-    /** Mutex for errorCondVar */
-    std::mutex errorMutex;
-    /** This condition variable is used to block reportException() until the error state has been resolved by the
-     * moduleThread. */
-    std::condition_variable errorCondVar;
+  /** The thread waiting for reportException(). It runs handleException() */
+  boost::thread moduleThread;
-    /** This functions tries to open the device and set the deviceError. Once done it notifies the waiting thread(s).
-     *  The function is running an endless loop inside its own thread (moduleThread). */
-    void handleException();
-  };
+  /** Queue used for communication between reportException() and the
+   * moduleThread. */
+  cppext::future_queue<std::string> errorQueue{5};
+  /** Mutex for errorCondVar */
+  std::mutex errorMutex;
+  /** This condition variable is used to block reportException() until the error
+   * state has been resolved by the moduleThread. */
+  std::condition_variable errorCondVar;
+  /** This functions tries to open the device and set the deviceError. Once done
+   * it notifies the waiting thread(s).
+   *  The function is running an endless loop inside its own thread
+   * (moduleThread). */
+  void handleException();
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/EnableXMLGenerator.h b/include/EnableXMLGenerator.h
index 183566e3..033f1603 100644
--- a/include/EnableXMLGenerator.h
+++ b/include/EnableXMLGenerator.h
@@ -4,24 +4,25 @@
  *  Created on: May 5, 2017
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
- *  Include this header file in your main application .cc file, so the xml generator can be compiled using the
- *  compiler switch -DGENERATE_XML
+ *  Include this header file in your main application .cc file, so the xml
+ * generator can be compiled using the compiler switch -DGENERATE_XML
-/** Compile-time switch: two executables will be created. One will generate an XML file containing the
- *  application's variable list. The other will be the actual control system server running the
- *  application. The main function for the actual control system server is coming from the respective
- *  ControlSystemAdapter implementation library, so inly the XML generator's main function is definde
- *  here. */
+/** Compile-time switch: two executables will be created. One will generate an
+ * XML file containing the application's variable list. The other will be the
+ * actual control system server running the application. The main function for
+ * the actual control system server is coming from the respective
+ *  ControlSystemAdapter implementation library, so inly the XML generator's
+ * main function is definde here. */
-  int main(int, char **) {
-    ChimeraTK::Application::getInstance().generateXML();
-    return 0;
-  }
+int main(int, char **) {
+  ChimeraTK::Application::getInstance().generateXML();
+  return 0;
 #endif /* GENERATE_XML */
diff --git a/include/EntityOwner.h b/include/EntityOwner.h
index cba1b6b5..c992474d 100644
--- a/include/EntityOwner.h
+++ b/include/EntityOwner.h
@@ -8,184 +8,219 @@
-#include <string>
 #include <list>
+#include <string>
 #include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class AccessorBase;
-  class Module;
-  class VirtualModule;
-  /** Base class for owners of other EntityOwners (e.g. Modules) and Accessors.
-    * @todo Rename this class to "Owner" and make it more generic. It should basically just implement the
-    * "Composite Pattern". The classes AccessorBase, Module and Owner should have a common base class called
-    * "Component".
-    */
-  class EntityOwner {
+class AccessorBase;
+class Module;
+class VirtualModule;
-    public:
+/** Base class for owners of other EntityOwners (e.g. Modules) and Accessors.
+ * @todo Rename this class to "Owner" and make it more generic. It should
+ * basically just implement the "Composite Pattern". The classes AccessorBase,
+ * Module and Owner should have a common base class called "Component".
+ */
+class EntityOwner {
-      /** Constructor: register the EntityOwner with its owner */
-      EntityOwner(const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-                  bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
+  /** Constructor: register the EntityOwner with its owner */
+  EntityOwner(const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
+              bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+              const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
-      /** Default constructor just for late initialisation */
-      EntityOwner()
+  /** Default constructor just for late initialisation */
+  EntityOwner()
       : _name("**INVALID**"),
-        _description("Invalid EntityOwner created by default constructor just as a place holder")
-      {}
-      /** Virtual destructor to make the type polymorphic */
-      virtual ~EntityOwner();
-      /** Move constructor */
-      EntityOwner(EntityOwner &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-      EntityOwner(const EntityOwner &other) = delete;
-      /** Move assignment operator */
-      EntityOwner& operator=(EntityOwner &&other);
-      EntityOwner& operator=(const EntityOwner &other) = delete;
-      /** Get the name of the module instance */
-      const std::string& getName() const { return _name; }
-      /** Get the fully qualified name of the module instance, i.e. the name containing all module names further up in
-       *  the hierarchy. */
-      virtual std::string getQualifiedName() const = 0;
-      /** Get the decription of the module instance */
-      const std::string& getDescription() const { return _description; }
-      /** Obtain the full description including the full description of the owner. */
-      virtual std::string getFullDescription() const = 0;
-      /** Obtain the list of accessors/variables directly associated with this instance */
-      virtual std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorList() const { return accessorList; }
-      /** Obtain the list of submodules associated with this instance */
-      virtual std::list<Module*> getSubmoduleList() const { return moduleList; }
-      /** Obtain the list of accessors/variables associated with this instance and any submodules */
-      std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorListRecursive();
-      /** Obtain the list of submodules associated with this instance and any submodules */
-      std::list<Module*> getSubmoduleListRecursive();
-      /** Check whether a submodule exists by the given name (not taking into account eliminated hierarchies etc.) */
-      bool hasSubmodule(const std::string &name) const;
-      /** Get a submodule by the given name (not taking into account eliminated hierarchies etc.) */
-      Module* getSubmodule(const std::string &name) const;
-      /** Return a VirtualModule containing the part of the tree structure matching the given tag. The resulting
-       *  VirtualModule might have virtual sub-modules, if this EntityOwner contains sub-EntityOwners with
-       *  entities matchting the tag. "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match). */
-      VirtualModule findTag(const std::string &tag) const;
-      /** Return a VirtualModule containing the part of the tree structure not matching the given tag. This is
-       *  the negation of findTag(), this function will keep those variables which findTag() would remove from the
-       *  tree. Again, "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match). */
-      VirtualModule excludeTag(const std::string &tag) const;
-      /** Called inside the constructor of Accessor: adds the accessor to the list */
-      void registerAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
-        for(auto &tag : _tags) accessor.addTag(tag);
-        accessorList.push_back(accessor);
-      }
-      /** Called inside the destructor of Accessor: removes the accessor from the list */
-      void unregisterAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
-        accessorList.remove(accessor);
-      }
-      /** Register another module as a sub-mdoule. Will be called automatically by all modules in their constructors.
-       *  If addTags is set to false, the tags of this EntityOwner will not be set to the module being registered.
-       *  This is e.g. used in the move-constructor of Module to prevent from altering the tags in the move operation. */
-      void registerModule(Module* module, bool addTags=true);
-      /** Unregister another module as a sub-mdoule. Will be called automatically by all modules in their destructors. */
-      void unregisterModule(Module* module);
-      /** Add a tag to all Application-type nodes inside this group. It will recurse into any subgroups. See
-       *  VariableNetworkNode::addTag() for additional information about tags. */
-      void addTag(const std::string &tag);
-      /** Eliminate the level of hierarchy represented by this EntityOwner. This is e.g. used when building the
-       *  hierarchy of VirtualModules in findTag(). Eliminating one level of hierarchy will make all childs of that
-       *  hierarchy level to appear as if there were direct childs of the next higher hierarchy level. If e.g. there is
-       *  a variable on the third level "A.B.C" and one selects to eliminate the second level of hierarchy (e.g. calls
-       *  B.eliminateHierarchy()), the structure would look like "A.C". This of course only affects the "dynamic" data
-       *  model, while the static C++ model is fixed at compile time. */
-      void setEliminateHierarchy() { _eliminateHierarchy = true; }
-      /** Returns the flag whether this level of hierarchy should be eliminated */
-      bool getEliminateHierarchy() const { return _eliminateHierarchy; }
-      /** Create a VirtualModule which contains all variables of this EntityOwner in a flat hierarchy. It will recurse
-       *  through all sub-modules and add all found variables directly to the VirtualModule. */
-      VirtualModule flatten();
-      void accept(Visitor<EntityOwner>& visitor) const { visitor.dispatch(*this); }
-      /** Print the full hierarchy to stdout. */
-      void dump(const std::string &prefix="") const;
-      /** Create Graphviz dot graph and write to file. The graph will contain the full hierarchy of modules and
-       *  variables below (and including) this module. Each variable will also show which tags are attached to it.
-       *  ModuleGroups will be drawn with a double line, ApplicationModules with a bold line. Hierarchies which will
-       *  be eliminated in the dynamic information model are shown with a dotted line. */
-      void dumpGraph(const std::string &fileName="") const;
-      /** Create a Graphiz dot graph similar to the one created with dumpGraph, but just show the modules and not the
-       *  variables. This allows to get an overview over more complex applications. */
-      void dumpModuleGraph(const std::string &fileName="") const;
-      enum class ModuleType {
-        ApplicationModule, ModuleGroup, VariableGroup, ControlSystem, Device, Invalid
-      };
-      /** Return the module type of this module, or in case of a VirtualModule the module type this VirtualModule was
-       *  derived from. */
-      virtual ModuleType getModuleType() const = 0;
-      /** Return the current version number which has been received with the last pusy-type read operation. */
-      virtual VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const = 0;
+        _description("Invalid EntityOwner created by default constructor just "
+                     "as a place holder") {}
+  /** Virtual destructor to make the type polymorphic */
+  virtual ~EntityOwner();
+  /** Move constructor */
+  EntityOwner(EntityOwner &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  EntityOwner(const EntityOwner &other) = delete;
+  /** Move assignment operator */
+  EntityOwner &operator=(EntityOwner &&other);
+  EntityOwner &operator=(const EntityOwner &other) = delete;
+  /** Get the name of the module instance */
+  const std::string &getName() const { return _name; }
+  /** Get the fully qualified name of the module instance, i.e. the name
+   * containing all module names further up in the hierarchy. */
+  virtual std::string getQualifiedName() const = 0;
+  /** Get the decription of the module instance */
+  const std::string &getDescription() const { return _description; }
+  /** Obtain the full description including the full description of the owner.
+   */
+  virtual std::string getFullDescription() const = 0;
+  /** Obtain the list of accessors/variables directly associated with this
+   * instance */
+  virtual std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorList() const {
+    return accessorList;
+  }
+  /** Obtain the list of submodules associated with this instance */
+  virtual std::list<Module *> getSubmoduleList() const { return moduleList; }
+  /** Obtain the list of accessors/variables associated with this instance and
+   * any submodules */
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getAccessorListRecursive();
+  /** Obtain the list of submodules associated with this instance and any
+   * submodules */
+  std::list<Module *> getSubmoduleListRecursive();
+  /** Check whether a submodule exists by the given name (not taking into
+   * account eliminated hierarchies etc.) */
+  bool hasSubmodule(const std::string &name) const;
+  /** Get a submodule by the given name (not taking into account eliminated
+   * hierarchies etc.) */
+  Module *getSubmodule(const std::string &name) const;
+  /** Return a VirtualModule containing the part of the tree structure matching
+   * the given tag. The resulting VirtualModule might have virtual sub-modules,
+   * if this EntityOwner contains sub-EntityOwners with entities matchting the
+   * tag. "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match).
+   */
+  VirtualModule findTag(const std::string &tag) const;
+  /** Return a VirtualModule containing the part of the tree structure not
+   * matching the given tag. This is the negation of findTag(), this function
+   * will keep those variables which findTag() would remove from the tree.
+   * Again, "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match).
+   */
+  VirtualModule excludeTag(const std::string &tag) const;
+  /** Called inside the constructor of Accessor: adds the accessor to the list
+   */
+  void registerAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
+    for (auto &tag : _tags)
+      accessor.addTag(tag);
+    accessorList.push_back(accessor);
+  }
+  /** Called inside the destructor of Accessor: removes the accessor from the
+   * list */
+  void unregisterAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
+    accessorList.remove(accessor);
+  }
+  /** Register another module as a sub-mdoule. Will be called automatically by
+   * all modules in their constructors. If addTags is set to false, the tags of
+   * this EntityOwner will not be set to the module being registered. This is
+   * e.g. used in the move-constructor of Module to prevent from altering the
+   * tags in the move operation. */
+  void registerModule(Module *module, bool addTags = true);
+  /** Unregister another module as a sub-mdoule. Will be called automatically by
+   * all modules in their destructors. */
+  void unregisterModule(Module *module);
+  /** Add a tag to all Application-type nodes inside this group. It will recurse
+   * into any subgroups. See VariableNetworkNode::addTag() for additional
+   * information about tags. */
+  void addTag(const std::string &tag);
+  /** Eliminate the level of hierarchy represented by this EntityOwner. This is
+   * e.g. used when building the hierarchy of VirtualModules in findTag().
+   * Eliminating one level of hierarchy will make all childs of that hierarchy
+   * level to appear as if there were direct childs of the next higher hierarchy
+   * level. If e.g. there is a variable on the third level "A.B.C" and one
+   * selects to eliminate the second level of hierarchy (e.g. calls
+   *  B.eliminateHierarchy()), the structure would look like "A.C". This of
+   * course only affects the "dynamic" data
+   *  model, while the static C++ model is fixed at compile time. */
+  void setEliminateHierarchy() { _eliminateHierarchy = true; }
+  /** Returns the flag whether this level of hierarchy should be eliminated */
+  bool getEliminateHierarchy() const { return _eliminateHierarchy; }
+  /** Create a VirtualModule which contains all variables of this EntityOwner in
+   * a flat hierarchy. It will recurse
+   *  through all sub-modules and add all found variables directly to the
+   * VirtualModule. */
+  VirtualModule flatten();
+  void accept(Visitor<EntityOwner> &visitor) const { visitor.dispatch(*this); }
+  /** Print the full hierarchy to stdout. */
+  void dump(const std::string &prefix = "") const;
+  /** Create Graphviz dot graph and write to file. The graph will contain the
+   * full hierarchy of modules and variables below (and including) this module.
+   * Each variable will also show which tags are attached to it. ModuleGroups
+   * will be drawn with a double line, ApplicationModules with a bold line.
+   * Hierarchies which will be eliminated in the dynamic information model are
+   * shown with a dotted line. */
+  void dumpGraph(const std::string &fileName = "") const;
+  /** Create a Graphiz dot graph similar to the one created with dumpGraph, but
+   * just show the modules and not the
+   *  variables. This allows to get an overview over more complex applications.
+   */
+  void dumpModuleGraph(const std::string &fileName = "") const;
+  enum class ModuleType {
+    ApplicationModule,
+    ModuleGroup,
+    VariableGroup,
+    ControlSystem,
+    Device,
+    Invalid
+  };
-      /** Set the current version number. This function is called by the push-type input accessors in their read
-       *  functions. */
-      virtual void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) = 0;
+  /** Return the module type of this module, or in case of a VirtualModule the
+   * module type this VirtualModule was derived from. */
+  virtual ModuleType getModuleType() const = 0;
-  protected:
+  /** Return the current version number which has been received with the last
+   * pusy-type read operation. */
+  virtual VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const = 0;
-      /** Add the part of the tree structure matching the given tag to a VirtualModule. Users normally will use
-       *  findTag() instead. "tag" is interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match). */
-      void findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule &module, const std::string &tag, bool eliminateAllHierarchies=false,
-                                    bool eliminateFirstHierarchy=false, bool negate=false) const;
+  /** Set the current version number. This function is called by the push-type
+   * input accessors in their read functions. */
+  virtual void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber versionNumber) = 0;
-      /** The name of this instance */
-      std::string _name;
+  /** Add the part of the tree structure matching the given tag to a
+   * VirtualModule. Users normally will use findTag() instead. "tag" is
+   * interpreted as a regular expression (see std::regex_match). */
+  void findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule &module, const std::string &tag,
+                                bool eliminateAllHierarchies = false,
+                                bool eliminateFirstHierarchy = false,
+                                bool negate = false) const;
-      /** The description of this instance */
-      std::string _description;
+  /** The name of this instance */
+  std::string _name;
-      /** List of accessors owned by this instance */
-      std::list<VariableNetworkNode> accessorList;
+  /** The description of this instance */
+  std::string _description;
-      /** List of modules owned by this instance */
-      std::list<Module*> moduleList;
+  /** List of accessors owned by this instance */
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> accessorList;
-      /** Flag whether this level of hierarchy should be eliminated or not */
-      bool _eliminateHierarchy{false};
+  /** List of modules owned by this instance */
+  std::list<Module *> moduleList;
-      /** List of tags to be added to all accessors and modules inside this module */
-      std::unordered_set<std::string> _tags;
+  /** Flag whether this level of hierarchy should be eliminated or not */
+  bool _eliminateHierarchy{false};
-  };
+  /** List of tags to be added to all accessors and modules inside this module
+   */
+  std::unordered_set<std::string> _tags;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/FanOut.h b/include/FanOut.h
index 58c7d0e4..461a84eb 100644
--- a/include/FanOut.h
+++ b/include/FanOut.h
@@ -8,49 +8,49 @@
-#include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
 #include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
+#include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Base class for several implementations which distribute values from one feeder to multiple consumers */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class FanOut {
-    public:
-      FanOut(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
-      : impl(feedingImpl)
-      {}
-      virtual ~FanOut() {}
-      /** Add a slave to the FanOut. Only sending end-points of a consuming node may be added. */
-      virtual void addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave,
-                            VariableNetworkNode &/*consumer*/) {
-        if(!slave->isWriteable()) {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FanOut::addSlave() has been called with a receiving implementation!");
-        }
-        // check if array shape is compatible, unless the receiver is a trigger node, so no data is expected
-        if( slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0 &&
-            ( slave->getNumberOfChannels() != impl->getNumberOfChannels() ||
-              slave->getNumberOfSamples() != impl->getNumberOfSamples()      ) ) {
-          std::string what = "FanOut::addSlave(): Trying to add a slave '";
-          what += slave->getName();
-          what += "' with incompatible array shape! Name of master: ";
-          what += impl->getName();
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.c_str());
-        }
-        slaves.push_back(slave);
-      }
-    protected:
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl;
-      std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>> slaves;
-  };
+/** Base class for several implementations which distribute values from one
+ * feeder to multiple consumers */
+template <typename UserType> class FanOut {
+  FanOut(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
+      : impl(feedingImpl) {}
+  virtual ~FanOut() {}
+  /** Add a slave to the FanOut. Only sending end-points of a consuming node may
+   * be added. */
+  virtual void
+  addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave,
+           VariableNetworkNode & /*consumer*/) {
+    if (!slave->isWriteable()) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FanOut::addSlave() has been called with a "
+                                   "receiving implementation!");
+    }
+    // check if array shape is compatible, unless the receiver is a trigger
+    // node, so no data is expected
+    if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0 &&
+        (slave->getNumberOfChannels() != impl->getNumberOfChannels() ||
+         slave->getNumberOfSamples() != impl->getNumberOfSamples())) {
+      std::string what = "FanOut::addSlave(): Trying to add a slave '";
+      what += slave->getName();
+      what += "' with incompatible array shape! Name of master: ";
+      what += impl->getName();
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.c_str());
+    }
+    slaves.push_back(slave);
+  }
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl;
+  std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>> slaves;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/FeedingFanOut.h b/include/FeedingFanOut.h
index 46b8075b..7071ce3b 100644
--- a/include/FeedingFanOut.h
+++ b/include/FeedingFanOut.h
@@ -14,183 +14,219 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /**
-   * NDRegisterAccessor implementation which distributes values written to this accessor out to any number of slaves.
-   */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class FeedingFanOut : public FanOut<UserType>, public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
-    public:
-      FeedingFanOut(std::string const &name, std::string const &unit, std::string const &description,
-                    size_t numberOfElements, bool withReturn)
-      : FanOut<UserType>(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>()),
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>("FeedingFanOut:"+name, unit, description),
-        _withReturn(withReturn)
-      {
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize(1);
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0].resize(numberOfElements);
-      }
-      /** Add a slave to the FanOut. Only sending end-points of a consuming node may be added. */
-      void addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave, VariableNetworkNode&) override {
-        // check if array shape is compatible, unless the receiver is a trigger node, so no data is expected
-        if( slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0 &&
-            ( slave->getNumberOfChannels() != 1 || slave->getNumberOfSamples() != this->getNumberOfSamples() ) ) {
-          std::string what = "FeedingFanOut::addSlave(): Trying to add a slave '" + slave->getName();
-          what += "' with incompatible array shape! Name of fan out: '" + this->getName() + "'";
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.c_str());
-        }
-        // make sure slave is writeable
-        if(!slave->isWriteable()) {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FeedingFanOut::addSlave() has been called with a receiving implementation!");
-        }
-        // handle return channels
-        if(_withReturn) {
-          if(slave->isReadable()) {
-            if(_hasReturnSlave) {
-              throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FeedingFanOut: Cannot add multiple slaves with return channel!");
-            }
-            _hasReturnSlave = true;
-            _returnSlave = slave;
-          }
-        }
-        // add the slave
-        FanOut<UserType>::slaves.push_back(slave);
-      }
-      bool isReadable() const override {
-        return _withReturn;
-      }
-      bool isReadOnly() const override {
-        return false;
-      }
-      bool isWriteable() const override {
-        return true;
-      }
-      void doReadTransfer() override {
-        if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
-        _returnSlave->doReadTransfer();
-      }
-      bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
-        if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
-        return _returnSlave->doReadTransferNonBlocking();
-      }
-      bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
-        if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
-        return _returnSlave->doReadTransferLatest();
-      }
-      void doPreRead() override {
-        if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
-        _returnSlave->accessChannel(0).swap(ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
-        _returnSlave->preRead();
-      }
-      void doPostRead() override {
-        if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
-        assert(_hasReturnSlave);
-        _returnSlave->postRead();
-        _returnSlave->accessChannel(0).swap(ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
-        // distribute return-channel update to the other slaves
-        for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {     // send out copies to slaves
-          if(slave == _returnSlave) continue;
-          if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {          // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
-            slave->accessChannel(0) = ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0];
-          }
-          slave->write(_returnSlave->getVersionNumber());
-        }
-      }
-      ChimeraTK::TransferFuture doReadTransferAsync() override {
-        if(!_withReturn) throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Read operation called on write-only variable.");
-        return {_returnSlave->doReadTransferAsync(), this};
-      }
-      void doPreWrite() override {
-        for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {     // send out copies to slaves
-          if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {          // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
-            if(slave == FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()) {     // in case of first slave, swap instead of copy
-              slave->accessChannel(0).swap(ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
-            }
-            else {                                // not the first slave: copy the data from the first slave
-              slave->accessChannel(0) = FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->accessChannel(0);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // pre write may only be called on the target accessors after we have filled them all, otherwise the first
-        // accessor might take us the data away...
-        for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
-          slave->preWrite();
-        }
-      }
-      bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber={}) override {
-        bool dataLost = false;
-        for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
-          bool ret = slave->doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
-          if(ret) dataLost = true;
+ * NDRegisterAccessor implementation which distributes values written to this
+ * accessor out to any number of slaves.
+ */
+template <typename UserType>
+class FeedingFanOut : public FanOut<UserType>,
+                      public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType> {
+  FeedingFanOut(std::string const &name, std::string const &unit,
+                std::string const &description, size_t numberOfElements,
+                bool withReturn)
+      : FanOut<UserType>(
+            boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>()),
+        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>("FeedingFanOut:" + name, unit,
+                                                description),
+        _withReturn(withReturn) {
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D.resize(1);
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0].resize(
+        numberOfElements);
+  }
+  /** Add a slave to the FanOut. Only sending end-points of a consuming node may
+   * be added. */
+  void
+  addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave,
+           VariableNetworkNode &) override {
+    // check if array shape is compatible, unless the receiver is a trigger
+    // node, so no data is expected
+    if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0 &&
+        (slave->getNumberOfChannels() != 1 ||
+         slave->getNumberOfSamples() != this->getNumberOfSamples())) {
+      std::string what = "FeedingFanOut::addSlave(): Trying to add a slave '" +
+                         slave->getName();
+      what += "' with incompatible array shape! Name of fan out: '" +
+              this->getName() + "'";
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.c_str());
+    }
+    // make sure slave is writeable
+    if (!slave->isWriteable()) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("FeedingFanOut::addSlave() has been called "
+                                   "with a receiving implementation!");
+    }
+    // handle return channels
+    if (_withReturn) {
+      if (slave->isReadable()) {
+        if (_hasReturnSlave) {
+          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+              "FeedingFanOut: Cannot add multiple slaves with return channel!");
-        return dataLost;
-      }
-      void doPostWrite() override {
-        for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
-          slave->postWrite();
+        _hasReturnSlave = true;
+        _returnSlave = slave;
+      }
+    }
+    // add the slave
+    FanOut<UserType>::slaves.push_back(slave);
+  }
+  bool isReadable() const override { return _withReturn; }
+  bool isReadOnly() const override { return false; }
+  bool isWriteable() const override { return true; }
+  void doReadTransfer() override {
+    if (!_withReturn)
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Read operation called on write-only variable.");
+    _returnSlave->doReadTransfer();
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
+    if (!_withReturn)
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Read operation called on write-only variable.");
+    return _returnSlave->doReadTransferNonBlocking();
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
+    if (!_withReturn)
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Read operation called on write-only variable.");
+    return _returnSlave->doReadTransferLatest();
+  }
+  void doPreRead() override {
+    if (!_withReturn)
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Read operation called on write-only variable.");
+    _returnSlave->accessChannel(0).swap(
+        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
+    _returnSlave->preRead();
+  }
+  void doPostRead() override {
+    if (!_withReturn)
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Read operation called on write-only variable.");
+    assert(_hasReturnSlave);
+    _returnSlave->postRead();
+    _returnSlave->accessChannel(0).swap(
+        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
+    // distribute return-channel update to the other slaves
+    for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
+      if (slave == _returnSlave)
+        continue;
+      if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() !=
+          0) { // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
+        slave->accessChannel(0) =
+            ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0];
+      }
+      slave->write(_returnSlave->getVersionNumber());
+    }
+  }
+  ChimeraTK::TransferFuture doReadTransferAsync() override {
+    if (!_withReturn)
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Read operation called on write-only variable.");
+    return {_returnSlave->doReadTransferAsync(), this};
+  }
+  void doPreWrite() override {
+    for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) { // send out copies to slaves
+      if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() !=
+          0) { // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
+        if (slave ==
+            FanOut<UserType>::slaves
+                .front()) { // in case of first slave, swap instead of copy
+          slave->accessChannel(0).swap(
+              ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
+        } else { // not the first slave: copy the data from the first slave
+          slave->accessChannel(0) =
+              FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->accessChannel(0);
-        FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->accessChannel(0).swap(ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
-      }
-      bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<const ChimeraTK::TransferElement>&) const override {
-        return false;   /// @todo implement properly?
-      }
-      std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> > getInternalElements() override {
-        return {};    /// @todo implement properly?
-      std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> > getHardwareAccessingElements() override {
-        return { boost::enable_shared_from_this<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>::shared_from_this() }; /// @todo implement properly?
-      }
-      void replaceTransferElement(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {
-        // You can't replace anything here. Just do nothing.
-        /// @todo implement properly?
-      }
-      AccessModeFlags getAccessModeFlags() const override { return {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data}; }
-      VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const override { return FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->getVersionNumber(); }
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> getReturnSlave() {
-        return _returnSlave;
-      }
-    protected:
-      /// Flag whether this FeedingFanOut has a return channel. Is specified in the constructor
-      bool _withReturn;
-      /// Used if _withReturn is true: flag whether the corresponding slave with the return channel has already been
-      /// added.
-      bool _hasReturnSlave{false};
-      /// The slave with return channel
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> _returnSlave;
-  };
+    }
+    // pre write may only be called on the target accessors after we have filled
+    // them all, otherwise the first accessor might take us the data away...
+    for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
+      slave->preWrite();
+    }
+  }
+  bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber = {}) override {
+    bool dataLost = false;
+    for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
+      bool ret = slave->doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
+      if (ret)
+        dataLost = true;
+    }
+    return dataLost;
+  }
+  void doPostWrite() override {
+    for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
+      slave->postWrite();
+    }
+    FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->accessChannel(0).swap(
+        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D[0]);
+  }
+  bool mayReplaceOther(const boost::shared_ptr<const ChimeraTK::TransferElement>
+                           &) const override {
+    return false; /// @todo implement properly?
+  }
+  std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>>
+  getInternalElements() override {
+    return {}; /// @todo implement properly?
+  }
+  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>>
+  getHardwareAccessingElements() override {
+    return {boost::enable_shared_from_this<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>::
+                shared_from_this()}; /// @todo implement properly?
+  }
+  void replaceTransferElement(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>) override {
+    // You can't replace anything here. Just do nothing.
+    /// @todo implement properly?
+  }
+  AccessModeFlags getAccessModeFlags() const override {
+    return {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
+  }
+  VersionNumber getVersionNumber() const override {
+    return FanOut<UserType>::slaves.front()->getVersionNumber();
+  }
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> getReturnSlave() {
+    return _returnSlave;
+  }
+  /// Flag whether this FeedingFanOut has a return channel. Is specified in the
+  /// constructor
+  bool _withReturn;
+  /// Used if _withReturn is true: flag whether the corresponding slave with the
+  /// return channel has already been added.
+  bool _hasReturnSlave{false};
+  /// The slave with return channel
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> _returnSlave;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/Flags.h b/include/Flags.h
index c0585ebf..f6e7715c 100644
--- a/include/Flags.h
+++ b/include/Flags.h
@@ -10,36 +10,40 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Struct to define the direction of variables. The main direction is defined with an enum. In addition the presence
-   *  of a return channel is specified. */
-  struct VariableDirection {
-      /** Enum to define directions of variables. The direction is always defined from the point-of-view of the
-       *  owner, i.e. the application module owning the instance of the accessor in this context. */
-      enum {
-        consuming, feeding, invalid
-      } dir;
-      /** Presence of return channel */
-      bool withReturn;
-      /** Comparison */
-      bool operator==(const VariableDirection &other) const {
-        return dir == other.dir && withReturn == other.withReturn;
-      }
-      bool operator!=(const VariableDirection &other) const {
-        return !operator==(other);
-      }
-  };
-  /** Enum to define the update mode of variables. */
-  enum class UpdateMode {
-      poll, push, invalid
-  };
-  /** Enum to define types of VariableNetworkNode */
-  enum class NodeType {
-      Device, ControlSystem, Application, TriggerReceiver, TriggerProvider, Constant, invalid
-  };
+/** Struct to define the direction of variables. The main direction is defined
+ * with an enum. In addition the presence of a return channel is specified. */
+struct VariableDirection {
+  /** Enum to define directions of variables. The direction is always defined
+   * from the point-of-view of the
+   *  owner, i.e. the application module owning the instance of the accessor in
+   * this context. */
+  enum { consuming, feeding, invalid } dir;
+  /** Presence of return channel */
+  bool withReturn;
+  /** Comparison */
+  bool operator==(const VariableDirection &other) const {
+    return dir == other.dir && withReturn == other.withReturn;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const VariableDirection &other) const {
+    return !operator==(other);
+  }
+/** Enum to define the update mode of variables. */
+enum class UpdateMode { poll, push, invalid };
+/** Enum to define types of VariableNetworkNode */
+enum class NodeType {
+  Device,
+  ControlSystem,
+  Application,
+  TriggerReceiver,
+  TriggerProvider,
+  Constant,
+  invalid
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/InternalModule.h b/include/InternalModule.h
index 5a4140a9..cdf5fa44 100644
--- a/include/InternalModule.h
+++ b/include/InternalModule.h
@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Base class for internal modules which are created by the variable connection code
-   *  (e.g. Application::makeConnections()). These modules have to be handled differently since the instance is
-   *  created dynamically and thus we cannot store the plain pointer in Application::overallModuleList. */
-  class InternalModule {
-    public:
-      virtual ~InternalModule(){}
-      /** Activate synchronisation thread if needed */
-      virtual void activate() {}
-      /** Deactivate synchronisation thread if running*/
-      virtual void deactivate() {}
-  };
+/** Base class for internal modules which are created by the variable connection
+ * code (e.g. Application::makeConnections()). These modules have to be handled
+ * differently since the instance is created dynamically and thus we cannot
+ * store the plain pointer in Application::overallModuleList. */
+class InternalModule {
+  virtual ~InternalModule() {}
+  /** Activate synchronisation thread if needed */
+  virtual void activate() {}
+  /** Deactivate synchronisation thread if running*/
+  virtual void deactivate() {}
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/InversionOfControlAccessor.h b/include/InversionOfControlAccessor.h
index 21b6f4fe..cfcd9b2b 100644
--- a/include/InversionOfControlAccessor.h
+++ b/include/InversionOfControlAccessor.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-* InversionOfControlAccessor.h
-*  Created on: Sep 28, 2017
-*      Author: Martin Hierholzer
+ * InversionOfControlAccessor.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: Sep 28, 2017
+ *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
+ */
@@ -17,99 +17,110 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Adds features required for inversion of control to an accessor. This is needed for both the ArrayAccessor and
-   *  the ScalarAccessor classes, thus it uses a CRTP. */
-  template< typename Derived >
-  class InversionOfControlAccessor {
-    public:
-      /** Unregister at its owner when deleting */
-      ~InversionOfControlAccessor() {
-        if(getOwner() != nullptr) getOwner()->unregisterAccessor(node);
-      }
-      /** Change meta data (name, unit, description and optionally tags). This function may only be used on
-       *  Application-type nodes. If the optional argument tags is omitted, the tags will not be changed. To clear the
-       *  tags, an empty set can be passed. */
-      void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description) {
-        node.setMetaData(name, unit, completeDescription(getOwner(), description));
-      }
-      void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description,
-                       const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags) {
-        node.setMetaData(name, unit, completeDescription(getOwner(), description), tags);
-      }
-      /** Add a tag. Valid names for tags only contain alpha-numeric characters (i.e. no spaces and no special
-       *  characters). */
-      void addTag(const std::string &tag) {
-        node.addTag(tag);
-      }
-      /** Add multiple tags. Valid names for tags only contain alpha-numeric characters (i.e. no spaces and no special
-       *  characters). */
-      void addTags(const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags) {
-        for(auto &tag : tags) node.addTag(tag);
-      }
-      /** Convert into VariableNetworkNode */
-      operator VariableNetworkNode() {
-        return node;
-      }
-      operator const VariableNetworkNode() const {
-        return node;
-      }
-      /** Connect with other node */
-      VariableNetworkNode operator>>(const VariableNetworkNode &otherNode) {
-        return node >> otherNode;
-      }
-      /** Replace with other accessor */
-      void replace(Derived &&other) {
-        assert(static_cast<Derived*>(this)->_impl == nullptr && other._impl == nullptr);
-        if(getOwner() != nullptr) getOwner()->unregisterAccessor(node);
-        node = other.node;    // just copies the pointer, but other will be destroyed right after this move constructor
-        other.node = VariableNetworkNode();
-        node.setAppAccessorPointer(static_cast<Derived*>(this));
-        // Note: the accessor is registered by the VariableNetworkNode, so we don't have to re-register.
-      }
-      /** Return the owning module */
-      EntityOwner* getOwner() const { return node.getOwningModule(); }
-  protected:
-      /// complete the description with the full description from the owner
-      std::string completeDescription(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &description) {
-        auto ownerDescription = owner->getFullDescription();
-        if(ownerDescription == "") return description;
-        if(description == "") return ownerDescription;
-        return ownerDescription + " - " + description;
-      }
-      InversionOfControlAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
-          size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description, const std::type_info* valueType,
-          const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-        : node(owner, static_cast<Derived*>(this), name, direction, unit, nElements, mode,
-               completeDescription(owner, description), valueType, tags)
-      {
-        static_assert(std::is_base_of<InversionOfControlAccessor<Derived>, Derived>::value,
-                      "InversionOfControlAccessor<> must be used in a curiously recurring template pattern!");
-        if(name.find_first_of("/") != std::string::npos) {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Accessor names must not contain slashes: '"+name+"' in module '"
-                                       +owner->getQualifiedName()+"'.");
-        }
-        owner->registerAccessor(node);
-      }
-      /** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with a real accessor later) */
-      InversionOfControlAccessor() {}
-      VariableNetworkNode node;
-  };
+/** Adds features required for inversion of control to an accessor. This is
+ * needed for both the ArrayAccessor and the ScalarAccessor classes, thus it
+ * uses a CRTP. */
+template <typename Derived> class InversionOfControlAccessor {
+  /** Unregister at its owner when deleting */
+  ~InversionOfControlAccessor() {
+    if (getOwner() != nullptr)
+      getOwner()->unregisterAccessor(node);
+  }
+  /** Change meta data (name, unit, description and optionally tags). This
+   * function may only be used on Application-type nodes. If the optional
+   * argument tags is omitted, the tags will not be changed. To clear the
+   *  tags, an empty set can be passed. */
+  void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
+                   const std::string &description) {
+    node.setMetaData(name, unit, completeDescription(getOwner(), description));
+  }
+  void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
+                   const std::string &description,
+                   const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags) {
+    node.setMetaData(name, unit, completeDescription(getOwner(), description),
+                     tags);
+  }
+  /** Add a tag. Valid names for tags only contain alpha-numeric characters
+   * (i.e. no spaces and no special characters). */
+  void addTag(const std::string &tag) { node.addTag(tag); }
+  /** Add multiple tags. Valid names for tags only contain alpha-numeric
+   * characters (i.e. no spaces and no special characters). */
+  void addTags(const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags) {
+    for (auto &tag : tags)
+      node.addTag(tag);
+  }
+  /** Convert into VariableNetworkNode */
+  operator VariableNetworkNode() { return node; }
+  operator const VariableNetworkNode() const { return node; }
+  /** Connect with other node */
+  VariableNetworkNode operator>>(const VariableNetworkNode &otherNode) {
+    return node >> otherNode;
+  }
+  /** Replace with other accessor */
+  void replace(Derived &&other) {
+    assert(static_cast<Derived *>(this)->_impl == nullptr &&
+           other._impl == nullptr);
+    if (getOwner() != nullptr)
+      getOwner()->unregisterAccessor(node);
+    node = other.node; // just copies the pointer, but other will be destroyed
+                       // right after this move constructor
+    other.node = VariableNetworkNode();
+    node.setAppAccessorPointer(static_cast<Derived *>(this));
+    // Note: the accessor is registered by the VariableNetworkNode, so we don't
+    // have to re-register.
+  }
+  /** Return the owning module */
+  EntityOwner *getOwner() const { return node.getOwningModule(); }
+  /// complete the description with the full description from the owner
+  std::string completeDescription(EntityOwner *owner,
+                                  const std::string &description) {
+    auto ownerDescription = owner->getFullDescription();
+    if (ownerDescription == "")
+      return description;
+    if (description == "")
+      return ownerDescription;
+    return ownerDescription + " - " + description;
+  }
+  InversionOfControlAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name,
+                             VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
+                             size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode,
+                             const std::string &description,
+                             const std::type_info *valueType,
+                             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : node(owner, static_cast<Derived *>(this), name, direction, unit,
+             nElements, mode, completeDescription(owner, description),
+             valueType, tags) {
+    static_assert(
+        std::is_base_of<InversionOfControlAccessor<Derived>, Derived>::value,
+        "InversionOfControlAccessor<> must be used in a curiously recurring "
+        "template pattern!");
+    if (name.find_first_of("/") != std::string::npos) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Accessor names must not contain slashes: '" + name +
+          "' in module '" + owner->getQualifiedName() + "'.");
+    }
+    owner->registerAccessor(node);
+  }
+  /** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with
+   * a real accessor later) */
+  InversionOfControlAccessor() {}
+  VariableNetworkNode node;
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/Module.h b/include/Module.h
index b7c8ae85..bce5e9df 100644
--- a/include/Module.h
+++ b/include/Module.h
@@ -8,136 +8,151 @@
-#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
 #include "EntityOwner.h"
-#include <ChimeraTK/TransferElement.h>
+#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
 #include <ChimeraTK/ReadAnyGroup.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/TransferElement.h>
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Base class for ApplicationModule, DeviceModule and ControlSystemModule, to have a common interface for these
-   *  module types. */
-  class Module : public EntityOwner {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor: register the module with its owner. If eliminateHierarchy is true, the hierarchy level
-       *  introduced by this module will be eliminated from the "dynamic" data model (see
-       *  EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The tags given as the last argument are added to all variables
-       *  in this module recursively (see EntityOwner::addTag()). */
-      Module(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-             bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
-      /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of modules (e.g. when creating arrays of modules).
-       *
-       *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed to allow constructor
-       *  inheritance of modules owning other modules. This constructor will not actually be called then.
-       *  See this bug report: */
-      Module() : EntityOwner(), _owner{nullptr} {}
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~Module();
-      /** Move constructor */
-      Module(Module &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-      /** Move assignment operator */
-      Module& operator=(Module &&other);
-      /** Prepare the execution of the module. This function is called before any module is started (including internal
-       *  modules like FanOuts) and before the initial values of the variables are pushed into the queues. */
-      virtual void prepare() {};
-      /** Execute the module. */
-      virtual void run() {};
-      /** Terminate the module. Must/will be called before destruction, if run() was called previously. */
-      virtual void terminate() {};
-      /** Create a ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup for all readable variables in this Module. */
-      ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup readAnyGroup();
-      /** Read all readable variables in the group. If there are push-type variables in the group, this call will block
-       *  until all of the variables have received an update. All push-type variables are read first, the poll-type
-       *  variables are therefore updated with the latest values upon return. */
-      void readAll();
-      /** Just call readNonBlocking() on all readable variables in the group. */
-      void readAllNonBlocking();
-      /** Just call readLatest() on all readable variables in the group. */
-      void readAllLatest();
-      /** Just call write() on all writable variables in the group. */
-      void writeAll();
-      /** Function call operator: Return VariableNetworkNode of the given variable name */
-      virtual VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const = 0;
-      /** Subscript operator: Return sub-module of the given name. Hierarchies will already be eliminated, if
-       *  requested. Thus the returned reference will not point to any user-defined object but to a VirtualModule
-       *  containing the variable structure. */
-      virtual Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const = 0;
-      /** Return the virtual version of this module and its sub-modules, i.e. eliminate hierarchies where requested and
-       *  apply other dynamic model changes. */
-      virtual const Module& virtualise() const = 0;
-      virtual void defineConnections(){};
-      /**
-        * Connect the entire module into another module. All variables inside this module and all
-        * submodules are connected to the target module. All variables and submodules must have an equally
-        * named and typed counterpart in the target module (or the target module allows creation of
-        * such entities, as in case of a ControlSystemModule). The target module may contain additional
-        * variables or submodules, which are ignored.
-        *
-        * If an optional trigger node is specified, this trigger node is applied to all poll-type output variables
-        * of the target module, which are being connected during this operation, if the corresponding variable
-        * in this module is push-type.
-        */
-      virtual void connectTo(const Module &target, VariableNetworkNode trigger={}) const = 0;
-      std::string getQualifiedName() const override {
-        return ( (_owner != nullptr) ? _owner->getQualifiedName() : "" ) + "/" + _name;
-      }
-      std::string getFullDescription() const override {
-        if(_owner == nullptr) return _description;
-        auto ownerDescription = _owner->getFullDescription();
-        if(ownerDescription == "") return _description;
-        if(_description == "") return ownerDescription;
-        return ownerDescription + " - " + _description;
-      }
-      /** Set a new owner. The caller has to take care himself that the Module gets unregistered with the old owner
-       *  and registered with the new one. Do not use in user code! */
-      void setOwner(EntityOwner *newOwner) {
-        _owner = newOwner;
-      }
-      EntityOwner* getOwner() const { return _owner; }
-      /**
-       * Explcitly add accept() method so that we can distinguish between a Module and an EntityOwner in the Visitor.
-       */
-      void accept(Visitor<Module>& visitor) const { visitor.dispatch(*this); }
-      VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
-        return _owner->getCurrentVersionNumber();
-      }
-      void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber version) override {
-        _owner->setCurrentVersionNumber(version);
-      }
-    protected:
-      /** Owner of this instance */
-      EntityOwner *_owner{nullptr};
-  };
+/** Base class for ApplicationModule, DeviceModule and ControlSystemModule, to
+ * have a common interface for these module types. */
+class Module : public EntityOwner {
+  /** Constructor: register the module with its owner. If eliminateHierarchy is
+   * true, the hierarchy level introduced by this module will be eliminated from
+   * the "dynamic" data model (see EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The
+   * tags given as the last argument are added to all variables in this module
+   * recursively (see EntityOwner::addTag()). */
+  Module(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+         const std::string &description, bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+         const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
+  /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of modules (e.g. when
+   * creating arrays of modules).
+   *
+   *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed
+   * to allow constructor inheritance of modules owning other modules. This
+   * constructor will not actually be called then. See this bug report:
+   * */
+  Module() : EntityOwner(), _owner{nullptr} {}
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~Module();
+  /** Move constructor */
+  Module(Module &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  /** Move assignment operator */
+  Module &operator=(Module &&other);
+  /** Prepare the execution of the module. This function is called before any
+   * module is started (including internal
+   *  modules like FanOuts) and before the initial values of the variables are
+   * pushed into the queues. */
+  virtual void prepare(){};
+  /** Execute the module. */
+  virtual void run(){};
+  /** Terminate the module. Must/will be called before destruction, if run() was
+   * called previously. */
+  virtual void terminate(){};
+  /** Create a ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup for all readable variables in this
+   * Module. */
+  ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup readAnyGroup();
+  /** Read all readable variables in the group. If there are push-type variables
+   * in the group, this call will block until all of the variables have received
+   * an update. All push-type variables are read first, the poll-type
+   *  variables are therefore updated with the latest values upon return. */
+  void readAll();
+  /** Just call readNonBlocking() on all readable variables in the group. */
+  void readAllNonBlocking();
+  /** Just call readLatest() on all readable variables in the group. */
+  void readAllLatest();
+  /** Just call write() on all writable variables in the group. */
+  void writeAll();
+  /** Function call operator: Return VariableNetworkNode of the given variable
+   * name */
+  virtual VariableNetworkNode
+  operator()(const std::string &variableName) const = 0;
+  /** Subscript operator: Return sub-module of the given name. Hierarchies will
+   * already be eliminated, if requested. Thus the returned reference will not
+   * point to any user-defined object but to a VirtualModule containing the
+   * variable structure. */
+  virtual Module &operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const = 0;
+  /** Return the virtual version of this module and its sub-modules, i.e.
+   * eliminate hierarchies where requested and apply other dynamic model
+   * changes. */
+  virtual const Module &virtualise() const = 0;
+  virtual void defineConnections(){};
+  /**
+   * Connect the entire module into another module. All variables inside this
+   * module and all submodules are connected to the target module. All variables
+   * and submodules must have an equally named and typed counterpart in the
+   * target module (or the target module allows creation of such entities, as in
+   * case of a ControlSystemModule). The target module may contain additional
+   * variables or submodules, which are ignored.
+   *
+   * If an optional trigger node is specified, this trigger node is applied to
+   * all poll-type output variables of the target module, which are being
+   * connected during this operation, if the corresponding variable in this
+   * module is push-type.
+   */
+  virtual void connectTo(const Module &target,
+                         VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const = 0;
+  std::string getQualifiedName() const override {
+    return ((_owner != nullptr) ? _owner->getQualifiedName() : "") + "/" +
+           _name;
+  }
+  std::string getFullDescription() const override {
+    if (_owner == nullptr)
+      return _description;
+    auto ownerDescription = _owner->getFullDescription();
+    if (ownerDescription == "")
+      return _description;
+    if (_description == "")
+      return ownerDescription;
+    return ownerDescription + " - " + _description;
+  }
+  /** Set a new owner. The caller has to take care himself that the Module gets
+   * unregistered with the old owner
+   *  and registered with the new one. Do not use in user code! */
+  void setOwner(EntityOwner *newOwner) { _owner = newOwner; }
+  EntityOwner *getOwner() const { return _owner; }
+  /**
+   * Explcitly add accept() method so that we can distinguish between a Module
+   and an EntityOwner in the Visitor.
+   */
+  void accept(Visitor<Module> &visitor) const { visitor.dispatch(*this); }
+  VersionNumber getCurrentVersionNumber() const override {
+    return _owner->getCurrentVersionNumber();
+  }
+  void setCurrentVersionNumber(VersionNumber version) override {
+    _owner->setCurrentVersionNumber(version);
+  }
+  /** Owner of this instance */
+  EntityOwner *_owner{nullptr};
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ModuleGraphVisitor.h b/include/ModuleGraphVisitor.h
index eec32431..c1db42e9 100644
--- a/include/ModuleGraphVisitor.h
+++ b/include/ModuleGraphVisitor.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <string>
 #include <ostream>
+#include <string>
 #include "Visitor.h"
@@ -14,20 +14,23 @@ class Module;
  * @brief The ModuleGraphVisitor class
- * This class is responsible for generating the Graphiviz representation of the module hierarchy.
+ * This class is responsible for generating the Graphiviz representation of the
+ * module hierarchy.
-class ModuleGraphVisitor : public Visitor<EntityOwner, Module, VariableNetworkNode> {
+class ModuleGraphVisitor
+    : public Visitor<EntityOwner, Module, VariableNetworkNode> {
-    ModuleGraphVisitor(std::ostream& stream, bool showVariables = true);
-    virtual ~ModuleGraphVisitor() {}
+  ModuleGraphVisitor(std::ostream &stream, bool showVariables = true);
+  virtual ~ModuleGraphVisitor() {}
+  void dispatch(const EntityOwner &owner);
+  void dispatch(const Module &module);
+  void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &node);
-    void dispatch(const EntityOwner &owner);
-    void dispatch(const Module &module);
-    void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &node);
-    std::ostream& _stream;
-    bool _showVariables;
+  std::ostream &_stream;
+  bool _showVariables;
-    void dumpEntityOwner(const EntityOwner &owner);
+  void dumpEntityOwner(const EntityOwner &owner);
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/ModuleGroup.h b/include/ModuleGroup.h
index 8dbd0b24..2de2aa40 100644
--- a/include/ModuleGroup.h
+++ b/include/ModuleGroup.h
@@ -16,44 +16,46 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class ModuleGroup : public ModuleImpl {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor: register the ModuleGroup with its owner. If eliminateHierarchy is true, the hierarchy level
-       *  introduced by this group will be eliminated from the "dynamic" data model (see
-       *  EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The tags given as the last argument are added to all variables
-       *  in this module recursively (see EntityOwner::addTag()).
-       *
-       *  Note: ModuleGroups may only be owned by the Application or other ModuleGroups. */
-      ModuleGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-             bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
-      /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of ModuleGroups (e.g. when creating arrays of
-       *  ModuleGroups).
-       *
-       *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed to allow constructor
-       *  inheritance of modules owning other modules. This constructor will not actually be called then.
-       *  See this bug report: */
-      ModuleGroup() : ModuleImpl() {}
-      /** Move constructor */
-      ModuleGroup(ModuleGroup &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-      /** Move assignment */
-      ModuleGroup& operator=(ModuleGroup &&other) {
-        ModuleImpl::operator=(std::move(other));
-        return *this;
-      }
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~ModuleGroup() {};
-      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ModuleGroup; }
-  };
+class ModuleGroup : public ModuleImpl {
+  /** Constructor: register the ModuleGroup with its owner. If
+   * eliminateHierarchy is true, the hierarchy level introduced by this group
+   * will be eliminated from the "dynamic" data model (see
+   *  EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The tags given as the last argument
+   * are added to all variables in this module recursively (see
+   * EntityOwner::addTag()).
+   *
+   *  Note: ModuleGroups may only be owned by the Application or other
+   * ModuleGroups. */
+  ModuleGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+              const std::string &description, bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+              const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
+  /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of ModuleGroups (e.g. when
+   * creating arrays of ModuleGroups).
+   *
+   *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed
+   * to allow constructor inheritance of modules owning other modules. This
+   * constructor will not actually be called then. See this bug report:
+   * */
+  ModuleGroup() : ModuleImpl() {}
+  /** Move constructor */
+  ModuleGroup(ModuleGroup &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  /** Move assignment */
+  ModuleGroup &operator=(ModuleGroup &&other) {
+    ModuleImpl::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~ModuleGroup(){};
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::ModuleGroup; }
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ModuleImpl.h b/include/ModuleImpl.h
index cbd2568d..4c9053e2 100644
--- a/include/ModuleImpl.h
+++ b/include/ModuleImpl.h
@@ -13,49 +13,50 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /**
-   *  Some common implementations of a few functions in Module used by most modules (but the VirtualModule).
-   */
-  class ModuleImpl: public Module {
-    public:
-      // constructor inheritances does not work due to a gcc bug!?
-      ModuleImpl(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-             bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-      : Module(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags)
-      {}
-      ModuleImpl() : Module() {}
+ *  Some common implementations of a few functions in Module used by most
+ * modules (but the VirtualModule).
+ */
+class ModuleImpl : public Module {
-      /** Move constructor */
-      ModuleImpl(ModuleImpl &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  // constructor inheritances does not work due to a gcc bug!?
+  ModuleImpl(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+             const std::string &description, bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : Module(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags) {}
-      /** Move assignment operator */
-      ModuleImpl& operator=(ModuleImpl &&other) {
-        if(other.virtualisedModule_isValid) virtualisedModule = other.virtualisedModule;
-        virtualisedModule_isValid = other.virtualisedModule_isValid;
-        Module::operator=(std::forward<ModuleImpl>(other));
-        return *this;
-      }
+  ModuleImpl() : Module() {}
-      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override;
+  /** Move constructor */
+  ModuleImpl(ModuleImpl &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-      Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;
+  /** Move assignment operator */
+  ModuleImpl &operator=(ModuleImpl &&other) {
+    if (other.virtualisedModule_isValid)
+      virtualisedModule = other.virtualisedModule;
+    virtualisedModule_isValid = other.virtualisedModule_isValid;
+    Module::operator=(std::forward<ModuleImpl>(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
-      void connectTo(const Module &target, VariableNetworkNode trigger={}) const override;
+  VariableNetworkNode
+  operator()(const std::string &variableName) const override;
-      const Module& virtualise() const override;
+  Module &operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const override;
-  protected:
+  void connectTo(const Module &target,
+                 VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const override;
-      /// Cached return value of virtualise(). Caching is required since virtualise() returns a reference.
-      mutable VirtualModule virtualisedModule{"INVALID", "", ModuleType::Invalid};
-      mutable bool virtualisedModule_isValid{false};
+  const Module &virtualise() const override;
-  };
+  /// Cached return value of virtualise(). Caching is required since
+  /// virtualise() returns a reference.
+  mutable VirtualModule virtualisedModule{"INVALID", "", ModuleType::Invalid};
+  mutable bool virtualisedModule_isValid{false};
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/Profiler.h b/include/Profiler.h
index e45c1bc5..e0d13071 100644
--- a/include/Profiler.h
+++ b/include/Profiler.h
@@ -8,104 +8,105 @@
-#include <string>
+#include <assert.h>
 #include <atomic>
 #include <chrono>
 #include <list>
 #include <mutex>
-#include <assert.h>
+#include <string>
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class Profiler {
-    public:
-      class ThreadData {
-        public:
-          /** Return the name of the thread */
-          const std::string& getName() const { return name; }
-          /** Return the integrated active time of the thread in microseconds. */
-          uint64_t getIntegratedTime() const { return integratedTime; }
-          /** Return the integrated active time of the thread in microseconds and atomically reset the counter to 0. */
-          uint64_t getAndResetIntegratedTime() {
-            uint64_t time = integratedTime;
-            integratedTime.fetch_sub(time);
-            return time;
-          }
-        private:
-          friend class Profiler;
-          /** Copy of Application::threadName(), stored here to make it accessible outside the thread */
-          std::string name;
-          /** Reference point for the time measurement */
-          std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point lastActiated;
-          /** Flag whether this thread is currently active */
-          bool isActive{false};
-          /** Integrated time this thread was active in microseconds */
-          std::atomic<uint64_t> integratedTime;
-      };
+class Profiler {
-      /** Register a thread in the profiler. This function must be called in each thread before calling
-       *  startMeasurement() and stopMeasurement() in the same thread. The function must not be called twice in the
-       *  same thread. The call to this function implicitly triggers starting the time measurement
-       *  (see startMeasurement()) */
-      static void registerThread(const std::string &name) {
-        getThreadData().name = name;
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threadDataList_mutex);
-        threadDataList.emplace_back(&getThreadData());
-        startMeasurement();
-      }
+  class ThreadData {
-      /** Obtain a list of ThreadData references for all threads registered with the profiler. */
-      static const std::list<ThreadData*>& getDataList() {
-        return threadDataList;
-      }
+  public:
+    /** Return the name of the thread */
+    const std::string &getName() const { return name; }
-      /** Start the time measurement for the current thread. Call this immediately after the thread woke up e.g. from
-       *  blocking read. */
-      static void startMeasurement() {
-        if(getThreadData().isActive) return;
-        getThreadData().isActive = true;
-        getThreadData().lastActiated = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-      }
+    /** Return the integrated active time of the thread in microseconds. */
+    uint64_t getIntegratedTime() const { return integratedTime; }
-      /** Stop the time measurement for the current thread. Call this right before putting the thread to sleep e.g.
-       *  before a blocking read. */
-      static void stopMeasurement() {
-        if(!getThreadData().isActive) return;
-        getThreadData().isActive = false;
-        auto duration = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - getThreadData().lastActiated;
-        getThreadData().integratedTime += std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count();
-      }
+    /** Return the integrated active time of the thread in microseconds and
+     * atomically reset the counter to 0. */
+    uint64_t getAndResetIntegratedTime() {
+      uint64_t time = integratedTime;
+      integratedTime.fetch_sub(time);
+      return time;
+    }
-    private:
+  private:
+    friend class Profiler;
-      /** Return the ThreadData object associated with the current thread. */
-      static ThreadData& getThreadData() {
-        thread_local static ThreadData data;
-        return data;
-      }
+    /** Copy of Application::threadName(), stored here to make it accessible
+     * outside the thread */
+    std::string name;
-      /** List of ThreadData references registered with the profiler.  */
-      static std::list<ThreadData*> threadDataList;
+    /** Reference point for the time measurement */
+    std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point lastActiated;
-      /** Mutex for write access to the threadDataList member. Access to existing list entries through the public
-       *  member functions of ThreadData is allowed without holding this mutex. */
-      static std::mutex threadDataList_mutex;
+    /** Flag whether this thread is currently active */
+    bool isActive{false};
+    /** Integrated time this thread was active in microseconds */
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> integratedTime;
+  /** Register a thread in the profiler. This function must be called in each
+   * thread before calling startMeasurement() and stopMeasurement() in the same
+   * thread. The function must not be called twice in the same thread. The call
+   * to this function implicitly triggers starting the time measurement (see
+   * startMeasurement()) */
+  static void registerThread(const std::string &name) {
+    getThreadData().name = name;
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threadDataList_mutex);
+    threadDataList.emplace_back(&getThreadData());
+    startMeasurement();
+  }
+  /** Obtain a list of ThreadData references for all threads registered with the
+   * profiler. */
+  static const std::list<ThreadData *> &getDataList() { return threadDataList; }
+  /** Start the time measurement for the current thread. Call this immediately
+   * after the thread woke up e.g. from blocking read. */
+  static void startMeasurement() {
+    if (getThreadData().isActive)
+      return;
+    getThreadData().isActive = true;
+    getThreadData().lastActiated = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+  }
+  /** Stop the time measurement for the current thread. Call this right before
+   * putting the thread to sleep e.g. before a blocking read. */
+  static void stopMeasurement() {
+    if (!getThreadData().isActive)
+      return;
+    getThreadData().isActive = false;
+    auto duration = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() -
+                    getThreadData().lastActiated;
+    getThreadData().integratedTime +=
+        std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count();
+  }
+  /** Return the ThreadData object associated with the current thread. */
+  static ThreadData &getThreadData() {
+    thread_local static ThreadData data;
+    return data;
+  }
+  /** List of ThreadData references registered with the profiler.  */
+  static std::list<ThreadData *> threadDataList;
+  /** Mutex for write access to the threadDataList member. Access to existing
+   * list entries through the public member functions of ThreadData is allowed
+   * without holding this mutex. */
+  static std::mutex threadDataList_mutex;
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/ScalarAccessor.h b/include/ScalarAccessor.h
index e2d1d6d3..ee4106fa 100644
--- a/include/ScalarAccessor.h
+++ b/include/ScalarAccessor.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-* ScalarAccessor.h
-*  Created on: Jun 07, 2016
-*      Author: Martin Hierholzer
+ * ScalarAccessor.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jun 07, 2016
+ *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
+ */
@@ -15,139 +15,154 @@
 #include <ChimeraTK/ScalarRegisterAccessor.h>
+#include "Application.h"
 #include "InversionOfControlAccessor.h"
 #include "Profiler.h"
-#include "Application.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Accessor for scalar variables (i.e. single values). Note for users: Use the convenience classes
-  *  ScalarPollInput, ScalarPushInput, ScalarOutput instead of this class directly. */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  class ScalarAccessor : public ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>,
-                         public InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>> {
-    public:
-      using InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::operator VariableNetworkNode;
-      using InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::operator>>;
-      void replace(const ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType> &newAccessor) = delete;
-      using InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::replace;
-      ScalarAccessor<UserType>& operator=(ScalarAccessor<UserType> &other) = delete;
-      using ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-      /** Move constructor */
-      ScalarAccessor(ScalarAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
-        InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::replace(std::move(other));
-      }
-      /** Move assignment. */
-      ScalarAccessor<UserType>& operator=(ScalarAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
-        // Having a move-assignment operator is required to use the move-assignment operator of a module containing
-        // an accessor.
-        InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::replace(std::move(other));
-        return *this;
-      }
-      bool write(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) = delete;
-      bool write() {
-        auto versionNumber = this->getOwner()->getCurrentVersionNumber();
-        bool dataLoss = ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>::write(versionNumber);
-        if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
-        return dataLoss;
-      }
-  protected:
-      friend class InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>;
-      ScalarAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
-          UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description,
-          const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-      : InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>(owner, name, direction, unit, 1, mode,
-                                                            description, &typeid(UserType), tags)
-      {}
-      /** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with a real accessor later) */
-      ScalarAccessor() {}
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::push */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ScalarPushInput : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
-    ScalarPushInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
-                    const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, UpdateMode::push,
-                               description, tags)
-    {}
-    ScalarPushInput() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::poll */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ScalarPollInput : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
-    ScalarPollInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
-                    const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit, UpdateMode::poll,
-                               description, tags)
-    {}
-    ScalarPollInput() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    void doReadTransfer() { this->doReadTransferLatest(); }
-    void read() { this->readLatest(); }
-    using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for output scalar accessors (always UpdateMode::push) */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ScalarOutput : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
-    ScalarOutput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
-                 const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, unit, UpdateMode::push,
-                               description, tags)
-    {}
-    ScalarOutput() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for input scalar accessors with return channel ("write back") and UpdateMode::push */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ScalarPushInputWB : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
-    ScalarPushInputWB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
-                    const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::consuming, true}, unit, UpdateMode::push,
-                               description, tags)
-    {}
-    ScalarPushInputWB() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Convenience class for output scalar accessors with return channel ("read back") (always UpdateMode::push) */
-  template< typename UserType >
-  struct ScalarOutputPushRB : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
-    ScalarOutputPushRB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
-                 const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name, {VariableDirection::feeding, true}, unit, UpdateMode::push,
-                               description, tags)
-    {}
-    ScalarOutputPushRB() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
-    using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
+/** Accessor for scalar variables (i.e. single values). Note for users: Use the
+ * convenience classes
+ *  ScalarPollInput, ScalarPushInput, ScalarOutput instead of this class
+ * directly. */
+template <typename UserType>
+class ScalarAccessor
+    : public ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>,
+      public InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>> {
+  using InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::
+  operator VariableNetworkNode;
+  using InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::operator>>;
+  void replace(const ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>
+                   &newAccessor) = delete;
+  using InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::replace;
+  ScalarAccessor<UserType> &operator=(ScalarAccessor<UserType> &other) = delete;
+  using ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+  /** Move constructor */
+  ScalarAccessor(ScalarAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
+    InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::replace(
+        std::move(other));
+  }
+  /** Move assignment. */
+  ScalarAccessor<UserType> &operator=(ScalarAccessor<UserType> &&other) {
+    // Having a move-assignment operator is required to use the move-assignment
+    // operator of a module containing an accessor.
+    InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>::replace(
+        std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  bool write(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber) = delete;
+  bool write() {
+    auto versionNumber = this->getOwner()->getCurrentVersionNumber();
+    bool dataLoss =
+        ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>::write(versionNumber);
+    if (dataLoss)
+      Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
+    return dataLoss;
+  }
+  friend class InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>;
+  ScalarAccessor(Module *owner, const std::string &name,
+                 VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, UpdateMode mode,
+                 const std::string &description,
+                 const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : InversionOfControlAccessor<ScalarAccessor<UserType>>(
+            owner, name, direction, unit, 1, mode, description,
+            &typeid(UserType), tags) {}
+  /** Default constructor creates a dysfunctional accessor (to be assigned with
+   * a real accessor later) */
+  ScalarAccessor() {}
+/** Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::push */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ScalarPushInput : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
+  ScalarPushInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                  const std::string &description,
+                  const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name,
+                                 {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit,
+                                 UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ScalarPushInput() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for input scalar accessors with UpdateMode::poll */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ScalarPollInput : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
+  ScalarPollInput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                  const std::string &description,
+                  const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name,
+                                 {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, unit,
+                                 UpdateMode::poll, description, tags) {}
+  ScalarPollInput() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  void doReadTransfer() { this->doReadTransferLatest(); }
+  void read() { this->readLatest(); }
+  using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for output scalar accessors (always UpdateMode::push) */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ScalarOutput : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
+  ScalarOutput(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+               const std::string &description,
+               const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name,
+                                 {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, unit,
+                                 UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ScalarOutput() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for input scalar accessors with return channel ("write
+ * back") and UpdateMode::push */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ScalarPushInputWB : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
+  ScalarPushInputWB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                    const std::string &description,
+                    const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name,
+                                 {VariableDirection::consuming, true}, unit,
+                                 UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ScalarPushInputWB() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
+/** Convenience class for output scalar accessors with return channel ("read
+ * back") (always UpdateMode::push) */
+template <typename UserType>
+struct ScalarOutputPushRB : public ScalarAccessor<UserType> {
+  ScalarOutputPushRB(Module *owner, const std::string &name, std::string unit,
+                     const std::string &description,
+                     const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ScalarAccessor<UserType>(owner, name,
+                                 {VariableDirection::feeding, true}, unit,
+                                 UpdateMode::push, description, tags) {}
+  ScalarOutputPushRB() : ScalarAccessor<UserType>() {}
+  using ScalarAccessor<UserType>::operator=;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/SupportedUserTypes.h b/include/SupportedUserTypes.h
index be45dcbc..041e4cab 100644
--- a/include/SupportedUserTypes.h
+++ b/include/SupportedUserTypes.h
@@ -10,33 +10,31 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Map of UserType to value of the UserType. */
-  typedef boost::fusion::map<
-      boost::fusion::pair<int8_t,int8_t>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<int16_t,int16_t>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<uint16_t,uint16_t>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<int32_t,int32_t>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<float,float>,
-      boost::fusion::pair<double,double>
-  > ApplicationCoreUserTypeMap;
+/** Map of UserType to value of the UserType. */
+typedef boost::fusion::map<
+    boost::fusion::pair<int8_t, int8_t>, boost::fusion::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>,
+    boost::fusion::pair<int16_t, int16_t>,
+    boost::fusion::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t>,
+    boost::fusion::pair<int32_t, int32_t>,
+    boost::fusion::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, boost::fusion::pair<float, float>,
+    boost::fusion::pair<double, double>>
+    ApplicationCoreUserTypeMap;
-  /** Map of UserType to a class template with the UserType as template argument. */
-  template< template<typename> class TemplateClass >
-  class ApplicationCoreTemplateUserTypeMap {
-    public:
-      boost::fusion::map<
-          boost::fusion::pair<int8_t, TemplateClass<int8_t> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<uint8_t, TemplateClass<uint8_t> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<int16_t, TemplateClass<int16_t> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<uint16_t, TemplateClass<uint16_t> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<int32_t, TemplateClass<int32_t> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<uint32_t, TemplateClass<uint32_t> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<float, TemplateClass<float> >,
-          boost::fusion::pair<double, TemplateClass<double> >
-       > table;
-  };
+/** Map of UserType to a class template with the UserType as template argument.
+ */
+template <template <typename> class TemplateClass>
+class ApplicationCoreTemplateUserTypeMap {
+  boost::fusion::map<boost::fusion::pair<int8_t, TemplateClass<int8_t>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<uint8_t, TemplateClass<uint8_t>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<int16_t, TemplateClass<int16_t>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<uint16_t, TemplateClass<uint16_t>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<int32_t, TemplateClass<int32_t>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<uint32_t, TemplateClass<uint32_t>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<float, TemplateClass<float>>,
+                     boost::fusion::pair<double, TemplateClass<double>>>
+      table;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/TestFacility.h b/include/TestFacility.h
index d2824cea..9d321027 100644
--- a/include/TestFacility.h
+++ b/include/TestFacility.h
@@ -11,162 +11,183 @@
 #include <boost/fusion/include/at_key.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ControlSystemPVManager.h>
-#include <ChimeraTK/ScalarRegisterAccessor.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/OneDRegisterAccessor.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/ScalarRegisterAccessor.h>
 #include "Application.h"
 #include "TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Helper class to facilitate tests of applications based on ApplicationCore */
-  class TestFacility {
-    public:
-      /** The constructor will internally obtain the instance of the application, so the instance of the TestFacility
-       *  must not be created before the application (i.e. usually not before the main() routine). The application will
-       *  automatically be put into the testable mode and initialised. */
-      TestFacility() {
-        auto pvManagers = createPVManager();
-        pvManager = pvManagers.first;
-        Application::getInstance().setPVManager(pvManagers.second);
-        Application::getInstance().enableTestableMode();
-        Application::getInstance().initialise();
-      }
-      /** Start the application. This simply calls Application::run(). Since the application is in testable mode, it
-       *  will be ??? TODO define precisely what happens on start up */
-      void runApplication() const {
-        Application::getInstance().run();
-        Application::registerThread("TestThread");
-      }
-      /** Perform a "step" of the application. This runs the application until all input provided to it has been
-       *  processed and all application modules wait for new data in blocking read calls. This function returns only
-       *  after the application has reached that stated and was paused again. After returning from this function,
-       *  the result can be checked and new data can be provided to the application. The new data will not be
-       *  processed until the next call to step(). */
-      void stepApplication() const {
-        Application::getInstance().stepApplication();
-      }
-      /** Obtain a scalar process variable from the application, which is published to the control system. */
-      template<typename T>
-      ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T> getScalar(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &name) const {
-        // check for existing accessor in cache
-        if(boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table).count(name) > 0) {
-          return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name];
-        }
-        // obtain accessor from ControlSystemPVManager
-        auto pv = pvManager->getProcessArray<T>(name);
-        if(pv == nullptr) {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Process variable '"+name+"' does not exist.");
-        }
-        // obtain variable id from pvIdMap and transfer it to idMap (required by the TestableModeAccessorDecorator)
-        size_t varId = Application::getInstance().pvIdMap[pv->getUniqueId()];
-        // decorate with TestableModeAccessorDecorator if variable is sender and receiver is not poll-type,
-        // and store it in cache
-        if(pv->isWriteable() && !Application::getInstance().testableMode_isPollMode[varId]) {
-          auto deco = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(pv, false, true, varId, varId);
-          Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[varId] = "ControlSystem:"+name;
-          boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name].replace(ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T>(deco));
-        }
-        else {
-          boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name].replace(ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T>(pv));
-        }
-        // return the accessor as stored in the cache
-        return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name];
-      }
-      /** Obtain an array-type process variable from the application, which is published to the control system. */
-      template<typename T>
-      ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<T> getArray(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &name) const {
-        // check for existing accessor in cache
-        if(boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table).count(name) > 0) {
-          return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name];
-        }
-        // obtain accessor from ControlSystemPVManager
-        auto pv = pvManager->getProcessArray<T>(name);
-        if(pv == nullptr) {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Process variable '"+name+"' does not exist.");
-        }
-        // obtain variable id from pvIdMap and transfer it to idMap (required by the TestableModeAccessorDecorator)
-        size_t varId = Application::getInstance().pvIdMap[pv->getUniqueId()];
-        // decorate with TestableModeAccessorDecorator if variable is sender and receiver is not poll-type,
-        // and store it in cache
-        if(pv->isWriteable() && !Application::getInstance().testableMode_isPollMode[varId]) {
-          auto deco = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(pv, false, true, varId, varId);
-          Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[varId] = "ControlSystem:"+name;
-          boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name].replace(ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<T>(deco));
-        }
-        else {
-          boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name].replace(ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<T>(pv));
-        }
-        // return the accessor as stored in the cache
-        return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name];
-      }
-      /** Convenience function to write a scalar process variable in a single call */
-      template<typename TYPE>
-      void writeScalar( const std::string &name, const TYPE value ) {
-        auto acc = getScalar<TYPE>(name);
-        acc = value;
-        acc.write();
-      }
-      /** Convenience function to write an array process variable in a single call */
-      template<typename TYPE>
-      void writeArray( const std::string &name, const std::vector<TYPE> &value ) {
-        auto acc = getArray<TYPE>(name);
-        acc = value;
-        acc.write();
-      }
-      /** Convenience function to read the latest value of a scalar process variable in a single call */
-      template<typename TYPE>
-      TYPE readScalar( const std::string &name ) {
-        auto acc = getScalar<TYPE>(name);
-        acc.readLatest();
-        return acc;
-      }
-      /** Convenience function to read the latest value of an array process variable in a single call */
-      template<typename TYPE>
-      std::vector<TYPE> readArray( const std::string &name ) {
-        auto acc = getArray<TYPE>(name);
-        acc.readLatest();
-        return acc;
-      }
-  protected:
-      boost::shared_ptr<ControlSystemPVManager> pvManager;
-      // Cache (possible decorated) accessors to avoid the need to create accessors multiple times. This would not work
-      // if the accessor is decorated, since the buffer would be lost and thus the current value could no longer be
-      // obtained. This has to be done separately for scalar and array accessors and in dependence of the user type.
-      // Since this is a cache and does not change the logical behaviour of the class, the maps are defined mutable.
-      template<typename UserType>
-      using ScalarMap = std::map<std::string, ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>>;
-      mutable ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<ScalarMap> scalarMap;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      using ArrayMap = std::map<std::string, ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>;
-      mutable ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<ArrayMap> arrayMap;
-  };
+/** Helper class to facilitate tests of applications based on ApplicationCore */
+class TestFacility {
+  /** The constructor will internally obtain the instance of the application, so
+   * the instance of the TestFacility must not be created before the application
+   * (i.e. usually not before the main() routine). The application will
+   *  automatically be put into the testable mode and initialised. */
+  TestFacility() {
+    auto pvManagers = createPVManager();
+    pvManager = pvManagers.first;
+    Application::getInstance().setPVManager(pvManagers.second);
+    Application::getInstance().enableTestableMode();
+    Application::getInstance().initialise();
+  }
+  /** Start the application. This simply calls Application::run(). Since the
+   * application is in testable mode, it
+   *  will be ??? TODO define precisely what happens on start up */
+  void runApplication() const {
+    Application::getInstance().run();
+    Application::registerThread("TestThread");
+  }
+  /** Perform a "step" of the application. This runs the application until all
+   * input provided to it has been processed and all application modules wait
+   * for new data in blocking read calls. This function returns only after the
+   * application has reached that stated and was paused again. After returning
+   * from this function, the result can be checked and new data can be provided
+   * to the application. The new data will not be
+   *  processed until the next call to step(). */
+  void stepApplication() const { Application::getInstance().stepApplication(); }
+  /** Obtain a scalar process variable from the application, which is published
+   * to the control system. */
+  template <typename T>
+  ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T>
+  getScalar(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &name) const {
+    // check for existing accessor in cache
+    if (boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table).count(name) > 0) {
+      return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name];
+    }
+    // obtain accessor from ControlSystemPVManager
+    auto pv = pvManager->getProcessArray<T>(name);
+    if (pv == nullptr) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Process variable '" + name +
+                                   "' does not exist.");
+    }
+    // obtain variable id from pvIdMap and transfer it to idMap (required by the
+    // TestableModeAccessorDecorator)
+    size_t varId = Application::getInstance().pvIdMap[pv->getUniqueId()];
+    // decorate with TestableModeAccessorDecorator if variable is sender and
+    // receiver is not poll-type, and store it in cache
+    if (pv->isWriteable() &&
+        !Application::getInstance().testableMode_isPollMode[varId]) {
+      auto deco = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(
+          pv, false, true, varId, varId);
+      Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[varId] =
+          "ControlSystem:" + name;
+      boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name].replace(
+          ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T>(deco));
+    } else {
+      boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name].replace(
+          ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T>(pv));
+    }
+    // return the accessor as stored in the cache
+    return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(scalarMap.table)[name];
+  }
+  /** Obtain an array-type process variable from the application, which is
+   * published to the control system. */
+  template <typename T>
+  ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<T>
+  getArray(const ChimeraTK::RegisterPath &name) const {
+    // check for existing accessor in cache
+    if (boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table).count(name) > 0) {
+      return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name];
+    }
+    // obtain accessor from ControlSystemPVManager
+    auto pv = pvManager->getProcessArray<T>(name);
+    if (pv == nullptr) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Process variable '" + name +
+                                   "' does not exist.");
+    }
+    // obtain variable id from pvIdMap and transfer it to idMap (required by the
+    // TestableModeAccessorDecorator)
+    size_t varId = Application::getInstance().pvIdMap[pv->getUniqueId()];
+    // decorate with TestableModeAccessorDecorator if variable is sender and
+    // receiver is not poll-type, and store it in cache
+    if (pv->isWriteable() &&
+        !Application::getInstance().testableMode_isPollMode[varId]) {
+      auto deco = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(
+          pv, false, true, varId, varId);
+      Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[varId] =
+          "ControlSystem:" + name;
+      boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name].replace(
+          ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<T>(deco));
+    } else {
+      boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name].replace(
+          ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<T>(pv));
+    }
+    // return the accessor as stored in the cache
+    return boost::fusion::at_key<T>(arrayMap.table)[name];
+  }
+  /** Convenience function to write a scalar process variable in a single call
+   */
+  template <typename TYPE>
+  void writeScalar(const std::string &name, const TYPE value) {
+    auto acc = getScalar<TYPE>(name);
+    acc = value;
+    acc.write();
+  }
+  /** Convenience function to write an array process variable in a single call
+   */
+  template <typename TYPE>
+  void writeArray(const std::string &name, const std::vector<TYPE> &value) {
+    auto acc = getArray<TYPE>(name);
+    acc = value;
+    acc.write();
+  }
+  /** Convenience function to read the latest value of a scalar process variable
+   * in a single call */
+  template <typename TYPE> TYPE readScalar(const std::string &name) {
+    auto acc = getScalar<TYPE>(name);
+    acc.readLatest();
+    return acc;
+  }
+  /** Convenience function to read the latest value of an array process variable
+   * in a single call */
+  template <typename TYPE>
+  std::vector<TYPE> readArray(const std::string &name) {
+    auto acc = getArray<TYPE>(name);
+    acc.readLatest();
+    return acc;
+  }
+  boost::shared_ptr<ControlSystemPVManager> pvManager;
+  // Cache (possible decorated) accessors to avoid the need to create accessors
+  // multiple times. This would not work if the accessor is decorated, since the
+  // buffer would be lost and thus the current value could no longer be
+  // obtained. This has to be done separately for scalar and array accessors and
+  // in dependence of the user type. Since this is a cache and does not change
+  // the logical behaviour of the class, the maps are defined mutable.
+  template <typename UserType>
+  using ScalarMap =
+      std::map<std::string, ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<UserType>>;
+  mutable ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<ScalarMap> scalarMap;
+  template <typename UserType>
+  using ArrayMap =
+      std::map<std::string, ChimeraTK::OneDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>;
+  mutable ChimeraTK::TemplateUserTypeMap<ArrayMap> arrayMap;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h b/include/TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h
index aaea14c8..262bdae1 100644
--- a/include/TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h
+++ b/include/TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h
@@ -15,146 +15,172 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the application */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class TestableModeAccessorDecorator : public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
-    public:
-      TestableModeAccessorDecorator(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> accessor,
-                                    bool handleRead, bool handleWrite,
-                                    size_t variableIdRead, size_t variableIdWrite)
+/** Decorator of the NDRegisterAccessor which facilitates tests of the
+ * application */
+template <typename UserType>
+class TestableModeAccessorDecorator
+    : public ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType> {
+  TestableModeAccessorDecorator(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> accessor,
+      bool handleRead, bool handleWrite, size_t variableIdRead,
+      size_t variableIdWrite)
       : ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>(accessor),
-        _handleRead(handleRead),
-        _handleWrite(handleWrite),
-        _variableIdRead(variableIdRead),
-        _variableIdWrite(variableIdWrite)
-      {
-        assert(_variableIdRead != 0);
-        assert(_variableIdWrite != 0);
-        // if receiving end, register for testable mode (stall detection)
-        if(this->isReadable() && handleRead) {
-          Application::getInstance().testableMode_processVars[_variableIdRead] = accessor;
-        }
-        // if this decorating a bidirectional process variable, set the valueRejectCallback
-        auto bidir = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<BidirectionalProcessArray<UserType>>(accessor);
-        if(bidir) {
-          bidir->setValueRejectCallback([this]{
-            decrementCounter();
-          });
-        }
-        else {
-          assert(! (handleRead && handleWrite) );
-        }
+        _handleRead(handleRead), _handleWrite(handleWrite),
+        _variableIdRead(variableIdRead), _variableIdWrite(variableIdWrite) {
+    assert(_variableIdRead != 0);
+    assert(_variableIdWrite != 0);
+    // if receiving end, register for testable mode (stall detection)
+    if (this->isReadable() && handleRead) {
+      Application::getInstance().testableMode_processVars[_variableIdRead] =
+          accessor;
+    }
+    // if this decorating a bidirectional process variable, set the
+    // valueRejectCallback
+    auto bidir =
+        boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<BidirectionalProcessArray<UserType>>(
+            accessor);
+    if (bidir) {
+      bidir->setValueRejectCallback([this] { decrementCounter(); });
+    } else {
+      assert(!(handleRead && handleWrite));
+    }
+  }
+  bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber = {}) override {
+    if (!_handleWrite)
+      return _target->doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
+    bool dataLost = false;
+    if (!Application::testableModeTestLock()) {
+      // may happen if first write in thread is done before first blocking read
+      Application::testableModeLock("write " + this->getName());
+    }
+    dataLost = _target->doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
+    if (!dataLost) {
+      ++Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter;
+      ++Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdWrite];
+      if (Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
+        std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator::write[name='"
+                  << this->getName() << "', id=" << _variableIdWrite
+                  << "]: testableMode_counter "
+                     "increased, now at value "
+                  << Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter
+                  << std::endl;
-      bool doWriteTransfer(ChimeraTK::VersionNumber versionNumber={}) override {
-        if(!_handleWrite) return _target->doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
-        bool dataLost = false;
-        if(!Application::testableModeTestLock()) {
-          // may happen if first write in thread is done before first blocking read
-          Application::testableModeLock("write "+this->getName());
-        }
-        dataLost = _target->doWriteTransfer(versionNumber);
-        if(!dataLost) {
-          ++Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter;
-          ++Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdWrite];
-          if(Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
-            std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator::write[name='"<<this->getName()<<"', id="<<_variableIdWrite<<"]: testableMode_counter "
-                         "increased, now at value " << Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter << std::endl;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          if(Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
-            std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator::write[name='"<<this->getName()<<"', id="<<_variableIdWrite<<"]: testableMode_counter not "
-                        "increased due to lost data" << std::endl;
-          }
-        }
-        return dataLost;
-      }
-      void doReadTransfer() override {
-        if(_handleRead) releaseLock();
-        _target->doReadTransfer();
-      }
-      /** Release the testableModeLock */
-      void releaseLock() {
-        if(Application::testableModeTestLock()) Application::testableModeUnlock("doReadTransfer "+this->getName());
-      }
-      /** Implement callback called by TransferFuture before it blocks in wait() */
-      void transferFutureWaitCallback() override {
-        releaseLock();
-      }
-      /** Obtain the testableModeLock if not owned yet, and decrement the counter. */
-      void obtainLockAndDecrementCounter() {
-        if(!Application::testableModeTestLock()) Application::testableModeLock("doReadTransfer "+this->getName());
-        if(Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] > 0) {
-          assert(Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter > 0);
-          --Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter;
-          --Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead];
-          if(Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
-            std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator[name='"<<this->getName()<<"', id="<<_variableIdRead<<"]: testableMode_counter "
-                        "decreased, now at value " << Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter << " / " <<
-                        Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] << std::endl;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          if(Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
-            std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator[name='"<<this->getName()<<"', id="<<_variableIdRead<<"]: testableMode_counter "
-                        "NOT decreased, was already at value " << Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter << " / " <<
-                        Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] << std::endl;
-            std::cout << Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[_variableIdRead] << std::endl;
-          }
-        }
+    } else {
+      if (Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
+        std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator::write[name='"
+                  << this->getName() << "', id=" << _variableIdWrite
+                  << "]: testableMode_counter not "
+                     "increased due to lost data"
+                  << std::endl;
-      /** Obtain the testableModeLock if not owned yet, decrement the counter, and release the lock again. */
-      void decrementCounter() {
-        obtainLockAndDecrementCounter();
-        releaseLock();
+    }
+    return dataLost;
+  }
+  void doReadTransfer() override {
+    if (_handleRead)
+      releaseLock();
+    _target->doReadTransfer();
+  }
+  /** Release the testableModeLock */
+  void releaseLock() {
+    if (Application::testableModeTestLock())
+      Application::testableModeUnlock("doReadTransfer " + this->getName());
+  }
+  /** Implement callback called by TransferFuture before it blocks in wait() */
+  void transferFutureWaitCallback() override { releaseLock(); }
+  /** Obtain the testableModeLock if not owned yet, and decrement the counter.
+   */
+  void obtainLockAndDecrementCounter() {
+    if (!Application::testableModeTestLock())
+      Application::testableModeLock("doReadTransfer " + this->getName());
+    if (Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] >
+        0) {
+      assert(Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter > 0);
+      --Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter;
+      --Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead];
+      if (Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
+        std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator[name='" << this->getName()
+                  << "', id=" << _variableIdRead
+                  << "]: testableMode_counter "
+                     "decreased, now at value "
+                  << Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter << " / "
+                  << Application::getInstance()
+                         .testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead]
+                  << std::endl;
-      bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
-        bool newData = _target->doReadTransferNonBlocking();
-        if(!newData) return false;
-        return true;
+    } else {
+      if (Application::getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {
+        std::cout << "TestableModeAccessorDecorator[name='" << this->getName()
+                  << "', id=" << _variableIdRead
+                  << "]: testableMode_counter "
+                     "NOT decreased, was already at value "
+                  << Application::getInstance().testableMode_counter << " / "
+                  << Application::getInstance()
+                         .testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead]
+                  << std::endl;
+        std::cout
+            << Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[_variableIdRead]
+            << std::endl;
-      bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
-        bool newData = _target->doReadTransferLatest();
-        if(!newData) return false;
-        // the queue has been emptied, so make sure that the testableMode_counter reflects this
-        // we only reduce the counter to 1, since it will be decremented in postRead().
-        if(_handleRead) {
-          auto &app = Application::getInstance();
-          assert(Application::testableModeTestLock());
-          if(app.testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] > 1) {
-            app.testableMode_counter -= app.testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] - 1;
-            app.testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] = 1;
-          }
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      void doPostRead() override {
-        if(_handleRead) obtainLockAndDecrementCounter();
-        ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead();
+    }
+  }
+  /** Obtain the testableModeLock if not owned yet, decrement the counter, and
+   * release the lock again. */
+  void decrementCounter() {
+    obtainLockAndDecrementCounter();
+    releaseLock();
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferNonBlocking() override {
+    bool newData = _target->doReadTransferNonBlocking();
+    if (!newData)
+      return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool doReadTransferLatest() override {
+    bool newData = _target->doReadTransferLatest();
+    if (!newData)
+      return false;
+    // the queue has been emptied, so make sure that the testableMode_counter
+    // reflects this we only reduce the counter to 1, since it will be
+    // decremented in postRead().
+    if (_handleRead) {
+      auto &app = Application::getInstance();
+      assert(Application::testableModeTestLock());
+      if (app.testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] > 1) {
+        app.testableMode_counter -=
+            app.testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] - 1;
+        app.testableMode_perVarCounter[_variableIdRead] = 1;
-    protected:
-      using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D;
-      using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::_target;
-      bool _handleRead, _handleWrite;
-      size_t _variableIdRead, _variableIdWrite;
-  };
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void doPostRead() override {
+    if (_handleRead)
+      obtainLockAndDecrementCounter();
+    ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::doPostRead();
+  }
+  using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>::buffer_2D;
+  using ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<UserType>::_target;
+  bool _handleRead, _handleWrite;
+  size_t _variableIdRead, _variableIdWrite;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/ThreadedFanOut.h b/include/ThreadedFanOut.h
index fdffef78..db170c09 100644
--- a/include/ThreadedFanOut.h
+++ b/include/ThreadedFanOut.h
@@ -17,133 +17,133 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** FanOut implementation with an internal thread which waits for new data which is read from the given feeding
-   *  implementation and distributed to any number of slaves. */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class ThreadedFanOut : public FanOut<UserType>, public InternalModule {
-    public:
-      ThreadedFanOut(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
-      : FanOut<UserType>(feedingImpl)
-      {}
-      ~ThreadedFanOut() {
-        deactivate();
-      }
-      void activate() override {
-        assert(!_thread.joinable());
-        _thread = boost::thread([this] { this->run(); });
-      }
-      void deactivate() override {
-        if(_thread.joinable()) {
-          _thread.interrupt();
-          FanOut<UserType>::impl->interrupt();
-          _thread.join();
-        }
-        assert(!_thread.joinable());
-      }
-      /** Synchronise feeder and the consumers. This function is executed in the separate thread. */
-      virtual void run() {
-        Application::registerThread("ThFO"+FanOut<UserType>::impl->getName());
-        Application::testableModeLock("start");
-        while(true) {
-          // receive data
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          Profiler::stopMeasurement();
-          FanOut<UserType>::impl->read();
-          Profiler::startMeasurement();
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          // send out copies to slaves
-          auto version = FanOut<UserType>::impl->getVersionNumber();
-          for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
-            // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
-            if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
-              slave->accessChannel(0) = FanOut<UserType>::impl->accessChannel(0);
-            }
-            bool dataLoss = slave->write(version);
-            if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
-          }
+/** FanOut implementation with an internal thread which waits for new data which
+ * is read from the given feeding implementation and distributed to any number
+ * of slaves. */
+template <typename UserType>
+class ThreadedFanOut : public FanOut<UserType>, public InternalModule {
+  ThreadedFanOut(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl)
+      : FanOut<UserType>(feedingImpl) {}
+  ~ThreadedFanOut() { deactivate(); }
+  void activate() override {
+    assert(!_thread.joinable());
+    _thread = boost::thread([this] { this->run(); });
+  }
+  void deactivate() override {
+    if (_thread.joinable()) {
+      _thread.interrupt();
+      FanOut<UserType>::impl->interrupt();
+      _thread.join();
+    }
+    assert(!_thread.joinable());
+  }
+  /** Synchronise feeder and the consumers. This function is executed in the
+   * separate thread. */
+  virtual void run() {
+    Application::registerThread("ThFO" + FanOut<UserType>::impl->getName());
+    Application::testableModeLock("start");
+    while (true) {
+      // receive data
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      Profiler::stopMeasurement();
+      FanOut<UserType>::impl->read();
+      Profiler::startMeasurement();
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      // send out copies to slaves
+      auto version = FanOut<UserType>::impl->getVersionNumber();
+      for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
+        // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
+        if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
+          slave->accessChannel(0) = FanOut<UserType>::impl->accessChannel(0);
+        bool dataLoss = slave->write(version);
+        if (dataLoss)
+          Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
-    protected:
-      /** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
-      boost::thread _thread;
-  };
-  /********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /** Same as ThreadedFanOut but with return channel */
-  template<typename UserType>
-  class ThreadedFanOutWithReturn : public ThreadedFanOut<UserType> {
-    public:
-      using ThreadedFanOut<UserType>::ThreadedFanOut;
-      void setReturnChannelSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> returnChannelSlave) {
-        _returnChannelSlave = returnChannelSlave;
-      }
-      void addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave,
-                    VariableNetworkNode &consumer) override {
-        FanOut<UserType>::addSlave(slave, consumer);
-        if(consumer.getDirection().withReturn) {
-          assert(_returnChannelSlave == nullptr);
-          _returnChannelSlave = slave;
-        }
+    }
+  }
+  /** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
+  boost::thread _thread;
+/** Same as ThreadedFanOut but with return channel */
+template <typename UserType>
+class ThreadedFanOutWithReturn : public ThreadedFanOut<UserType> {
+  using ThreadedFanOut<UserType>::ThreadedFanOut;
+  void setReturnChannelSlave(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>
+          returnChannelSlave) {
+    _returnChannelSlave = returnChannelSlave;
+  }
+  void
+  addSlave(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> slave,
+           VariableNetworkNode &consumer) override {
+    FanOut<UserType>::addSlave(slave, consumer);
+    if (consumer.getDirection().withReturn) {
+      assert(_returnChannelSlave == nullptr);
+      _returnChannelSlave = slave;
+    }
+  }
+  void run() override {
+    Application::registerThread("ThFO" + FanOut<UserType>::impl->getName());
+    Application::testableModeLock("start");
+    ReadAnyGroup group({FanOut<UserType>::impl, _returnChannelSlave});
+    while (true) {
+      // receive data
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      Profiler::stopMeasurement();
+      auto var = group.readAny();
+      Profiler::startMeasurement();
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      // if the update came through the return channel, return it to the feeder
+      if (var == _returnChannelSlave->getId()) {
+        FanOut<UserType>::impl->accessChannel(0).swap(
+            _returnChannelSlave->accessChannel(0));
+        FanOut<UserType>::impl->write(_returnChannelSlave->getVersionNumber());
-      void run() override {
-        Application::registerThread("ThFO"+FanOut<UserType>::impl->getName());
-        Application::testableModeLock("start");
-        ReadAnyGroup group({FanOut<UserType>::impl, _returnChannelSlave});
-        while(true) {
-          // receive data
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          Profiler::stopMeasurement();
-          auto var = group.readAny();
-          Profiler::startMeasurement();
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          // if the update came through the return channel, return it to the feeder
-          if(var == _returnChannelSlave->getId()) {
-            FanOut<UserType>::impl->accessChannel(0).swap(_returnChannelSlave->accessChannel(0));
-            FanOut<UserType>::impl->write(_returnChannelSlave->getVersionNumber());
-          }
-          // send out copies to slaves
-          auto version = FanOut<UserType>::impl->getVersionNumber();
-          for(auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
-            // do not feed back value returnChannelSlave if it was received from it
-            if(slave->getId() == var) continue;
-            // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
-            if(slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
-              slave->accessChannel(0) = FanOut<UserType>::impl->accessChannel(0);
-            }
-            bool dataLoss = slave->write(version);
-            if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
-          }
+      // send out copies to slaves
+      auto version = FanOut<UserType>::impl->getVersionNumber();
+      for (auto &slave : FanOut<UserType>::slaves) {
+        // do not feed back value returnChannelSlave if it was received from it
+        if (slave->getId() == var)
+          continue;
+        // do not send copy if no data is expected (e.g. trigger)
+        if (slave->getNumberOfSamples() != 0) {
+          slave->accessChannel(0) = FanOut<UserType>::impl->accessChannel(0);
+        bool dataLoss = slave->write(version);
+        if (dataLoss)
+          Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
+    }
+  }
-    protected:
+  /** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
+  boost::thread _thread;
-      /** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
-      boost::thread _thread;
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> _returnChannelSlave;
-  };
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>
+      _returnChannelSlave;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/TriggerFanOut.h b/include/TriggerFanOut.h
index 9d8b93dc..c7edf041 100644
--- a/include/TriggerFanOut.h
+++ b/include/TriggerFanOut.h
@@ -19,109 +19,112 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** InternalModule which waits for a trigger, then reads a number of variables and distributes each of them to any
-   *  number of slaves. */
-  class TriggerFanOut : public InternalModule {
-    public:
-      TriggerFanOut(const boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement>& externalTriggerImpl)
-      : externalTrigger(externalTriggerImpl)
-      {}
-      ~TriggerFanOut() {
-        deactivate();
-      }
-      void activate() override {
-        assert(!_thread.joinable());
-        _thread = boost::thread([this] { this->run(); });
-      }
-      void deactivate() override {
-        if(_thread.joinable()) {
-          _thread.interrupt();
-          externalTrigger->interrupt();
-          _thread.join();
-        }
-        assert(!_thread.joinable());
-      }
-      /** Add a new network the TriggerFanOut. The network is defined by its feeding node. This function will return
-       *  the corresponding FeedingFanOut, to which all slaves have to be added. */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      boost::shared_ptr<FeedingFanOut<UserType>> addNetwork(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingNode) {
-        assert(feedingNode.get() != nullptr);
-        transferGroup.addAccessor(feedingNode);
-        auto feedingFanOut = boost::make_shared<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>( feedingNode->getName(), feedingNode->getUnit(),
-            feedingNode->getDescription(), feedingNode->getNumberOfSamples(), false );    // in TriggerFanOuts we cannot have return channels
-        boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(fanOutMap.table)[feedingNode] = feedingFanOut;
-        return feedingFanOut;
-      }
-      /** Synchronise feeder and the consumers. This function is executed in the separate thread. */
-      void run() {
-        Application::registerThread("TrFO"+externalTrigger->getName());
-        Application::testableModeLock("start");
-        while(true) {
-          // wait for external trigger
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          Profiler::stopMeasurement();
-          externalTrigger->read();
-          Profiler::startMeasurement();
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          // receive data
-          // send the data to the consumers
-          auto version = externalTrigger->getVersionNumber();
-          boost::fusion::for_each(fanOutMap.table, SendDataToConsumers(version));
-        }
+/** InternalModule which waits for a trigger, then reads a number of variables
+ * and distributes each of them to any number of slaves. */
+class TriggerFanOut : public InternalModule {
+  TriggerFanOut(
+      const boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> &externalTriggerImpl)
+      : externalTrigger(externalTriggerImpl) {}
+  ~TriggerFanOut() { deactivate(); }
+  void activate() override {
+    assert(!_thread.joinable());
+    _thread = boost::thread([this] { this->run(); });
+  }
+  void deactivate() override {
+    if (_thread.joinable()) {
+      _thread.interrupt();
+      externalTrigger->interrupt();
+      _thread.join();
+    }
+    assert(!_thread.joinable());
+  }
+  /** Add a new network the TriggerFanOut. The network is defined by its feeding
+   * node. This function will return the corresponding FeedingFanOut, to which
+   * all slaves have to be added. */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  boost::shared_ptr<FeedingFanOut<UserType>> addNetwork(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingNode) {
+    assert(feedingNode.get() != nullptr);
+    transferGroup.addAccessor(feedingNode);
+    auto feedingFanOut = boost::make_shared<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>(
+        feedingNode->getName(), feedingNode->getUnit(),
+        feedingNode->getDescription(), feedingNode->getNumberOfSamples(),
+        false); // in TriggerFanOuts we cannot have return channels
+    boost::fusion::at_key<UserType>(fanOutMap.table)[feedingNode] =
+        feedingFanOut;
+    return feedingFanOut;
+  }
+  /** Synchronise feeder and the consumers. This function is executed in the
+   * separate thread. */
+  void run() {
+    Application::registerThread("TrFO" + externalTrigger->getName());
+    Application::testableModeLock("start");
+    while (true) {
+      // wait for external trigger
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      Profiler::stopMeasurement();
+      externalTrigger->read();
+      Profiler::startMeasurement();
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      // receive data
+      // send the data to the consumers
+      auto version = externalTrigger->getVersionNumber();
+      boost::fusion::for_each(fanOutMap.table, SendDataToConsumers(version));
+    }
+  }
+  /** Functor class to send data to the consumers, suitable for
+   * boost::fusion::for_each(). */
+  struct SendDataToConsumers {
+    SendDataToConsumers(VersionNumber version) : _version(version) {}
+    template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
+      auto theMap = pair.second; // map of feeder to FeedingFanOut (i.e. part of
+                                 // the fanOutMap)
+      // iterate over all feeder/FeedingFanOut pairs
+      for (auto &network : theMap) {
+        auto feeder = network.first;
+        auto fanOut = network.second;
+        fanOut->accessChannel(0).swap(feeder->accessChannel(0));
+        bool dataLoss = fanOut->write(_version);
+        if (dataLoss)
+          Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
+        // no need to swap back since we don't need the data
+    }
-    protected:
-      /** Functor class to send data to the consumers, suitable for boost::fusion::for_each(). */
-      struct SendDataToConsumers {
-        SendDataToConsumers(VersionNumber version): _version(version) {}
-        template<typename PAIR>
-        void operator()(PAIR &pair) const {
-          auto theMap = pair.second;    // map of feeder to FeedingFanOut (i.e. part of the fanOutMap)
-          // iterate over all feeder/FeedingFanOut pairs
-          for(auto &network : theMap) {
-            auto feeder = network.first;
-            auto fanOut = network.second;
-            fanOut->accessChannel(0).swap(feeder->accessChannel(0));
-            bool dataLoss = fanOut->write(_version);
-            if(dataLoss) Application::incrementDataLossCounter();
-            // no need to swap back since we don't need the data
-          }
-        }
-        VersionNumber _version;
-      };
-      /** TransferElement acting as our trigger */
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> externalTrigger;
+    VersionNumber _version;
+  };
-      /** Map of the feeding NDRegisterAccessor to the corresponding FeedingFanOut for each UserType */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      using FanOutMap = std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>, boost::shared_ptr<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>>;
-      TemplateUserTypeMap<FanOutMap> fanOutMap;
+  /** TransferElement acting as our trigger */
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> externalTrigger;
-      /** TransferGroup containing all feeders NDRegisterAccessors */
-      ChimeraTK::TransferGroup transferGroup;
+  /** Map of the feeding NDRegisterAccessor to the corresponding FeedingFanOut
+   * for each UserType */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  using FanOutMap =
+      std::map<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>,
+               boost::shared_ptr<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>>;
+  TemplateUserTypeMap<FanOutMap> fanOutMap;
-      /** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
-      boost::thread _thread;
+  /** TransferGroup containing all feeders NDRegisterAccessors */
+  ChimeraTK::TransferGroup transferGroup;
-  };
+  /** Thread handling the synchronisation, if needed */
+  boost::thread _thread;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/VariableGroup.h b/include/VariableGroup.h
index bb19a2bc..263ee7d6 100644
--- a/include/VariableGroup.h
+++ b/include/VariableGroup.h
@@ -16,44 +16,49 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class ApplicationModule;
-  class VariableGroup : public ModuleImpl {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor: register the VariableGroup with its owner. If eliminateHierarchy is true, the hierarchy level
-       *  introduced by this group will be eliminated from the "dynamic" data model (see
-       *  EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The tags given as the last argument are added to all variables
-       *  in this group recursively (see EntityOwner::addTag()).
-       *
-       *  Note: VariableGroups may only be owned by ApplicationModules or other VariableGroups. */
-      VariableGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-             bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
-      /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of VariableGroups (e.g. when creating arrays of
-       *  VariableGroups).
-       *
-       *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed to allow constructor
-       *  inheritance of modules owning other modules. This constructor will not actually be called then.
-       *  See this bug report: */
-      VariableGroup() {}
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~VariableGroup() {};
-      /** Move constructor */
-      VariableGroup(VariableGroup &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
-      /** Move assignment */
-      VariableGroup& operator=(VariableGroup &&other) {
-        ModuleImpl::operator=(std::move(other));
-        return *this;
-      }
-      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return ModuleType::VariableGroup; }
-  };
+class ApplicationModule;
+class VariableGroup : public ModuleImpl {
+  /** Constructor: register the VariableGroup with its owner. If
+   * eliminateHierarchy is true, the hierarchy level introduced by this group
+   * will be eliminated from the "dynamic" data model (see
+   *  EntityOwner::setEliminateHierarchy()). The tags given as the last argument
+   * are added to all variables in this group recursively (see
+   * EntityOwner::addTag()).
+   *
+   *  Note: VariableGroups may only be owned by ApplicationModules or other
+   * VariableGroups. */
+  VariableGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                const std::string &description, bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+                const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
+  /** Default constructor: Allows late initialisation of VariableGroups (e.g.
+   * when creating arrays of VariableGroups).
+   *
+   *  This construtor also has to be here to mitigate a bug in gcc. It is needed
+   * to allow constructor inheritance of modules owning other modules. This
+   * constructor will not actually be called then. See this bug report:
+   * */
+  VariableGroup() {}
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~VariableGroup(){};
+  /** Move constructor */
+  VariableGroup(VariableGroup &&other) { operator=(std::move(other)); }
+  /** Move assignment */
+  VariableGroup &operator=(VariableGroup &&other) {
+    ModuleImpl::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override {
+    return ModuleType::VariableGroup;
+  }
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/VariableNetwork.h b/include/VariableNetwork.h
index a41724bb..6075a8e5 100644
--- a/include/VariableNetwork.h
+++ b/include/VariableNetwork.h
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
+#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
 #include <list>
 #include <string>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <typeinfo>
-#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ProcessVariable.h>
@@ -22,146 +22,162 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class AccessorBase;
-  /** This class describes a network of variables all connected to each other. */
-  class VariableNetwork {
-      VariableNetwork( const VariableNetwork& other ) = delete;         // non construction-copyable
-      VariableNetwork& operator=( const VariableNetwork& ) = delete;    // non copyable
-    public:
-      VariableNetwork() {}
-      /** Define trigger types. The trigger decides when values are fed into the network and distributed to the consumers. */
-      enum class TriggerType {
-          feeder,           ///< The feeder has an UpdateMode::push and thus decides when new values are fed
-          pollingConsumer,  ///< If there is exacly one consumer with UpdateMode::poll, it will trigger the feeding
-          external,         ///< another variable network can trigger the feeding of this network
-          none              ///< no trigger has yet been selected
-      };
-      /** Add an node to the network. The node must not yet be part of any network. */
-      void addNode(VariableNetworkNode &a);
-      /** Add a trigger receiver node. The node must not yet be part of any network. */
-      void addNodeToTrigger(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger);
-      /** Remove a node from the network. The node must be part of the given network. */
-      void removeNode(VariableNetworkNode &a);
-      /** Remove a trigger receiver node from the network. The node must be part of the given network. */
-      void removeNodeToTrigger(const VariableNetworkNode &nodeToNoLongerTrigger);
-      /** Check if the network already has a feeding node connected to it. */
-      bool hasFeedingNode() const;
-      /** Count the number of consuming nodes in the network */
-      size_t countConsumingNodes() const;
-      /** Obtain the type info of the UserType. If the network type has not yet been determined (i.e. if no output
-       *  accessor has been assigned yet), the typeid of void will be returned. */
-      const std::type_info& getValueType() const {
-        return *valueType;
-      }
-      /** Return the feeding node */
-      VariableNetworkNode getFeedingNode() const;
-      /** Return list of consuming nodes */
-      std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getConsumingNodes() const;
-      /** Check whether the network has a consuming application node */
-      bool hasApplicationConsumer() const;
+class AccessorBase;
-      /** Dump the network structure to std::cout. The optional linePrefix will be prepended to all lines. */
-      void dump(const std::string& linePrefix="", std::ostream& stream=std::cout) const;
+/** This class describes a network of variables all connected to each other. */
+class VariableNetwork {
-      void accept(Visitor<VariableNetwork> &visitor) const;
+  VariableNetwork(const VariableNetwork &other) =
+      delete; // non construction-copyable
+  VariableNetwork &operator=(const VariableNetwork &) = delete; // non copyable
-      /** Compare two networks */
-      bool operator==(const VariableNetwork &other) const {
-        if(other.valueType != valueType) return false;
-        if(other.nodeList != nodeList) return false;
-        return true;
-      }
-      bool operator!=(const VariableNetwork &other) const {
-        return !operator==(other);
-      }
+  VariableNetwork() {}
-      /** Return the trigger type. This function will also do some checking if the network confguration is valid under
-       *  the aspect of the trigger type.
-       *  The optional argument is only internally used to prevent endless recursive calls if getTriggerType() is
-       *  called inside dump(). */
-      TriggerType getTriggerType(bool verboseExceptions=true) const;
-      /** Return the enginerring unit */
-      const std::string& getUnit() const { return engineeringUnit; }
-      /** Return the description */
-      const std::string& getDescription() const { return description; }
-      /** Return the network providing the external trigger to this network, if TriggerType::external. If the network
-       *  has another trigger type, an exception will be thrown. */
-      //VariableNetwork& getExternalTrigger();
-      /** Add an accessor belonging to another node as an external trigger to this network. Whenever the
-       *  VariableNetwork of the given node will be fed with a new value, feeding of this network will be
-       *  triggered as well. */
-      //void addTrigger(VariableNetworkNode trigger);
-      /** Check if the network is legally configured */
-      void check() const;
-      /** Check the flag if the network connections has been created already */
-      bool isCreated() const { return flagIsCreated; }
-      /** Set the flag that the network connections are created */
-      void markCreated() { flagIsCreated = true; }
-      /** Assign a ProcessVariable as implementation for the external trigger */
-      void setExternalTriggerImpl(boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable > impl) {
-        externalTriggerImpl = impl;
-      }
-      /** */
-      boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable > getExternalTriggerImpl() const {
-        return externalTriggerImpl;
-      }
-      /** Merge with another VaraibleNetwork. The other network will become invalid and gets removed from the
-       *  application. If merging is not possible, false is returned and no change is made. */
-      bool merge(VariableNetwork &other);
-    protected:
-      /** List of nodes in the network */
-      std::list<VariableNetworkNode> nodeList;
-      /** The network value type id. Since in C++, std::type_info is non-copyable and typeid() returns a reference to
-       *  an object with static storage duration, we have to (and can safely) store a pointer here. */
-      const std::type_info* valueType{&typeid(AnyType)};
-      /** Engineering unit */
-      std::string engineeringUnit{ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet};
-      /** User-provided description */
-      std::string description;
-      /** Flag if an external trigger has been added to this network */
-      //bool hasExternalTrigger{false};
-      /** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger */
-      //VariableNetwork *externalTrigger{nullptr};
+  /** Define trigger types. The trigger decides when values are fed into the
+   * network and distributed to the consumers. */
+  enum class TriggerType {
+    feeder, ///< The feeder has an UpdateMode::push and thus decides when new
+            ///< values are fed
+    pollingConsumer, ///< If there is exacly one consumer with UpdateMode::poll,
+                     ///< it will trigger the feeding
+    external, ///< another variable network can trigger the feeding of this
+              ///< network
+    none      ///< no trigger has yet been selected
+  };
-      /** Pointer to ProcessVariable providing the trigger (if external trigger is enabled) */
-      boost::shared_ptr< ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable > externalTriggerImpl;
+  /** Add an node to the network. The node must not yet be part of any network.
+   */
+  void addNode(VariableNetworkNode &a);
+  /** Add a trigger receiver node. The node must not yet be part of any network.
+   */
+  void addNodeToTrigger(VariableNetworkNode &nodeToTrigger);
+  /** Remove a node from the network. The node must be part of the given
+   * network. */
+  void removeNode(VariableNetworkNode &a);
+  /** Remove a trigger receiver node from the network. The node must be part of
+   * the given network. */
+  void removeNodeToTrigger(const VariableNetworkNode &nodeToNoLongerTrigger);
+  /** Check if the network already has a feeding node connected to it. */
+  bool hasFeedingNode() const;
+  /** Count the number of consuming nodes in the network */
+  size_t countConsumingNodes() const;
-      /** Flag if the network connections have been created already */
-      bool flagIsCreated{false};
+  /** Obtain the type info of the UserType. If the network type has not yet been
+   * determined (i.e. if no output accessor has been assigned yet), the typeid
+   * of void will be returned. */
+  const std::type_info &getValueType() const { return *valueType; }
+  /** Return the feeding node */
+  VariableNetworkNode getFeedingNode() const;
-  };
+  /** Return list of consuming nodes */
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> getConsumingNodes() const;
+  /** Check whether the network has a consuming application node */
+  bool hasApplicationConsumer() const;
+  /** Dump the network structure to std::cout. The optional linePrefix will be
+   * prepended to all lines. */
+  void dump(const std::string &linePrefix = "",
+            std::ostream &stream = std::cout) const;
+  void accept(Visitor<VariableNetwork> &visitor) const;
+  /** Compare two networks */
+  bool operator==(const VariableNetwork &other) const {
+    if (other.valueType != valueType)
+      return false;
+    if (other.nodeList != nodeList)
+      return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool operator!=(const VariableNetwork &other) const {
+    return !operator==(other);
+  }
+  /** Return the trigger type. This function will also do some checking if the
+   * network confguration is valid under the aspect of the trigger type. The
+   * optional argument is only internally used to prevent endless recursive
+   * calls if getTriggerType() is called inside dump(). */
+  TriggerType getTriggerType(bool verboseExceptions = true) const;
+  /** Return the enginerring unit */
+  const std::string &getUnit() const { return engineeringUnit; }
+  /** Return the description */
+  const std::string &getDescription() const { return description; }
+  /** Return the network providing the external trigger to this network, if
+   * TriggerType::external. If the network has another trigger type, an
+   * exception will be thrown. */
+  // VariableNetwork& getExternalTrigger();
+  /** Add an accessor belonging to another node as an external trigger to this
+   * network. Whenever the VariableNetwork of the given node will be fed with a
+   * new value, feeding of this network will be triggered as well. */
+  // void addTrigger(VariableNetworkNode trigger);
+  /** Check if the network is legally configured */
+  void check() const;
+  /** Check the flag if the network connections has been created already */
+  bool isCreated() const { return flagIsCreated; }
+  /** Set the flag that the network connections are created */
+  void markCreated() { flagIsCreated = true; }
+  /** Assign a ProcessVariable as implementation for the external trigger */
+  void
+  setExternalTriggerImpl(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable> impl) {
+    externalTriggerImpl = impl;
+  }
+  /** */
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable> getExternalTriggerImpl() const {
+    return externalTriggerImpl;
+  }
+  /** Merge with another VaraibleNetwork. The other network will become invalid
+   * and gets removed from the
+   *  application. If merging is not possible, false is returned and no change
+   * is made. */
+  bool merge(VariableNetwork &other);
+  /** List of nodes in the network */
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> nodeList;
+  /** The network value type id. Since in C++, std::type_info is non-copyable
+   * and typeid() returns a reference to
+   *  an object with static storage duration, we have to (and can safely) store
+   * a pointer here. */
+  const std::type_info *valueType{&typeid(AnyType)};
+  /** Engineering unit */
+  std::string engineeringUnit{ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet};
+  /** User-provided description */
+  std::string description;
+  /** Flag if an external trigger has been added to this network */
+  // bool hasExternalTrigger{false};
+  /** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger */
+  // VariableNetwork *externalTrigger{nullptr};
+  /** Pointer to ProcessVariable providing the trigger (if external trigger is
+   * enabled) */
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::ProcessVariable> externalTriggerImpl;
+  /** Flag if the network connections have been created already */
+  bool flagIsCreated{false};
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h b/include/VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h
index 60282f24..84c19638 100644
--- a/include/VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h
+++ b/include/VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "Visitor.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h"
+#include "Visitor.h"
 #include <string>
@@ -15,15 +15,17 @@ class VariableNetwork;
  * This class provides a textual dump of the VariableNetwork
-class VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor : public Visitor<VariableNetwork>, public VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor {
+class VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor : public Visitor<VariableNetwork>,
+                                      public VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor {
-    VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor(const std::string &prefix, std::ostream &stream);
-    virtual ~VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor() {}
-    void dispatch(const VariableNetwork& t);
-    using Visitor<VariableNetworkNode>::dispatch;
+  VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor(const std::string &prefix,
+                                std::ostream &stream);
+  virtual ~VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor() {}
+  void dispatch(const VariableNetwork &t);
+  using Visitor<VariableNetworkNode>::dispatch;
-    std::string _prefix;
+  std::string _prefix;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h b/include/VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h
index 784fd68c..88c67650 100644
--- a/include/VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h
+++ b/include/VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "Visitor.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h"
+#include "Visitor.h"
 #include <map>
@@ -16,26 +16,29 @@ class VariableNetwork;
  * @brief The VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor class
  * This class provides a Graphiviz dump of the VariableNetwork.
- * Due to the potential size of the resulting graph, it is recommended to use SVG for
- * rendering the resulting graph.
+ * Due to the potential size of the resulting graph, it is recommended to use
+ * SVG for rendering the resulting graph.
-class VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor : public Visitor<Application, VariableNetwork>, VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor {
+class VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor
+    : public Visitor<Application, VariableNetwork>,
+      VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor {
-    VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor(std::ostream& stream);
-    virtual ~VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor() {}
-    void dispatch(const Application& t);
-    void dispatch(const VariableNetwork& t);
-    void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode& t);
+  VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor(std::ostream &stream);
+  virtual ~VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor() {}
+  void dispatch(const Application &t);
+  void dispatch(const VariableNetwork &t);
+  void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &t);
-    std::map<std::string, std::string> _triggerMap;
-    std::list<std::string> _triggerConnections;
-    std::list<std::string> _prefix;
-    unsigned _networkCount;
-    unsigned _triggerCount;
-    std::string prefix() { return _prefix.back(); }
-    void pushPrefix(const std::string& prefix) { _prefix.push_back(prefix); }
-    void popPrefix() { _prefix.pop_back(); }
+  std::map<std::string, std::string> _triggerMap;
+  std::list<std::string> _triggerConnections;
+  std::list<std::string> _prefix;
+  unsigned _networkCount;
+  unsigned _triggerCount;
+  std::string prefix() { return _prefix.back(); }
+  void pushPrefix(const std::string &prefix) { _prefix.push_back(prefix); }
+  void popPrefix() { _prefix.pop_back(); }
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/VariableNetworkNode.h b/include/VariableNetworkNode.h
index 9e4c0e64..a560114b 100644
--- a/include/VariableNetworkNode.h
+++ b/include/VariableNetworkNode.h
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include <unordered_map>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
 #include <assert.h>
@@ -18,276 +18,308 @@
 #include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor.h>
-#include "Flags.h"
 #include "ConstantAccessor.h"
-#include "Visitor.h"
+#include "Flags.h"
 #include "VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator.h"
+#include "Visitor.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class VariableNetwork;
-  class AccessorBase;
-  class EntityOwner;
-  struct VariableNetworkNode_data;
-  /** Pseudo type to identify nodes which can have arbitrary types */
-  class AnyType {};
-  /** Class describing a node of a variable network */
-  class VariableNetworkNode {
-    public:
-      /** Copy-constructor: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */
-      VariableNetworkNode(const VariableNetworkNode &other);
-      /** Copy by assignment operator: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */
-      VariableNetworkNode& operator=(const VariableNetworkNode &rightHandSide);
-      /** Constructor for an Application node */
-      VariableNetworkNode(EntityOwner *owner, ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessorBridge, const std::string &name,
-          VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode,
-          const std::string &description, const std::type_info* valueType,
-          const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={});
-      /** Constructor for a Device node */
-      VariableNetworkNode(const std::string &name, const std::string &deviceAlias, const std::string &registerName,
-          UpdateMode mode, VariableDirection direction, const std::type_info &valTyp=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0);
-      /** Constructor for a ControlSystem node */
-      VariableNetworkNode(std::string publicName, VariableDirection direction,
-          const std::type_info &valTyp=typeid(AnyType), size_t nElements=0);
-      /** Constructor for a TriggerReceiver node triggering the data transfer of another network. The additional dummy
-       *  argument is only there to discriminate the signature from the copy constructor and will be ignored. */
-      VariableNetworkNode(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger, int);
-      /** Constructor to wrap a VariableNetworkNode_data pointer */
-      VariableNetworkNode(boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata);
-      /** Default constructor for an invalid node */
-      VariableNetworkNode();
-      /** Factory function for a constant (a constructor cannot be templated) */
-      template<typename UserType>
-      static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value=0, size_t length=1);
-      /** Change meta data (name, unit, description and optionally tags). This function may only be used on
-       *  Application-type nodes. If the optional argument tags is omitted, the tags will not be changed. To clear the
-       *  tags, an empty set can be passed. */
-      void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description);
-      void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &description,
-                       const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags);
-      /** Set the owner network of this node. If an owner network is already set, an assertion will be raised */
-      void setOwner(VariableNetwork *network);
-      /** Clear the owner network of this node. */
-      void clearOwner();
-      /** Set the value type for this node. Only possible of the current value type is undecided (i.e. AnyType). */
-      void setValueType(const std::type_info& newType) const;
-      /** Set the direction for this node. Only possible if current direction is VariableDirection::feeding and the
-       *  node type is NodeType::ControlSystem. */
-      void setDirection(VariableDirection newDirection) const;
-      /** Function checking if the node requires a fixed implementation */
-      bool hasImplementation() const;
-      /** Compare two nodes */
-      bool operator==(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const;
-      bool operator!=(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const;
-      bool operator<(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const;
-      /** Connect two nodes */
-      VariableNetworkNode operator>>(VariableNetworkNode other);
-      /** Add a trigger */
-      VariableNetworkNode operator[](VariableNetworkNode trigger);
-      /** Check for presence of an external trigger */
-      bool hasExternalTrigger() const;
+class VariableNetwork;
+class AccessorBase;
+class EntityOwner;
+struct VariableNetworkNode_data;
+/** Pseudo type to identify nodes which can have arbitrary types */
+class AnyType {};
+/** Class describing a node of a variable network */
+class VariableNetworkNode {
+  /** Copy-constructor: Just copy the pointer to the data storage object */
+  VariableNetworkNode(const VariableNetworkNode &other);
+  /** Copy by assignment operator: Just copy the pointer to the data storage
+   * object */
+  VariableNetworkNode &operator=(const VariableNetworkNode &rightHandSide);
+  /** Constructor for an Application node */
+  VariableNetworkNode(EntityOwner *owner,
+                      ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessorBridge,
+                      const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction,
+                      std::string unit, size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode,
+                      const std::string &description,
+                      const std::type_info *valueType,
+                      const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {});
+  /** Constructor for a Device node */
+  VariableNetworkNode(const std::string &name, const std::string &deviceAlias,
+                      const std::string &registerName, UpdateMode mode,
+                      VariableDirection direction,
+                      const std::type_info &valTyp = typeid(AnyType),
+                      size_t nElements = 0);
+  /** Constructor for a ControlSystem node */
+  VariableNetworkNode(std::string publicName, VariableDirection direction,
+                      const std::type_info &valTyp = typeid(AnyType),
+                      size_t nElements = 0);
+  /** Constructor for a TriggerReceiver node triggering the data transfer of
+   * another network. The additional dummy argument is only there to
+   * discriminate the signature from the copy constructor and will be ignored.
+   */
+  VariableNetworkNode(VariableNetworkNode &nodeToTrigger, int);
+  /** Constructor to wrap a VariableNetworkNode_data pointer */
+  VariableNetworkNode(boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata);
+  /** Default constructor for an invalid node */
+  VariableNetworkNode();
+  /** Factory function for a constant (a constructor cannot be templated) */
+  template <typename UserType>
+  static VariableNetworkNode makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value = 0,
+                                          size_t length = 1);
+  /** Change meta data (name, unit, description and optionally tags). This
+   * function may only be used on Application-type nodes. If the optional
+   * argument tags is omitted, the tags will not be changed. To clear the
+   *  tags, an empty set can be passed. */
+  void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
+                   const std::string &description);
+  void setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
+                   const std::string &description,
+                   const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags);
+  /** Set the owner network of this node. If an owner network is already set, an
+   * assertion will be raised */
+  void setOwner(VariableNetwork *network);
+  /** Clear the owner network of this node. */
+  void clearOwner();
+  /** Set the value type for this node. Only possible of the current value type
+   * is undecided (i.e. AnyType). */
+  void setValueType(const std::type_info &newType) const;
+  /** Set the direction for this node. Only possible if current direction is
+   * VariableDirection::feeding and the node type is NodeType::ControlSystem. */
+  void setDirection(VariableDirection newDirection) const;
+  /** Function checking if the node requires a fixed implementation */
+  bool hasImplementation() const;
+  /** Compare two nodes */
+  bool operator==(const VariableNetworkNode &other) const;
+  bool operator!=(const VariableNetworkNode &other) const;
+  bool operator<(const VariableNetworkNode &other) const;
+  /** Connect two nodes */
+  VariableNetworkNode operator>>(VariableNetworkNode other);
+  /** Add a trigger */
+  VariableNetworkNode operator[](VariableNetworkNode trigger);
+  /** Check for presence of an external trigger */
+  bool hasExternalTrigger() const;
+  /** Return the external trigger node. if no external trigger is present, an
+   * assertion will be raised. */
+  VariableNetworkNode getExternalTrigger();
-      /** Return the external trigger node. if no external trigger is present, an assertion will be raised. */
-      VariableNetworkNode getExternalTrigger();
+  /** Print node information to std::cout */
+  void dump(std::ostream &stream = std::cout) const;
-      /** Print node information to std::cout */
-      void dump(std::ostream& stream=std::cout) const;
+  /** Check if the node already has an owner */
+  bool hasOwner() const;
+  /** Add a tag. This function may only be used on Application-type nodes. Valid
+   * names for tags only contain
+   *  alpha-numeric characters (i.e. no spaces and no special characters). @todo
+   * enforce this!*/
+  void addTag(const std::string &tag);
-      /** Check if the node already has an owner */
-      bool hasOwner() const;
+  /** Getter for the properties */
+  NodeType getType() const;
+  UpdateMode getMode() const;
+  VariableDirection getDirection() const;
+  const std::type_info &getValueType() const;
+  std::string getName() const;
+  std::string getQualifiedName() const;
+  const std::string &getUnit() const;
+  const std::string &getDescription() const;
+  VariableNetwork &getOwner() const;
+  VariableNetworkNode getNodeToTrigger();
+  const std::string &getPublicName() const;
+  const std::string &getDeviceAlias() const;
+  const std::string &getRegisterName() const;
+  const std::unordered_set<std::string> &getTags() const;
+  void setNumberOfElements(size_t nElements);
+  size_t getNumberOfElements() const;
+  ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor &getAppAccessorNoType();
-      /** Add a tag. This function may only be used on Application-type nodes. Valid names for tags only contain
-       *  alpha-numeric characters (i.e. no spaces and no special characters). @todo enforce this!*/
-      void addTag(const std::string &tag);
+  void setPublicName(const std::string &name) const;
-      /** Getter for the properties */
-      NodeType getType() const;
-      UpdateMode getMode() const;
-      VariableDirection getDirection() const;
-      const std::type_info& getValueType() const;
-      std::string getName() const;
-      std::string getQualifiedName() const;
-      const std::string& getUnit() const;
-      const std::string& getDescription() const;
-      VariableNetwork& getOwner() const;
-      VariableNetworkNode getNodeToTrigger();
-      const std::string& getPublicName() const;
-      const std::string& getDeviceAlias() const;
-      const std::string& getRegisterName() const;
-      const std::unordered_set<std::string>& getTags() const;
-      void setNumberOfElements(size_t nElements);
-      size_t getNumberOfElements() const;
-      ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor& getAppAccessorNoType();
+  template <typename UserType>
+  ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType> &getAppAccessor() const;
-      void setPublicName(const std::string& name) const;
+  template <typename UserType>
+  void setAppAccessorImplementation(
+      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl) const;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>& getAppAccessor() const;
+  template <typename UserType>
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>
+  getConstAccessor() const;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      void setAppAccessorImplementation(boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl) const;
+  /** Return the unique ID of this node (will change every time the application
+   * is started). */
+  const void *getUniqueId() const { return pdata.get(); }
+  /** Change pointer to the accessor. May only be used for application nodes. */
+  void setAppAccessorPointer(ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessor);
+  EntityOwner *getOwningModule() const;
+  void setOwningModule(EntityOwner *newOwner) const;
+  void accept(Visitor<VariableNetworkNode> &visitor) const;
+  // protected:  @todo make protected again (with proper interface extension)
+  boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata;
-      template<typename UserType>
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> getConstAccessor() const;
-      /** Return the unique ID of this node (will change every time the application is started). */
-      const void* getUniqueId() const { return pdata.get(); }
+/** We use a pimpl pattern so copied instances of VariableNetworkNode refer to
+ * the same instance of the data structure and thus stay consistent all the
+ * time. */
+struct VariableNetworkNode_data {
-      /** Change pointer to the accessor. May only be used for application nodes. */
-      void setAppAccessorPointer(ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessor);
+  VariableNetworkNode_data() {}
-      EntityOwner* getOwningModule() const;
+  /** Type of the node (Application, Device, ControlSystem, Trigger) */
+  NodeType type{NodeType::invalid};
-      void setOwningModule(EntityOwner *newOwner) const;
+  /** Update mode: poll or push */
+  UpdateMode mode{UpdateMode::invalid};
-      void accept(Visitor<VariableNetworkNode> &visitor) const;
+  /** Node direction: feeding or consuming */
+  VariableDirection direction{VariableDirection::invalid, false};
+  /** Value type of this node. If the type_info is the typeid of AnyType, the
+   * actual type can be decided when making the connections. */
+  const std::type_info *valueType{&typeid(AnyType)};
+  /** Engineering unit. If equal to ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet, no
+   * unit has been defined (and any unit is allowed). */
+  std::string unit{ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet};
+  /** Description */
+  std::string description{""};
+  /** The network this node belongs to */
+  VariableNetwork *network{nullptr};
+  /** Pointer to implementation if type == Constant */
+  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> constNode;
+  /** Pointer to implementation if type == Application */
+  ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *appNode{nullptr};
+  /** Pointer to network which should be triggered by this node */
+  VariableNetworkNode nodeToTrigger{nullptr};
+  /** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger. May only be used
+   * for feeding nodes with an update mode poll. When enabled, the update mode
+   * will be converted into push. */
+  VariableNetworkNode externalTrigger{nullptr};
+  /** Public name if type == ControlSystem */
+  std::string publicName;
+  /** Accessor name if type == Application */
+  std::string name;
+  std::string qualifiedName;
+  /** Device information if type == Device */
+  std::string deviceAlias;
+  std::string registerName;
-    //protected:  @todo make protected again (with proper interface extension)
+  /** Number of elements in the variable. 0 means not yet decided. */
+  size_t nElements{0};
-      boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> pdata;
-  };
+  /** Set of tags  if type == Application */
+  std::unordered_set<std::string> tags;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  /** Map to store triggered versions of this node. The map key is the trigger
+   * node and the value is the node with the respective trigger added. */
+  std::map<VariableNetworkNode, VariableNetworkNode> nodeWithTrigger;
-  /** We use a pimpl pattern so copied instances of VariableNetworkNode refer to the same instance of the data
-    *  structure and thus stay consistent all the time. */
-  struct VariableNetworkNode_data {
-    VariableNetworkNode_data() {}
-    /** Type of the node (Application, Device, ControlSystem, Trigger) */
-    NodeType type{NodeType::invalid};
-    /** Update mode: poll or push */
-    UpdateMode mode{UpdateMode::invalid};
-    /** Node direction: feeding or consuming */
-    VariableDirection direction{VariableDirection::invalid, false};
-    /** Value type of this node. If the type_info is the typeid of AnyType, the actual type can be decided when making
-      *  the connections. */
-    const std::type_info* valueType{&typeid(AnyType)};
-    /** Engineering unit. If equal to ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet, no unit has been defined (and any unit is allowed). */
-    std::string unit{ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet};
-    /** Description */
-    std::string description{""};
-    /** The network this node belongs to */
-    VariableNetwork *network{nullptr};
-    /** Pointer to implementation if type == Constant */
-    boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::TransferElement> constNode;
-    /** Pointer to implementation if type == Application */
-    ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *appNode{nullptr};
-    /** Pointer to network which should be triggered by this node */
-    VariableNetworkNode nodeToTrigger{nullptr};
-    /** Pointer to the network providing the external trigger. May only be used for feeding nodes with an
-      *  update mode poll. When enabled, the update mode will be converted into push. */
-    VariableNetworkNode externalTrigger{nullptr};
-    /** Public name if type == ControlSystem */
-    std::string publicName;
-    /** Accessor name if type == Application */
-    std::string name;
-    std::string qualifiedName;
-    /** Device information if type == Device */
-    std::string deviceAlias;
-    std::string registerName;
-    /** Number of elements in the variable. 0 means not yet decided. */
-    size_t nElements{0};
-    /** Set of tags  if type == Application */
-    std::unordered_set<std::string> tags;
-    /** Map to store triggered versions of this node. The map key is the trigger node and the value is the node
-     *  with the respective trigger added. */
-    std::map<VariableNetworkNode, VariableNetworkNode> nodeWithTrigger;
-    /** Pointer to the module owning this node */
-    EntityOwner *owningModule{nullptr};
-  };
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  /*** Implementations *************************************************************************************************/
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename UserType>
-  VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(bool makeFeeder, UserType value, size_t length) {
-    VariableNetworkNode node;
-    node.pdata = boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>();
-    node.pdata->constNode.reset(new ConstantAccessor<UserType>(value, length));
-    node.pdata->type = NodeType::Constant;
-    node.pdata->valueType = &typeid(UserType);
-    node.pdata->nElements = length;
-    node.pdata->name = "*UNNAMED CONSTANT*";
-    if(makeFeeder) {
-      node.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-      node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
-    }
-    else {
-      node.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
-      node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::poll;
-    }
-    return node;
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename UserType>
-  ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>& VariableNetworkNode::getAppAccessor() const {
-    assert(typeid(UserType) == getValueType());
-    assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Application);
-    auto accessor = static_cast<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType>*>(pdata->appNode);
-    assert(accessor != nullptr);
-    return *accessor;
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename UserType>
-  boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> VariableNetworkNode::getConstAccessor() const {
-    return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(pdata->constNode);
-  }
+  /** Pointer to the module owning this node */
+  EntityOwner *owningModule{nullptr};
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+/*** Implementations
+ * *************************************************************************************************/
-  template<typename UserType>
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setAppAccessorImplementation(boost::shared_ptr<NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl) const {
-    auto decorated = boost::make_shared<VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator<UserType>>(impl, getOwningModule());
-    getAppAccessor<UserType>().replace(decorated);
+template <typename UserType>
+VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant(bool makeFeeder,
+                                                      UserType value,
+                                                      size_t length) {
+  VariableNetworkNode node;
+  node.pdata = boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>();
+  node.pdata->constNode.reset(new ConstantAccessor<UserType>(value, length));
+  node.pdata->type = NodeType::Constant;
+  node.pdata->valueType = &typeid(UserType);
+  node.pdata->nElements = length;
+  node.pdata->name = "*UNNAMED CONSTANT*";
+  if (makeFeeder) {
+    node.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
+    node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
+  } else {
+    node.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
+    node.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::poll;
+  return node;
+template <typename UserType>
+ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType> &
+VariableNetworkNode::getAppAccessor() const {
+  assert(typeid(UserType) == getValueType());
+  assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Application);
+  auto accessor =
+      static_cast<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessorAbstractor<UserType> *>(
+          pdata->appNode);
+  assert(accessor != nullptr);
+  return *accessor;
+template <typename UserType>
+VariableNetworkNode::getConstAccessor() const {
+  return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>(
+      pdata->constNode);
+template <typename UserType>
+void VariableNetworkNode::setAppAccessorImplementation(
+    boost::shared_ptr<NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> impl) const {
+  auto decorated =
+      boost::make_shared<VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator<UserType>>(
+          impl, getOwningModule());
+  getAppAccessor<UserType>().replace(decorated);
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h b/include/VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h
index fbf391ee..c6dc0f78 100644
--- a/include/VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h
+++ b/include/VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #include "Visitor.h"
+#include <functional> // for std::reference_wrapper
 #include <list>
 #include <ostream>
-#include <functional> // for std::reference_wrapper
 namespace ChimeraTK {
@@ -14,62 +14,65 @@ class VariableNetworkNode;
  * @brief A helper class to replace the output stream temporarily
- * This is a helper class that is used in the Graphviz dumper to be able to dump the nodes to a stringstream
- * instead of directly to the file.
+ * This is a helper class that is used in the Graphviz dumper to be able to dump
+ * the nodes to a stringstream instead of directly to the file.
- * Ideally, the pushStream()/popStream() functions should be called in pairs but popStream() will do nothing
- * if the stack is empty.
+ * Ideally, the pushStream()/popStream() functions should be called in pairs but
+ * popStream() will do nothing if the stack is empty.
 class PushableStream {
-    PushableStream(std::ostream &stream) : _streamStack{stream} {}
-    virtual ~PushableStream() {}
+  PushableStream(std::ostream &stream) : _streamStack{stream} {}
+  virtual ~PushableStream() {}
+  void pushStream(std::ostream &stream) { _streamStack.push_back(stream); }
-    void pushStream(std::ostream& stream) {
-        _streamStack.push_back(stream);
-    }
+  std::ostream &stream() { return _streamStack.back().get(); }
-    std::ostream& stream() { return _streamStack.back().get(); }
+  void popStream() {
+    if (_streamStack.size() == 1)
+      return;
-    void popStream() {
-        if (_streamStack.size() == 1)
-            return;
+    _streamStack.pop_back();
+  }
-        _streamStack.pop_back();
-    }
-    std::list<std::reference_wrapper<std::ostream>> _streamStack;
+  std::list<std::reference_wrapper<std::ostream>> _streamStack;
  * @brief The VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor class
- * This class is serving as one of the base classes for the Graphviz dumper as well as the textual dumper
- * providing detailed information about a node.
+ * This class is serving as one of the base classes for the Graphviz dumper as
+ * well as the textual dumper providing detailed information about a node.
-class VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor : public Visitor<VariableNetworkNode>, public PushableStream {
+class VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor : public Visitor<VariableNetworkNode>,
+                                          public PushableStream {
-    /**
-     * @brief VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor
-     * @param stream instance of std::ostream to write to
-     * @param separator the separator to use
-     *
-     * Separator is used to be able to use the function in the Graphviz and textual connection dumper.
-     * We are using newlines for Graphviz, and space for textual
-     */
-    VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(std::ostream &stream, const std::string& separator);
-    virtual ~VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor() {}
+  /**
+   * @brief VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor
+   * @param stream instance of std::ostream to write to
+   * @param separator the separator to use
+   *
+   * Separator is used to be able to use the function in the Graphviz and
+   * textual connection dumper. We are using newlines for Graphviz, and space
+   * for textual
+   */
+  VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(std::ostream &stream,
+                                    const std::string &separator);
+  virtual ~VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor() {}
-    /**
-     * @brief dispatch
-     * @param t Node to visit
-     *
-     * Visitor function for VariableNetworkNode. Will dump a verbose description of the node
-     */
-    void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode& t);
+  /**
+   * @brief dispatch
+   * @param t Node to visit
+   *
+   * Visitor function for VariableNetworkNode. Will dump a verbose description
+   * of the node
+   */
+  void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &t);
-    std::string _separator;
+  std::string _separator;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator.h b/include/VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator.h
index d234093d..cb03c9c4 100644
--- a/include/VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator.h
+++ b/include/VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator.h
@@ -7,24 +7,26 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  class EntityOwner;
-  /**
-   *  NDRegisterAccessorDecorator which sets the current version number of the owning ApplicationModule in postRead
-   */
-  template<typename T>
-  struct VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator : NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<T,T> {
-      VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator(const boost::shared_ptr<NDRegisterAccessor<T>> &target,
-                                             EntityOwner *owner)
-      : NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<T,T>(target), _owner(owner) {}
-      void doPostRead() override;
-    protected:
-      EntityOwner *_owner;
-  };
+class EntityOwner;
+ *  NDRegisterAccessorDecorator which sets the current version number of the
+ * owning ApplicationModule in postRead
+ */
+template <typename T>
+struct VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator
+    : NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<T, T> {
+  VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator(
+      const boost::shared_ptr<NDRegisterAccessor<T>> &target,
+      EntityOwner *owner)
+      : NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<T, T>(target), _owner(owner) {}
+  void doPostRead() override;
+  EntityOwner *_owner;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/VirtualModule.h b/include/VirtualModule.h
index 33c0a09b..0f632044 100644
--- a/include/VirtualModule.h
+++ b/include/VirtualModule.h
@@ -12,63 +12,66 @@
 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
 #include "Module.h"
+#include <ChimeraTK/RegisterPath.h>
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /** A virtual module generated by EntityOwner::findTag(). */
-  class VirtualModule : public Module {
-    public:
-      /** Constructor */
-      VirtualModule(const std::string &name, const std::string &description, ModuleType moduleType)
-      : Module(nullptr, name, description), _moduleType(moduleType)
-      {
-        if(name.find_first_of("/") != std::string::npos) {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Module names must not contain slashes: '"+name+"'.");
-        }
-      }
-      /** Copy constructor */
-      VirtualModule(const VirtualModule &other);
+/** A virtual module generated by EntityOwner::findTag(). */
+class VirtualModule : public Module {
-      /** Assignment operator */
-      VirtualModule& operator=(const VirtualModule &other);
+  /** Constructor */
+  VirtualModule(const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
+                ModuleType moduleType)
+      : Module(nullptr, name, description), _moduleType(moduleType) {
+    if (name.find_first_of("/") != std::string::npos) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Module names must not contain slashes: '" +
+                                   name + "'.");
+    }
+  }
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~VirtualModule();
+  /** Copy constructor */
+  VirtualModule(const VirtualModule &other);
-      VariableNetworkNode operator()(const std::string& variableName) const override;
+  /** Assignment operator */
+  VirtualModule &operator=(const VirtualModule &other);
-      Module& operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const override;
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~VirtualModule();
-      void connectTo(const Module &target, VariableNetworkNode trigger={}) const override;
+  VariableNetworkNode
+  operator()(const std::string &variableName) const override;
-      /** Add an accessor. The accessor instance will be added to an internal list. */
-      void addAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor);
+  Module &operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const override;
-      /** Add a virtual sub-module. The module instance will be added to an internal list. */
-      void addSubModule(VirtualModule module);
+  void connectTo(const Module &target,
+                 VariableNetworkNode trigger = {}) const override;
-      /** Return the submodule with the given name. If it doesn't exist, create it first. */
-      VirtualModule& createAndGetSubmodule(const RegisterPath& moduleName);
+  /** Add an accessor. The accessor instance will be added to an internal list.
+   */
+  void addAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor);
-      /** Like createAndGetSubmodule(), but recursively create a hierarchy of submodules separated by "/" in the
-       *  moduleName. */
-      VirtualModule& createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(const RegisterPath& moduleName);
+  /** Add a virtual sub-module. The module instance will be added to an internal
+   * list. */
+  void addSubModule(VirtualModule module);
-      ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return _moduleType; }
+  /** Return the submodule with the given name. If it doesn't exist, create it
+   * first. */
+  VirtualModule &createAndGetSubmodule(const RegisterPath &moduleName);
-      const Module& virtualise() const override;
+  /** Like createAndGetSubmodule(), but recursively create a hierarchy of
+   * submodules separated by "/" in the moduleName. */
+  VirtualModule &createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(const RegisterPath &moduleName);
-    protected:
+  ModuleType getModuleType() const override { return _moduleType; }
-      std::list<VirtualModule> submodules;
-      ModuleType _moduleType;
+  const Module &virtualise() const override;
-  };
+  std::list<VirtualModule> submodules;
+  ModuleType _moduleType;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/include/Visitor.h b/include/Visitor.h
index b15e78ca..fb98636d 100644
--- a/include/Visitor.h
+++ b/include/Visitor.h
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-/* Losely based on */
+/* Losely based on
+ *
+ */
-template <typename... Types>
-class Visitor;
+template <typename... Types> class Visitor;
-template <typename T>
-class Visitor<T> {
+template <typename T> class Visitor<T> {
-    virtual void dispatch(const T& t) = 0;
+  virtual void dispatch(const T &t) = 0;
 template <typename T, typename... Types>
 class Visitor<T, Types...> : public Visitor<T>, public Visitor<Types...> {
-    using Visitor<Types...>::dispatch;
-    using Visitor<T>::dispatch;
+  using Visitor<Types...>::dispatch;
+  using Visitor<T>::dispatch;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/VisitorHelper.h b/include/VisitorHelper.h
index cce1390e..885e86d6 100644
--- a/include/VisitorHelper.h
+++ b/include/VisitorHelper.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class VariableNetworkNode;
 namespace detail {
 std::string encodeDotNodeName(std::string name);
-std::string nodeName(const VariableNetworkNode& node);
+std::string nodeName(const VariableNetworkNode &node);
-} // namespace detail)
-}// namespace ChimeraTK
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/include/XMLGeneratorVisitor.h b/include/XMLGeneratorVisitor.h
index 63335cad..7e8c869d 100644
--- a/include/XMLGeneratorVisitor.h
+++ b/include/XMLGeneratorVisitor.h
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 #include "Visitor.h"
-#include <string>
 #include <memory>
+#include <string>
 // Forward declarations
 namespace xmlpp {
-    class Document;
-    class Element;
+class Document;
+class Element;
+} // namespace xmlpp
 namespace ChimeraTK {
 // Forward declarations
@@ -19,19 +19,21 @@ class VariableNetworkNode;
  * @brief The XMLGeneratorVisitor class
- * This class is responsible for generating the XML representation of the Variables in an Application
+ * This class is responsible for generating the XML representation of the
+ * Variables in an Application
 class XMLGeneratorVisitor : public Visitor<Application, VariableNetworkNode> {
-    XMLGeneratorVisitor();
-    virtual ~XMLGeneratorVisitor() {}
-    void dispatch(const Application& app);
-    void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &node);
+  XMLGeneratorVisitor();
+  virtual ~XMLGeneratorVisitor() {}
+  void dispatch(const Application &app);
+  void dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &node);
+  void save(const std::string &filename);
-    void save(const std::string &filename);
-    std::shared_ptr<xmlpp::Document> _doc;
-    xmlpp::Element *_rootElement;
+  std::shared_ptr<xmlpp::Document> _doc;
+  xmlpp::Element *_rootElement;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2840b781..acebf5c9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <string>
-#include <thread>
 #include <exception>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
 #include <boost/fusion/container/map.hpp>
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@
 #include "Application.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "ThreadedFanOut.h"
+#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
+#include "ConstantAccessor.h"
 #include "ConsumingFanOut.h"
+#include "DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h"
+#include "DeviceModule.h"
 #include "FeedingFanOut.h"
-#include "TriggerFanOut.h"
-#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
 #include "ScalarAccessor.h"
-#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
-#include "ConstantAccessor.h"
 #include "TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h"
-#include "DebugPrintAccessorDecorator.h"
-#include "Visitor.h"
+#include "ThreadedFanOut.h"
+#include "TriggerFanOut.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h"
+#include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
+#include "Visitor.h"
 #include "XMLGeneratorVisitor.h"
-#include "DeviceModule.h"
 using namespace ChimeraTK;
@@ -37,78 +37,88 @@ std::mutex Application::testableMode_mutex;
-Application::Application(const std::string& name) : ApplicationBase(name), EntityOwner(name, "") {
+Application::Application(const std::string &name)
+    : ApplicationBase(name), EntityOwner(name, "") {
   // check if the application name has been set
-  if(applicationName == "") {
+  if (applicationName == "") {
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Error: An instance of Application must have its applicationName set.");
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "Error: An instance of Application must have its applicationName set.");
   // check if application name contains illegal characters
-  std::string legalChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_";
-  bool nameContainsIllegalChars = name.find_first_not_of(legalChars) != std::string::npos;
-  if(nameContainsIllegalChars) {
+  std::string legalChars =
+      "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_";
+  bool nameContainsIllegalChars =
+      name.find_first_not_of(legalChars) != std::string::npos;
+  if (nameContainsIllegalChars) {
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
-        "Error: The application name may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.");
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Error: The application name may only contain "
+                                 "alphanumeric characters and underscores.");
 void Application::initialise() {
-  // call the user-defined defineConnections() function which describes the structure of the application
+  // call the user-defined defineConnections() function which describes the
+  // structure of the application
   // connect any unconnected accessors with constant values
-  // realise the connections between variable accessors as described in the initialise() function
+  // realise the connections between variable accessors as described in the
+  // initialise() function
-/** Functor class to create a constant for otherwise unconnected variables, suitable for boost::fusion::for_each(). */
+/** Functor class to create a constant for otherwise unconnected variables,
+ * suitable for boost::fusion::for_each(). */
 namespace {
-  struct CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar {
-    /// @todo test unconnected variables for all types!
-    CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar(const std::type_info& typeInfo, bool makeFeeder, size_t length)
-    : _typeInfo(typeInfo), _makeFeeder(makeFeeder), _length(length) {}
-    template<typename PAIR>
-    void operator()(PAIR&) const {
-      if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _typeInfo) return;
-      theNode = VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<typename PAIR::first_type>(
-          _makeFeeder, typename PAIR::first_type(), _length);
-      done = true;
-    }
+struct CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar {
+  /// @todo test unconnected variables for all types!
+  CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar(const std::type_info &typeInfo,
+                                  bool makeFeeder, size_t length)
+      : _typeInfo(typeInfo), _makeFeeder(makeFeeder), _length(length) {}
+  template <typename PAIR> void operator()(PAIR &) const {
+    if (typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _typeInfo)
+      return;
+    theNode = VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<typename PAIR::first_type>(
+        _makeFeeder, typename PAIR::first_type(), _length);
+    done = true;
+  }
-    const std::type_info& _typeInfo;
-    bool _makeFeeder;
-    size_t _length;
-    mutable bool done{false};
-    mutable VariableNetworkNode theNode;
-  };
+  const std::type_info &_typeInfo;
+  bool _makeFeeder;
+  size_t _length;
+  mutable bool done{false};
+  mutable VariableNetworkNode theNode;
 } // namespace
 void Application::processUnconnectedNodes() {
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
-    for(auto& accessor : module->getAccessorList()) {
-      if(!accessor.hasOwner()) {
-        if(enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning) {
-          std::cerr << "*** Warning: Variable '" << accessor.getQualifiedName()
-                    << "' is not connected. " // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-                       "Reading will always result in 0, writing will be ignored."
-                    << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+    for (auto &accessor : module->getAccessorList()) {
+      if (!accessor.hasOwner()) {
+        if (enableUnconnectedVariablesWarning) {
+          std::cerr
+              << "*** Warning: Variable '" << accessor.getQualifiedName()
+              << "' is not connected. " // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+                 "Reading will always result in 0, writing will be ignored."
+              << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
         bool makeFeeder = !(networkList.back().hasFeedingNode());
         size_t length = accessor.getNumberOfElements();
-        auto callable = CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar(accessor.getValueType(), makeFeeder, length);
+        auto callable = CreateConstantForUnconnectedVar(accessor.getValueType(),
+                                                        makeFeeder, length);
         boost::fusion::for_each(ChimeraTK::userTypeMap(), std::ref(callable));
@@ -122,18 +132,20 @@ void Application::processUnconnectedNodes() {
 void Application::checkConnections() {
   // check all networks for validity
-  for(auto& network : networkList) {
+  for (auto &network : networkList) {
   // check if all accessors are connected
-  // note: this in principle cannot happen, since processUnconnectedNodes() is called before
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
-    for(auto& accessor : module->getAccessorList()) {
-      if(!accessor.hasOwner()) {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("The accessor '" + accessor.getName() + "' of the module '" +
-            module->getName() +      // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-            "' was not connected!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+  // note: this in principle cannot happen, since processUnconnectedNodes() is
+  // called before
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+    for (auto &accessor : module->getAccessorList()) {
+      if (!accessor.hasOwner()) {
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("The accessor '" + accessor.getName() +
+                                     "' of the module '" +
+                                     module->getName() +      // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+                                     "' was not connected!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
@@ -145,31 +157,31 @@ void Application::run() {
   assert(applicationName != "");
   // prepare the modules
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
   // start the necessary threads for the FanOuts etc.
-  for(auto& internalModule : internalModuleList) {
+  for (auto &internalModule : internalModuleList) {
-  // read all input variables once, to set the startup value e.g. coming from the config file
-  // (without triggering an action inside the application)
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
-    for(auto& variable : module->getAccessorList()) {
-      if(variable.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming) {
+  // read all input variables once, to set the startup value e.g. coming from
+  // the config file (without triggering an action inside the application)
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+    for (auto &variable : module->getAccessorList()) {
+      if (variable.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming) {
   // start the threads for the modules
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
     std::cout << module->getFullDescription() << std::endl;
-  for(auto& deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
+  for (auto &deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
@@ -177,23 +189,25 @@ void Application::run() {
 void Application::shutdown() {
-  // first allow to run the application threads again, if we are in testable mode
-  if(testableMode && testableModeTestLock()) {
+  // first allow to run the application threads again, if we are in testable
+  // mode
+  if (testableMode && testableModeTestLock()) {
-  // deactivate the FanOuts first, since they have running threads inside accessing the modules etc.
-  // (note: the modules are members of the Application implementation and thus get destroyed after this destructor)
-  for(auto& internalModule : internalModuleList) {
+  // deactivate the FanOuts first, since they have running threads inside
+  // accessing the modules etc. (note: the modules are members of the
+  // Application implementation and thus get destroyed after this destructor)
+  for (auto &internalModule : internalModuleList) {
   // next deactivate the modules, as they have running threads inside as well
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
-  for(auto& deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
+  for (auto &deviceModule : deviceModuleList) {
@@ -206,11 +220,12 @@ void Application::generateXML() {
   // define the connections
-  // also search for unconnected nodes - this is here only executed to print the warnings
+  // also search for unconnected nodes - this is here only executed to print the
+  // warnings
-  // finalise connections: decide still-undecided details, in particular for control-system and device varibales, which
-  // get created "on the fly".
+  // finalise connections: decide still-undecided details, in particular for
+  // control-system and device varibales, which get created "on the fly".
   XMLGeneratorVisitor visitor;
@@ -220,27 +235,28 @@ void Application::generateXML() {
-VariableNetwork& Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode b) {
-  // if one of the nodes has the value type AnyType, set it to the type of the other
-  // if both are AnyType, nothing changes.
-  if(a.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) {
+VariableNetwork &Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a,
+                                      VariableNetworkNode b) {
+  // if one of the nodes has the value type AnyType, set it to the type of the
+  // other if both are AnyType, nothing changes.
+  if (a.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) {
-  }
-  else if(b.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) {
+  } else if (b.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) {
-  // if one of the nodes has not yet a defined number of elements, set it to the number of elements of the other.
-  // if both are undefined, nothing changes.
-  if(a.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
+  // if one of the nodes has not yet a defined number of elements, set it to the
+  // number of elements of the other. if both are undefined, nothing changes.
+  if (a.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
-  }
-  else if(b.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
+  } else if (b.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
-  if(a.getNumberOfElements() != b.getNumberOfElements()) {
+  if (a.getNumberOfElements() != b.getNumberOfElements()) {
     std::stringstream what;
-    what << "*** ERROR: Cannot connect array variables with difference number of elements!" << std::endl;
+    what << "*** ERROR: Cannot connect array variables with difference number "
+            "of elements!"
+         << std::endl;
     what << "Node A:" << std::endl;
     what << "Node B:" << std::endl;
@@ -248,16 +264,18 @@ VariableNetwork& Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode
     throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.str());
-  // if both nodes already have an owner, we are either already done (same owners) or we need to try to merge the
-  // networks
-  if(a.hasOwner() && b.hasOwner()) {
-    if(&(a.getOwner()) != &(b.getOwner())) {
-      auto& networkToMerge = b.getOwner();
+  // if both nodes already have an owner, we are either already done (same
+  // owners) or we need to try to merge the networks
+  if (a.hasOwner() && b.hasOwner()) {
+    if (&(a.getOwner()) != &(b.getOwner())) {
+      auto &networkToMerge = b.getOwner();
       bool success = a.getOwner().merge(networkToMerge);
-      if(!success) {
+      if (!success) {
         std::stringstream what;
-        what << "*** ERROR: Trying to connect two nodes which are already part of different networks, and merging these"
-                " networks is not possible (cannot have two non-control-system or two control-system feeders)!"
+        what << "*** ERROR: Trying to connect two nodes which are already part "
+                "of different networks, and merging these"
+                " networks is not possible (cannot have two non-control-system "
+                "or two control-system feeders)!"
              << std::endl;
         what << "Node A:" << std::endl;
@@ -269,8 +287,8 @@ VariableNetwork& Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode
         b.getOwner().dump("", what);
         throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(what.str());
-      for(auto n = networkList.begin(); n != networkList.end(); ++n) {
-        if(&*n == &networkToMerge) {
+      for (auto n = networkList.begin(); n != networkList.end(); ++n) {
+        if (&*n == &networkToMerge) {
@@ -278,12 +296,12 @@ VariableNetwork& Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode
   // add b to the existing network of a
-  else if(a.hasOwner()) {
+  else if (a.hasOwner()) {
   // add a to the existing network of b
-  else if(b.hasOwner()) {
+  else if (b.hasOwner()) {
   // create new network
@@ -297,22 +315,28 @@ VariableNetwork& Application::connect(VariableNetworkNode a, VariableNetworkNode
-template<typename UserType>
-boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> Application::createDeviceVariable(
-    const std::string& deviceAlias, const std::string& registerName, VariableDirection direction, UpdateMode mode,
-    size_t nElements) {
+template <typename UserType>
+Application::createDeviceVariable(const std::string &deviceAlias,
+                                  const std::string &registerName,
+                                  VariableDirection direction, UpdateMode mode,
+                                  size_t nElements) {
   // open device if needed
-  if(deviceMap.count(deviceAlias) == 0) {
-    deviceMap[deviceAlias] = ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(deviceAlias);
-    if(!deviceMap[deviceAlias]->isOpen()) deviceMap[deviceAlias]->open();
+  if (deviceMap.count(deviceAlias) == 0) {
+    deviceMap[deviceAlias] =
+        ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(deviceAlias);
+    if (!deviceMap[deviceAlias]->isOpen())
+      deviceMap[deviceAlias]->open();
   // use wait_for_new_data mode if push update mode was requested
   ChimeraTK::AccessModeFlags flags{};
-  if(mode == UpdateMode::push && direction.dir == VariableDirection::consuming) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
+  if (mode == UpdateMode::push && direction.dir == VariableDirection::consuming)
+    flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
   // obatin the register accessor from the device
-  auto accessor = deviceMap[deviceAlias]->getRegisterAccessor<UserType>(registerName, nElements, 0, flags);
+  auto accessor = deviceMap[deviceAlias]->getRegisterAccessor<UserType>(
+      registerName, nElements, 0, flags);
   // return accessor
   return accessor;
@@ -320,58 +344,66 @@ boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> Application::createDe
-template<typename UserType>
-boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> Application::createProcessVariable(
-    VariableNetworkNode const& node) {
+template <typename UserType>
+Application::createProcessVariable(VariableNetworkNode const &node) {
   // determine the SynchronizationDirection
   SynchronizationDirection dir;
-  if(node.getDirection().withReturn) {
+  if (node.getDirection().withReturn) {
     dir = SynchronizationDirection::bidirectional;
-  }
-  else if(node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
+  } else if (node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
     dir = SynchronizationDirection::controlSystemToDevice;
-  }
-  else {
+  } else {
     dir = SynchronizationDirection::deviceToControlSystem;
   AccessModeFlags flags = {};
-  if(node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming) { // Application-to-controlsystem must be push-type
+  if (node.getDirection().dir ==
+      VariableDirection::consuming) { // Application-to-controlsystem must be
+                                      // push-type
     flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
-  }
-  else {
-    for(auto& consumer : node.getOwner().getConsumingNodes()) {
-      if(consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
+  } else {
+    for (auto &consumer : node.getOwner().getConsumingNodes()) {
+      if (consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+        flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
   // create the ProcessArray for the proper UserType
-  auto pvar = _processVariableManager->createProcessArray<UserType>(dir, node.getPublicName(),
-      node.getNumberOfElements(), node.getOwner().getUnit(), node.getOwner().getDescription(), {}, false, 3, flags);
+  auto pvar = _processVariableManager->createProcessArray<UserType>(
+      dir, node.getPublicName(), node.getNumberOfElements(),
+      node.getOwner().getUnit(), node.getOwner().getDescription(), {}, false, 3,
+      flags);
   assert(pvar->getName() != "");
   // create variable ID
   auto varId = getNextVariableId();
   pvIdMap[pvar->getUniqueId()] = varId;
-  // Decorate the process variable if testable mode is enabled and this is the receiving end of the variable.
-  // Also don't decorate, if the mode is polling. Instead flag the variable to be polling, so the TestFacility is aware
-  // of this.
-  if(testableMode && node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
-    // The transfer mode of this process variable is considered to be polling, if only one consumer exists and this
-    // consumer is polling. Reason: mulitple consumers will result in the use of a FanOut, so the communication up to
-    // the FanOut will be push-type, even if all consumers are poll-type.
+  // Decorate the process variable if testable mode is enabled and this is the
+  // receiving end of the variable. Also don't decorate, if the mode is polling.
+  // Instead flag the variable to be polling, so the TestFacility is aware of
+  // this.
+  if (testableMode && node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
+    // The transfer mode of this process variable is considered to be polling,
+    // if only one consumer exists and this consumer is polling. Reason:
+    // mulitple consumers will result in the use of a FanOut, so the
+    // communication up to the FanOut will be push-type, even if all consumers
+    // are poll-type.
     /// @todo Check if this is true!
     auto mode = UpdateMode::push;
-    if(node.getOwner().countConsumingNodes() == 1) {
-      if(node.getOwner().getConsumingNodes().front().getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) mode = UpdateMode::poll;
+    if (node.getOwner().countConsumingNodes() == 1) {
+      if (node.getOwner().getConsumingNodes().front().getMode() ==
+          UpdateMode::poll)
+        mode = UpdateMode::poll;
-    if(mode != UpdateMode::poll) {
-      auto pvarDec = boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvar, true, false, varId, varId);
+    if (mode != UpdateMode::poll) {
+      auto pvarDec =
+          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvar, true, false, varId, varId);
       testableMode_names[varId] = "ControlSystem:" + node.getPublicName();
       return pvarDec;
-    }
-    else {
+    } else {
       testableMode_isPollMode[varId] = true;
@@ -382,35 +414,39 @@ boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> Application::createPr
-template<typename UserType>
+template <typename UserType>
-    boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>>
-    Application::createApplicationVariable(VariableNetworkNode const& node, VariableNetworkNode const& consumer) {
+          boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>>
+Application::createApplicationVariable(VariableNetworkNode const &node,
+                                       VariableNetworkNode const &consumer) {
   // obtain the meta data
   size_t nElements = node.getNumberOfElements();
   std::string name = node.getName();
   assert(name != "");
   AccessModeFlags flags = {};
-  if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
-    if(consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
-  }
-  else {
-    if(node.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
+  if (consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
+    if (consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+      flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
+  } else {
+    if (node.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+      flags = {AccessMode::wait_for_new_data};
   // create the ProcessArray for the proper UserType
-      boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>>
+            boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>>
-  if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid)
-    assert(node.getDirection().withReturn == consumer.getDirection().withReturn);
-  if(!node.getDirection().withReturn) {
+  if (consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid)
+    assert(node.getDirection().withReturn ==
+           consumer.getDirection().withReturn);
+  if (!node.getDirection().withReturn) {
     pvarPair = createSynchronizedProcessArray<UserType>(
-        nElements, name, node.getUnit(), node.getDescription(), {}, 3, false, {}, flags);
-  }
-  else {
+        nElements, name, node.getUnit(), node.getDescription(), {}, 3, false,
+        {}, flags);
+  } else {
     pvarPair = createBidirectionalSynchronizedProcessArray<UserType>(
-        nElements, name, node.getUnit(), node.getDescription(), {}, 3, {}, {}, flags);
+        nElements, name, node.getUnit(), node.getDescription(), {}, 3, {}, {},
+        flags);
   assert(pvarPair.first->getName() != "");
   assert(pvarPair.second->getName() != "");
@@ -418,47 +454,57 @@ std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>,
   // create variable IDs
   size_t varId = getNextVariableId();
   size_t varIdReturn;
-  if(node.getDirection().withReturn) varIdReturn = getNextVariableId();
+  if (node.getDirection().withReturn)
+    varIdReturn = getNextVariableId();
-  // decorate the process variable if testable mode is enabled and mode is push-type
-  if(testableMode && node.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
-    if(!node.getDirection().withReturn) {
+  // decorate the process variable if testable mode is enabled and mode is
+  // push-type
+  if (testableMode && node.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
+    if (!node.getDirection().withReturn) {
       pvarPair.first =
-          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, false, true, varId, varId);
+          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.first, false, true, varId, varId);
       pvarPair.second =
-          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, true, false, varId, varId);
-    }
-    else {
+          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.second, true, false, varId, varId);
+    } else {
       pvarPair.first =
-          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, true, true, varIdReturn, varId);
+          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.first, true, true, varIdReturn, varId);
       pvarPair.second =
-          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, true, true, varId, varIdReturn);
+          boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.second, true, true, varId, varIdReturn);
     // put the decorators into the list
     testableMode_names[varId] = "Internal:" + node.getQualifiedName();
-    if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
+    if (consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
       testableMode_names[varId] += "->" + consumer.getQualifiedName();
-    if(node.getDirection().withReturn) testableMode_names[varIdReturn] = testableMode_names[varId] + " (return)";
+    if (node.getDirection().withReturn)
+      testableMode_names[varIdReturn] = testableMode_names[varId] + " (return)";
   // if debug mode was requested for either node, decorate both accessors
-  if(debugMode_variableList.count(node.getUniqueId()) ||
-      (consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid && debugMode_variableList.count(consumer.getUniqueId()))) {
-    if(consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
+  if (debugMode_variableList.count(node.getUniqueId()) ||
+      (consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid &&
+       debugMode_variableList.count(consumer.getUniqueId()))) {
+    if (consumer.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
       assert(node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
       assert(consumer.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming);
       pvarPair.first =
-          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, node.getQualifiedName());
+          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.first, node.getQualifiedName());
       pvarPair.second =
-          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, consumer.getQualifiedName());
-    }
-    else {
+          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.second, consumer.getQualifiedName());
+    } else {
       pvarPair.first =
-          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.first, node.getQualifiedName());
+          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.first, node.getQualifiedName());
       pvarPair.second =
-          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(pvarPair.second, node.getQualifiedName());
+          boost::make_shared<DebugPrintAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+              pvarPair.second, node.getQualifiedName());
@@ -469,29 +515,31 @@ std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>>,
 void Application::makeConnections() {
-  for(auto& devModule : deviceModuleList) {
+  for (auto &devModule : deviceModuleList) {
-  // finalise connections: decide still-undecided details, in particular for control-system and device varibales, which
-  // get created "on the fly".
+  // finalise connections: decide still-undecided details, in particular for
+  // control-system and device varibales, which get created "on the fly".
   // apply optimisations
-  // note: checks may not be run before since sometimes networks may only be valid after optimisations
+  // note: checks may not be run before since sometimes networks may only be
+  // valid after optimisations
   // run checks
   // make the connections for all networks
-  for(auto& network : networkList) {
+  for (auto &network : networkList) {
   // set all initial version numbers in the modules to the same value
   VersionNumber startVersion;
-  for(auto& module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
-    if(module->getModuleType() != ModuleType::ApplicationModule) continue;
+  for (auto &module : getSubmoduleListRecursive()) {
+    if (module->getModuleType() != ModuleType::ApplicationModule)
+      continue;
@@ -500,13 +548,16 @@ void Application::makeConnections() {
 void Application::finaliseNetworks() {
   // check for control system variables which should be made bidirectional
-  for(auto& network : networkList) {
+  for (auto &network : networkList) {
     size_t nBidir = network.getFeedingNode().getDirection().withReturn ? 1 : 0;
-    for(auto& consumer : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
-      if(consumer.getDirection().withReturn) ++nBidir;
+    for (auto &consumer : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
+      if (consumer.getDirection().withReturn)
+        ++nBidir;
-    if(nBidir != 1) continue; // only if there is exactly one node with return channel we need to guess its peer
-    if(network.getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+    if (nBidir != 1)
+      continue; // only if there is exactly one node with return channel we need
+                // to guess its peer
+    if (network.getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem) {
       // only a feeding control system variable can be made bidirectional
@@ -517,54 +568,71 @@ void Application::finaliseNetworks() {
 void Application::optimiseConnections() {
-  // list of iterators of networks to be removed from the networkList after the merge operation
-  std::list<VariableNetwork*> deleteNetworks;
+  // list of iterators of networks to be removed from the networkList after the
+  // merge operation
+  std::list<VariableNetwork *> deleteNetworks;
   // search for networks with the same feeder
-  for(auto it1 = networkList.begin(); it1 != networkList.end(); ++it1) {
-    for(auto it2 = it1; it2 != networkList.end(); ++it2) {
-      if(it1 == it2) continue;
+  for (auto it1 = networkList.begin(); it1 != networkList.end(); ++it1) {
+    for (auto it2 = it1; it2 != networkList.end(); ++it2) {
+      if (it1 == it2)
+        continue;
       auto feeder1 = it1->getFeedingNode();
       auto feeder2 = it2->getFeedingNode();
-      // this optimisation is only necessary for device-type nodes, since application and control-system nodes will
-      // automatically create merged networks when having the same feeder
-      /// @todo check if this assumtion is true! control-system nodes can be created with different types, too!
-      if(feeder1.getType() != NodeType::Device || feeder2.getType() != NodeType::Device) continue;
+      // this optimisation is only necessary for device-type nodes, since
+      // application and control-system nodes will automatically create merged
+      // networks when having the same feeder
+      /// @todo check if this assumtion is true! control-system nodes can be
+      /// created with different types, too!
+      if (feeder1.getType() != NodeType::Device ||
+          feeder2.getType() != NodeType::Device)
+        continue;
       // check if referrring to same register
-      if(feeder1.getDeviceAlias() != feeder2.getDeviceAlias()) continue;
-      if(feeder1.getRegisterName() != feeder2.getRegisterName()) continue;
+      if (feeder1.getDeviceAlias() != feeder2.getDeviceAlias())
+        continue;
+      if (feeder1.getRegisterName() != feeder2.getRegisterName())
+        continue;
       // check if directions are the same
-      if(feeder1.getDirection() != feeder2.getDirection()) continue;
+      if (feeder1.getDirection() != feeder2.getDirection())
+        continue;
       // check if value types and number of elements are compatible
-      if(feeder1.getValueType() != feeder2.getValueType()) continue;
-      if(feeder1.getNumberOfElements() != feeder2.getNumberOfElements()) continue;
+      if (feeder1.getValueType() != feeder2.getValueType())
+        continue;
+      if (feeder1.getNumberOfElements() != feeder2.getNumberOfElements())
+        continue;
       // check if transfer mode is the same
-      if(feeder1.getMode() != feeder2.getMode()) continue;
+      if (feeder1.getMode() != feeder2.getMode())
+        continue;
       // check if triggers are compatible, if present
-      if(feeder1.hasExternalTrigger() != feeder2.hasExternalTrigger()) continue;
-      if(feeder1.hasExternalTrigger()) {
-        if(feeder1.getExternalTrigger() != feeder2.getExternalTrigger()) continue;
+      if (feeder1.hasExternalTrigger() != feeder2.hasExternalTrigger())
+        continue;
+      if (feeder1.hasExternalTrigger()) {
+        if (feeder1.getExternalTrigger() != feeder2.getExternalTrigger())
+          continue;
-      // everything should be compatible at this point: merge the networks. We will merge the network of the outer
-      // loop into the network of the inner loop, since the network of the outer loop will not be found a second time
-      // in the inner loop.
-      for(auto consumer : it1->getConsumingNodes()) {
+      // everything should be compatible at this point: merge the networks. We
+      // will merge the network of the outer loop into the network of the inner
+      // loop, since the network of the outer loop will not be found a second
+      // time in the inner loop.
+      for (auto consumer : it1->getConsumingNodes()) {
-      // if trigger present, remove corresponding trigger receiver node from the trigger network
-      if(feeder1.hasExternalTrigger()) {
-        for(auto& itTrig : networkList) {
-          if(itTrig.getFeedingNode() != feeder1.getExternalTrigger()) continue;
+      // if trigger present, remove corresponding trigger receiver node from the
+      // trigger network
+      if (feeder1.hasExternalTrigger()) {
+        for (auto &itTrig : networkList) {
+          if (itTrig.getFeedingNode() != feeder1.getExternalTrigger())
+            continue;
@@ -576,22 +644,26 @@ void Application::optimiseConnections() {
   // remove networks from the network list
-  for(auto net : deleteNetworks) {
+  for (auto net : deleteNetworks) {
-void Application::dumpConnections() {                                                                // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-  std::cout << "==== List of all variable connections of the current Application ====" << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-  for(auto& network : networkList) {                                                                 // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-    network.dump();                                                                                  // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-  }                                                                                                  // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-  std::cout << "=====================================================================" << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+void Application::dumpConnections() { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+  std::cout
+      << "==== List of all variable connections of the current Application ===="
+      << std::endl;                   // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+  for (auto &network : networkList) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+    network.dump();                   // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+  }                                   // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+  std::cout
+      << "====================================================================="
+      << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-void Application::dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string& fileName) {
+void Application::dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string &fileName) {
   std::fstream file{fileName, std::ios_base::out};
   VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor visitor{file};
@@ -600,28 +672,33 @@ void Application::dumpConnectionGraph(const std::string& fileName) {
-Application::TypedMakeConnectionCaller::TypedMakeConnectionCaller(Application& owner, VariableNetwork& network)
-: _owner(owner), _network(network) {}
+    Application &owner, VariableNetwork &network)
+    : _owner(owner), _network(network) {}
-template<typename PAIR>
-void Application::TypedMakeConnectionCaller::operator()(PAIR&) const {
-  if(typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _network.getValueType()) return;
+template <typename PAIR>
+void Application::TypedMakeConnectionCaller::operator()(PAIR &) const {
+  if (typeid(typename PAIR::first_type) != _network.getValueType())
+    return;
   _owner.typedMakeConnection<typename PAIR::first_type>(_network);
   done = true;
-void Application::makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork& network) {
+void Application::makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork &network) {
   // if the network has been created already, do nothing
-  if(network.isCreated()) return;
+  if (network.isCreated())
+    return;
   // if the trigger type is external, create the trigger first
-  if(network.getFeedingNode().hasExternalTrigger()) {
-    VariableNetwork& dependency = network.getFeedingNode().getExternalTrigger().getOwner();
-    if(!dependency.isCreated()) makeConnectionsForNetwork(dependency);
+  if (network.getFeedingNode().hasExternalTrigger()) {
+    VariableNetwork &dependency =
+        network.getFeedingNode().getExternalTrigger().getOwner();
+    if (!dependency.isCreated())
+      makeConnectionsForNetwork(dependency);
   // defer actual network creation to templated function
@@ -635,294 +712,317 @@ void Application::makeConnectionsForNetwork(VariableNetwork& network) {
-template<typename UserType>
-void Application::typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork& network) {
+template <typename UserType>
+void Application::typedMakeConnection(VariableNetwork &network) {
   bool connectionMade = false; // to check the logic...
   size_t nNodes = network.countConsumingNodes() + 1;
   auto feeder = network.getFeedingNode();
   auto consumers = network.getConsumingNodes();
-  bool useExternalTrigger = network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external;
-  bool useFeederTrigger = network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::feeder;
+  bool useExternalTrigger =
+      network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external;
+  bool useFeederTrigger =
+      network.getTriggerType() == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::feeder;
   bool constantFeeder = feeder.getType() == NodeType::Constant;
   // 1st case: the feeder requires a fixed implementation
-  if(feeder.hasImplementation() && !constantFeeder) {
-    // Create feeding implementation. Note: though the implementation is derived from the feeder, it will be used as
-    // the implementation of the (or one of the) consumer. Logically, implementations are always pairs of
-    // implementations (sender and receiver), but in this case the feeder already has a fixed implementation pair.
-    // So our feedingImpl will contain the consumer-end of the implementation pair. This is the reason why the
-    // functions createProcessScalar() and createDeviceAccessor() get the VariableDirection::consuming.
+  if (feeder.hasImplementation() && !constantFeeder) {
+    // Create feeding implementation. Note: though the implementation is derived
+    // from the feeder, it will be used as the implementation of the (or one of
+    // the) consumer. Logically, implementations are always pairs of
+    // implementations (sender and receiver), but in this case the feeder
+    // already has a fixed implementation pair. So our feedingImpl will contain
+    // the consumer-end of the implementation pair. This is the reason why the
+    // functions createProcessScalar() and createDeviceAccessor() get the
+    // VariableDirection::consuming.
     boost::shared_ptr<ChimeraTK::NDRegisterAccessor<UserType>> feedingImpl;
-    if(feeder.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
-      feedingImpl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(feeder.getDeviceAlias(), feeder.getRegisterName(),
-          {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, feeder.getMode(), feeder.getNumberOfElements());
-    }
-    else if(feeder.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+    if (feeder.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
+      feedingImpl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(
+          feeder.getDeviceAlias(), feeder.getRegisterName(),
+          {VariableDirection::consuming, false}, feeder.getMode(),
+          feeder.getNumberOfElements());
+    } else if (feeder.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
       feedingImpl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(feeder);
-    }
-    else {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+    } else {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
     // if we just have two nodes, directly connect them
-    if(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) {
+    if (nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) {
       auto consumer = consumers.front();
-      if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
+      if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
-        auto consumingImpl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
-            {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
-        // connect the Device with e.g. a ControlSystem node via a ThreadedFanOut
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
+        auto consumingImpl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(
+            consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
+            {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(),
+            consumer.getNumberOfElements());
+        // connect the Device with e.g. a ControlSystem node via a
+        // ThreadedFanOut
         auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
         fanOut->addSlave(consumingImpl, consumer);
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
         auto consumingImpl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
-        // connect the ControlSystem with e.g. a Device node via an ThreadedFanOut
+        // connect the ControlSystem with e.g. a Device node via an
+        // ThreadedFanOut
         auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
         fanOut->addSlave(consumingImpl, consumer);
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
-        consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(feedingImpl);
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+        consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(
+            feedingImpl);
         connectionMade = true;
+      } else {
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+            "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-      else {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-      }
-    }
-    else { /* !(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) */
+    } else { /* !(nNodes == 2 && !useExternalTrigger) */
       // create the right FanOut type
       boost::shared_ptr<FanOut<UserType>> fanOut;
       boost::shared_ptr<ConsumingFanOut<UserType>> consumingFanOut;
-      if(useExternalTrigger) {
-        // if external trigger is enabled, use externally triggered threaded FanOut
+      if (useExternalTrigger) {
+        // if external trigger is enabled, use externally triggered threaded
+        // FanOut
         auto triggerNode = feeder.getExternalTrigger();
         auto triggerFanOut = triggerMap[triggerNode.getUniqueId()];
-        if(!triggerFanOut) {
-          triggerFanOut = boost::make_shared<TriggerFanOut>(network.getExternalTriggerImpl());
+        if (!triggerFanOut) {
+          triggerFanOut = boost::make_shared<TriggerFanOut>(
+              network.getExternalTriggerImpl());
           triggerMap[triggerNode.getUniqueId()] = triggerFanOut;
         fanOut = triggerFanOut->addNetwork(feedingImpl);
-      }
-      else if(useFeederTrigger) {
-        // if the trigger is provided by the pushing feeder, use the treaded version of the FanOut to distribute
-        // new values immediately to all consumers.
-        // Depending on whether we have a return channel or not, pick the right implementation of the FanOut
+      } else if (useFeederTrigger) {
+        // if the trigger is provided by the pushing feeder, use the treaded
+        // version of the FanOut to distribute new values immediately to all
+        // consumers. Depending on whether we have a return channel or not, pick
+        // the right implementation of the FanOut
         boost::shared_ptr<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>> threadedFanOut;
-        if(!feeder.getDirection().withReturn) {
-          threadedFanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
-        }
-        else {
-          threadedFanOut = boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOutWithReturn<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
+        if (!feeder.getDirection().withReturn) {
+          threadedFanOut =
+              boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
+        } else {
+          threadedFanOut =
+              boost::make_shared<ThreadedFanOutWithReturn<UserType>>(
+                  feedingImpl);
         fanOut = threadedFanOut;
-      }
-      else {
-        assert(network.hasApplicationConsumer()); // checkConnections should catch this
-        consumingFanOut = boost::make_shared<ConsumingFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
+      } else {
+        assert(network.hasApplicationConsumer()); // checkConnections should
+                                                  // catch this
+        consumingFanOut =
+            boost::make_shared<ConsumingFanOut<UserType>>(feedingImpl);
         fanOut = consumingFanOut;
-      // In case we have one or more trigger receivers among our consumers, we produce exactly one application variable
-      // for it. We never need more, since the distribution is done with a TriggerFanOut.
-      bool usedTriggerReceiver{false}; // flag if we already have a trigger receiver
-      auto triggerConnection = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder); // will get destroyed if not used
+      // In case we have one or more trigger receivers among our consumers, we
+      // produce exactly one application variable for it. We never need more,
+      // since the distribution is done with a TriggerFanOut.
+      bool usedTriggerReceiver{
+          false}; // flag if we already have a trigger receiver
+      auto triggerConnection = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(
+          feeder); // will get destroyed if not used
       // add all consumers to the FanOut
-      for(auto& consumer : consumers) {
-        if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
-          if(consumingFanOut && consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) {
+      for (auto &consumer : consumers) {
+        if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
+          if (consumingFanOut && consumer.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) {
-          }
-          else {
+          } else {
             auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(consumer);
             fanOut->addSlave(impls.first, consumer);
-        }
-        else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+        } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
           auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
           fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
-        }
-        else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
-          auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
-              {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
+        } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
+          auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(
+              consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
+              {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(),
+              consumer.getNumberOfElements());
           fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
-        }
-        else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
-          if(!usedTriggerReceiver) fanOut->addSlave(triggerConnection.first, consumer);
+        } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+          if (!usedTriggerReceiver)
+            fanOut->addSlave(triggerConnection.first, consumer);
           usedTriggerReceiver = true;
-          consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(triggerConnection.second);
-        }
-        else {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+          consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(
+              triggerConnection.second);
+        } else {
+          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+              "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
       connectionMade = true;
   // 2nd case: the feeder does not require a fixed implementation
-  else if(!constantFeeder) { /* !feeder.hasImplementation() */
+  else if (!constantFeeder) { /* !feeder.hasImplementation() */
     // we should be left with an application feeder node
-    if(feeder.getType() != NodeType::Application) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+    if (feeder.getType() != NodeType::Application) {
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+          "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
     // if we just have two nodes, directly connect them
-    if(nNodes == 2) {
+    if (nNodes == 2) {
       auto consumer = consumers.front();
-      if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
+      if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
         auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder, consumer);
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
         auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
-        auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
-            {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
+        auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(
+            consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
+            {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(),
+            consumer.getNumberOfElements());
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
         auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder, consumer);
-        consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(impls.second);
+        consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(
+            impls.second);
         connectionMade = true;
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Constant) {
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Constant) {
         auto impl = consumer.getConstAccessor<UserType>();
         connectionMade = true;
+      } else {
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+            "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-      else {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-      }
-    }
-    else {
+    } else {
       // create FanOut and use it as the feeder implementation
-      auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>(feeder.getName(), feeder.getUnit(),
-          feeder.getDescription(), feeder.getNumberOfElements(), feeder.getDirection().withReturn);
+      auto fanOut = boost::make_shared<FeedingFanOut<UserType>>(
+          feeder.getName(), feeder.getUnit(), feeder.getDescription(),
+          feeder.getNumberOfElements(), feeder.getDirection().withReturn);
-      // In case we have one or more trigger receivers among our consumers, we produce exactly one application variable
-      // for it. We never need more, since the distribution is done with a TriggerFanOut.
-      bool usedTriggerReceiver{false}; // flag if we already have a trigger receiver
-      auto triggerConnection = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(feeder); // will get destroyed if not used
+      // In case we have one or more trigger receivers among our consumers, we
+      // produce exactly one application variable for it. We never need more,
+      // since the distribution is done with a TriggerFanOut.
+      bool usedTriggerReceiver{
+          false}; // flag if we already have a trigger receiver
+      auto triggerConnection = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(
+          feeder); // will get destroyed if not used
-      for(auto& consumer : consumers) {
-        if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
+      for (auto &consumer : consumers) {
+        if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
           auto impls = createApplicationVariable<UserType>(consumer);
           fanOut->addSlave(impls.first, consumer);
-        }
-        else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+        } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
           auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
           fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
-        }
-        else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
-          auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
-              {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
+        } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
+          auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(
+              consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
+              {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(),
+              consumer.getNumberOfElements());
           fanOut->addSlave(impl, consumer);
-        }
-        else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
-          if(!usedTriggerReceiver) fanOut->addSlave(triggerConnection.first, consumer);
+        } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+          if (!usedTriggerReceiver)
+            fanOut->addSlave(triggerConnection.first, consumer);
           usedTriggerReceiver = true;
-          consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(triggerConnection.second);
-        }
-        else {
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+          consumer.getNodeToTrigger().getOwner().setExternalTriggerImpl(
+              triggerConnection.second);
+        } else {
+          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+              "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
       connectionMade = true;
-  }
-  else { /* constantFeeder */
+  } else { /* constantFeeder */
     assert(feeder.getType() == NodeType::Constant);
     auto feedingImpl = feeder.getConstAccessor<UserType>();
     assert(feedingImpl != nullptr);
-    for(auto& consumer : consumers) {
-      if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
-        if(testableMode) {
+    for (auto &consumer : consumers) {
+      if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Application) {
+        if (testableMode) {
           auto varId = getNextVariableId();
           auto pvarDec =
-              boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(feedingImpl, true, false, varId, varId);
+              boost::make_shared<TestableModeAccessorDecorator<UserType>>(
+                  feedingImpl, true, false, varId, varId);
           testableMode_names[varId] = "Constant";
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
         auto impl = createProcessVariable<UserType>(consumer);
         impl->accessChannel(0) = feedingImpl->accessChannel(0);
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
-        auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
-            {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(), consumer.getNumberOfElements());
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::Device) {
+        auto impl = createDeviceVariable<UserType>(
+            consumer.getDeviceAlias(), consumer.getRegisterName(),
+            {VariableDirection::feeding, false}, consumer.getMode(),
+            consumer.getNumberOfElements());
         impl->accessChannel(0) = feedingImpl->accessChannel(0);
-      }
-      else if(consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Using constants as triggers is not supported!");
-      }
-      else {
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+      } else if (consumer.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+            "Using constants as triggers is not supported!");
+      } else {
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+            "Unexpected node type!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
     connectionMade = true;
-  if(!connectionMade) {                                                     // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(                                           // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+  if (!connectionMade) {          // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error( // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
         "The variable network cannot be handled. Implementation missing!"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-  }                                                                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
+  } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (assert-like)
-VariableNetwork& Application::createNetwork() {
+VariableNetwork &Application::createNetwork() {
   return networkList.back();
-Application& Application::getInstance() {
-  return dynamic_cast<Application&>(ApplicationBase::getInstance());
+Application &Application::getInstance() {
+  return dynamic_cast<Application &>(ApplicationBase::getInstance());
 void Application::stepApplication() {
-  // testableMode_counter must be non-zero, otherwise there is no input for the application to process
-  if(testableMode_counter == 0) {
+  // testableMode_counter must be non-zero, otherwise there is no input for the
+  // application to process
+  if (testableMode_counter == 0) {
     throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
-        "Application::stepApplication() called despite no input was provided to the application to process!");
+        "Application::stepApplication() called despite no input was provided "
+        "to the application to process!");
-  // let the application run until it has processed all data (i.e. the semaphore counter is 0)
+  // let the application run until it has processed all data (i.e. the semaphore
+  // counter is 0)
   size_t oldCounter = 0;
-  while(testableMode_counter > 0) {
-    if(enableDebugTestableMode && (oldCounter != testableMode_counter)) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-      std::cout << "Application::stepApplication(): testableMode_counter = " << testableMode_counter
+  while (testableMode_counter > 0) {
+    if (enableDebugTestableMode &&
+        (oldCounter != testableMode_counter)) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+      std::cout << "Application::stepApplication(): testableMode_counter = "
+                << testableMode_counter
                 << std::endl;            // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
       oldCounter = testableMode_counter; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
@@ -934,119 +1034,153 @@ void Application::stepApplication() {
-void Application::testableModeLock(const std::string& name) {
+void Application::testableModeLock(const std::string &name) {
   // don't do anything if testable mode is not enabled
-  if(!getInstance().testableMode) return;
+  if (!getInstance().testableMode)
+    return;
   // debug output if enabled (also prevent spamming the same message)
-  if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode && getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-                                                                                                     // (only cout)
-    std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-              << " tries to obtain lock for " << name << std::endl;         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-  }                                                                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-  // if last lock was obtained repeatedly by the same thread, sleep a short time before obtaining the lock to give the
-  // other threads a chance to get the lock first
-  if(getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner > 0) usleep(10000);
+  if (getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode &&
+      getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+                                                             // (only cout)
+    std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread "
+              << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+              << " tries to obtain lock for " << name
+              << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+  }                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+  // if last lock was obtained repeatedly by the same thread, sleep a short time
+  // before obtaining the lock to give the other threads a chance to get the
+  // lock first
+  if (getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner > 0)
+    usleep(10000);
   // obtain the lock
-  // check if the last owner of the mutex was this thread, which may be a hint that no other thread is waiting for the
-  // lock
-  if(getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner == std::this_thread::get_id()) {
+  // check if the last owner of the mutex was this thread, which may be a hint
+  // that no other thread is waiting for the lock
+  if (getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner == std::this_thread::get_id()) {
     // debug output if enabled
-    if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode && getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
-                                                                                                       // (only cout)
-      std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-                << " repeatedly obtained lock successfully for " << name      // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-                << ". Further messages will be suppressed." << std::endl;     // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-    }                                                                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+    if (getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode &&
+        getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner == 0) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+                                                               // (only cout)
+      std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread "
+                << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+                << " repeatedly obtained lock successfully for "
+                << name // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+                << ". Further messages will be suppressed."
+                << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+    }                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
     // increase counter for stall detection
-    // detect stall: if the same thread got the mutex with no other thread obtaining it in between for one second, we
-    // assume no other thread is able to process data at this time. The test should fail in this case
-    if(getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner > 100) {
-      // print an informative message first, which lists also all variables currently containing unread data.
-      std::cout << "*** Tests are stalled due to data which has been sent but not received." << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "    The following variables still contain unread values or had data loss due to a queue overflow:"
+    // detect stall: if the same thread got the mutex with no other thread
+    // obtaining it in between for one second, we assume no other thread is able
+    // to process data at this time. The test should fail in this case
+    if (getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner > 100) {
+      // print an informative message first, which lists also all variables
+      // currently containing unread data.
+      std::cout << "*** Tests are stalled due to data which has been sent but "
+                   "not received."
+                << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "    The following variables still contain unread values or "
+                   "had data loss due to a queue overflow:"
                 << std::endl;
-      for(auto& pair : Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter) {
-        if(pair.second > 0) {
-          std::cout << "    - " << Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[pair.first] << " ["
-                    << getInstance().testableMode_processVars[pair.first]->getId() << "]";
+      for (auto &pair : Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter) {
+        if (pair.second > 0) {
+          std::cout
+              << "    - "
+              << Application::getInstance().testableMode_names[pair.first]
+              << " ["
+              << getInstance().testableMode_processVars[pair.first]->getId()
+              << "]";
           // check if process variable still has data in the queue
           try {
-            if(getInstance().testableMode_processVars[pair.first]->readNonBlocking()) {
+            if (getInstance()
+                    .testableMode_processVars[pair.first]
+                    ->readNonBlocking()) {
               std::cout << " (unread data in queue)";
-            }
-            else {
+            } else {
               std::cout << " (data loss)";
-          }
-          catch(std::logic_error&) {
-            // if we receive a logic_error in readNonBlocking() it just means another thread is waiting on a
-            // TransferFuture of this variable, and we actually were not allowed to read...
+          } catch (std::logic_error &) {
+            // if we receive a logic_error in readNonBlocking() it just means
+            // another thread is waiting on a TransferFuture of this variable,
+            // and we actually were not allowed to read...
             std::cout << " (data loss)";
           std::cout << std::endl;
       std::cout << "(end of list)" << std::endl;
-      // throw a specialised exception to make sure whoever catches it really knows what he does...
+      // throw a specialised exception to make sure whoever catches it really
+      // knows what he does...
       throw TestsStalled();
       // getInstance().testableMode_counter = 0;
-      // for(auto &pair : Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter) pair.second = 0;
+      // for(auto &pair : Application::getInstance().testableMode_perVarCounter)
+      // pair.second = 0;
-  }
-  else {
-    // last owner of the mutex was different: reset the counter and store the thread id
+  } else {
+    // last owner of the mutex was different: reset the counter and store the
+    // thread id
     getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner = 0;
     getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner = std::this_thread::get_id();
     // debug output if enabled
-    if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) {                               // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-      std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread " << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-                << " obtained lock successfully for " << name << std::endl;   // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-    }                                                                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+    if (getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+      std::cout << "Application::testableModeLock(): Thread "
+                << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+                << " obtained lock successfully for " << name
+                << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+    }                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-void Application::testableModeUnlock(const std::string& name) {
-  if(!getInstance().testableMode) return;
-  if(getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode &&
-      (!getInstance().testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner                                   // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-          || getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner != std::this_thread::get_id())) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-    std::cout << "Application::testableModeUnlock(): Thread " << threadName()            // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-              << " releases lock for " << name << std::endl;                             // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-  }                                                                                      // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+void Application::testableModeUnlock(const std::string &name) {
+  if (!getInstance().testableMode)
+    return;
+  if (getInstance().enableDebugTestableMode &&
+      (!getInstance()
+            .testableMode_repeatingMutexOwner // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+       || getInstance().testableMode_lastMutexOwner !=
+              std::this_thread::get_id())) { // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+    std::cout << "Application::testableModeUnlock(): Thread "
+              << threadName() // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+              << " releases lock for " << name
+              << std::endl; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
+  }                         // LCOV_EXCL_LINE (only cout)
-std::string& Application::threadName() {
-  // Note: due to a presumed bug in gcc (still present in gcc 7), the thread_local definition must be in the cc file
-  // to prevent seeing different objects in the same thread under some conditions.
-  // Another workaround for this problem can be found in commit dc051bfe35ce6c1ed954010559186f63646cf5d4
+std::string &Application::threadName() {
+  // Note: due to a presumed bug in gcc (still present in gcc 7), the
+  // thread_local definition must be in the cc file to prevent seeing different
+  // objects in the same thread under some conditions. Another workaround for
+  // this problem can be found in commit
+  // dc051bfe35ce6c1ed954010559186f63646cf5d4
   thread_local std::string name{"**UNNAMED**"};
   return name;
-std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& Application::getTestableModeLockObject() {
-  // Note: due to a presumed bug in gcc (still present in gcc 7), the thread_local definition must be in the cc file
-  // to prevent seeing different objects in the same thread under some conditions.
-  // Another workaround for this problem can be found in commit dc051bfe35ce6c1ed954010559186f63646cf5d4
-  thread_local std::unique_lock<std::mutex> myLock(Application::testableMode_mutex, std::defer_lock);
+std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &Application::getTestableModeLockObject() {
+  // Note: due to a presumed bug in gcc (still present in gcc 7), the
+  // thread_local definition must be in the cc file to prevent seeing different
+  // objects in the same thread under some conditions. Another workaround for
+  // this problem can be found in commit
+  // dc051bfe35ce6c1ed954010559186f63646cf5d4
+  thread_local std::unique_lock<std::mutex> myLock(
+      Application::testableMode_mutex, std::defer_lock);
   return myLock;
-void Application::registerDeviceModule(DeviceModule* deviceModule) {
+void Application::registerDeviceModule(DeviceModule *deviceModule) {
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9bbbea3d..1db517da 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -11,62 +11,66 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
-  ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-          bool eliminateHierarchy, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : ModuleImpl(owner,name,description,eliminateHierarchy,tags)
-  {
-    if(!dynamic_cast<ModuleGroup*>(owner) && !dynamic_cast<Application*>(owner)) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ApplicationModules must be owned either by ModuleGroups or the Application!");
-    }
-    if(name.find_first_of("/") != std::string::npos) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Module names must not contain slashes: '"+name+" owned by '"
-                                   +owner->getQualifiedName()+"'.");
-    }
+    EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
+    bool eliminateHierarchy, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : ModuleImpl(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags) {
+  if (!dynamic_cast<ModuleGroup *>(owner) &&
+      !dynamic_cast<Application *>(owner)) {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ApplicationModules must be owned either by "
+                                 "ModuleGroups or the Application!");
+  }
+  if (name.find_first_of("/") != std::string::npos) {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Module names must not contain slashes: '" +
+                                 name + " owned by '" +
+                                 owner->getQualifiedName() + "'.");
-  void ApplicationModule::run() {
+void ApplicationModule::run() {
-    // start the module thread
-    assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
-    moduleThread = boost::thread(&ApplicationModule::mainLoopWrapper, this);
-  }
+  // start the module thread
+  assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
+  moduleThread = boost::thread(&ApplicationModule::mainLoopWrapper, this);
-  void ApplicationModule::terminate() {
-    if(moduleThread.joinable()) {
-      moduleThread.interrupt();
-      // try joining the thread
-      while(!moduleThread.try_join_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(10))) {
-        // if thread is not yet joined, send interrupt() to all variables.
-        for(auto &var : getAccessorListRecursive()) {
-          if(var.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding,false}) continue;
-          var.getAppAccessorNoType().getHighLevelImplElement()->interrupt();
-        }
-        // it may not suffice to send interrupt() once, as the exception might get overwritten in the queue, thus we
-        // repeat this until the thread was joined.
+void ApplicationModule::terminate() {
+  if (moduleThread.joinable()) {
+    moduleThread.interrupt();
+    // try joining the thread
+    while (!moduleThread.try_join_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(10))) {
+      // if thread is not yet joined, send interrupt() to all variables.
+      for (auto &var : getAccessorListRecursive()) {
+        if (var.getDirection() ==
+            VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+          continue;
+        var.getAppAccessorNoType().getHighLevelImplElement()->interrupt();
+      // it may not suffice to send interrupt() once, as the exception might get
+      // overwritten in the queue, thus we repeat this until the thread was
+      // joined.
-    assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
+  assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
-  ApplicationModule::~ApplicationModule() {
-    assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
-  }
+ApplicationModule::~ApplicationModule() { assert(!moduleThread.joinable()); }
-  void ApplicationModule::mainLoopWrapper() {
-    Application::registerThread("AM_"+getName());
-    Application::testableModeLock("start");
-    // enter the main loop
-    std::cout<<"mainLoopWrapper"<<std::endl;
-    mainLoop();
-    Application::testableModeUnlock("terminate");
-  }
+void ApplicationModule::mainLoopWrapper() {
+  Application::registerThread("AM_" + getName());
+  Application::testableModeLock("start");
+  // enter the main loop
+  std::cout << "mainLoopWrapper" << std::endl;
+  mainLoop();
+  Application::testableModeUnlock("terminate");
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 26cb6ec2..0d263fd5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,62 +5,67 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include "Application.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "Application.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  ControlSystemModule::ControlSystemModule(const std::string& _variableNamePrefix)
+ControlSystemModule::ControlSystemModule(const std::string &_variableNamePrefix)
     : Module(nullptr,
-             _variableNamePrefix.empty() ? "<ControlSystem>"
-               : _variableNamePrefix.substr(_variableNamePrefix.find_last_of("/")+1),
+             _variableNamePrefix.empty()
+                 ? "<ControlSystem>"
+                 : _variableNamePrefix.substr(
+                       _variableNamePrefix.find_last_of("/") + 1),
-    variableNamePrefix(_variableNamePrefix)
-  {}
+      variableNamePrefix(_variableNamePrefix) {}
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode ControlSystemModule::operator()(const std::string& variableName, const std::type_info &valueType,
-                                                      size_t nElements) const {
-    assert(variableName.find_first_of("/") == std::string::npos);
-    if(variables.count(variableName) == 0) {
-      variables[variableName] = {variableNamePrefix/variableName, {VariableDirection::invalid, false}, valueType, nElements};
-    }
-    return variables[variableName];
+VariableNetworkNode ControlSystemModule::
+operator()(const std::string &variableName, const std::type_info &valueType,
+           size_t nElements) const {
+  assert(variableName.find_first_of("/") == std::string::npos);
+  if (variables.count(variableName) == 0) {
+    variables[variableName] = {variableNamePrefix / variableName,
+                               {VariableDirection::invalid, false},
+                               valueType,
+                               nElements};
+  return variables[variableName];
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  Module& ControlSystemModule::operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const {
-    assert(moduleName.find_first_of("/") == std::string::npos);
-    if(subModules.count(moduleName) == 0) {
-      subModules[moduleName] = {variableNamePrefix/moduleName};
-    }
-    return subModules[moduleName];
+Module &ControlSystemModule::operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const {
+  assert(moduleName.find_first_of("/") == std::string::npos);
+  if (subModules.count(moduleName) == 0) {
+    subModules[moduleName] = {variableNamePrefix / moduleName};
+  return subModules[moduleName];
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const Module& ControlSystemModule::virtualise() const {
-    return *this;
-  }
+const Module &ControlSystemModule::virtualise() const { return *this; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> ControlSystemModule::getAccessorList() const {
-    std::list<VariableNetworkNode> list;
-    for(auto &v : variables) list.push_back(v.second);
-    return list;
-  }
+std::list<VariableNetworkNode> ControlSystemModule::getAccessorList() const {
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> list;
+  for (auto &v : variables)
+    list.push_back(v.second);
+  return list;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  std::list<Module*> ControlSystemModule::getSubmoduleList() const {
-    std::list<Module*> list;
-    for(auto &m : subModules) list.push_back(&m.second);
-    return list;
-  }
+std::list<Module *> ControlSystemModule::getSubmoduleList() const {
+  std::list<Module *> list;
+  for (auto &m : subModules)
+    list.push_back(&m.second);
+  return list;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 677fa6eb..6bab5800 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackend.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/DeviceBackend.h>
 #include "Application.h"
 #include "DeviceModule.h"
@@ -14,235 +14,245 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  DeviceModule::DeviceModule(const std::string& _deviceAliasOrURI, const std::string& _registerNamePrefix)
-  : Module(nullptr,
-        _registerNamePrefix.empty() ? "<Device:" + _deviceAliasOrURI + ">" :
-                                      _registerNamePrefix.substr(_registerNamePrefix.find_last_of("/") + 1),
-        ""),
-    deviceAliasOrURI(_deviceAliasOrURI), registerNamePrefix(_registerNamePrefix) {}
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  DeviceModule::DeviceModule(Application* application,
-      const std::string& _deviceAliasOrURI,
-      const std::string& _registerNamePrefix)
-  : Module(nullptr,
-        _registerNamePrefix.empty() ? "<Device:" + _deviceAliasOrURI + ">" :
-                                      _registerNamePrefix.substr(_registerNamePrefix.find_last_of("/") + 1),
-        ""),
-    deviceAliasOrURI(_deviceAliasOrURI), registerNamePrefix(_registerNamePrefix) {
-    application->registerDeviceModule(this);
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  DeviceModule::~DeviceModule() { assert(!moduleThread.joinable()); }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode DeviceModule::operator()(const std::string& registerName,
-      UpdateMode mode,
-      const std::type_info& valueType,
-      size_t nElements) const {
-    return {registerName, deviceAliasOrURI, registerNamePrefix / registerName, mode,
-        {VariableDirection::invalid, false}, valueType, nElements};
+DeviceModule::DeviceModule(const std::string &_deviceAliasOrURI,
+                           const std::string &_registerNamePrefix)
+    : Module(nullptr,
+             _registerNamePrefix.empty()
+                 ? "<Device:" + _deviceAliasOrURI + ">"
+                 : _registerNamePrefix.substr(
+                       _registerNamePrefix.find_last_of("/") + 1),
+             ""),
+      deviceAliasOrURI(_deviceAliasOrURI),
+      registerNamePrefix(_registerNamePrefix) {}
+DeviceModule::DeviceModule(Application *application,
+                           const std::string &_deviceAliasOrURI,
+                           const std::string &_registerNamePrefix)
+    : Module(nullptr,
+             _registerNamePrefix.empty()
+                 ? "<Device:" + _deviceAliasOrURI + ">"
+                 : _registerNamePrefix.substr(
+                       _registerNamePrefix.find_last_of("/") + 1),
+             ""),
+      deviceAliasOrURI(_deviceAliasOrURI),
+      registerNamePrefix(_registerNamePrefix) {
+  application->registerDeviceModule(this);
+DeviceModule::~DeviceModule() { assert(!moduleThread.joinable()); }
+VariableNetworkNode DeviceModule::operator()(const std::string &registerName,
+                                             UpdateMode mode,
+                                             const std::type_info &valueType,
+                                             size_t nElements) const {
+  return {registerName,
+          deviceAliasOrURI,
+          registerNamePrefix / registerName,
+          mode,
+          {VariableDirection::invalid, false},
+          valueType,
+          nElements};
+Module &DeviceModule::operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const {
+  if (subModules.count(moduleName) == 0) {
+    subModules[moduleName] = {deviceAliasOrURI,
+                              registerNamePrefix / moduleName};
+  return subModules[moduleName];
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  Module& DeviceModule::operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const {
-    if(subModules.count(moduleName) == 0) {
-      subModules[moduleName] = {deviceAliasOrURI, registerNamePrefix / moduleName};
-    }
-    return subModules[moduleName];
-  }
+const Module &DeviceModule::virtualise() const { return *this; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const Module& DeviceModule::virtualise() const { return *this; }
+void DeviceModule::connectTo(const Module &target,
+                             VariableNetworkNode trigger) const {
+  auto &cat = virtualiseFromCatalog();
+  cat.connectTo(target, trigger);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void DeviceModule::connectTo(const Module& target, VariableNetworkNode trigger) const {
-    auto& cat = virtualiseFromCatalog();
-    cat.connectTo(target, trigger);
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VirtualModule& DeviceModule::virtualiseFromCatalog() const {
-    if(virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid) return virtualisedModuleFromCatalog;
-    virtualisedModuleFromCatalog = VirtualModule(deviceAliasOrURI, "Device module", ModuleType::Device);
-    // obtain register catalogue
-    Device d;
-; /// @todo: do not actually open the device (needs extension of DeviceAccess)!
-    auto catalog = d.getRegisterCatalogue();
-    // iterate catalogue, create VariableNetworkNode for all registers starting with the registerNamePrefix
-    size_t prefixLength = registerNamePrefix.length();
-    for(auto& reg : catalog) {
-      if(std::string(reg.getRegisterName()).substr(0, prefixLength) != std::string(registerNamePrefix)) continue;
-      // ignore 2D registers
-      if(reg.getNumberOfDimensions() > 1) continue;
+VirtualModule &DeviceModule::virtualiseFromCatalog() const {
+  if (virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid)
+    return virtualisedModuleFromCatalog;
-      // guess direction and determine update mode
-      VariableDirection direction;
-      UpdateMode updateMode;
-      if(reg.isWriteable()) {
-        direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
+  virtualisedModuleFromCatalog =
+      VirtualModule(deviceAliasOrURI, "Device module", ModuleType::Device);
+  // obtain register catalogue
+  Device d;
+; /// @todo: do not actually open the device (needs
+                            /// extension of DeviceAccess)!
+  auto catalog = d.getRegisterCatalogue();
+  // iterate catalogue, create VariableNetworkNode for all registers starting
+  // with the registerNamePrefix
+  size_t prefixLength = registerNamePrefix.length();
+  for (auto &reg : catalog) {
+    if (std::string(reg.getRegisterName()).substr(0, prefixLength) !=
+        std::string(registerNamePrefix))
+      continue;
+    // ignore 2D registers
+    if (reg.getNumberOfDimensions() > 1)
+      continue;
+    // guess direction and determine update mode
+    VariableDirection direction;
+    UpdateMode updateMode;
+    if (reg.isWriteable()) {
+      direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
+      updateMode = UpdateMode::push;
+    } else {
+      direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
+      if (reg.getSupportedAccessModes().has(AccessMode::wait_for_new_data)) {
         updateMode = UpdateMode::push;
+      } else {
+        updateMode = UpdateMode::poll;
-      else {
-        direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-        if(reg.getSupportedAccessModes().has(AccessMode::wait_for_new_data)) {
-          updateMode = UpdateMode::push;
-        }
-        else {
-          updateMode = UpdateMode::poll;
-        }
-      }
+    }
-      // guess type
-      const std::type_info* valTyp{&typeid(AnyType)};
-      auto& dd = reg.getDataDescriptor(); // numeric, string, boolean, nodata, undefined
-      if(dd.fundamentalType() == RegisterInfo::FundamentalType::numeric) {
-        if(dd.isIntegral()) {
-          if(dd.isSigned()) {
-            if(dd.nDigits() > 11) {
-              valTyp = &typeid(int64_t);
-            }
-            else if(dd.nDigits() > 6) {
-              valTyp = &typeid(int32_t);
-            }
-            else if(dd.nDigits() > 4) {
-              valTyp = &typeid(int16_t);
-            }
-            else {
-              valTyp = &typeid(int8_t);
-            }
+    // guess type
+    const std::type_info *valTyp{&typeid(AnyType)};
+    auto &dd =
+        reg.getDataDescriptor(); // numeric, string, boolean, nodata, undefined
+    if (dd.fundamentalType() == RegisterInfo::FundamentalType::numeric) {
+      if (dd.isIntegral()) {
+        if (dd.isSigned()) {
+          if (dd.nDigits() > 11) {
+            valTyp = &typeid(int64_t);
+          } else if (dd.nDigits() > 6) {
+            valTyp = &typeid(int32_t);
+          } else if (dd.nDigits() > 4) {
+            valTyp = &typeid(int16_t);
+          } else {
+            valTyp = &typeid(int8_t);
-          else {
-            if(dd.nDigits() > 10) {
-              valTyp = &typeid(uint64_t);
-            }
-            else if(dd.nDigits() > 5) {
-              valTyp = &typeid(uint32_t);
-            }
-            else if(dd.nDigits() > 3) {
-              valTyp = &typeid(uint16_t);
-            }
-            else {
-              valTyp = &typeid(uint8_t);
-            }
+        } else {
+          if (dd.nDigits() > 10) {
+            valTyp = &typeid(uint64_t);
+          } else if (dd.nDigits() > 5) {
+            valTyp = &typeid(uint32_t);
+          } else if (dd.nDigits() > 3) {
+            valTyp = &typeid(uint16_t);
+          } else {
+            valTyp = &typeid(uint8_t);
-        else { // fractional
-          valTyp = &typeid(double);
-        }
-      }
-      else if(dd.fundamentalType() == RegisterInfo::FundamentalType::boolean) {
-        valTyp = &typeid(int32_t);
-      }
-      else if(dd.fundamentalType() == RegisterInfo::FundamentalType::string) {
-        valTyp = &typeid(std::string);
+      } else { // fractional
+        valTyp = &typeid(double);
-      auto name = std::string(reg.getRegisterName()).substr(prefixLength);
-      auto lastSlash = name.find_last_of("/");
-      auto dirname = name.substr(0, lastSlash);
-      auto basename = name.substr(lastSlash + 1);
-      VariableNetworkNode node(
-          basename, deviceAliasOrURI, reg.getRegisterName(), updateMode, direction, *valTyp, reg.getNumberOfElements());
-      virtualisedModuleFromCatalog.createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(dirname).addAccessor(node);
+    } else if (dd.fundamentalType() == RegisterInfo::FundamentalType::boolean) {
+      valTyp = &typeid(int32_t);
+    } else if (dd.fundamentalType() == RegisterInfo::FundamentalType::string) {
+      valTyp = &typeid(std::string);
-    virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid = true;
-    return virtualisedModuleFromCatalog;
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void DeviceModule::reportException(std::string errMsg) {
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(errorMutex);
-    errorQueue.push(errMsg);
-    errorCondVar.wait(lk);
-    lk.unlock();
+    auto name = std::string(reg.getRegisterName()).substr(prefixLength);
+    auto lastSlash = name.find_last_of("/");
+    auto dirname = name.substr(0, lastSlash);
+    auto basename = name.substr(lastSlash + 1);
+    VariableNetworkNode node(basename, deviceAliasOrURI, reg.getRegisterName(),
+                             updateMode, direction, *valTyp,
+                             reg.getNumberOfElements());
+    virtualisedModuleFromCatalog.createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(dirname)
+        .addAccessor(node);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void DeviceModule::handleException() {
-    Application::registerThread("DM_" + getName());
-    Device d;
-    std::string error;
-    try {
-      while(true) {
-        errorQueue.pop_wait(error);
+  virtualisedModuleFromCatalog_isValid = true;
+  return virtualisedModuleFromCatalog;
+void DeviceModule::reportException(std::string errMsg) {
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(errorMutex);
+  errorQueue.push(errMsg);
+  errorCondVar.wait(lk);
+  lk.unlock();
+void DeviceModule::handleException() {
+  Application::registerThread("DM_" + getName());
+  Device d;
+  std::string error;
+  try {
+    while (true) {
+      errorQueue.pop_wait(error);
+      boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
+      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(errorMutex);
+      deviceError.status = 1;
+      deviceError.message = error;
+      deviceError.setCurrentVersionNumber({});
+      deviceError.writeAll();
+      while (true) {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(errorMutex);
-        deviceError.status = 1;
-        deviceError.message = error;
-        deviceError.setCurrentVersionNumber({});
-        deviceError.writeAll();
-        while(true) {
-          boost::this_thread::interruption_point();
-          try {
-  ;
-            if(d.isOpened()) {
-              break;
-            }
+        try {
+          if (d.isOpened()) {
+            break;
-          catch(std::exception& ex) {
-            deviceError.status = 1;
-            deviceError.message = ex.what();
-            deviceError.setCurrentVersionNumber({});
-            deviceError.writeAll();
-          }
-          usleep(500000);
+        } catch (std::exception &ex) {
+          deviceError.status = 1;
+          deviceError.message = ex.what();
+          deviceError.setCurrentVersionNumber({});
+          deviceError.writeAll();
-        deviceError.status = 0;
-        deviceError.message = "";
-        deviceError.setCurrentVersionNumber({});
-        deviceError.writeAll();
-        errorCondVar.notify_all();
+        usleep(500000);
-    }
-    catch(...) {
-      // before we leave this thread, we might need to notify other waiting threads.
-      // boost::this_thread::interruption_point() throws an exception when the thread should be interrupted, so we will
-      // end up here
+      deviceError.status = 0;
+      deviceError.message = "";
+      deviceError.setCurrentVersionNumber({});
+      deviceError.writeAll();
-      throw;
+  } catch (...) {
+    // before we leave this thread, we might need to notify other waiting
+    // threads. boost::this_thread::interruption_point() throws an exception
+    // when the thread should be interrupted, so we will end up here
+    errorCondVar.notify_all();
+    throw;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void DeviceModule::run() {
-    // start the module thread
-    assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
-    moduleThread = boost::thread(&DeviceModule::handleException, this);
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+void DeviceModule::run() {
+  // start the module thread
+  assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
+  moduleThread = boost::thread(&DeviceModule::handleException, this);
-  void DeviceModule::terminate() {
-    if(moduleThread.joinable()) {
-      moduleThread.interrupt();
-      reportException("ExitOnNone");
-      moduleThread.join();
-    }
-    assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
-  }
-  void DeviceModule::defineConnections() {
-    std::string prefix = "Devices/" + deviceAliasOrURI + "/";
-    ControlSystemModule cs(prefix);
-    deviceError.connectTo(cs);
+void DeviceModule::terminate() {
+  if (moduleThread.joinable()) {
+    moduleThread.interrupt();
+    reportException("ExitOnNone");
+    moduleThread.join();
+  assert(!moduleThread.joinable());
+void DeviceModule::defineConnections() {
+  std::string prefix = "Devices/" + deviceAliasOrURI + "/";
+  ControlSystemModule cs(prefix);
+  deviceError.connectTo(cs);
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1029e702..2ae9b6b0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 #include <cassert>
-#include <regex>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <regex>
 #include "EntityOwner.h"
 #include "Module.h"
@@ -17,223 +17,243 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  EntityOwner::EntityOwner(const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-                           bool eliminateHierarchy, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : _name(name), _description(description), _eliminateHierarchy(eliminateHierarchy), _tags(tags)
-  {}
+EntityOwner::EntityOwner(const std::string &name,
+                         const std::string &description,
+                         bool eliminateHierarchy,
+                         const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : _name(name), _description(description),
+      _eliminateHierarchy(eliminateHierarchy), _tags(tags) {}
-  EntityOwner::~EntityOwner() {}
+EntityOwner::~EntityOwner() {}
-  EntityOwner& EntityOwner::operator=(EntityOwner &&other) {
-    _name = std::move(other._name);
-    _description = std::move(other._description);
-    accessorList = std::move(other.accessorList);
-    moduleList = std::move(other.moduleList);
-    _eliminateHierarchy = other._eliminateHierarchy;
-    _tags = std::move(other._tags);
-    for(auto mod : moduleList) {
-      mod->setOwner(this);
-    }
-    for(auto node : accessorList) {
-      node.setOwningModule(this);
-    }
-    return *this;
+EntityOwner &EntityOwner::operator=(EntityOwner &&other) {
+  _name = std::move(other._name);
+  _description = std::move(other._description);
+  accessorList = std::move(other.accessorList);
+  moduleList = std::move(other.moduleList);
+  _eliminateHierarchy = other._eliminateHierarchy;
+  _tags = std::move(other._tags);
+  for (auto mod : moduleList) {
+    mod->setOwner(this);
+  }
+  for (auto node : accessorList) {
+    node.setOwningModule(this);
+  return *this;
-  void EntityOwner::registerModule(Module *module, bool addTags) {
-    if(addTags) for(auto &tag : _tags) module->addTag(tag);
-    moduleList.push_back(module);
-  }
+void EntityOwner::registerModule(Module *module, bool addTags) {
+  if (addTags)
+    for (auto &tag : _tags)
+      module->addTag(tag);
+  moduleList.push_back(module);
-  void EntityOwner::unregisterModule(Module *module) {
-    moduleList.remove(module);
-  }
+void EntityOwner::unregisterModule(Module *module) {
+  moduleList.remove(module);
-  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> EntityOwner::getAccessorListRecursive() {
-    // add accessors of this instance itself
-    std::list<VariableNetworkNode> list = getAccessorList();
+std::list<VariableNetworkNode> EntityOwner::getAccessorListRecursive() {
+  // add accessors of this instance itself
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> list = getAccessorList();
-    // iterate through submodules
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      auto sublist = submodule->getAccessorListRecursive();
-      list.insert(list.end(), sublist.begin(), sublist.end());
-    }
-    return list;
+  // iterate through submodules
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    auto sublist = submodule->getAccessorListRecursive();
+    list.insert(list.end(), sublist.begin(), sublist.end());
+  return list;
-  std::list<Module*> EntityOwner::getSubmoduleListRecursive() {
-    // add modules of this instance itself
-    std::list<Module*> list = getSubmoduleList();
+std::list<Module *> EntityOwner::getSubmoduleListRecursive() {
+  // add modules of this instance itself
+  std::list<Module *> list = getSubmoduleList();
-    // iterate through submodules
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      auto sublist = submodule->getSubmoduleListRecursive();
-      list.insert(list.end(), sublist.begin(), sublist.end());
-    }
-    return list;
+  // iterate through submodules
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    auto sublist = submodule->getSubmoduleListRecursive();
+    list.insert(list.end(), sublist.begin(), sublist.end());
+  return list;
-  VirtualModule EntityOwner::findTag(const std::string &tag) const {
+VirtualModule EntityOwner::findTag(const std::string &tag) const {
-    // create new module to return
-    VirtualModule module{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
+  // create new module to return
+  VirtualModule module{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
-    // add everything matching the tag to the virtual module and return it
-    findTagAndAppendToModule(module, tag, false, true);
-    return module;
-  }
+  // add everything matching the tag to the virtual module and return it
+  findTagAndAppendToModule(module, tag, false, true);
+  return module;
-  VirtualModule EntityOwner::excludeTag(const std::string &tag) const {
+VirtualModule EntityOwner::excludeTag(const std::string &tag) const {
-    // create new module to return
-    VirtualModule module{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
+  // create new module to return
+  VirtualModule module{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
-    // add everything matching the tag to the virtual module and return it
-    findTagAndAppendToModule(module, tag, false, true, true);
-    return module;
-  }
+  // add everything matching the tag to the virtual module and return it
+  findTagAndAppendToModule(module, tag, false, true, true);
+  return module;
-  void EntityOwner::findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule &module, const std::string &tag, bool eliminateAllHierarchies,
-                                             bool eliminateFirstHierarchy, bool negate) const {
-    VirtualModule nextmodule{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
-    VirtualModule *moduleToAddTo;
-    bool needToAddSubModule = false;
-    if(!getEliminateHierarchy() && !eliminateAllHierarchies && !eliminateFirstHierarchy) {
-      moduleToAddTo = &nextmodule;
-      needToAddSubModule = true;
-    }
-    else {
-      moduleToAddTo = &module;
-    }
+void EntityOwner::findTagAndAppendToModule(VirtualModule &module,
+                                           const std::string &tag,
+                                           bool eliminateAllHierarchies,
+                                           bool eliminateFirstHierarchy,
+                                           bool negate) const {
+  VirtualModule nextmodule{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
+  VirtualModule *moduleToAddTo;
+  bool needToAddSubModule = false;
+  if (!getEliminateHierarchy() && !eliminateAllHierarchies &&
+      !eliminateFirstHierarchy) {
+    moduleToAddTo = &nextmodule;
+    needToAddSubModule = true;
+  } else {
+    moduleToAddTo = &module;
+  }
-    // add nodes to the module if matching the tag
-    std::regex expr(tag);
-    for(auto node : getAccessorList()) {
-      bool addNode = false;
-      for(auto &nodeTag : node.getTags()) {
-        if(std::regex_match(nodeTag, expr)) {
-          addNode = true;
-          break;
-        }
+  // add nodes to the module if matching the tag
+  std::regex expr(tag);
+  for (auto node : getAccessorList()) {
+    bool addNode = false;
+    for (auto &nodeTag : node.getTags()) {
+      if (std::regex_match(nodeTag, expr)) {
+        addNode = true;
+        break;
-      if(node.getTags().size() == 0) if(std::regex_match("", expr)) addNode = true;     // check if empty tag matches, if no tag applied to node
-      if(negate) addNode = !addNode;
-      if(addNode) moduleToAddTo->registerAccessor(node);
+    if (node.getTags().size() == 0)
+      if (std::regex_match("", expr))
+        addNode = true; // check if empty tag matches, if no tag applied to node
+    if (negate)
+      addNode = !addNode;
+    if (addNode)
+      moduleToAddTo->registerAccessor(node);
+  }
-    // iterate through submodules
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      // check if submodule already exists by this name and its hierarchy should not be eliminated
-      if(!moduleToAddTo->getEliminateHierarchy() && moduleToAddTo->hasSubmodule(submodule->getName())) {
-        // exists: add to the existing module
-        auto *existingSubModule = dynamic_cast<VirtualModule*>(moduleToAddTo->getSubmodule(submodule->getName()));
-        assert(existingSubModule != nullptr);
-        submodule->findTagAndAppendToModule(*existingSubModule, tag, eliminateAllHierarchies, true, negate);
-      }
-      else {
-        // does not yet exist: add as new submodule to the current module
-        submodule->findTagAndAppendToModule(*moduleToAddTo, tag, eliminateAllHierarchies, false, negate);
-      }
+  // iterate through submodules
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    // check if submodule already exists by this name and its hierarchy should
+    // not be eliminated
+    if (!moduleToAddTo->getEliminateHierarchy() &&
+        moduleToAddTo->hasSubmodule(submodule->getName())) {
+      // exists: add to the existing module
+      auto *existingSubModule = dynamic_cast<VirtualModule *>(
+          moduleToAddTo->getSubmodule(submodule->getName()));
+      assert(existingSubModule != nullptr);
+      submodule->findTagAndAppendToModule(
+          *existingSubModule, tag, eliminateAllHierarchies, true, negate);
+    } else {
+      // does not yet exist: add as new submodule to the current module
+      submodule->findTagAndAppendToModule(
+          *moduleToAddTo, tag, eliminateAllHierarchies, false, negate);
+  }
-    if(needToAddSubModule) {
-      if( nextmodule.getAccessorList().size() > 0 || nextmodule.getSubmoduleList().size() > 0 ) {
-        module.addSubModule(nextmodule);
-      }
+  if (needToAddSubModule) {
+    if (nextmodule.getAccessorList().size() > 0 ||
+        nextmodule.getSubmoduleList().size() > 0) {
+      module.addSubModule(nextmodule);
-  bool EntityOwner::hasSubmodule(const std::string &name) const {
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      if(submodule->getName() == name) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
+bool EntityOwner::hasSubmodule(const std::string &name) const {
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    if (submodule->getName() == name)
+      return true;
+  return false;
-  Module* EntityOwner::getSubmodule(const std::string &name) const {
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      if(submodule->getName() == name) return submodule;
-    }
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Submodule '"+name+"' not found in module '"+getName()+"'!");
+Module *EntityOwner::getSubmodule(const std::string &name) const {
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    if (submodule->getName() == name)
+      return submodule;
+  throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Submodule '" + name +
+                               "' not found in module '" + getName() + "'!");
-  void EntityOwner::dump(const std::string &prefix) const {
-    if(prefix == "") {
-      std::cout << "==== Hierarchy dump of module '" << _name << "':" << std::endl;
-    }
+void EntityOwner::dump(const std::string &prefix) const {
-    for(auto &node : getAccessorList()) {
-      std::cout << prefix << "+ ";
-      node.dump();
-    }
+  if (prefix == "") {
+    std::cout << "==== Hierarchy dump of module '" << _name
+              << "':" << std::endl;
+  }
-    for(auto &submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      std::cout << prefix << "| " << submodule->getName() << std::endl;
-      submodule->dump(prefix+"| ");
-    }
+  for (auto &node : getAccessorList()) {
+    std::cout << prefix << "+ ";
+    node.dump();
+  }
+  for (auto &submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    std::cout << prefix << "| " << submodule->getName() << std::endl;
+    submodule->dump(prefix + "| ");
-  void EntityOwner::dumpGraph(const std::string& fileName) const {
-    std::fstream file(fileName, std::ios_base::out);
-    ModuleGraphVisitor v{file, true};
-    v.dispatch(*this);
-  }
+void EntityOwner::dumpGraph(const std::string &fileName) const {
+  std::fstream file(fileName, std::ios_base::out);
+  ModuleGraphVisitor v{file, true};
+  v.dispatch(*this);
-  void EntityOwner::dumpModuleGraph(const std::string& fileName) const {
-    std::fstream file(fileName, std::ios_base::out);
-    ModuleGraphVisitor v{file, false};
-    v.dispatch(*this);
-  }
+void EntityOwner::dumpModuleGraph(const std::string &fileName) const {
+  std::fstream file(fileName, std::ios_base::out);
+  ModuleGraphVisitor v{file, false};
+  v.dispatch(*this);
-  void EntityOwner::addTag(const std::string &tag) {
-    for(auto &node : getAccessorList()) node.addTag(tag);
-    for(auto &submodule : getSubmoduleList()) submodule->addTag(tag);
-    _tags.insert(tag);
-  }
+void EntityOwner::addTag(const std::string &tag) {
+  for (auto &node : getAccessorList())
+    node.addTag(tag);
+  for (auto &submodule : getSubmoduleList())
+    submodule->addTag(tag);
+  _tags.insert(tag);
-  VirtualModule EntityOwner::flatten() {
-    VirtualModule nextmodule{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
-    for(auto &node : getAccessorListRecursive()) {
-      nextmodule.registerAccessor(node);
-    }
-    return nextmodule;
+VirtualModule EntityOwner::flatten() {
+  VirtualModule nextmodule{_name, _description, getModuleType()};
+  for (auto &node : getAccessorListRecursive()) {
+    nextmodule.registerAccessor(node);
+  return nextmodule;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d69579ab..75ca0cf0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,108 +5,127 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include "Application.h"
 #include "Module.h"
+#include "Application.h"
 #include "VirtualModule.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  Module::Module(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-                 bool eliminateHierarchy, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : EntityOwner(name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags),
-    _owner(owner)
-  {
-    if(_owner != nullptr) _owner->registerModule(this);
-  }
+Module::Module(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+               const std::string &description, bool eliminateHierarchy,
+               const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : EntityOwner(name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags), _owner(owner) {
+  if (_owner != nullptr)
+    _owner->registerModule(this);
-  Module::~Module()
-  {
-    if(_owner != nullptr) _owner->unregisterModule(this);
-  }
+Module::~Module() {
+  if (_owner != nullptr)
+    _owner->unregisterModule(this);
-  Module& Module::operator=(Module &&other) {
-    EntityOwner::operator=(std::move(other));
-    _owner = other._owner;
-    if(_owner != nullptr) _owner->registerModule(this, false);
-    // note: the other module unregisters itself in its destructor - will will be called next after any move operation
-    return *this;
-  }
+Module &Module::operator=(Module &&other) {
+  EntityOwner::operator=(std::move(other));
+  _owner = other._owner;
+  if (_owner != nullptr)
+    _owner->registerModule(this, false);
+  // note: the other module unregisters itself in its destructor - will will be
+  // called next after any move operation
+  return *this;
-  ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup Module::readAnyGroup() {
+ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup Module::readAnyGroup() {
-    auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
-    // put push-type transfer elements into a ReadAnyGroup
-    ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup group;
-    for(auto &accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false}) continue;
-      group.add(accessor.getAppAccessorNoType());
-    }
-    group.finalise();
-    return group;
+  auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
+  // put push-type transfer elements into a ReadAnyGroup
+  ChimeraTK::ReadAnyGroup group;
+  for (auto &accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+      continue;
+    group.add(accessor.getAppAccessorNoType());
+  group.finalise();
+  return group;
-  void Module::readAll() {
-    auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
-    // first blockingly read all push-type variables
-    for(auto accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false}) continue;
-      if(accessor.getMode() != UpdateMode::push) continue;
-      accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().read();
-    }
-    // next non-blockingly read the latest values of all poll-type variables
-    for(auto accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false}) continue;
-      if(accessor.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) continue;
-      accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readLatest();
-    }
+void Module::readAll() {
+  auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
+  // first blockingly read all push-type variables
+  for (auto accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+      continue;
+    if (accessor.getMode() != UpdateMode::push)
+      continue;
+    accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().read();
+  // next non-blockingly read the latest values of all poll-type variables
+  for (auto accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+      continue;
+    if (accessor.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+      continue;
+    accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readLatest();
+  }
-  void Module::readAllNonBlocking() {
-    auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
-    for(auto accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false}) continue;
-      if(accessor.getMode() != UpdateMode::push) continue;
-      accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readNonBlocking();
-    }
-    for(auto accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false}) continue;
-      if(accessor.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) continue;
-      accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readLatest();
-    }
+void Module::readAllNonBlocking() {
+  auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
+  for (auto accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+      continue;
+    if (accessor.getMode() != UpdateMode::push)
+      continue;
+    accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readNonBlocking();
+  }
+  for (auto accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+      continue;
+    if (accessor.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+      continue;
+    accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readLatest();
-  void Module::readAllLatest() {
-    auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
-    for(auto accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false}) continue;
-      accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readLatest();
-    }
+void Module::readAllLatest() {
+  auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
+  for (auto accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::feeding, false})
+      continue;
+    accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().readLatest();
-  void Module::writeAll() {
-    auto versionNumber = getCurrentVersionNumber();
-    auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
-    for(auto accessor : accessorList) {
-      if(accessor.getDirection() == VariableDirection{VariableDirection::consuming, false}) continue;
-      accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().write(versionNumber);
-    }
+void Module::writeAll() {
+  auto versionNumber = getCurrentVersionNumber();
+  auto accessorList = getAccessorListRecursive();
+  for (auto accessor : accessorList) {
+    if (accessor.getDirection() ==
+        VariableDirection{VariableDirection::consuming, false})
+      continue;
+    accessor.getAppAccessorNoType().write(versionNumber);
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9d1e8a6d..d65c5dad 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -7,67 +7,70 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-ModuleGraphVisitor::ModuleGraphVisitor(std::ostream& stream, bool showVariables)
-    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::EntityOwner, ChimeraTK::Module, ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode> ()
-    , _stream(stream)
-    , _showVariables(showVariables) {}
+ModuleGraphVisitor::ModuleGraphVisitor(std::ostream &stream, bool showVariables)
+    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::EntityOwner, ChimeraTK::Module,
+              ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode>(),
+      _stream(stream), _showVariables(showVariables) {}
 void ModuleGraphVisitor::dispatch(const EntityOwner &owner) {
-    /* If we start with an entity owner, consider ourselves the start of a graph */
-    /* When descending from here, we only use Module directly */
-    _stream << "digraph G {" << "\n";
-    dumpEntityOwner(owner);
-    _stream << "}" << std::endl;
+  /* If we start with an entity owner, consider ourselves the start of a graph
+   */
+  /* When descending from here, we only use Module directly */
+  _stream << "digraph G {"
+          << "\n";
+  dumpEntityOwner(owner);
+  _stream << "}" << std::endl;
 void ModuleGraphVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &node) {
-    std::string dotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(node.getQualifiedName());
-    _stream << "  " <<  dotNode << "[label=\"{" << node.getName() << "| {";
-    bool first = true;
-    for(auto tag : node.getTags()) {
-      if(!first) {
-        _stream << "|";
-      }
-      else {
-        first = false;
-      }
-      _stream << tag;
+  std::string dotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(node.getQualifiedName());
+  _stream << "  " << dotNode << "[label=\"{" << node.getName() << "| {";
+  bool first = true;
+  for (auto tag : node.getTags()) {
+    if (!first) {
+      _stream << "|";
+    } else {
+      first = false;
-    _stream << "}}\", shape=record]" << std::endl;
+    _stream << tag;
+  }
+  _stream << "}}\", shape=record]" << std::endl;
 void ModuleGraphVisitor::dispatch(const Module &module) {
-    dumpEntityOwner(static_cast<const EntityOwner &>(module));
+  dumpEntityOwner(static_cast<const EntityOwner &>(module));
 void ModuleGraphVisitor::dumpEntityOwner(const EntityOwner &module) {
-    std::string myDotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(module.getQualifiedName());
-    _stream << "  " << myDotNode << "[label=\"" << module.getName() << "\"";
-    if(module.getEliminateHierarchy()) {
-      _stream << ",style=dotted";
-    }
-    if(module.getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::ModuleGroup) {
-      _stream << ",peripheries=2";
-    }
-    if(module.getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::ApplicationModule) {
-      _stream << ",penwidth=3";
-    }
-    _stream << "]" << std::endl;
+  std::string myDotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(module.getQualifiedName());
+  _stream << "  " << myDotNode << "[label=\"" << module.getName() << "\"";
+  if (module.getEliminateHierarchy()) {
+    _stream << ",style=dotted";
+  }
+  if (module.getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::ModuleGroup) {
+    _stream << ",peripheries=2";
+  }
+  if (module.getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::ApplicationModule) {
+    _stream << ",penwidth=3";
+  }
+  _stream << "]" << std::endl;
-    if(_showVariables) {
-      for(auto &node : module.getAccessorList()) {
-          std::string dotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(node));
-          node.accept(*this);
-          _stream << "  " << myDotNode << " -> " << dotNode << std::endl;
-      }
+  if (_showVariables) {
+    for (auto &node : module.getAccessorList()) {
+      std::string dotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(node));
+      node.accept(*this);
+      _stream << "  " << myDotNode << " -> " << dotNode << std::endl;
+  }
-    for(const Module *submodule : module.getSubmoduleList()) {
-      if(submodule->getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::Device ||
-         submodule->getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::ControlSystem) continue;
-      std::string dotNode = detail::encodeDotNodeName(submodule->getQualifiedName());
-      _stream << "  " << myDotNode <<  " -> " << dotNode << std::endl;
-      submodule->accept(*this);
-    }
+  for (const Module *submodule : module.getSubmoduleList()) {
+    if (submodule->getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::Device ||
+        submodule->getModuleType() == EntityOwner::ModuleType::ControlSystem)
+      continue;
+    std::string dotNode =
+        detail::encodeDotNodeName(submodule->getQualifiedName());
+    _stream << "  " << myDotNode << " -> " << dotNode << std::endl;
+    submodule->accept(*this);
+  }
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f92fda98..e96eb8ca 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-          bool eliminateHierarchy, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : ModuleImpl(owner,name,description,eliminateHierarchy,tags)
-  {
-    if(!dynamic_cast<Application*>(owner) && !dynamic_cast<ModuleGroup*>(owner)) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ModuleGroups must be owned either by the Application or other ModuleGroups!");
-    }
+ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                         const std::string &description,
+                         bool eliminateHierarchy,
+                         const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : ModuleImpl(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags) {
+  if (!dynamic_cast<Application *>(owner) &&
+      !dynamic_cast<ModuleGroup *>(owner)) {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("ModuleGroups must be owned either by the "
+                                 "Application or other ModuleGroups!");
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3f946ff5..075a2c20 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -4,30 +4,32 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
-  VariableNetworkNode ModuleImpl::operator()(const std::string& variableName) const {
-    return virtualise()(variableName);
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode ModuleImpl::
+operator()(const std::string &variableName) const {
+  return virtualise()(variableName);
-  Module& ModuleImpl::operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const {
-    return virtualise()[moduleName];
-  }
+Module &ModuleImpl::operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const {
+  return virtualise()[moduleName];
-  void ModuleImpl::connectTo(const Module &target, VariableNetworkNode trigger) const {
-    virtualise().connectTo(target.virtualise(), trigger);
-  }
+void ModuleImpl::connectTo(const Module &target,
+                           VariableNetworkNode trigger) const {
+  virtualise().connectTo(target.virtualise(), trigger);
-  const Module& ModuleImpl::virtualise() const {
-    if(!virtualisedModule_isValid) {
-      virtualisedModule = findTag(".*");
-      virtualisedModule_isValid = true;
-    }
-    return virtualisedModule;
+const Module &ModuleImpl::virtualise() const {
+  if (!virtualisedModule_isValid) {
+    virtualisedModule = findTag(".*");
+    virtualisedModule_isValid = true;
+  return virtualisedModule;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 58088d7d..d48259d3 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  std::list<Profiler::ThreadData*> Profiler::threadDataList;
+std::list<Profiler::ThreadData *> Profiler::threadDataList;
-  std::mutex Profiler::threadDataList_mutex;
+std::mutex Profiler::threadDataList_mutex;
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9c0f2755..606038d7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,15 +9,19 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  VariableGroup::VariableGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description,
-          bool eliminateHierarchy, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : ModuleImpl(owner,name,description,eliminateHierarchy,tags)
-  {
-    if(!dynamic_cast<ApplicationModule*>(owner) && !dynamic_cast<DeviceModule*>(owner) && !dynamic_cast<VariableGroup*>(owner)) {
-      std::cout<<"VariableGroup is throwing"<<std::endl;
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("VariableGroups must be owned by ApplicationModule, DeviceModule or other VariableGroups!");
-    }
+VariableGroup::VariableGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                             const std::string &description,
+                             bool eliminateHierarchy,
+                             const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : ModuleImpl(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags) {
+  if (!dynamic_cast<ApplicationModule *>(owner) &&
+      !dynamic_cast<DeviceModule *>(owner) &&
+      !dynamic_cast<VariableGroup *>(owner)) {
+    std::cout << "VariableGroup is throwing" << std::endl;
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "VariableGroups must be owned by ApplicationModule, DeviceModule or "
+        "other VariableGroups!");
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f5d9d59d..6a725e8d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -7,327 +7,367 @@
 #include <sstream>
-#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 #include "Application.h"
+#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetwork::hasFeedingNode() const {
-    auto n = std::count_if( nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end(),
-        [](const VariableNetworkNode node) {
-          return node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding;
-        } );
-    assert(n < 2);
-    return n == 1;
-  }
+bool VariableNetwork::hasFeedingNode() const {
+  auto n = std::count_if(
+      nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end(), [](const VariableNetworkNode node) {
+        return node.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding;
+      });
+  assert(n < 2);
+  return n == 1;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  size_t VariableNetwork::countConsumingNodes() const {
-    return nodeList.size() - (hasFeedingNode() ? 1 : 0);
-  }
+size_t VariableNetwork::countConsumingNodes() const {
+  return nodeList.size() - (hasFeedingNode() ? 1 : 0);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetwork::addNode(VariableNetworkNode &a) {
-    assert(!a.hasOwner());
-    // change owner of the node: erase from Application's unconnectedNodeList and set this as owner
-    a.setOwner(this);
-    // if node is feeding, save as feeder for this network
-    if(a.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
-      // make sure we only have one feeding node per network
-      if(hasFeedingNode()) {
-        // check if current feeding node is a control system variable: if yes, switch it to consuming
-        if(getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
-          getFeedingNode().setDirection({VariableDirection::consuming, false});
-        }
-        // Current feeder cannot be switch to consumer: throw exception
-        else{
-          std::stringstream msg;
-          msg << "Trying to add a feeding accessor to a network already having a feeding accessor." << std::endl;
-          msg << "The network you were trying to add the new accessor to:" << std::endl;
-          dump("", msg);
-          msg << "The node you were trying to add:" << std::endl;
-          a.dump(msg);
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-        }
+void VariableNetwork::addNode(VariableNetworkNode &a) {
+  assert(!a.hasOwner());
+  // change owner of the node: erase from Application's unconnectedNodeList and
+  // set this as owner
+  a.setOwner(this);
+  // if node is feeding, save as feeder for this network
+  if (a.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
+    // make sure we only have one feeding node per network
+    if (hasFeedingNode()) {
+      // check if current feeding node is a control system variable: if yes,
+      // switch it to consuming
+      if (getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) {
+        getFeedingNode().setDirection({VariableDirection::consuming, false});
+      }
+      // Current feeder cannot be switch to consumer: throw exception
+      else {
+        std::stringstream msg;
+        msg << "Trying to add a feeding accessor to a network already having a "
+               "feeding accessor."
+            << std::endl;
+        msg << "The network you were trying to add the new accessor to:"
+            << std::endl;
+        dump("", msg);
+        msg << "The node you were trying to add:" << std::endl;
+        a.dump(msg);
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-      // force value type, engineering unit and description of the network if set in this feeding node
-      if(a.getValueType() != typeid(AnyType)) valueType = &(a.getValueType());
-      if(a.getUnit() != ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet) engineeringUnit = a.getUnit();
-      if(a.getDescription() != "") description = a.getDescription();
-    }
-    else {
-      // update value type and engineering unit, if not yet set
-      if(valueType == &typeid(AnyType)) valueType = &(a.getValueType());
-      if(engineeringUnit == ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet) engineeringUnit = a.getUnit();
-      if(description == "") description = a.getDescription();
-    // add node to node list
-    nodeList.push_back(a);
+    // force value type, engineering unit and description of the network if set
+    // in this feeding node
+    if (a.getValueType() != typeid(AnyType))
+      valueType = &(a.getValueType());
+    if (a.getUnit() != ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet)
+      engineeringUnit = a.getUnit();
+    if (a.getDescription() != "")
+      description = a.getDescription();
+  } else {
+    // update value type and engineering unit, if not yet set
+    if (valueType == &typeid(AnyType))
+      valueType = &(a.getValueType());
+    if (engineeringUnit == ChimeraTK::TransferElement::unitNotSet)
+      engineeringUnit = a.getUnit();
+    if (description == "")
+      description = a.getDescription();
+  // add node to node list
+  nodeList.push_back(a);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetwork::removeNode(VariableNetworkNode &a) {
-    auto nNodes = nodeList.size();
-    nodeList.remove(a);
-    a.clearOwner();
-    (void)nNodes;
-    assert(nodeList.size() != nNodes);
-  }
+void VariableNetwork::removeNode(VariableNetworkNode &a) {
+  auto nNodes = nodeList.size();
+  nodeList.remove(a);
+  a.clearOwner();
+  (void)nNodes;
+  assert(nodeList.size() != nNodes);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetwork::removeNodeToTrigger(const VariableNetworkNode &nodeToNoLongerTrigger) {
-    for(auto &node : nodeList) {
-      if(node.getType() != NodeType::TriggerReceiver) continue;
-      if(node.getNodeToTrigger() == nodeToNoLongerTrigger) {
-        removeNode(node);
-        break;
-      }
+void VariableNetwork::removeNodeToTrigger(
+    const VariableNetworkNode &nodeToNoLongerTrigger) {
+  for (auto &node : nodeList) {
+    if (node.getType() != NodeType::TriggerReceiver)
+      continue;
+    if (node.getNodeToTrigger() == nodeToNoLongerTrigger) {
+      removeNode(node);
+      break;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetwork::dump(const std::string& linePrefix, std::ostream& stream) const {
-      VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor visitor{linePrefix, stream};
-      accept(visitor);
-  }
+void VariableNetwork::dump(const std::string &linePrefix,
+                           std::ostream &stream) const {
+  VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor visitor{linePrefix, stream};
+  accept(visitor);
-  void VariableNetwork::accept(Visitor<VariableNetwork> &visitor) const {
-      visitor.dispatch(*this);
-  }
+void VariableNetwork::accept(Visitor<VariableNetwork> &visitor) const {
+  visitor.dispatch(*this);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetwork::addNodeToTrigger(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger) {
-    VariableNetworkNode node(nodeToTrigger, 0);
-    node.setOwner(this);
-    nodeList.push_back(node);
-  }
+void VariableNetwork::addNodeToTrigger(VariableNetworkNode &nodeToTrigger) {
+  VariableNetworkNode node(nodeToTrigger, 0);
+  node.setOwner(this);
+  nodeList.push_back(node);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetwork::TriggerType VariableNetwork::getTriggerType(bool verboseExceptions) const {
-    if(!hasFeedingNode()) return TriggerType::none;
-    const auto &feeder = getFeedingNode();
-    // network has an external trigger
-    if(feeder.hasExternalTrigger()) {
-      if(feeder.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
-        std::stringstream msg;
-        msg << "Providing an external trigger to a variable network which is fed by a pushing variable is not allowed." << std::endl;
-        if(verboseExceptions) {
-          msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-          dump("", msg);
-        }
-        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-      }
-      return TriggerType::external;
-    }
-    // network is fed by a pushing node
-    if(feeder.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
-      return TriggerType::feeder;
-    }
-    // network is fed by a poll-type node: must have exactly one polling consumer
-    size_t nPollingConsumers = count_if( nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end(),
-        [](const VariableNetworkNode &n) {
-          return n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming && n.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll;
-        } );
-    if(nPollingConsumers != 1) {
+VariableNetwork::getTriggerType(bool verboseExceptions) const {
+  if (!hasFeedingNode())
+    return TriggerType::none;
+  const auto &feeder = getFeedingNode();
+  // network has an external trigger
+  if (feeder.hasExternalTrigger()) {
+    if (feeder.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
       std::stringstream msg;
-      msg << "In a network with a poll-type feeder and no external trigger, there must be exactly one polling consumer. Maybe you forgot to add a trigger?" << std::endl;
-      if(verboseExceptions) {
+      msg << "Providing an external trigger to a variable network which is fed "
+             "by a pushing variable is not allowed."
+          << std::endl;
+      if (verboseExceptions) {
         msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
         dump("", msg);
       throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    return TriggerType::pollingConsumer;
+    return TriggerType::external;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetwork::check() const {
-    // must have consuming nodes
-    if(countConsumingNodes() == 0) {
-      std::stringstream msg;
-      msg << "No consuming nodes connected to this network!" << std::endl;
+  // network is fed by a pushing node
+  if (feeder.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
+    return TriggerType::feeder;
+  }
+  // network is fed by a poll-type node: must have exactly one polling consumer
+  size_t nPollingConsumers = count_if(
+      nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end(), [](const VariableNetworkNode &n) {
+        return n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming &&
+               n.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll;
+      });
+  if (nPollingConsumers != 1) {
+    std::stringstream msg;
+    msg << "In a network with a poll-type feeder and no external trigger, "
+           "there must be exactly one polling consumer. Maybe you forgot to "
+           "add a trigger?"
+        << std::endl;
+    if (verboseExceptions) {
       msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
       dump("", msg);
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+  }
+  return TriggerType::pollingConsumer;
-    // must have a feeding node
-    if(!hasFeedingNode()) {
-      std::stringstream msg;
-      msg << "No feeding node connected to this network!" << std::endl;
-      msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-      dump("", msg);
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    }
-    // the network's value type must be correctly set
-    if(*valueType == typeid(AnyType)) {
-      std::stringstream msg;
-      msg << "No data type specified for any of the nodes in this network!" << std::endl;
-      msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-      dump("", msg);
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    }
+void VariableNetwork::check() const {
+  // must have consuming nodes
+  if (countConsumingNodes() == 0) {
+    std::stringstream msg;
+    msg << "No consuming nodes connected to this network!" << std::endl;
+    msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+    dump("", msg);
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+  }
-    // the feeder node must have a non-zero length
-    size_t length = getFeedingNode().getNumberOfElements();
-    if(length == 0) {
-      std::stringstream msg;
-      msg << "The feeding node has zero (or undefined) length!" << std::endl;
-      msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-      dump("", msg);
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    }
+  // must have a feeding node
+  if (!hasFeedingNode()) {
+    std::stringstream msg;
+    msg << "No feeding node connected to this network!" << std::endl;
+    msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+    dump("", msg);
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+  }
-    // all consumers must have the same length as the feeder or a zero length for trigger receivers
-    for(auto &node : nodeList) {
-      if(node.getType() != NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
-        if(node.getNumberOfElements() != length) {
-          std::stringstream msg;
-          msg << "The network contains a node with a different length than the feeding node!" << std::endl;
-          msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-          dump("", msg);
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        if(node.getNumberOfElements() != 0) {
-          std::stringstream msg;
-          msg << "The network contains a trigger receiver node with a non-zero length!" << std::endl;
-          msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-          dump("", msg);
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-        }
-      }
-    }
+  // the network's value type must be correctly set
+  if (*valueType == typeid(AnyType)) {
+    std::stringstream msg;
+    msg << "No data type specified for any of the nodes in this network!"
+        << std::endl;
+    msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+    dump("", msg);
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+  }
+  // the feeder node must have a non-zero length
+  size_t length = getFeedingNode().getNumberOfElements();
+  if (length == 0) {
+    std::stringstream msg;
+    msg << "The feeding node has zero (or undefined) length!" << std::endl;
+    msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+    dump("", msg);
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+  }
-    // all nodes must have this network as the owner and a value type equal the network's value type
-    for(auto &node : nodeList) {
-      assert(&(node.getOwner()) == this);
-      if(node.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType)) node.setValueType(*valueType);
-      if(node.getValueType() != *valueType) {
+  // all consumers must have the same length as the feeder or a zero length for
+  // trigger receivers
+  for (auto &node : nodeList) {
+    if (node.getType() != NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+      if (node.getNumberOfElements() != length) {
         std::stringstream msg;
-        msg << "The network contains variables of different value types, which is not supported!" << std::endl;
+        msg << "The network contains a node with a different length than the "
+               "feeding node!"
+            << std::endl;
         msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
         dump("", msg);
         throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    }
-    // if the feeder is an application node, it must be in push mode
-    if(getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::Application) {
-      assert(getFeedingNode().getMode() == UpdateMode::push);
-    }
-    // check if trigger is correctly defined (the return type doesn't matter, only the checks done in the function are needed)
-    getTriggerType();
-    // if (and only if) feeder has return channel, there must be exactly one consumer with return channel
-    if(getFeedingNode().getDirection().withReturn) {
-      size_t numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel = 0;
-      for(auto &node : getConsumingNodes()) {
-        if(node.getDirection().withReturn) ++numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel;
-      }
-      if(numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel != 1) {
+    } else {
+      if (node.getNumberOfElements() != 0) {
         std::stringstream msg;
-        msg << "The network has a feeder with return channel but " << numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel << " consumers"
-            << " with return channel (must have exactly 1)!" << std::endl;
+        msg << "The network contains a trigger receiver node with a non-zero "
+               "length!"
+            << std::endl;
         msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
         dump("", msg);
         throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    else {
-      for(auto &node : getConsumingNodes()) {
-        if(node.getDirection().withReturn) {
-          std::stringstream msg;
-          msg << "The network has no feeder with return channel but at least one consumer with return channel!" << std::endl;
-          msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-          dump("", msg);
-          throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-        }
-      }
+  }
+  // all nodes must have this network as the owner and a value type equal the
+  // network's value type
+  for (auto &node : nodeList) {
+    assert(&(node.getOwner()) == this);
+    if (node.getValueType() == typeid(AnyType))
+      node.setValueType(*valueType);
+    if (node.getValueType() != *valueType) {
+      std::stringstream msg;
+      msg << "The network contains variables of different value types, which "
+             "is not supported!"
+          << std::endl;
+      msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+      dump("", msg);
+      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  // if the feeder is an application node, it must be in push mode
+  if (getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::Application) {
+    assert(getFeedingNode().getMode() == UpdateMode::push);
+  }
-  VariableNetworkNode VariableNetwork::getFeedingNode() const {
-    auto iter = std::find_if( nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end(),
-        [](const VariableNetworkNode n) {
-          return n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding;
-        } );
-    if(iter == nodeList.end()) {
+  // check if trigger is correctly defined (the return type doesn't matter, only
+  // the checks done in the function are needed)
+  getTriggerType();
+  // if (and only if) feeder has return channel, there must be exactly one
+  // consumer with return channel
+  if (getFeedingNode().getDirection().withReturn) {
+    size_t numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel = 0;
+    for (auto &node : getConsumingNodes()) {
+      if (node.getDirection().withReturn)
+        ++numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel;
+    }
+    if (numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel != 1) {
       std::stringstream msg;
-      msg << "No feeding node in this network!" << std::endl;
+      msg << "The network has a feeder with return channel but "
+          << numberOfConsumersWithReturnChannel << " consumers"
+          << " with return channel (must have exactly 1)!" << std::endl;
       msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
-      if(!hasFeedingNode()) dump("", msg);
+      dump("", msg);
       throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
-    return *iter;
+  } else {
+    for (auto &node : getConsumingNodes()) {
+      if (node.getDirection().withReturn) {
+        std::stringstream msg;
+        msg << "The network has no feeder with return channel but at least one "
+               "consumer with return channel!"
+            << std::endl;
+        msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+        dump("", msg);
+        throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+      }
+    }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> VariableNetwork::getConsumingNodes() const{
-    std::list<VariableNetworkNode> consumers;
-    for(auto &n : nodeList) if(n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming) consumers.push_back(n);
-    return consumers;
+VariableNetworkNode VariableNetwork::getFeedingNode() const {
+  auto iter = std::find_if(
+      nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end(), [](const VariableNetworkNode n) {
+        return n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding;
+      });
+  if (iter == nodeList.end()) {
+    std::stringstream msg;
+    msg << "No feeding node in this network!" << std::endl;
+    msg << "The illegal network:" << std::endl;
+    if (!hasFeedingNode())
+      dump("", msg);
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(msg.str());
+  return *iter;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetwork::hasApplicationConsumer() const {
-    for(auto &n : nodeList) {
-      if(n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming && n.getType() == NodeType::Application) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
+std::list<VariableNetworkNode> VariableNetwork::getConsumingNodes() const {
+  std::list<VariableNetworkNode> consumers;
+  for (auto &n : nodeList)
+    if (n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming)
+      consumers.push_back(n);
+  return consumers;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetwork::merge(VariableNetwork &other) {
+bool VariableNetwork::hasApplicationConsumer() const {
+  for (auto &n : nodeList) {
+    if (n.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::consuming &&
+        n.getType() == NodeType::Application)
+      return true;
+  }
+  return false;
-    // check if merging is possible
-    if(hasFeedingNode() || !other.hasFeedingNode()) {
-      if(    (getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem &&
-              other.getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem)
-          || (getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem &&
-              other.getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem) ) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    // put all consuming nodes of B's owner into A's owner
-    for(auto node : other.getConsumingNodes()) {
-      other.removeNode(node);
-      addNode(node);
-    }
+bool VariableNetwork::merge(VariableNetwork &other) {
-    // feeding node: if control system type, convert into consumer. Otherwise just add it, addNode() will convert the
-    // other feeding node if necessary
-    if(other.hasFeedingNode()) {
-      VariableNetworkNode otherFeeder = other.getFeedingNode();
-      other.removeNode(otherFeeder);
-      if(otherFeeder.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) otherFeeder.setDirection({VariableDirection::consuming, false});
-      addNode(otherFeeder);
+  // check if merging is possible
+  if (hasFeedingNode() || !other.hasFeedingNode()) {
+    if ((getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem &&
+         other.getFeedingNode().getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) ||
+        (getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem &&
+         other.getFeedingNode().getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem)) {
+      return false;
+  }
-    return true;
+  // put all consuming nodes of B's owner into A's owner
+  for (auto node : other.getConsumingNodes()) {
+    other.removeNode(node);
+    addNode(node);
+  }
+  // feeding node: if control system type, convert into consumer. Otherwise just
+  // add it, addNode() will convert the other feeding node if necessary
+  if (other.hasFeedingNode()) {
+    VariableNetworkNode otherFeeder = other.getFeedingNode();
+    other.removeNode(otherFeeder);
+    if (otherFeeder.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem)
+      otherFeeder.setDirection({VariableDirection::consuming, false});
+    addNode(otherFeeder);
+  return true;
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 95b0d9e1..ff873237 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,51 +1,56 @@
-#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor.h"
+#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor::VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor(const std::string& prefix, std::ostream &stream)
-    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::VariableNetwork>()
-    , VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(stream, " ")
-    , _prefix(prefix) {}
+    const std::string &prefix, std::ostream &stream)
+    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::VariableNetwork>(),
+      VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(stream, " "), _prefix(prefix) {}
-void VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetwork& t) {
-    stream() << _prefix << "VariableNetwork";
-    stream() << " {" << std::endl;
-    stream() << _prefix << "  value type = " << boost::core::demangle(t.getValueType().name()) << ", engineering unit = " << t.getUnit() << std::endl;
-    stream() << _prefix << "  trigger type = ";
-    try {
-      auto tt = t.getTriggerType(false);
-      if(tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::feeder) stream() << "feeder";
-      if(tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::pollingConsumer) stream() << "pollingConsumer";
-      if(tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external) stream() << "external";
-      if(tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::none) stream() << "none";
-      stream() << std::endl;
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-      stream() << "**error**" << std::endl;
-    }
-    stream() << _prefix << "  feeder";
-    if(t.hasFeedingNode()) {
-      t.getFeedingNode().accept(*this);
+void VariableNetworkDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetwork &t) {
+  stream() << _prefix << "VariableNetwork";
+  stream() << " {" << std::endl;
+  stream() << _prefix << "  value type = "
+           << boost::core::demangle(t.getValueType().name())
+           << ", engineering unit = " << t.getUnit() << std::endl;
+  stream() << _prefix << "  trigger type = ";
+  try {
+    auto tt = t.getTriggerType(false);
+    if (tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::feeder)
+      stream() << "feeder";
+    if (tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::pollingConsumer)
+      stream() << "pollingConsumer";
+    if (tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::external)
+      stream() << "external";
+    if (tt == VariableNetwork::TriggerType::none)
+      stream() << "none";
+    stream() << std::endl;
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    stream() << "**error**" << std::endl;
+  }
+  stream() << _prefix << "  feeder";
+  if (t.hasFeedingNode()) {
+    t.getFeedingNode().accept(*this);
+  } else {
+    stream() << " **error, no feeder found**" << std::endl;
+  }
+  stream() << _prefix << "  consumers: " << t.countConsumingNodes()
+           << std::endl;
+  size_t count = 0;
+  for (auto &consumer : t.getConsumingNodes()) {
+    if (consumer.getDirection().dir != VariableDirection::consuming)
+      continue;
+    stream() << _prefix << "    # " << ++count << ":";
+    consumer.accept(*this);
+  }
+  if (t.hasFeedingNode()) {
+    if (t.getFeedingNode().hasExternalTrigger()) {
+      stream() << _prefix << "  external trigger node: ";
+      t.getFeedingNode().getExternalTrigger().accept(*this);
-    else {
-      stream() << " **error, no feeder found**" << std::endl;
-    }
-    stream() << _prefix << "  consumers: " << t.countConsumingNodes() << std::endl;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    for(auto &consumer : t.getConsumingNodes()) {
-      if(consumer.getDirection().dir != VariableDirection::consuming) continue;
-      stream() << _prefix << "    # " << ++count << ":";
-      consumer.accept(*this);
-    }
-    if(t.hasFeedingNode()) {
-      if(t.getFeedingNode().hasExternalTrigger()) {
-        stream() << _prefix << "  external trigger node: ";
-        t.getFeedingNode().getExternalTrigger().accept(*this);
-      }
-    }
-    stream() << _prefix << "}" << std::endl;
+  }
+  stream() << _prefix << "}" << std::endl;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f1d1ec51..d5ec4c02 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,148 +1,168 @@
-#include "Application.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor.h"
+#include "Application.h"
 #include "VariableNetwork.h"
 #include "VisitorHelper.h"
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <typeinfo>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <typeinfo>
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-void VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetwork& network) {
-    std::string networkPrefix = "network_" + std::to_string(_networkCount++);
-    pushPrefix(networkPrefix);
-    stream() << "  subgraph cluster_" << prefix() << " {\n"
-         << "    fontsize=\"8\";\n"
-         << "    style=\"filled,rounded\";\n"
-         << "    color=black;\n"
-         << "    fillcolor=white;\n"
-         << "    ordering=out;\n"
-         << "    label=\"" << boost::core::demangle(typeid(network).name()) << "(" << &network << ")\\n"
-         <<              network.getDescription() << "\\n"
-         <<              "value type = " << boost::core::demangle(network.getValueType().name()) << "\\n"
-         <<              "engineering unit = " << network.getUnit() << "\";\n";
-    std::string feeder;
-    std::string trigger;
-    if (network.hasFeedingNode()) {
-        auto feederNode = network.getFeedingNode();
-        // We are inside a trigger network... Consumers will be skipped below. Make the feeder a "global" variable
-        if (!network.getConsumingNodes().empty() && network.getConsumingNodes().begin()->getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
-            feeder = detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(feederNode));
-            if (_triggerMap.find(feeder) == _triggerMap.end()) {
-                std::stringstream ss;
-                pushStream(ss); pushPrefix("");
-                feederNode.accept(*this);
-                _triggerMap[feeder] = ss.str();
-                popPrefix(); popStream();
-            }
-        } else {
-            feeder = prefix() + detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(feederNode));
-            feederNode.accept(*this);
-        }
-        if (feederNode.hasExternalTrigger()) {
-            auto triggerNode = feederNode.getExternalTrigger();
-            trigger = detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(triggerNode));
-            if (_triggerMap.find(trigger) == _triggerMap.end()) {
-                std::stringstream ss;
-                pushStream(ss); pushPrefix("");
-                triggerNode.accept(*this);
-                _triggerMap[trigger] = ss.str();
-                popPrefix(); popStream();
-            }
-        }
+void VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::dispatch(
+    const VariableNetwork &network) {
+  std::string networkPrefix = "network_" + std::to_string(_networkCount++);
+  pushPrefix(networkPrefix);
+  stream() << "  subgraph cluster_" << prefix() << " {\n"
+           << "    fontsize=\"8\";\n"
+           << "    style=\"filled,rounded\";\n"
+           << "    color=black;\n"
+           << "    fillcolor=white;\n"
+           << "    ordering=out;\n"
+           << "    label=\"" << boost::core::demangle(typeid(network).name())
+           << "(" << &network << ")\\n"
+           << network.getDescription() << "\\n"
+           << "value type = "
+           << boost::core::demangle(network.getValueType().name()) << "\\n"
+           << "engineering unit = " << network.getUnit() << "\";\n";
+  std::string feeder;
+  std::string trigger;
+  if (network.hasFeedingNode()) {
+    auto feederNode = network.getFeedingNode();
+    // We are inside a trigger network... Consumers will be skipped below. Make
+    // the feeder a "global" variable
+    if (!network.getConsumingNodes().empty() &&
+        network.getConsumingNodes().begin()->getType() ==
+            NodeType::TriggerReceiver) {
+      feeder = detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(feederNode));
+      if (_triggerMap.find(feeder) == _triggerMap.end()) {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        pushStream(ss);
+        pushPrefix("");
+        feederNode.accept(*this);
+        _triggerMap[feeder] = ss.str();
+        popPrefix();
+        popStream();
+      }
+    } else {
+      feeder =
+          prefix() + detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(feederNode));
+      feederNode.accept(*this);
-    for (auto &consumerNode : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
-        if (consumerNode.getDirection().dir != VariableDirection::consuming)
-            continue;
-        if (consumerNode.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver)
-            continue;
-        auto consumer = prefix() + detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(consumerNode));
-        consumerNode.accept(*this);
-        std::string helperNode;
-        if (!trigger.empty()) {
-            // Create trigger connection diamond
-            _triggerCount++;
-            helperNode = prefix() + "_trigger_helper_" + std::to_string(_triggerCount);
-            stream() << helperNode << "[label=\"\",shape=diamond,style=\"filled\",color=black,width=.3,height=.3,fixedsize=true,fillcolor=\"#ffcc00\"]\n";
-        }
-        stream() << feeder << " -> ";
-        if (!helperNode.empty()) {
-            stream() << helperNode << " -> " << consumer << "\n";
-            // Hack: Make trigger lower in rank than all entry points to subgraphs
-            _triggerConnections.push_back(trigger + " -> " + feeder + "[style = invis]\n");
-            _triggerConnections.push_back(trigger + " -> " + helperNode + "[style = dashed, color=grey,tailport=s]\n");
-        } else {
-            stream() << consumer << "\n";
-        }
+    if (feederNode.hasExternalTrigger()) {
+      auto triggerNode = feederNode.getExternalTrigger();
+      trigger = detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(triggerNode));
+      if (_triggerMap.find(trigger) == _triggerMap.end()) {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        pushStream(ss);
+        pushPrefix("");
+        triggerNode.accept(*this);
+        _triggerMap[trigger] = ss.str();
+        popPrefix();
+        popStream();
+      }
-    stream() << "}\n";
-    popPrefix();
-VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor(std::ostream& stream)
-    : Visitor<Application, VariableNetwork> ()
-    , VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(stream, "\\n")
-    , _triggerMap()
-    , _triggerConnections()
-    , _networkCount(0)
-    , _triggerCount(0) {}
-void VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const Application& t) {
-    stream() << "digraph application {\n"
-         //<< "  rankdir = LR;\n"
-         << "  fontname=\"Sans\";\n"
-         << "  fontsize=\"10\";\n"
-         << "  labelloc=t;\n"
-         << "  nodesep=1;\n"
-         //<< "  splines=ortho;\n"
-         << "  concentrate=true;\n"
-         << "  label=\"<" << boost::core::demangle(typeid(t).name()) << ">" << t.getName() << "\";\n"
-         << "  node [style=\"filled,rounded\", shape=box, fontsize=\"9\", fontname=\"sans\"];\n"
-         << "  edge [labelfontsize=\"6\", fontsize=\"9\", fontname=\"monospace\"];\n"
-         << "  \n";
-    for (auto &network : t.networkList) {
-        network.accept(*this);
+  }
+  for (auto &consumerNode : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
+    if (consumerNode.getDirection().dir != VariableDirection::consuming)
+      continue;
+    if (consumerNode.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver)
+      continue;
+    auto consumer =
+        prefix() + detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(consumerNode));
+    consumerNode.accept(*this);
+    std::string helperNode;
+    if (!trigger.empty()) {
+      // Create trigger connection diamond
+      _triggerCount++;
+      helperNode =
+          prefix() + "_trigger_helper_" + std::to_string(_triggerCount);
+      stream() << helperNode
+               << "[label=\"\",shape=diamond,style=\"filled\",color=black,"
+                  "width=.3,height=.3,fixedsize=true,fillcolor=\"#ffcc00\"]\n";
-    for (auto &t : _triggerMap) {
-        stream() << t.second;
+    stream() << feeder << " -> ";
+    if (!helperNode.empty()) {
+      stream() << helperNode << " -> " << consumer << "\n";
+      // Hack: Make trigger lower in rank than all entry points to subgraphs
+      _triggerConnections.push_back(trigger + " -> " + feeder +
+                                    "[style = invis]\n");
+      _triggerConnections.push_back(
+          trigger + " -> " + helperNode +
+          "[style = dashed, color=grey,tailport=s]\n");
+    } else {
+      stream() << consumer << "\n";
+  }
-    for (auto &t : _triggerConnections) {
-        stream() << t;
-    }
+  stream() << "}\n";
+  popPrefix();
-    stream() << "}\n";
+    std::ostream &stream)
+    : Visitor<Application, VariableNetwork>(),
+      VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(stream, "\\n"), _triggerMap(),
+      _triggerConnections(), _networkCount(0), _triggerCount(0) {}
+void VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const Application &t) {
+  stream() << "digraph application {\n"
+           //<< "  rankdir = LR;\n"
+           << "  fontname=\"Sans\";\n"
+           << "  fontsize=\"10\";\n"
+           << "  labelloc=t;\n"
+           << "  nodesep=1;\n"
+           //<< "  splines=ortho;\n"
+           << "  concentrate=true;\n"
+           << "  label=\"<" << boost::core::demangle(typeid(t).name()) << ">"
+           << t.getName() << "\";\n"
+           << "  node [style=\"filled,rounded\", shape=box, fontsize=\"9\", "
+              "fontname=\"sans\"];\n"
+           << "  edge [labelfontsize=\"6\", fontsize=\"9\", "
+              "fontname=\"monospace\"];\n"
+           << "  \n";
+  for (auto &network : t.networkList) {
+    network.accept(*this);
+  }
+  for (auto &t : _triggerMap) {
+    stream() << t.second;
+  }
+  for (auto &t : _triggerConnections) {
+    stream() << t;
+  }
+  stream() << "}\n";
-void VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode& t) {
-    std::string nodeName = prefix() + detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(t));
-    stream() << nodeName << "[\n";
-    if (t.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
-        stream() << "    fillcolor=\"#ff9900\";\n";
-    else if (t.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll)
-        stream() << "    fillcolor=\"#b4d848\";\n";
-    else {
-        stream() << "    fillcolor=\"#ffffff\";\n";
-    }
+void VariableNetworkGraphDumpingVisitor::dispatch(
+    const VariableNetworkNode &t) {
+  std::string nodeName =
+      prefix() + detail::encodeDotNodeName(detail::nodeName(t));
+  stream() << nodeName << "[\n";
+  if (t.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+    stream() << "    fillcolor=\"#ff9900\";\n";
+  else if (t.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll)
+    stream() << "    fillcolor=\"#b4d848\";\n";
+  else {
+    stream() << "    fillcolor=\"#ffffff\";\n";
+  }
-    stream() << "    label=\"" << detail::nodeName(t) << "\\n";
+  stream() << "    label=\"" << detail::nodeName(t) << "\\n";
-    VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::dispatch(t);
+  VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::dispatch(t);
-    stream() << "\"]\n";
+  stream() << "\"]\n";
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 510c003b..d399a4f8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,430 +6,441 @@
 #include "VariableNetworkNode.h"
-#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 #include "Application.h"
 #include "EntityOwner.h"
-#include "Visitor.h"
+#include "VariableNetwork.h"
 #include "VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor.h"
+#include "Visitor.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(const VariableNetworkNode &other)
-  : pdata(other.pdata)
-  {}
+VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(const VariableNetworkNode &other)
+    : pdata(other.pdata) {}
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode& VariableNetworkNode::operator=(const VariableNetworkNode &rightHandSide) {
-    pdata = rightHandSide.pdata;
-    return *this;
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode &VariableNetworkNode::
+operator=(const VariableNetworkNode &rightHandSide) {
+  pdata = rightHandSide.pdata;
+  return *this;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(EntityOwner *owner, ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessorBridge,
-                                  const std::string &name,
-                                  VariableDirection direction, std::string unit, size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode,
-                                  const std::string &description, const std::type_info* valueType,
-                                  const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
-  : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>())
-  {
-    pdata->owningModule = owner;
-    pdata->type = NodeType::Application;
-    pdata->appNode = accessorBridge;
-    pdata->name = name;
-    pdata->qualifiedName = owner->getQualifiedName() + "/" + name;
-    pdata->mode = mode;
-    pdata->direction = direction;
-    pdata->valueType = valueType;
-    pdata->unit = unit;
-    pdata->nElements = nElements;
-    pdata->description = description;
-    pdata->tags = tags;
-  }
+    EntityOwner *owner, ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessorBridge,
+    const std::string &name, VariableDirection direction, std::string unit,
+    size_t nElements, UpdateMode mode, const std::string &description,
+    const std::type_info *valueType,
+    const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags)
+    : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>()) {
+  pdata->owningModule = owner;
+  pdata->type = NodeType::Application;
+  pdata->appNode = accessorBridge;
+  pdata->name = name;
+  pdata->qualifiedName = owner->getQualifiedName() + "/" + name;
+  pdata->mode = mode;
+  pdata->direction = direction;
+  pdata->valueType = valueType;
+  pdata->unit = unit;
+  pdata->nElements = nElements;
+  pdata->description = description;
+  pdata->tags = tags;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(const std::string &name, const std::string &devAlias,
-      const std::string &regName, UpdateMode mode, VariableDirection dir, const std::type_info &valTyp, size_t nElements)
-  : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>())
-  {
-    pdata->name = name;
-    pdata->type = NodeType::Device;
-    pdata->mode = mode;
-    pdata->direction = dir;
-    pdata->valueType = &valTyp;
-    pdata->deviceAlias = devAlias;
-    pdata->registerName = regName;
-    pdata->nElements = nElements;
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(const std::string &name,
+                                         const std::string &devAlias,
+                                         const std::string &regName,
+                                         UpdateMode mode, VariableDirection dir,
+                                         const std::type_info &valTyp,
+                                         size_t nElements)
+    : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>()) {
+  pdata->name = name;
+  pdata->type = NodeType::Device;
+  pdata->mode = mode;
+  pdata->direction = dir;
+  pdata->valueType = &valTyp;
+  pdata->deviceAlias = devAlias;
+  pdata->registerName = regName;
+  pdata->nElements = nElements;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(std::string pubName, VariableDirection dir, const std::type_info &valTyp,
-      size_t nElements)
-  : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>())
-  {
-    pdata->name = pubName;
-    pdata->type = NodeType::ControlSystem;
-    pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
-    pdata->direction = dir;
-    pdata->valueType = &valTyp;
-    pdata->publicName = pubName;
-    pdata->nElements = nElements;
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(std::string pubName,
+                                         VariableDirection dir,
+                                         const std::type_info &valTyp,
+                                         size_t nElements)
+    : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>()) {
+  pdata->name = pubName;
+  pdata->type = NodeType::ControlSystem;
+  pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
+  pdata->direction = dir;
+  pdata->valueType = &valTyp;
+  pdata->publicName = pubName;
+  pdata->nElements = nElements;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(VariableNetworkNode& nodeToTrigger, int)
-  : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>())
-  {
-    pdata->type = NodeType::TriggerReceiver;
-    pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
-    pdata->nodeToTrigger = nodeToTrigger;
-    pdata->name = "trigger:"+nodeToTrigger.getName();
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(VariableNetworkNode &nodeToTrigger,
+                                         int)
+    : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>()) {
+  pdata->type = NodeType::TriggerReceiver;
+  pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
+  pdata->nodeToTrigger = nodeToTrigger;
+  pdata->name = "trigger:" + nodeToTrigger.getName();
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode(boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> _pdata)
-  : pdata(_pdata)
-  {}
+    boost::shared_ptr<VariableNetworkNode_data> _pdata)
+    : pdata(_pdata) {}
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode::VariableNetworkNode()
-  : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>())
-  {}
+    : pdata(boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>()) {}
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setOwner(VariableNetwork *net) {
-    assert(pdata->network == nullptr);
-    assert(pdata->type != NodeType::invalid);
-    pdata->network = net;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::setOwner(VariableNetwork *net) {
+  assert(pdata->network == nullptr);
+  assert(pdata->type != NodeType::invalid);
+  pdata->network = net;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::clearOwner() {
-    pdata->network = nullptr;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::clearOwner() { pdata->network = nullptr; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetworkNode::hasImplementation() const {
-    return pdata->type == NodeType::Device || pdata->type == NodeType::ControlSystem || pdata->type == NodeType::Constant;
-  }
+bool VariableNetworkNode::hasImplementation() const {
+  return pdata->type == NodeType::Device ||
+         pdata->type == NodeType::ControlSystem ||
+         pdata->type == NodeType::Constant;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::accept( Visitor<VariableNetworkNode>& visitor) const {
-      visitor.dispatch(*this);
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::accept(Visitor<VariableNetworkNode> &visitor) const {
+  visitor.dispatch(*this);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetworkNode::operator==(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const {
-    return (other.pdata == pdata) || (pdata->type == NodeType::invalid && other.pdata->type == NodeType::invalid);
-  }
+bool VariableNetworkNode::operator==(const VariableNetworkNode &other) const {
+  return (other.pdata == pdata) || (pdata->type == NodeType::invalid &&
+                                    other.pdata->type == NodeType::invalid);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetworkNode::operator!=(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const {
-    return !operator==(other);
-  }
+bool VariableNetworkNode::operator!=(const VariableNetworkNode &other) const {
+  return !operator==(other);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetworkNode::operator<(const VariableNetworkNode& other) const {
-    if(pdata->type == NodeType::invalid && other.pdata->type == NodeType::invalid) return false;
-    return (other.pdata < pdata);
-  }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+bool VariableNetworkNode::operator<(const VariableNetworkNode &other) const {
+  if (pdata->type == NodeType::invalid &&
+      other.pdata->type == NodeType::invalid)
+    return false;
+  return (other.pdata < pdata);
-  VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::operator>>(VariableNetworkNode other) {
-    if(pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid) {
-      if(!other.hasOwner()) {
-        pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-      }
-      else {
-        if(other.getOwner().hasFeedingNode()) {
-          pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
-          if(getType() == NodeType::Device) {   // special treatment for Device-type variables: consumers are push-type
-            pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
+VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::operator>>(VariableNetworkNode other) {
+  if (pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid) {
+    if (!other.hasOwner()) {
+      pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
+    } else {
+      if (other.getOwner().hasFeedingNode()) {
+        pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
+        if (getType() ==
+            NodeType::Device) { // special treatment for Device-type variables:
+                                // consumers are push-type
+          pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
+      } else {
+        pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-    if(other.pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid) {
-      if(!hasOwner()) {
+  }
+  if (other.pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid) {
+    if (!hasOwner()) {
+      other.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
+      if (other.getType() ==
+          NodeType::Device) { // special treatment for Device-type variables:
+                              // consumers are push-type
+        other.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (getOwner().hasFeedingNode()) {
         other.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
-        if(other.getType() == NodeType::Device) {   // special treatment for Device-type variables: consumers are push-type
+        if (other.getType() ==
+            NodeType::Device) { // special treatment for Device-type variables:
+                                // consumers are push-type
           other.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
-      }
-      else {
-        if(getOwner().hasFeedingNode()) {
-          other.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::consuming, false};
-          if(other.getType() == NodeType::Device) {   // special treatment for Device-type variables: consumers are push-type
-            other.pdata->mode = UpdateMode::push;
-          }
-        }
-        else {
-          other.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-        }
+      } else {
+        other.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-    Application::getInstance().connect(*this, other);
-    return *this;
+  Application::getInstance().connect(*this, other);
+  return *this;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::operator[](VariableNetworkNode trigger) {
-    // check if node already has a trigger
-    if(pdata->externalTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Only one external trigger per variable network is allowed.");
-    }
-    // force direction of the node we are operating on to be feeding
-    if(pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid) pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-    assert(pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
-    // force direction of the triggering node to be feeding
-    if(trigger.pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid) trigger.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
-    assert(trigger.pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
+VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::
+operator[](VariableNetworkNode trigger) {
-    // check if already existing in map
-    if(pdata->nodeWithTrigger.count(trigger) > 0) {
-      return pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger];
-    }
-    // create copy of the node
-    pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger].pdata = boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>(*pdata);
+  // check if node already has a trigger
+  if (pdata->externalTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid) {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "Only one external trigger per variable network is allowed.");
+  }
-    // add ourselves as a trigger receiver to the other network
-    if(!trigger.hasOwner()) {
-      Application::getInstance().createNetwork().addNode(trigger);
-    }
-    trigger.getOwner().addNodeToTrigger(pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger]);
+  // force direction of the node we are operating on to be feeding
+  if (pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid)
+    pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
+  assert(pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
-    // set flag and store pointer to other network
-    pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger].pdata->externalTrigger = trigger;
+  // force direction of the triggering node to be feeding
+  if (trigger.pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::invalid)
+    trigger.pdata->direction = {VariableDirection::feeding, false};
+  assert(trigger.pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
-    // return the new node
+  // check if already existing in map
+  if (pdata->nodeWithTrigger.count(trigger) > 0) {
     return pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger];
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  // create copy of the node
+  pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger].pdata =
+      boost::make_shared<VariableNetworkNode_data>(*pdata);
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setValueType(const std::type_info& newType) const {
-    assert(*pdata->valueType == typeid(AnyType));
-    pdata->valueType = &newType;
+  // add ourselves as a trigger receiver to the other network
+  if (!trigger.hasOwner()) {
+    Application::getInstance().createNetwork().addNode(trigger);
+  trigger.getOwner().addNodeToTrigger(pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger]);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
+  // set flag and store pointer to other network
+  pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger].pdata->externalTrigger = trigger;
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setDirection(VariableDirection newDirection) const {
-    assert(pdata->type == NodeType::ControlSystem);
-    assert(pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
-    pdata->direction = newDirection;
-  }
+  // return the new node
+  return pdata->nodeWithTrigger[trigger];
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetworkNode::hasExternalTrigger() const {
-    return pdata->externalTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::setValueType(const std::type_info &newType) const {
+  assert(*pdata->valueType == typeid(AnyType));
+  pdata->valueType = &newType;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::getExternalTrigger() {
-    assert(pdata->externalTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid);
-    return pdata->externalTrigger;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::setDirection(VariableDirection newDirection) const {
+  assert(pdata->type == NodeType::ControlSystem);
+  assert(pdata->direction.dir == VariableDirection::feeding);
+  pdata->direction = newDirection;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::dump(std::ostream& stream) const {
-      VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor visitor(stream, " ");
-      visitor.dispatch(*this);
-  }
+bool VariableNetworkNode::hasExternalTrigger() const {
+  return pdata->externalTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  bool VariableNetworkNode::hasOwner() const {
-    return pdata->network != nullptr;
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::getExternalTrigger() {
+  assert(pdata->externalTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid);
+  return pdata->externalTrigger;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  NodeType VariableNetworkNode::getType() const {
-    if(!pdata) return NodeType::invalid;
-    return pdata->type;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::dump(std::ostream &stream) const {
+  VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor visitor(stream, " ");
+  visitor.dispatch(*this);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  UpdateMode VariableNetworkNode::getMode() const {
-    return pdata->mode;
-  }
+bool VariableNetworkNode::hasOwner() const { return pdata->network != nullptr; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableDirection VariableNetworkNode::getDirection() const {
-    return pdata->direction;
-  }
+NodeType VariableNetworkNode::getType() const {
+  if (!pdata)
+    return NodeType::invalid;
+  return pdata->type;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::type_info& VariableNetworkNode::getValueType() const {
-    return *(pdata->valueType);
-  }
+UpdateMode VariableNetworkNode::getMode() const { return pdata->mode; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  std::string VariableNetworkNode::getName() const {
-    return pdata->name;
-  }
+VariableDirection VariableNetworkNode::getDirection() const {
+  return pdata->direction;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  std::string VariableNetworkNode::getQualifiedName() const {
-    return pdata->qualifiedName;
-  }
+const std::type_info &VariableNetworkNode::getValueType() const {
+  return *(pdata->valueType);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::string& VariableNetworkNode::getUnit() const {
-    return pdata->unit;
-  }
+std::string VariableNetworkNode::getName() const { return pdata->name; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::string& VariableNetworkNode::getDescription() const {
-    return pdata->description;
-  }
+std::string VariableNetworkNode::getQualifiedName() const {
+  return pdata->qualifiedName;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetwork& VariableNetworkNode::getOwner() const {
-    assert(pdata->network != nullptr);
-    return *(pdata->network);
-  }
+const std::string &VariableNetworkNode::getUnit() const { return pdata->unit; }
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::getNodeToTrigger() {
-    assert(pdata->nodeToTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid);
-    return pdata->nodeToTrigger;
-  }
+const std::string &VariableNetworkNode::getDescription() const {
+  return pdata->description;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::string& VariableNetworkNode::getPublicName() const {
-    assert(pdata->type == NodeType::ControlSystem);
-    return pdata->publicName;
-  }
+VariableNetwork &VariableNetworkNode::getOwner() const {
+  assert(pdata->network != nullptr);
+  return *(pdata->network);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::string& VariableNetworkNode::getDeviceAlias() const {
-    assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Device);
-    return pdata->deviceAlias;
-  }
+VariableNetworkNode VariableNetworkNode::getNodeToTrigger() {
+  assert(pdata->nodeToTrigger.getType() != NodeType::invalid);
+  return pdata->nodeToTrigger;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::string& VariableNetworkNode::getRegisterName() const {
-    assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Device);
-    return pdata->registerName;
-  }
+const std::string &VariableNetworkNode::getPublicName() const {
+  assert(pdata->type == NodeType::ControlSystem);
+  return pdata->publicName;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setNumberOfElements(size_t nElements) {
-    pdata->nElements = nElements;
-  }
+const std::string &VariableNetworkNode::getDeviceAlias() const {
+  assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Device);
+  return pdata->deviceAlias;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  size_t VariableNetworkNode::getNumberOfElements() const {
-    return pdata->nElements;
-  }
+const std::string &VariableNetworkNode::getRegisterName() const {
+  assert(pdata->type == NodeType::Device);
+  return pdata->registerName;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor& VariableNetworkNode::getAppAccessorNoType() {
-    return *(pdata->appNode);
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::setNumberOfElements(size_t nElements) {
+  pdata->nElements = nElements;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
-                                        const std::string &description) {
-    if(getType() != NodeType::Application) {
-      throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Calling VariableNetworkNode::updateMetaData() is not allowed for non-application type nodes.");
-    }
-    pdata->name = name;
-    pdata->qualifiedName = pdata->owningModule->getQualifiedName()+"/"+name;
-    pdata->unit = unit;
-    pdata->description = description;
-  }
+size_t VariableNetworkNode::getNumberOfElements() const {
+  return pdata->nElements;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
-                                        const std::string &description, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags) {
-    setMetaData(name, unit, description);
-    pdata->tags = tags;
-  }
+ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor &
+VariableNetworkNode::getAppAccessorNoType() {
+  return *(pdata->appNode);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::addTag(const std::string &tag) {
-    pdata->tags.insert(tag);
+void VariableNetworkNode::setMetaData(const std::string &name,
+                                      const std::string &unit,
+                                      const std::string &description) {
+  if (getType() != NodeType::Application) {
+    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error(
+        "Calling VariableNetworkNode::updateMetaData() is not allowed for "
+        "non-application type nodes.");
+  pdata->name = name;
+  pdata->qualifiedName = pdata->owningModule->getQualifiedName() + "/" + name;
+  pdata->unit = unit;
+  pdata->description = description;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  const std::unordered_set<std::string>& VariableNetworkNode::getTags() const {
-    return pdata->tags;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::setMetaData(
+    const std::string &name, const std::string &unit,
+    const std::string &description,
+    const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags) {
+  setMetaData(name, unit, description);
+  pdata->tags = tags;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setAppAccessorPointer(ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessor) {
-    assert(getType() == NodeType::Application);
-    pdata->appNode = accessor;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::addTag(const std::string &tag) {
+  pdata->tags.insert(tag);
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  EntityOwner* VariableNetworkNode::getOwningModule() const {
-    return pdata->owningModule;
-  }
+const std::unordered_set<std::string> &VariableNetworkNode::getTags() const {
+  return pdata->tags;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setOwningModule(EntityOwner *newOwner) const {
-    pdata->owningModule = newOwner;
-  }
+void VariableNetworkNode::setAppAccessorPointer(
+    ChimeraTK::TransferElementAbstractor *accessor) {
+  assert(getType() == NodeType::Application);
+  pdata->appNode = accessor;
-  /*********************************************************************************************************************/
-  void VariableNetworkNode::setPublicName(const std::string& name) const {
-    pdata->publicName = name;
-  }
+EntityOwner *VariableNetworkNode::getOwningModule() const {
+  return pdata->owningModule;
+void VariableNetworkNode::setOwningModule(EntityOwner *newOwner) const {
+  pdata->owningModule = newOwner;
+void VariableNetworkNode::setPublicName(const std::string &name) const {
+  pdata->publicName = name;
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8cbaca9b..e595f2b8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -4,43 +4,54 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor(std::ostream &stream, const std::string& separator)
-    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode> ()
-    , PushableStream(stream)
-    , _separator(separator) {}
-void VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode& t) {
-    if(t.getType() == NodeType::Application) stream() << " type = Application ('" << t.getQualifiedName() << "')";
-    if(t.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem) stream() << " type = ControlSystem ('" << t.getPublicName() << "')";
-    if(t.getType() == NodeType::Device) stream() << " type = Device (" << t.getDeviceAlias() << ": " << t.getRegisterName() << ")";
-    if(t.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver) stream() << " type = TriggerReceiver";
-    if(t.getType() == NodeType::Constant) stream() << " type = Constant";
-    if(t.getType() == NodeType::invalid) stream() << " type = **invalid**";
-    if(t.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) stream() << _separator << "pushing";
-    if(t.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) stream() << _separator << "polling";
-    if(t.getDirection().withReturn) stream() << _separator << "with return";
-    stream() << _separator;
-    stream() << "data type: " << boost::core::demangle(t.getValueType().name());
-    stream() << _separator;
-    stream() << "length: " << t.getNumberOfElements();
-    stream() << _separator;
-    stream() << "[ptr: " << &(*(t.pdata)) << "]";
-    stream() << _separator;
-    stream() << "tags: [";
-    bool first = true;
-    for(auto &tag : t.getTags()) {
-      if (!first) stream() << ",";
-      stream() << tag;
-      first = false;
-    }
-    stream() << "]";
-    stream() << _separator;
-    stream() << std::endl;
+    std::ostream &stream, const std::string &separator)
+    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode>(), PushableStream(stream),
+      _separator(separator) {}
+void VariableNetworkNodeDumpingVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &t) {
+  if (t.getType() == NodeType::Application)
+    stream() << " type = Application ('" << t.getQualifiedName() << "')";
+  if (t.getType() == NodeType::ControlSystem)
+    stream() << " type = ControlSystem ('" << t.getPublicName() << "')";
+  if (t.getType() == NodeType::Device)
+    stream() << " type = Device (" << t.getDeviceAlias() << ": "
+             << t.getRegisterName() << ")";
+  if (t.getType() == NodeType::TriggerReceiver)
+    stream() << " type = TriggerReceiver";
+  if (t.getType() == NodeType::Constant)
+    stream() << " type = Constant";
+  if (t.getType() == NodeType::invalid)
+    stream() << " type = **invalid**";
+  if (t.getMode() == UpdateMode::push)
+    stream() << _separator << "pushing";
+  if (t.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll)
+    stream() << _separator << "polling";
+  if (t.getDirection().withReturn)
+    stream() << _separator << "with return";
+  stream() << _separator;
+  stream() << "data type: " << boost::core::demangle(t.getValueType().name());
+  stream() << _separator;
+  stream() << "length: " << t.getNumberOfElements();
+  stream() << _separator;
+  stream() << "[ptr: " << &(*(t.pdata)) << "]";
+  stream() << _separator;
+  stream() << "tags: [";
+  bool first = true;
+  for (auto &tag : t.getTags()) {
+    if (!first)
+      stream() << ",";
+    stream() << tag;
+    first = false;
+  }
+  stream() << "]";
+  stream() << _separator;
+  stream() << std::endl;
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2e98d20b..a3af2c3e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  template<typename T>
-  void VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator<T>::doPostRead() {
-    NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<T,T>::doPostRead();
-    _owner->setCurrentVersionNumber(this->getVersionNumber());
-  }
+template <typename T>
+void VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator<T>::doPostRead() {
+  NDRegisterAccessorDecorator<T, T>::doPostRead();
+  _owner->setCurrentVersionNumber(this->getVersionNumber());
-INSTANTIATE_TEMPLATE_FOR_CHIMERATK_USER_TYPES( ChimeraTK::VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator );
+} // namespace ChimeraTK
+    ChimeraTK::VersionNumberUpdatingRegisterDecorator);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a608bdc2..c54c28b7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -8,137 +8,146 @@
 #include <ChimeraTK/TransferElement.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "VirtualModule.h"
 #include "Module.h"
+#include "VirtualModule.h"
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-  VirtualModule::VirtualModule(const VirtualModule &other)
-  : Module(nullptr, other.getName(), other.getDescription()) {
-    // since moduleList stores plain pointers, we need to regenerate this list
-    /// @todo find a better way than storing plain pointers!
-    for(auto &mod : other.submodules) addSubModule(mod);
-    accessorList = other.accessorList;
-    _eliminateHierarchy = other._eliminateHierarchy;
-    _moduleType = other.getModuleType();
-  }
+VirtualModule::VirtualModule(const VirtualModule &other)
+    : Module(nullptr, other.getName(), other.getDescription()) {
+  // since moduleList stores plain pointers, we need to regenerate this list
+  /// @todo find a better way than storing plain pointers!
+  for (auto &mod : other.submodules)
+    addSubModule(mod);
+  accessorList = other.accessorList;
+  _eliminateHierarchy = other._eliminateHierarchy;
+  _moduleType = other.getModuleType();
-  VirtualModule::~VirtualModule() {
-  }
+VirtualModule::~VirtualModule() {}
-  VirtualModule& VirtualModule::operator=(const VirtualModule &other) {
-    // move-assign a plain new module
-    Module::operator=(VirtualModule(other.getName(), other.getDescription(), other.getModuleType()));
-    // since moduleList stores plain pointers, we need to regenerate this list
-    /// @todo find a better way than storing plain pointers!
-    for(auto &mod : other.submodules) addSubModule(mod);
-    accessorList = other.accessorList;
-    _eliminateHierarchy = other._eliminateHierarchy;
-    return *this;
-  }
+VirtualModule &VirtualModule::operator=(const VirtualModule &other) {
+  // move-assign a plain new module
+  Module::operator=(VirtualModule(other.getName(), other.getDescription(),
+                                  other.getModuleType()));
+  // since moduleList stores plain pointers, we need to regenerate this list
+  /// @todo find a better way than storing plain pointers!
+  for (auto &mod : other.submodules)
+    addSubModule(mod);
+  accessorList = other.accessorList;
+  _eliminateHierarchy = other._eliminateHierarchy;
+  return *this;
-  VariableNetworkNode VirtualModule::operator()(const std::string& variableName) const {
-    for(auto variable : getAccessorList()) {
-      if(variable.getName() == variableName) return VariableNetworkNode(variable);
-    }
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Variable '"+variableName+"' is not part of the variable group '"+_name+"'.");
+VariableNetworkNode VirtualModule::
+operator()(const std::string &variableName) const {
+  for (auto variable : getAccessorList()) {
+    if (variable.getName() == variableName)
+      return VariableNetworkNode(variable);
+  throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Variable '" + variableName +
+                               "' is not part of the variable group '" + _name +
+                               "'.");
-  Module& VirtualModule::operator[](const std::string& moduleName) const {
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      if(submodule->getName() == moduleName) return *submodule;
-    }
-    throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Sub-module '"+moduleName+"' is not part of the variable group '"+_name+"'.");
+Module &VirtualModule::operator[](const std::string &moduleName) const {
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    if (submodule->getName() == moduleName)
+      return *submodule;
+  throw ChimeraTK::logic_error("Sub-module '" + moduleName +
+                               "' is not part of the variable group '" + _name +
+                               "'.");
-  void VirtualModule::connectTo(const Module &target, VariableNetworkNode trigger) const {
-    // connect all direct variables of this module to their counter-parts in the right-hand-side module
-    for(auto variable : getAccessorList()) {
-      if(variable.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
-        // use trigger?
-        if(trigger != VariableNetworkNode() && target(variable.getName()).getMode() == UpdateMode::push
-                                            && variable.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll ) {
-          variable [ trigger ] >> target(variable.getName());
-        }
-        else {
-          variable >> target(variable.getName());
-        }
+void VirtualModule::connectTo(const Module &target,
+                              VariableNetworkNode trigger) const {
+  // connect all direct variables of this module to their counter-parts in the
+  // right-hand-side module
+  for (auto variable : getAccessorList()) {
+    if (variable.getDirection().dir == VariableDirection::feeding) {
+      // use trigger?
+      if (trigger != VariableNetworkNode() &&
+          target(variable.getName()).getMode() == UpdateMode::push &&
+          variable.getMode() == UpdateMode::poll) {
+        variable[trigger] >> target(variable.getName());
+      } else {
+        variable >> target(variable.getName());
-      else {
-        // use trigger?
-        if(trigger != VariableNetworkNode() && target(variable.getName()).getMode() == UpdateMode::poll
-                                            && variable.getMode() == UpdateMode::push ) {
-          target(variable.getName()) [ trigger ] >> variable;
-        }
-        else {
-          target(variable.getName()) >> variable;
-        }
+    } else {
+      // use trigger?
+      if (trigger != VariableNetworkNode() &&
+          target(variable.getName()).getMode() == UpdateMode::poll &&
+          variable.getMode() == UpdateMode::push) {
+        target(variable.getName())[trigger] >> variable;
+      } else {
+        target(variable.getName()) >> variable;
+  }
-    // connect all sub-modules to their couter-parts in the right-hand-side module
-    for(auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
-      submodule->connectTo(target[submodule->getName()], trigger);
-    }
+  // connect all sub-modules to their couter-parts in the right-hand-side module
+  for (auto submodule : getSubmoduleList()) {
+    submodule->connectTo(target[submodule->getName()], trigger);
-  void VirtualModule::addAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
-    accessorList.push_back(accessor);
-  }
+void VirtualModule::addAccessor(VariableNetworkNode accessor) {
+  accessorList.push_back(accessor);
-  void VirtualModule::addSubModule(VirtualModule module) {
-    submodules.push_back(module);
-    registerModule(&(submodules.back()));
-  }
+void VirtualModule::addSubModule(VirtualModule module) {
+  submodules.push_back(module);
+  registerModule(&(submodules.back()));
-  const Module& VirtualModule::virtualise() const {
-    return *this;
-  }
+const Module &VirtualModule::virtualise() const { return *this; }
-  VirtualModule& VirtualModule::createAndGetSubmodule(const RegisterPath& moduleName) {
-    for(auto &sm : submodules) {
-      if(moduleName == sm.getName()) return sm;
-    }
-    addSubModule(VirtualModule(std::string(moduleName).substr(1), getDescription(), getModuleType()));
-    return submodules.back();
+VirtualModule &
+VirtualModule::createAndGetSubmodule(const RegisterPath &moduleName) {
+  for (auto &sm : submodules) {
+    if (moduleName == sm.getName())
+      return sm;
+  addSubModule(VirtualModule(std::string(moduleName).substr(1),
+                             getDescription(), getModuleType()));
+  return submodules.back();
-  VirtualModule& VirtualModule::createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(const RegisterPath& moduleName) {
-    auto slash = std::string(moduleName).find_first_of("/",1);
-    if(slash == std::string::npos) {
-      return createAndGetSubmodule(moduleName);
-    }
-    else {
-      auto firstSubmodule = std::string(moduleName).substr(0,slash);
-      auto remainingSubmodules = std::string(moduleName).substr(slash+1);
-      return createAndGetSubmodule(firstSubmodule).createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(remainingSubmodules);
-    }
+VirtualModule &
+VirtualModule::createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(const RegisterPath &moduleName) {
+  auto slash = std::string(moduleName).find_first_of("/", 1);
+  if (slash == std::string::npos) {
+    return createAndGetSubmodule(moduleName);
+  } else {
+    auto firstSubmodule = std::string(moduleName).substr(0, slash);
+    auto remainingSubmodules = std::string(moduleName).substr(slash + 1);
+    return createAndGetSubmodule(firstSubmodule)
+        .createAndGetSubmoduleRecursive(remainingSubmodules);
 } /* namespace ChimeraTK */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 98c4ddcc..f8e621d7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -6,17 +6,18 @@ namespace ChimeraTK {
 namespace detail {
 std::string encodeDotNodeName(std::string name) {
-    std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), ':', 'c'); // colon
-    std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '/', 's'); // slash
-    std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '.', 'd'); // dot
-    std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), ' ', '_'); // Generic space replacer
-    std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '*', 'a'); // asterisk
+  std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), ':', 'c'); // colon
+  std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '/', 's'); // slash
+  std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '.', 'd'); // dot
+  std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), ' ', '_'); // Generic space replacer
+  std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '*', 'a'); // asterisk
-    return name;
+  return name;
-std::string nodeName(const VariableNetworkNode& node) {
-    return node.getQualifiedName().empty() ? node.getName() : node.getQualifiedName();
+std::string nodeName(const VariableNetworkNode &node) {
+  return node.getQualifiedName().empty() ? node.getName()
+                                         : node.getQualifiedName();
 } // namespace detail
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 359e6547..fb4081a2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -10,113 +10,127 @@
 namespace ChimeraTK {
-    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::Application, ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode>()
-    , _doc(std::make_shared<xmlpp::Document>())
-    , _rootElement(_doc->create_root_node("application", ""))
+    : Visitor<ChimeraTK::Application, ChimeraTK::VariableNetworkNode>(),
+      _doc(std::make_shared<xmlpp::Document>()),
+      _rootElement(_doc->create_root_node(
+          "application", "")) {}
 void XMLGeneratorVisitor::save(const std::string &fileName) {
-    _doc->write_to_file_formatted(fileName);
+  _doc->write_to_file_formatted(fileName);
-void XMLGeneratorVisitor::dispatch(const Application& app) {
-    _rootElement->set_attribute("name", app.getName());
-    for (auto &network : app.networkList) {
-        network.check();
+void XMLGeneratorVisitor::dispatch(const Application &app) {
+  _rootElement->set_attribute("name", app.getName());
+  for (auto &network : app.networkList) {
+    network.check();
-        auto feeder = network.getFeedingNode();
-        feeder.accept(*this);
+    auto feeder = network.getFeedingNode();
+    feeder.accept(*this);
-        for (auto &consumer : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
-            consumer.accept(*this);
-        }
+    for (auto &consumer : network.getConsumingNodes()) {
+      consumer.accept(*this);
+  }
 void XMLGeneratorVisitor::dispatch(const VariableNetworkNode &node) {
-    if(node.getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem) return;
-    // Create the directory for the path name in the XML document with all parent directories, if not yet existing:
-    // First split the publication name into components and loop over each component. For each component, try to find
-    // the directory node and create it it does not exist. After the loop, the "current" will point to the Element
-    // representing the directory.
-    // strip the variable name from the path
-    ChimeraTK::RegisterPath directory(node.getPublicName());
-    directory--;
-    // the namespace map is needed to properly refer to elements with an xpath expression in xmlpp::Element::find()
-    /// @todo TODO move this somewhere else, or at least take the namespace URI from a common place!
-    xmlpp::Node::PrefixNsMap nsMap{{"ac", ""}};
-    // go through each directory path component
-    xmlpp::Element *current = _rootElement;
-    for(auto pathComponent : directory.getComponents()) {
-      // find directory for this path component in the current directory
-      std::string xpath = std::string("ac:directory[@name='")+pathComponent+std::string("']");
-      auto list = current->find(xpath, nsMap);
-      if(list.size() == 0) {  // not found: create it
-        xmlpp::Element *newChild = current->add_child("directory");
-        newChild->set_attribute("name",pathComponent);
-        current = newChild;
-      }
-      else {
-        assert(list.size() == 1);
-        current = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(list[0]);
-        assert(current != nullptr);
-      }
+  if (node.getType() != NodeType::ControlSystem)
+    return;
+  // Create the directory for the path name in the XML document with all parent
+  // directories, if not yet existing: First split the publication name into
+  // components and loop over each component. For each component, try to find
+  // the directory node and create it it does not exist. After the loop, the
+  // "current" will point to the Element representing the directory.
+  // strip the variable name from the path
+  ChimeraTK::RegisterPath directory(node.getPublicName());
+  directory--;
+  // the namespace map is needed to properly refer to elements with an xpath
+  // expression in xmlpp::Element::find()
+  /// @todo TODO move this somewhere else, or at least take the namespace URI
+  /// from a common place!
+  xmlpp::Node::PrefixNsMap nsMap{
+      {"ac", ""}};
+  // go through each directory path component
+  xmlpp::Element *current = _rootElement;
+  for (auto pathComponent : directory.getComponents()) {
+    // find directory for this path component in the current directory
+    std::string xpath =
+        std::string("ac:directory[@name='") + pathComponent + std::string("']");
+    auto list = current->find(xpath, nsMap);
+    if (list.size() == 0) { // not found: create it
+      xmlpp::Element *newChild = current->add_child("directory");
+      newChild->set_attribute("name", pathComponent);
+      current = newChild;
+    } else {
+      assert(list.size() == 1);
+      current = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element *>(list[0]);
+      assert(current != nullptr);
-    // now add the variable to the directory
-    xmlpp::Element *variable = current->add_child("variable");
-    ChimeraTK::RegisterPath pathName(node.getPublicName());
-    auto pathComponents = pathName.getComponents();
-    // set the name attribute
-    variable->set_attribute("name",pathComponents[pathComponents.size()-1]);
-    // add sub-element containing the data type
-    std::string dataTypeName{"unknown"};
-    auto &owner = node.getOwner();
-    auto &type = owner.getValueType();
-    if(type == typeid(int8_t)) { dataTypeName = "int8"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(uint8_t)) { dataTypeName = "uint8"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(int16_t)) { dataTypeName = "int16"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(uint16_t)) { dataTypeName = "uint16"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(int32_t)) { dataTypeName = "int32"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(uint32_t)) { dataTypeName = "uint32"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(float)) { dataTypeName = "float"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(double)) { dataTypeName = "double"; }
-    else if(type == typeid(std::string)) { dataTypeName = "string"; }
-    xmlpp::Element *valueTypeElement = variable->add_child("value_type");
-    valueTypeElement->set_child_text(dataTypeName);
-    // add sub-element containing the data flow direction
-    std::string dataFlowName{"application_to_control_system"};
-    if(owner.getFeedingNode() == node) {
+  }
+  // now add the variable to the directory
+  xmlpp::Element *variable = current->add_child("variable");
+  ChimeraTK::RegisterPath pathName(node.getPublicName());
+  auto pathComponents = pathName.getComponents();
+  // set the name attribute
+  variable->set_attribute("name", pathComponents[pathComponents.size() - 1]);
+  // add sub-element containing the data type
+  std::string dataTypeName{"unknown"};
+  auto &owner = node.getOwner();
+  auto &type = owner.getValueType();
+  if (type == typeid(int8_t)) {
+    dataTypeName = "int8";
+  } else if (type == typeid(uint8_t)) {
+    dataTypeName = "uint8";
+  } else if (type == typeid(int16_t)) {
+    dataTypeName = "int16";
+  } else if (type == typeid(uint16_t)) {
+    dataTypeName = "uint16";
+  } else if (type == typeid(int32_t)) {
+    dataTypeName = "int32";
+  } else if (type == typeid(uint32_t)) {
+    dataTypeName = "uint32";
+  } else if (type == typeid(float)) {
+    dataTypeName = "float";
+  } else if (type == typeid(double)) {
+    dataTypeName = "double";
+  } else if (type == typeid(std::string)) {
+    dataTypeName = "string";
+  }
+  xmlpp::Element *valueTypeElement = variable->add_child("value_type");
+  valueTypeElement->set_child_text(dataTypeName);
+  // add sub-element containing the data flow direction
+  std::string dataFlowName{"application_to_control_system"};
+  if (owner.getFeedingNode() == node) {
+    dataFlowName = "control_system_to_application";
+    if (!owner.getFeedingNode().getDirection().withReturn) {
       dataFlowName = "control_system_to_application";
-      if(!owner.getFeedingNode().getDirection().withReturn) {
-        dataFlowName = "control_system_to_application";
-      }
-      else {
-        dataFlowName = "control_system_to_application_with_return";
-      }
+    } else {
+      dataFlowName = "control_system_to_application_with_return";
-    xmlpp::Element *directionElement = variable->add_child("direction");
-    directionElement->set_child_text(dataFlowName);
-    // add sub-element containing the engineering unit
-    xmlpp::Element *unitElement = variable->add_child("unit");
-    unitElement->set_child_text(owner.getUnit());
-    // add sub-element containing the description
-    xmlpp::Element *descriptionElement = variable->add_child("description");
-    descriptionElement->set_child_text(owner.getDescription());
-    // add sub-element containing the description
-    xmlpp::Element *nElementsElement = variable->add_child("numberOfElements");
-    nElementsElement->set_child_text(std::to_string(owner.getFeedingNode().getNumberOfElements()));
+  }
+  xmlpp::Element *directionElement = variable->add_child("direction");
+  directionElement->set_child_text(dataFlowName);
+  // add sub-element containing the engineering unit
+  xmlpp::Element *unitElement = variable->add_child("unit");
+  unitElement->set_child_text(owner.getUnit());
+  // add sub-element containing the description
+  xmlpp::Element *descriptionElement = variable->add_child("description");
+  descriptionElement->set_child_text(owner.getDescription());
+  // add sub-element containing the description
+  xmlpp::Element *nElementsElement = variable->add_child("numberOfElements");
+  nElementsElement->set_child_text(
+      std::to_string(owner.getFeedingNode().getNumberOfElements()));
 } // namespace ChimeraTK
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 9ecb9228..8962ff6c 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -9,79 +9,88 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testAppModuleConnections
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
-#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
+#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
 /* the ApplicationModule for the test is a template of the user type */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingPush{this, "feedingPush", "MV/m", "Some output scalar"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ArrayPollInput<T> consumingPollArray{this, "consumingPollArray", "m", 10, "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ArrayPushInput<T> consumingPushArray{this, "consumingPushArray", "m", 10, "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<T> feedingArray{this, "feedingArray", "m", 10, "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<T> feedingPseudoArray{this, "feedingPseudoArray", "m", 1, "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> lateConstrScalarPollInput;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> lateConstrScalarPushInput;
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> lateConstrScalarOutput;
-    ctk::ArrayPollInput<T> lateConstrArrayPollInput;
-    ctk::ArrayPushInput<T> lateConstrArrayPushInput;
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<T> lateConstrArrayOutput;
-    void mainLoop() {}
+template <typename T> struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingPush{this, "feedingPush", "MV/m",
+                                   "Some output scalar"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m",
+                                        "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m",
+                                        "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ArrayPollInput<T> consumingPollArray{this, "consumingPollArray", "m", 10,
+                                            "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ArrayPushInput<T> consumingPushArray{this, "consumingPushArray", "m", 10,
+                                            "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<T> feedingArray{this, "feedingArray", "m", 10, "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<T> feedingPseudoArray{this, "feedingPseudoArray", "m", 1,
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> lateConstrScalarPollInput;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> lateConstrScalarPushInput;
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> lateConstrScalarOutput;
+  ctk::ArrayPollInput<T> lateConstrArrayPollInput;
+  ctk::ArrayPushInput<T> lateConstrArrayPushInput;
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<T> lateConstrArrayOutput;
+  void mainLoop() {}
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule<T> testModule{this,"testModule", "The test module"};
+  TestModule<T> testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
 /* test case for two scalar accessors in push mode */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*** testTwoScalarPushAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTwoScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "*** testTwoScalarPushAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -97,9 +106,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {;
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
-  // launch read() on the consumer asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive anything
-  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async, [&app]{; });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  // launch read() on the consumer asynchronously and make sure it does not yet
+  // receive anything
+  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async,
+                            [&app] {; });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
@@ -108,16 +120,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
   // check that the consumer now receives the just written value
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 120);
-/* test case for four scalar accessors in push mode: one feeder and three consumers */
+/* test case for four scalar accessors in push mode: one feeder and three
+ * consumers */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFourScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*** testFourScalarPushAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testFourScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "*** testFourScalarPushAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -149,19 +163,26 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFourScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 3);;
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
-  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 ==42);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 42);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 42);
-  // launch read() on the consumers asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive anything
-  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async, [&app]{; });
-  auto futRead2 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&app]{; });
-  auto futRead3 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&app]{; });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::timeout);
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  // launch read() on the consumers asynchronously and make sure it does not yet
+  // receive anything
+  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async,
+                            [&app] {; });
+  auto futRead2 = std::async(std::launch::async,
+                             [&app] {; });
+  auto futRead3 = std::async(std::launch::async,
+                             [&app] {; });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
-  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 ==42);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 42);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 42);
   // write to the feeder
@@ -169,20 +190,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFourScalarPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
   // check that the consumers now receive the just written value
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush == 120 );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 120 );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 120);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 120);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 120);
-/* test case for two scalar accessors, feeder in push mode and consumer in poll mode */
+/* test case for two scalar accessors, feeder in push mode and consumer in poll
+ * mode */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPushPollAccessors, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*** testTwoScalarPushPollAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTwoScalarPushPollAccessors, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "*** testTwoScalarPushPollAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -206,19 +231,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPushPollAccessors, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 42);;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);
 /* test case for two array accessors in push mode */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoArrayAccessors, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*** testTwoArrayAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTwoArrayAccessors, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "*** testTwoArrayAccessors<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -229,54 +254,74 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoArrayAccessors, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray.getNElements() == 10);
   // single theaded test
-  for(auto &val : app.testModule.consumingPushArray) val = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) app.testModule.feedingArray[i] = 99+(T)i;
-  for(auto &val : app.testModule.consumingPushArray) BOOST_CHECK(val == 0);
+  for (auto &val : app.testModule.consumingPushArray)
+    val = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    app.testModule.feedingArray[i] = 99 + (T)i;
+  for (auto &val : app.testModule.consumingPushArray)
+    BOOST_CHECK(val == 0);
-  for(auto &val : app.testModule.consumingPushArray) BOOST_CHECK(val == 0);
+  for (auto &val : app.testModule.consumingPushArray)
+    BOOST_CHECK(val == 0);;
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray[i] == 99+(T)i);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray[i] == 99 + (T)i);
-  // launch read() on the consumer asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive anything
-  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async, [&app]{; });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  // launch read() on the consumer asynchronously and make sure it does not yet
+  // receive anything
+  auto futRead = std::async(
+      std::launch::async, [&app] {; });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray[i] == 99+(T)i);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray[i] == 99 + (T)i);
   // write to the feeder
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) app.testModule.feedingArray[i] = 42-(T)i;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    app.testModule.feedingArray[i] = 42 - (T)i;
   // check that the consumer now receives the just written value
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray[i] == 42-(T)i);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPushArray[i] == 42 - (T)i);
 /* test case for late constructing accessors */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testLateConstruction, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*** testLateConstruction<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testLateConstruction, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "*** testLateConstruction<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
   // create the scalars
-  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPollInput.replace( ctk::ScalarPollInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName1", "", "") );
-  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPushInput.replace( ctk::ScalarPushInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName2", "", "") );
-  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarOutput.replace( ctk::ScalarOutput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName3", "", "") );
+  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPollInput.replace(
+      ctk::ScalarPollInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName1", "", ""));
+  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPushInput.replace(
+      ctk::ScalarPushInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName2", "", ""));
+  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarOutput.replace(
+      ctk::ScalarOutput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName3", "", ""));
   // connect the scalars
-  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarOutput >> app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPollInput;
+  app.testModule.lateConstrScalarOutput >>
+      app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPollInput;
   app.testModule.feedingPush >> app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPushInput;
   // create the arrays
-  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput.replace( ctk::ArrayPollInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName4", "", 10, "") );
-  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput.replace( ctk::ArrayPushInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName5", "", 10, "") );
-  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayOutput.replace( ctk::ArrayOutput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName6", "", 10, "") );
+  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput.replace(
+      ctk::ArrayPollInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName4", "", 10, ""));
+  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput.replace(
+      ctk::ArrayPushInput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName5", "", 10, ""));
+  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayOutput.replace(
+      ctk::ArrayOutput<T>(&app.testModule, "LateName6", "", 10, ""));
   // connect the arrays
-  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayOutput >> app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput;
+  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayOutput >>
+      app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput;
   app.testModule.feedingArray >> app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput;
   // run the app
@@ -302,29 +347,32 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testLateConstruction, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrScalarPollInput == 120);
   // test the arrays
-  app.testModule.feedingArray = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
+  app.testModule.feedingArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
-  for(T i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput[i] == i+1);
+  for (T i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput[i] == i + 1);
-  app.testModule.feedingArray = {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};
+  app.testModule.feedingArray = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
-  for(T i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput[i] == (i+1)*10);
+  for (T i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPushInput[i] == (i + 1) * 10);
-  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayOutput = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
+  app.testModule.lateConstrArrayOutput = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
-  for(T i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput[i] == i);
+  for (T i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput[i] == i);;
-  for(T i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput[i] == i);
+  for (T i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.lateConstrArrayPollInput[i] == i);
 /* test case for connecting array of length 1 with scalar */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testPseudoArray, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testPseudoArray, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "*** testPseudoArray<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -339,6 +387,5 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testPseudoArray, T, test_types ) {
   app.testModule.feedingPseudoArray[0] = 33;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush == 33 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 33);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 641aed9f..79416386 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <future>
 #include <chrono>
+#include <future>
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testApplication
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <libxml++/libxml++.h>
@@ -30,135 +30,188 @@ namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 /* Application without name */
 struct TestApp : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApp(const std::string &name) : ctk::Application(name) {}
-    ~TestApp() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {
-      multiplierD.output >> csmod("myVarD");
-      csmod["mySubModule"]("myVarSIn") >> pipe.input;
-      pipe.output >> csmod["mySubModule"]("myVarSOut");
-      csmod("myVarU16") >> multiplierU16.input;
-    }
-    ctk::ConstMultiplier<double> multiplierD{this, "multiplierD", "Some module", 42};
-    ctk::ScalarPipe<std::string> pipe{this, "pipe", "unit", "Some pipe module"};
-    ctk::ConstMultiplier<uint16_t,uint16_t, 120> multiplierU16{this, "multiplierU16", "Some other module", 42};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule csmod;
+  TestApp(const std::string &name) : ctk::Application(name) {}
+  ~TestApp() { shutdown(); }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {
+    multiplierD.output >> csmod("myVarD");
+    csmod["mySubModule"]("myVarSIn") >> pipe.input;
+    pipe.output >> csmod["mySubModule"]("myVarSOut");
+    csmod("myVarU16") >> multiplierU16.input;
+  }
+  ctk::ConstMultiplier<double> multiplierD{this, "multiplierD", "Some module",
+                                           42};
+  ctk::ScalarPipe<std::string> pipe{this, "pipe", "unit", "Some pipe module"};
+  ctk::ConstMultiplier<uint16_t, uint16_t, 120> multiplierU16{
+      this, "multiplierU16", "Some other module", 42};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule csmod;
-/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an app variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testApplicationExceptions ) {
-    std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "==> testApplicationExceptions" << std::endl;
-    // zero length name forbidden
-    try {
-      TestApp app("");
-      BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
-    }
-    // names with spaces and special characters are forbidden
-    try {
-      TestApp app("With space");
-      BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
-    }
-    try {
-      TestApp app("WithExclamationMark!");
-      BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
-    }
-    // all allowed characters in the name
-    {
-      TestApp app("AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz_1234567890");
-    }
-    // repeated characters are allowed
-    {
-      TestApp app("AAAAAAA");
-    }
-    // Two apps at the same time are not allowed
-    TestApp app1("FirstInstance");
-    try {
-      TestApp app2("SecondInstance");
-      BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
-    }
+/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an
+ * app variable */
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testApplicationExceptions) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testApplicationExceptions" << std::endl;
+  // zero length name forbidden
+  try {
+    TestApp app("");
+    BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
+  }
+  // names with spaces and special characters are forbidden
+  try {
+    TestApp app("With space");
+    BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
+  }
+  try {
+    TestApp app("WithExclamationMark!");
+    BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
+  }
+  // all allowed characters in the name
+  {
+    TestApp app(
+        "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz_1234567890");
+  }
+  // repeated characters are allowed
+  { TestApp app("AAAAAAA"); }
+  // Two apps at the same time are not allowed
+  TestApp app1("FirstInstance");
+  try {
+    TestApp app2("SecondInstance");
+    BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
+  }
 // Helper function for testXmlGeneration:
 // Obtain a value from an XML node
-std::string getValueFromNode(const xmlpp::Node *node, const std::string &subnodeName) {
-    xmlpp::Node *theChild = nullptr;
-    for(const auto& child : node->get_children()) {
-      if(child->get_name() == subnodeName) theChild = child;
-    }
-    BOOST_REQUIRE(theChild != nullptr);               // requested child tag is there
-    auto subChildList = theChild->get_children();
-    if(subChildList.size() == 0) {                    // special case: no text in the tag -> return empty string
-      return "";
-    }
-    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(subChildList.size(), 1);      // child tag contains only text (no further sub-tags)
-    const xmlpp::TextNode *textNode = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::TextNode*>(subChildList.front());
-    BOOST_REQUIRE(textNode != nullptr);
-    return textNode->get_content();
+std::string getValueFromNode(const xmlpp::Node *node,
+                             const std::string &subnodeName) {
+  xmlpp::Node *theChild = nullptr;
+  for (const auto &child : node->get_children()) {
+    if (child->get_name() == subnodeName)
+      theChild = child;
+  }
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(theChild != nullptr); // requested child tag is there
+  auto subChildList = theChild->get_children();
+  if (subChildList.size() ==
+      0) { // special case: no text in the tag -> return empty string
+    return "";
+  }
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(subChildList.size(),
+                      1); // child tag contains only text (no further sub-tags)
+  const xmlpp::TextNode *textNode =
+      dynamic_cast<xmlpp::TextNode *>(subChildList.front());
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(textNode != nullptr);
+  return textNode->get_content();
 /* test creation of XML file describing the variable tree */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testXmlGeneration ) {
-    std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "==> testXmlGeneration" << std::endl;
-    // delete XML file if already existing
-    boost::filesystem::remove("TestAppInstance.xml");
-    // create app which exports some properties and generate its XML file
-    TestApp app("TestAppInstance");
-    app.generateXML();
-    // validate the XML file
-    xmlpp::XsdValidator validator("application.xsd");
-    validator.validate("TestAppInstance.xml");
-    // parse XML file
-    xmlpp::DomParser parser;
-    try {
-      parser.parse_file("TestAppInstance.xml");
-    }
-    catch(xmlpp::exception &e) {
-      throw std::runtime_error(std::string("ConfigReader: Error opening the config file 'TestAppInstance.xml': ")+e.what());
-    }
-    // get root element
-    const auto root = parser.get_document()->get_root_node();
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(root->get_name(), "application");
-    // parsing loop
-    bool found_myVarD{false};
-    bool found_myVarSIn{false};
-    bool found_myVarSOut{false};
-    bool found_myVarU8{false};
-    for(const auto& child : root->get_children()) {
-      // cast into element, ignore if not an element (e.g. comment)
-      auto *element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(child);
-      if(!element) continue;
-      if(element->get_name() == "variable") {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testXmlGeneration) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testXmlGeneration" << std::endl;
+  // delete XML file if already existing
+  boost::filesystem::remove("TestAppInstance.xml");
+  // create app which exports some properties and generate its XML file
+  TestApp app("TestAppInstance");
+  app.generateXML();
+  // validate the XML file
+  xmlpp::XsdValidator validator("application.xsd");
+  validator.validate("TestAppInstance.xml");
+  // parse XML file
+  xmlpp::DomParser parser;
+  try {
+    parser.parse_file("TestAppInstance.xml");
+  } catch (xmlpp::exception &e) {
+    throw std::runtime_error(
+        std::string("ConfigReader: Error opening the config file "
+                    "'TestAppInstance.xml': ") +
+        e.what());
+  }
+  // get root element
+  const auto root = parser.get_document()->get_root_node();
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(root->get_name(), "application");
+  // parsing loop
+  bool found_myVarD{false};
+  bool found_myVarSIn{false};
+  bool found_myVarSOut{false};
+  bool found_myVarU8{false};
+  for (const auto &child : root->get_children()) {
+    // cast into element, ignore if not an element (e.g. comment)
+    auto *element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element *>(child);
+    if (!element)
+      continue;
+    if (element->get_name() == "variable") {
+      // obtain attributes from the element
+      auto xname = element->get_attribute("name");
+      BOOST_REQUIRE(xname != nullptr);
+      std::string name(xname->get_value());
+      // obtain values from sub-elements
+      std::string value_type = getValueFromNode(element, "value_type");
+      std::string direction = getValueFromNode(element, "direction");
+      std::string unit = getValueFromNode(element, "unit");
+      std::string description = getValueFromNode(element, "description");
+      std::string numberOfElements =
+          getValueFromNode(element, "numberOfElements");
+      // check if variables are described correctly
+      if (name == "myVarD") {
+        found_myVarD = true;
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "double");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "application_to_control_system");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some module");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "1");
+      } else if (name == "myVarU16") {
+        found_myVarU8 = true;
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "uint16");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "control_system_to_application");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some other module");
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "120");
+      } else {
+        BOOST_ERROR("Wrong variable name found.");
+      }
+    } else if (element->get_name() == "directory") {
+      auto xname = element->get_attribute("name");
+      BOOST_REQUIRE(xname != nullptr);
+      std::string name(xname->get_value());
+      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(name, "mySubModule");
+      for (const auto &subchild : child->get_children()) {
+        auto *element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element *>(subchild);
+        if (!element)
+          continue;
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(element->get_name(), "variable");
         // obtain attributes from the element
         auto xname = element->get_attribute("name");
@@ -170,83 +223,35 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testXmlGeneration ) {
         std::string direction = getValueFromNode(element, "direction");
         std::string unit = getValueFromNode(element, "unit");
         std::string description = getValueFromNode(element, "description");
-        std::string numberOfElements = getValueFromNode(element, "numberOfElements");
+        std::string numberOfElements =
+            getValueFromNode(element, "numberOfElements");
-        // check if variables are described correctly
-        if(name == "myVarD") {
-          found_myVarD = true;
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "double");
+        if (name == "myVarSIn") {
+          found_myVarSIn = true;
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "string");
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "control_system_to_application");
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "unit");
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some pipe module");
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "1");
+        } else if (name == "myVarSOut") {
+          found_myVarSOut = true;
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "string");
           BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "application_to_control_system");
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "");
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some module");
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "unit");
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some pipe module");
           BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "1");
-        }
-        else if(name == "myVarU16") {
-          found_myVarU8 = true;
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "uint16");
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "control_system_to_application");
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "");
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some other module");
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "120");
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
           BOOST_ERROR("Wrong variable name found.");
-      else if(element->get_name() == "directory") {
-        auto xname = element->get_attribute("name");
-        BOOST_REQUIRE(xname != nullptr);
-        std::string name(xname->get_value());
-        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(name, "mySubModule");
-        for(const auto& subchild : child->get_children()) {
-          auto *element = dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*>(subchild);
-          if(!element) continue;
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(element->get_name(), "variable");
-          // obtain attributes from the element
-          auto xname = element->get_attribute("name");
-          BOOST_REQUIRE(xname != nullptr);
-          std::string name(xname->get_value());
-          // obtain values from sub-elements
-          std::string value_type = getValueFromNode(element, "value_type");
-          std::string direction = getValueFromNode(element, "direction");
-          std::string unit = getValueFromNode(element, "unit");
-          std::string description = getValueFromNode(element, "description");
-          std::string numberOfElements = getValueFromNode(element, "numberOfElements");
-          if(name == "myVarSIn") {
-            found_myVarSIn = true;
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "string");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "control_system_to_application");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "unit");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some pipe module");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "1");
-          }
-          else if(name == "myVarSOut") {
-            found_myVarSOut = true;
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value_type, "string");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(direction, "application_to_control_system");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(unit, "unit");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(description, "Some pipe module");
-            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfElements, "1");
-          }
-          else {
-            BOOST_ERROR("Wrong variable name found.");
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        BOOST_ERROR("Wrong tag found.");
-      }
+    } else {
+      BOOST_ERROR("Wrong tag found.");
+  }
-    BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarD);
-    BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarSIn);
-    BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarSOut);
-    BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarU8);
+  BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarD);
+  BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarSIn);
+  BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarSOut);
+  BOOST_CHECK(found_myVarU8);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 8d35b54f..7eca6666 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testBidirectionalVariables
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
-#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
+#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "TestFacility.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
@@ -27,283 +27,295 @@ namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
-/* Module which converts the input data from inches to centimeters - and the other way round for the return channel.
- * In case of the return channel, the data is rounded downwards to integer inches and sent again forward. */
+/* Module which converts the input data from inches to centimeters - and the
+ * other way round for the return channel. In case of the return channel, the
+ * data is rounded downwards to integer inches and sent again forward. */
 struct ModuleA : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInputWB<int> var1{this, "var1", "inches", "A length, for some reason rounded to integer"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutputPushRB<double> var2{this, "var2", "centimeters", "Same length converted to centimeters"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      auto group = readAnyGroup();
-      while(true) {
-        auto var = group.readAny();
-        if(var == var2.getId()) {
-          var1 = std::floor(var2/2.54);
-          var1.write();
-        }
-        var2 = var1*2.54;
-        var2.write();
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInputWB<int> var1{
+      this, "var1", "inches", "A length, for some reason rounded to integer"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutputPushRB<double> var2{this, "var2", "centimeters",
+                                       "Same length converted to centimeters"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    auto group = readAnyGroup();
+    while (true) {
+      auto var = group.readAny();
+      if (var == var2.getId()) {
+        var1 = std::floor(var2 / 2.54);
+        var1.write();
+      var2 = var1 * 2.54;
+      var2.write();
+  }
 /* Module which limits a value to stay below a maximum value. */
 struct ModuleB : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInputWB<double> var2{this, "var2", "centimeters", "Some length, confined to a configuratble range"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> max{this, "max", "centimeters", "Maximum length"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<double> var3{this, "var3", "centimeters", "The limited length"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      auto group = readAnyGroup();
-      while(true) {
-        auto var = group.readAny();
-        bool write = var == var2.getId();
-        if(var2 > max) {
-          var2 = static_cast<double>(max);
-          var2.write();
-          write = true;
-        }
-        if(write) {   // write only if var2 was received or the value was changed due to a reduced limit
-          var3 = static_cast<double>(var2);
-          var3.write();
-        }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInputWB<double> var2{
+      this, "var2", "centimeters",
+      "Some length, confined to a configuratble range"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> max{this, "max", "centimeters",
+                                   "Maximum length"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<double> var3{this, "var3", "centimeters",
+                                 "The limited length"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    auto group = readAnyGroup();
+    while (true) {
+      auto var = group.readAny();
+      bool write = var == var2.getId();
+      if (var2 > max) {
+        var2 = static_cast<double>(max);
+        var2.write();
+        write = true;
+      }
+      if (write) { // write only if var2 was received or the value was changed
+                   // due to a reduced limit
+        var3 = static_cast<double>(var2);
+        var3.write();
+  }
 struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
-    ModuleA   a;
-    ModuleB   b;
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
+  ModuleA a;
+  ModuleB b;
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testDirectAppToCSConnections) {
-    ctk::ExperimentalFeatures::enable();
-    std::cout << "*** testDirectAppToCSConnections" << std::endl;
-    TestApplication app;
-    app.b = {&app,"b", ""};
-    app.b.connectTo(app.cs);
-    ctk::TestFacility test;
-    app.initialise();
-    auto var2 = test.getScalar<double>("var2");
-    auto var3 = test.getScalar<double>("var3");
-    auto max = test.getScalar<double>("max");
-    // set maximum in B
-    max = 49.5;
-    max.write();
-    test.stepApplication();
-    // inject value which does not get limited
-    var2 = 49;
-    var2.write();
-    test.stepApplication();
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    // inject value which gets limited
-    var2 = 50;
-    var2.write();
-    test.stepApplication();
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49.5, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49.5, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    // change the limit so the current value gets changed
-    max = 48.5;
-    max.write();
-    test.stepApplication();
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48.5, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48.5, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
+  ctk::ExperimentalFeatures::enable();
+  std::cout << "*** testDirectAppToCSConnections" << std::endl;
+  TestApplication app;
+  app.b = {&app, "b", ""};
+  app.b.connectTo(app.cs);
+  ctk::TestFacility test;
+  app.initialise();
+  auto var2 = test.getScalar<double>("var2");
+  auto var3 = test.getScalar<double>("var3");
+  auto max = test.getScalar<double>("max");
+  // set maximum in B
+  max = 49.5;
+  max.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  // inject value which does not get limited
+  var2 = 49;
+  var2.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  // inject value which gets limited
+  var2 = 50;
+  var2.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49.5, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49.5, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  // change the limit so the current value gets changed
+  max = 48.5;
+  max.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48.5, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48.5, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testRealisticExample) {
-    ctk::ExperimentalFeatures::enable();
-    std::cout << "*** testRealisticExample" << std::endl;
-    TestApplication app;
-    app.a = {&app,"a", ""};
-    app.b = {&app,"b", ""};
-    // the connections will result in a FeedingFanOut for var2, as it is connected to the control system as well
-    app.a.connectTo(app.cs);
-    app.b.connectTo(app.cs);
-    app.a.var1 >> app.cs("var1_copied");      // add a ThreadedFanOut with return channel as well...
-    ctk::TestFacility test;
-    app.initialise();
-    auto var1 = test.getScalar<int>("var1");
-    auto var1_copied = test.getScalar<int>("var1_copied");
-    auto var2 = test.getScalar<double>("var2");
-    auto var3 = test.getScalar<double>("var3");
-    auto max = test.getScalar<double>("max");
-    // set maximum in B, so that var1=49 is still below maximum but var2=50 is already above and rounding in
-    // ModuleB will change the value again
-    max = 49.5*2.54;
+  ctk::ExperimentalFeatures::enable();
+  std::cout << "*** testRealisticExample" << std::endl;
+  TestApplication app;
+  app.a = {&app, "a", ""};
+  app.b = {&app, "b", ""};
+  // the connections will result in a FeedingFanOut for var2, as it is connected
+  // to the control system as well
+  app.a.connectTo(app.cs);
+  app.b.connectTo(app.cs);
+  app.a.var1 >>
+      app.cs(
+          "var1_copied"); // add a ThreadedFanOut with return channel as well...
+  ctk::TestFacility test;
+  app.initialise();
+  auto var1 = test.getScalar<int>("var1");
+  auto var1_copied = test.getScalar<int>("var1_copied");
+  auto var2 = test.getScalar<double>("var2");
+  auto var3 = test.getScalar<double>("var3");
+  auto max = test.getScalar<double>("max");
+  // set maximum in B, so that var1=49 is still below maximum but var2=50 is
+  // already above and rounding in ModuleB will change the value again
+  max = 49.5 * 2.54;
+  max.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  // inject value which does not get limited
+  var1 = 49;
+  var1.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 49);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var1.readNonBlocking() ==
+              false); // nothing was sent through the return channel
+  BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  // inject value which gets limited
+  var1 = 50;
+  var1.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 49);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 50);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 49);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 50 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49.5 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49.5 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var1.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  // change the limit so the current value gets changed
+  max = 48.5 * 2.54;
+  max.write();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 48);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 48);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48.5 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48.5 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48 * 2.54, 0.001);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var1.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  // Run the following tests a couple of times, as they are testing for the
+  // absence of race conditions. This makes it more likely to find failures in a
+  // single run of the test
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+    // feed in some default values (so the tests can be executed multiple times
+    // in a row)
+    max = 48.5 * 2.54;
-    // inject value which does not get limited
-    var1 = 49;
+    var1 = 50;
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 49);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK( var1.readNonBlocking() == false );     // nothing was sent through the return channel
-    BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    // inject value which gets limited
-    var1 = 50;
+    var1.readLatest(); // emtpy the queues
+    var1_copied.readLatest();
+    var2.readLatest();
+    var3.readLatest();
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 48);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 48);
+    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48 * 2.54, 0.001);
+    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48 * 2.54, 0.001);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    // concurrent change of value and limit. Note: The final result must be
+    // deterministic, but which values are seen in between is subject to race
+    // conditions between the two concurrent updates. Thus we are using
+    // readLatest() in some cases here.
+    var1 = 30;
+    max = 25.5 * 2.54;
+    max.write();
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 49);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 50);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 25);;
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 49);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 50*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49.5*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 49*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49.5*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 49*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK( var1.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    // change the limit so the current value gets changed
-    max = 48.5*2.54;
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 30);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 25);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var2.readLatest() == true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 25 * 2.54, 0.001);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var3.readLatest() == true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 25 * 2.54, 0.001);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    // concurrent change of value and limit - other order than before
+    var1 = 15;
+    max = 20.5 * 2.54;
+    var1.write();
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 48);;
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 48);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48.5*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48.5*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48*2.54, 0.001);
-    BOOST_CHECK( var1.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    // Run the following tests a couple of times, as they are testing for the absence of race conditions. This makes
-    // it more likely to find failures in a single run of the test
-    for(size_t i=0; i<10; ++i) {
-      // feed in some default values (so the tests can be executed multiple times in a row)
-      max = 48.5*2.54;
-      max.write();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      var1 = 50;
-      var1.write();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      var1.readLatest();      // emtpy the queues
-      var1_copied.readLatest();
-      var2.readLatest();
-      var3.readLatest();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 48);
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 48);
-      BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 48*2.54, 0.001);
-      BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 48*2.54, 0.001);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      // concurrent change of value and limit. Note: The final result must be deterministic, but which values are seen
-      // in between is subject to race conditions between the two concurrent updates. Thus we are using readLatest() in
-      // some cases here.
-      var1 = 30;
-      max = 25.5*2.54;
-      var1.write();
-      max.write();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1), 25);
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 30);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == true );
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 25);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var2.readLatest() == true );
-      BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 25*2.54, 0.001);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var3.readLatest() == true );
-      BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 25*2.54, 0.001);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      // concurrent change of value and limit - other order than before
-      var1 = 15;
-      max = 20.5*2.54;
-      max.write();
-      var1.write();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 15);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var2.readLatest() == true );
-      BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 15*2.54, 0.001);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var3.readLatest() == true );
-      BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 15*2.54, 0.001);
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var1_copied.readLatest() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var2.readNonBlocking() == false );
-      BOOST_CHECK( var3.readNonBlocking() == false );
-    }
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(var1_copied), 15);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var2.readLatest() == true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var2), 15 * 2.54, 0.001);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var3.readLatest() == true);
+    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(static_cast<double>(var3), 15 * 2.54, 0.001);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var1_copied.readLatest() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var2.readNonBlocking() == false);
+    BOOST_CHECK(var3.readNonBlocking() == false);
+  }
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index fa1c8306..2c84fe2e 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 /* Module to receive the config values */
-struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule { using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
   ctk::ScalarPushInput<int8_t> var8{this, "var8", "MV/m", "Desc"};
   ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint8_t> var8u{this, "var8u", "MV/m", "Desc"};
@@ -30,10 +31,13 @@ struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule { using ctk::ApplicationModule::Appli
   ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint64_t> var64u{this, "var64u", "MV/m", "Desc"};
   ctk::ScalarPushInput<float> varFloat{this, "varFloat", "MV/m", "Desc"};
   ctk::ScalarPushInput<double> varDouble{this, "varDouble", "MV/m", "Desc"};
-  ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string> varString{this, "varString", "MV/m", "Desc"};
-  ctk::ScalarPushInput<int32_t> varAnotherInt{this, "varAnotherInt", "MV/m", "Desc"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string> varString{this, "varString", "MV/m",
+                                              "Desc"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<int32_t> varAnotherInt{this, "varAnotherInt", "MV/m",
+                                              "Desc"};
   ctk::ArrayPushInput<int32_t> intArray{this, "intArray", "MV/m", 10, "Desc"};
-  ctk::ArrayPushInput<std::string> stringArray{this, "stringArray", "", 8, "Desc"};
+  ctk::ArrayPushInput<std::string> stringArray{this, "stringArray", "", 8,
+                                               "Desc"};
   std::atomic<bool> done{false};
@@ -53,50 +57,54 @@ struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule { using ctk::ApplicationModule::Appli
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((std::string)varString, "My dear mister singing club!");
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(intArray.getNElements(), 10);
-    for(size_t i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(intArray[i], 10-i);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(intArray[i], 10 - i);
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stringArray.getNElements(), 8);
-    for(size_t i=0; i<8; ++i) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stringArray[i], "Hallo"+std::to_string(i+1));
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stringArray[i], "Hallo" + std::to_string(i + 1));
     // no further update shall be received
-    usleep(1000000);   // 1 second
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var8.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var8u.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var16.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var16u.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var32.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var32u.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var64.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !var64u.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !varFloat.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !varDouble.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !varString.readNonBlocking() );
-    BOOST_CHECK( !intArray.readNonBlocking() );
+    usleep(1000000); // 1 second
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var8.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var8u.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var16.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var16u.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var32.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var32u.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var64.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!var64u.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!varFloat.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!varDouble.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!varString.readNonBlocking());
+    BOOST_CHECK(!intArray.readNonBlocking());
     // inform main thread that we are done
     done = true;
 /* dummy application */
 struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  void defineConnections() {} // the setup is done in the tests
-    ctk::ConfigReader config{this, "config", "validConfig.xml", {"MyTAG"}};
-    TestModule testModule{this, "TestModule", "The test module"};
+  ctk::ConfigReader config{this, "config", "validConfig.xml", {"MyTAG"}};
+  TestModule testModule{this, "TestModule", "The test module"};
-/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an app variable */
+/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an
+ * app variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConfigReader ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testConfigReader) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testConfigReader" << std::endl;
   TestApplication app;
@@ -112,15 +120,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConfigReader ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.config.get<uint64_t>("var64u"), 12345678901234567890U);
   BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(app.config.get<float>("varFloat"), 3.1415, 0.000001);
   BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(app.config.get<double>("varDouble"), -2.8, 0.000001);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.config.get<std::string>("varString"), "My dear mister singing club!");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.config.get<std::string>("varString"),
+                    "My dear mister singing club!");
   std::vector<int> arrayValue = app.config.get<std::vector<int>>("intArray");
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(arrayValue.size(), 10);
-  for(size_t i=0; i<10; ++i) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(arrayValue[i], 10-i);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(arrayValue[i], 10 - i);
-  std::vector<std::string> arrayValueString = app.config.get<std::vector<std::string>>("stringArray");
+  std::vector<std::string> arrayValueString =
+      app.config.get<std::vector<std::string>>("stringArray");
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(arrayValueString.size(), 8);
-  for(size_t i=0; i<8; ++i) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(arrayValueString[i], "Hallo"+std::to_string(i+1));
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(arrayValueString[i], "Hallo" + std::to_string(i + 1));
@@ -128,7 +140,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConfigReader ) {;
   // wait until tests in TestModule::mainLoop() are complete
-  while(app.testModule.done == false) usleep(10000);
+  while (app.testModule.done == false)
+    usleep(10000);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 3f1013ea..5276fdd0 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <future>
 #include <chrono>
+#include <future>
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testConnectTo
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "VariableGroup.h"
 #include "ModuleGroup.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
+#include "VariableGroup.h"
 #include "VirtualModule.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
@@ -28,11 +28,14 @@ namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 /* Build first hierarchy */
-struct FirstHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup { using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
+struct FirstHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup {
+  using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
-  struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule { using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule {
+    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    struct VarGroup : ctk::VariableGroup { using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    struct VarGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
       ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> varA{this, "varA", "MV/m", "Desc"};
       ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> varB{this, "varB", "MV/m", "Desc"};
       ctk::ScalarOutput<int> varC{this, "varC", "MV/m", "Desc"};
@@ -45,12 +48,15 @@ struct FirstHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup { using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
   } testModule{this, "TestModule", ""};
   struct SecondModule : ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    SecondModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
-    : ctk::ApplicationModule(owner, name, description)
-    {
-      for(size_t i=0; i<22; ++i) myVec.emplace_back(this, "Var"+std::to_string(i), "Unit", "Foo");
+    SecondModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                 const std::string &description)
+        : ctk::ApplicationModule(owner, name, description) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
+        myVec.emplace_back(this, "Var" + std::to_string(i), "Unit", "Foo");
-    SecondModule() { throw; } // work around for gcc bug: constructor must be present but is unused
+    SecondModule() {
+      throw;
+    } // work around for gcc bug: constructor must be present but is unused
     std::vector<ctk::ScalarPushInput<int>> myVec;
@@ -62,11 +68,14 @@ struct FirstHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup { using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
 /* Build second hierarchy */
-struct SecondHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup { using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
+struct SecondHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup {
+  using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
-  struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule { using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  struct TestModule : ctk::ApplicationModule {
+    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    struct VarGroup : ctk::VariableGroup { using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    struct VarGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
       ctk::ScalarOutput<int> varA{this, "varA", "MV/m", "Desc"};
       ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> varC{this, "varC", "MV/m", "Desc"};
       ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> varD{this, "varD", "MV/m", "Desc"};
@@ -75,25 +84,34 @@ struct SecondHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup { using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
     ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> extraVar{this, "extraVar", "MV/m", "Desc"};
     ctk::ScalarOutput<int> varA{this, "varA", "MV/m", "Desc"};
-    struct EliminatedGroup : ctk::VariableGroup { using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    struct EliminatedGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
       ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> varX{this, "varX", "MV/m", "Desc"};
-      struct VarGroup : ctk::VariableGroup { using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+      struct VarGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+        using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
         ctk::ScalarOutput<int> varB{this, "varB", "MV/m", "Desc"};
-      } varGroup{this, "VarGroup", "This group shall be merged with testModule.varGroup in connectTo()"};
-    } eliminatedGroup{this, "eliminatedGroup", "A group whose hierarchy gets eliminated", true};
+      } varGroup{
+          this, "VarGroup",
+          "This group shall be merged with testModule.varGroup in connectTo()"};
+    } eliminatedGroup{this, "eliminatedGroup",
+                      "A group whose hierarchy gets eliminated", true};
     void mainLoop() {}
   } testModule{this, "TestModule", ""};
   struct SecondModule : ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    SecondModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
-    : ctk::ApplicationModule(owner, name, description)
-    {
-      for(size_t i=0; i<22; ++i) myVec.emplace_back(this, "Var"+std::to_string(i), "Unit", "Foo");
+    SecondModule(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                 const std::string &description)
+        : ctk::ApplicationModule(owner, name, description) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
+        myVec.emplace_back(this, "Var" + std::to_string(i), "Unit", "Foo");
-    SecondModule() { throw; } // work around for gcc bug: constructor must be present but is unused
+    SecondModule() {
+      throw;
+    } // work around for gcc bug: constructor must be present but is unused
-    struct ExtraGroup : ctk::VariableGroup { using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    struct ExtraGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
       ctk::ScalarOutput<int> varA{this, "varA", "MV/m", "Desc"};
     } extraGroup{this, "ExtraGroup", "A group"};
@@ -108,21 +126,24 @@ struct SecondHierarchy : ctk::ModuleGroup { using ctk::ModuleGroup::ModuleGroup;
 /* dummy application */
 struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    FirstHierarchy first{this, "first", "The test module"};
-    SecondHierarchy second{this, "second", "The test module"};
+  FirstHierarchy first{this, "first", "The test module"};
+  SecondHierarchy second{this, "second", "The test module"};
 /* test connectTo() */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTo ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testConnectTo) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testConnectTo" << std::endl;
   TestApplication app;
@@ -137,8 +158,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTo ) {
   app.first.testModule.varGroup.varC = 3;
   app.second.testModule.varA = 4;
   app.first.testModule.varX = 5;
-  for(int i=0; i<22; ++i) {
-    app.second.secondModule.myVec[i] = 6+i;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
+    app.second.secondModule.myVec[i] = 6 + i;
@@ -150,22 +171,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTo ) {
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.testModule.varGroup.varA, 1 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.testModule.varGroup.varB, 2 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.second.testModule.varGroup.varC, 3 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.testModule.varA, 4 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.second.testModule.eliminatedGroup.varX, 5 );
-  for(int i=0; i<22; ++i) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.secondModule.myVec[i], 6+i );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.testModule.varGroup.varA, 1);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.testModule.varGroup.varB, 2);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.second.testModule.varGroup.varC, 3);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.testModule.varA, 4);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.second.testModule.eliminatedGroup.varX, 5);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.secondModule.myVec[i], 6 + i);
 /* check if makeing the same connection twice does not fail */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTwice ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testConnectTwice) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testConnectTwice" << std::endl;
   TestApplication app;
@@ -181,8 +203,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTwice ) {
   app.first.testModule.varGroup.varC = 3;
   app.second.testModule.varA = 4;
   app.first.testModule.varX = 5;
-  for(int i=0; i<22; ++i) {
-    app.second.secondModule.myVec[i] = 6+i;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
+    app.second.secondModule.myVec[i] = 6 + i;
@@ -194,12 +216,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTwice ) {
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.testModule.varGroup.varA, 1 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.testModule.varGroup.varB, 2 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.second.testModule.varGroup.varC, 3 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.testModule.varA, 4 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.second.testModule.eliminatedGroup.varX, 5 );
-  for(int i=0; i<22; ++i) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (int) app.first.secondModule.myVec[i], 6+i );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.testModule.varGroup.varA, 1);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.testModule.varGroup.varB, 2);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.second.testModule.varGroup.varC, 3);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.testModule.varA, 4);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.second.testModule.eliminatedGroup.varX, 5);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)app.first.secondModule.myVec[i], 6 + i);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 8f78b036..be5ff7dc 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -9,78 +9,80 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testControlSystemAccessors
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
-#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
-#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/PVManager.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ControlSystemPVManager.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/DevicePVManager.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/PVManager.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
 #include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
-#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                                                                   \
-    {                                                                                                               \
-      std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                  \
-      while(!(condition)) {                                                                                         \
-        bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now()-t0) > std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);  \
-        BOOST_CHECK( !timeout_reached );                                                                            \
-        if(timeout_reached) break;                                                                                  \
-        usleep(1000);                                                                                               \
-      }                                                                                                             \
-    }
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
+#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                              \
+  {                                                                            \
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 =                                 \
+        std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                      \
+    while (!(condition)) {                                                     \
+      bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t0) >         \
+                             std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);       \
+      BOOST_CHECK(!timeout_reached);                                           \
+      if (timeout_reached)                                                     \
+        break;                                                                 \
+      usleep(1000);                                                            \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
 /* the ApplicationModule for the test is a template of the user type */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+template <typename T> struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumer{this, "consumer", "", "No comment."};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feeder{this, "feeder", "MV/m", "Some fancy explanation about this variable"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumer{this, "consumer", "", "No comment."};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feeder{this, "feeder", "MV/m",
+                              "Some fancy explanation about this variable"};
-    void mainLoop() {}
+  void mainLoop() {}
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {
-      ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().setDMapFilePath("test.dmap");
-    }
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {
+    ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().setDMapFilePath("test.dmap");
+  }
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule<T> testModule{this, "TestModule", "The test module"};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
+  TestModule<T> testModule{this, "TestModule", "The test module"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
 /* test feeding a scalar to the control system adapter */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToCS, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testFeedToCS, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -92,9 +94,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToCS, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 1);
   auto myFeeder = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myFeeder");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder->getName() == "/myFeeder" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder->getUnit() == "MV/m" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder->getDescription() == "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder->getName() == "/myFeeder");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder->getUnit() == "MV/m");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable");
   app.testModule.feeder = 42;
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(myFeeder->readNonBlocking(), false);
@@ -109,13 +112,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToCS, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(myFeeder->readNonBlocking(), true);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(myFeeder->readNonBlocking(), false);
   BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder->accessData(0) == 120);
 /* test consuming a scalar from the control system adapter */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumeFromCS, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConsumeFromCS, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -127,9 +129,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumeFromCS, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 1);
   auto myConsumer = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer->getName() == "/myConsumer" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer->getUnit() == "" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment." );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer->getName() == "/myConsumer");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer->getUnit() == "");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment.");
   myConsumer->accessData(0) = 42;
@@ -140,13 +142,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumeFromCS, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumer == 120);
 /* test multiple publications of the same variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultiplePublications, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testMultiplePublications, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultiplePublications, T, test_types ) {
   app.testModule.feeder >> app.cs("myFeeder2");
   app.testModule.feeder >> app.cs("myFeeder3");
-;    // make the connections and start the FanOut threads
+; // make the connections and start the FanOut threads
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 4);
   auto myFeeder0 = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myFeeder0");
@@ -166,21 +167,25 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultiplePublications, T, test_types ) {
   auto myFeeder2 = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myFeeder2");
   auto myFeeder3 = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myFeeder3");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder0->getName() == "/myFeeder0" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder0->getUnit() == "MV/m" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder0->getDescription() == "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder0->getName() == "/myFeeder0");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder0->getUnit() == "MV/m");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder0->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder1->getName() == "/myFeeder1" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder1->getUnit() == "MV/m" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder1->getDescription() == "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder1->getName() == "/myFeeder1");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder1->getUnit() == "MV/m");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder1->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder2->getName() == "/myFeeder2" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder2->getUnit() == "MV/m" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder2->getDescription() == "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder2->getName() == "/myFeeder2");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder2->getUnit() == "MV/m");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder2->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder3->getName() == "/myFeeder3" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder3->getUnit() == "MV/m" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder3->getDescription() == "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder3->getName() == "/myFeeder3");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder3->getUnit() == "MV/m");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder3->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - Some fancy explanation about this variable");
   app.testModule.feeder = 42;
   BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder0->readNonBlocking() == false);
@@ -241,13 +246,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultiplePublications, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder1->readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder2->readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder3->readNonBlocking() == false);
 /* test multiple re-publications of a variable fed from the control system */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultipleRePublications, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testMultipleRePublications, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -259,29 +263,35 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultipleRePublications, T, test_types ) {
   app.testModule.consumer >> app.cs("myConsumer_copy2");
   app.testModule.consumer >> app.cs("myConsumer_copy3");
-;    // make the connections and start the FanOut threads
+; // make the connections and start the FanOut threads
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 4);
   auto myConsumer = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer");
-  auto myConsumer_copy1 = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer_copy1");
-  auto myConsumer_copy2 = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer_copy2");
-  auto myConsumer_copy3 = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer_copy3");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer->getName() == "/myConsumer" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer->getUnit() == "" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment." );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy1->getName() == "/myConsumer_copy1" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy1->getUnit() == "" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy1->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment." );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy2->getName() == "/myConsumer_copy2" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy2->getUnit() == "" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy2->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment." );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy3->getName() == "/myConsumer_copy3" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy3->getUnit() == "" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( myConsumer_copy3->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment." );
+  auto myConsumer_copy1 =
+      pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer_copy1");
+  auto myConsumer_copy2 =
+      pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer_copy2");
+  auto myConsumer_copy3 =
+      pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myConsumer_copy3");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer->getName() == "/myConsumer");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer->getUnit() == "");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer->getDescription() == "The test module - No comment.");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy1->getName() == "/myConsumer_copy1");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy1->getUnit() == "");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy1->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - No comment.");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy2->getName() == "/myConsumer_copy2");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy2->getUnit() == "");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy2->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - No comment.");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy3->getName() == "/myConsumer_copy3");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy3->getUnit() == "");
+  BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy3->getDescription() ==
+              "The test module - No comment.");
   myConsumer->accessData(0) = 42;
   BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy1->readNonBlocking() == false);
@@ -336,13 +346,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMultipleRePublications, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(myConsumer_copy3->readNonBlocking() == false);;
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumer == 120);
 /* test direct control system to control system connections */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoCS, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testDirectCStoCS, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -355,23 +364,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoCS, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 2);
   auto mySender = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/mySender");
-  BOOST_CHECK( mySender->getName() == "/mySender" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(mySender->getName() == "/mySender");
   auto myReceiver = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myReceiver");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myReceiver->getName() == "/myReceiver" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myReceiver->getName() == "/myReceiver");
   mySender->accessData(0) = 22;
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( myReceiver->accessData(0), 22 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(myReceiver->accessData(0), 22);
   mySender->accessData(0) = 23;
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( myReceiver->accessData(0), 23 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(myReceiver->accessData(0), 23);
   mySender->accessData(0) = 24;
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( myReceiver->accessData(0), 24 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(myReceiver->accessData(0), 24);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index a49d427c..29ebf9b2 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -9,80 +9,87 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testDeviceAccessors
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
-#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
 #include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
-#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                                                                   \
-    {                                                                                                               \
-      std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                  \
-      while(!(condition)) {                                                                                         \
-        bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now()-t0) > std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);  \
-        BOOST_CHECK( !timeout_reached );                                                                            \
-        if(timeout_reached) break;                                                                                  \
-        usleep(1000);                                                                                               \
-      }                                                                                                             \
-    }
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
+#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                              \
+  {                                                                            \
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 =                                 \
+        std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                      \
+    while (!(condition)) {                                                     \
+      bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t0) >         \
+                             std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);       \
+      BOOST_CHECK(!timeout_reached);                                           \
+      if (timeout_reached)                                                     \
+        break;                                                                 \
+      usleep(1000);                                                            \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
 /* the ApplicationModule for the test is a template of the user type */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+template <typename T> struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m",
+                                        "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m", "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m",
+                                        "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingToDevice{this, "feedingToDevice", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingToDevice{this, "feedingToDevice", "MV/m",
+                                       "Description"};
-    void mainLoop() {}
+  void mainLoop() {}
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    using Application::deviceMap;           // expose the device map for the tests
-    using Application::networkList;         // expose network list to check merging networks
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::deviceMap;       // expose the device map for the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  using Application::networkList;     // expose network list to check merging
+                                      // networks
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule<T> testModule{this,"testModule", "The test module"};
-    ctk::DeviceModule devMymodule{"Dummy0","MyModule"};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
+  TestModule<T> testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule devMymodule{"Dummy0", "MyModule"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
-    // note: direct device-to-controlsystem connections are tested in testControlSystemAccessors!
+  // note: direct device-to-controlsystem connections are tested in
+  // testControlSystemAccessors!
 /* test feeding a scalar to a device */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToDevice, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testFeedToDevice, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testFeedToDevice" << std::endl;
@@ -107,21 +114,20 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToDevice, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(regacc == 120);
 /* test feeding a scalar to two different device registers */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToDeviceFanOut, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testFeedToDeviceFanOut, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testFeedToDeviceFanOut" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
-  app.testModule.feedingToDevice >> app.devMymodule("actuator")
-                                 >> app.devMymodule("readBack");
+  app.testModule.feedingToDevice >> app.devMymodule("actuator") >>
+      app.devMymodule("readBack");
   ChimeraTK::Device dev;
@@ -147,13 +153,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testFeedToDeviceFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(regac == 120);;
   BOOST_CHECK(regrb == 120);
 /* test consuming a scalar from a device */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumeFromDevice, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConsumeFromDevice, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testConsumeFromDevice" << std::endl;
@@ -182,28 +187,26 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumeFromDevice, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 42);;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);
-/* test consuming a scalar from a device with a ConsumingFanOut (i.e. one poll-type consumer and several push-type
- * consumers). */
+/* test consuming a scalar from a device with a ConsumingFanOut (i.e. one
+ * poll-type consumer and several push-type consumers). */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumingFanOut, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConsumingFanOut, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testConsumingFanOut" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
-"/MyModule/actuator") >> app.testModule.consumingPoll
-                                >> app.testModule.consumingPush
-                                >> app.testModule.consumingPush2;
+"/MyModule/actuator") >> app.testModule.consumingPoll >>
+      app.testModule.consumingPush >> app.testModule.consumingPush2;
   ChimeraTK::Device dev;
@@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumingFanOut, T, test_types ) {;
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush.readNonBlocking() == true);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2.readNonBlocking() == true);
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPoll == 120);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 120);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 120);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush.readNonBlocking() == false);
@@ -275,13 +278,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConsumingFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 120);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2.readNonBlocking() == false);
-/* test merged networks (optimisation done in Application::optimiseConnections()) */
+/* test merged networks (optimisation done in
+ * Application::optimiseConnections()) */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMergedNetworks, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testMergedNetworks, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testMergedNetworks" << std::endl;
@@ -289,25 +292,29 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMergedNetworks, T, test_types ) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
   // we abuse "feedingToDevice" as trigger here...
-"/MyModule/actuator") [ app.testModule.feedingToDevice ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush;
-"/MyModule/actuator") [ app.testModule.feedingToDevice ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush2;
+"/MyModule/actuator")[app.testModule.feedingToDevice] >>
+      app.testModule.consumingPush;
+"/MyModule/actuator")[app.testModule.feedingToDevice] >>
+      app.testModule.consumingPush2;
   // check that we have two separate networks for both connections
   size_t nDeviceFeeders = 0;
-  for(auto &net : app.networkList) {
-    if( net.getFeedingNode().getType() == ctk::NodeType::Device ) nDeviceFeeders++;
+  for (auto &net : app.networkList) {
+    if (net.getFeedingNode().getType() == ctk::NodeType::Device)
+      nDeviceFeeders++;
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( nDeviceFeeders, 2 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nDeviceFeeders, 2);
   // the optimisation to test takes place here
   // check we are left with just one network fed by the device
   nDeviceFeeders = 0;
-  for(auto &net : app.networkList) {
-    if( net.getFeedingNode().getType() == ctk::NodeType::Device ) nDeviceFeeders++;
+  for (auto &net : app.networkList) {
+    if (net.getFeedingNode().getType() == ctk::NodeType::Device)
+      nDeviceFeeders++;
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( nDeviceFeeders, 1 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nDeviceFeeders, 1);
   // run the application to see if everything still behaves as expected;
@@ -335,59 +342,57 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMergedNetworks, T, test_types ) {
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush == 120 );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 120);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 120);
 /* test feeding a constant to a device register. */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConstantToDevice, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConstantToDevice, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testConstantToDevice" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
-  ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 18) >>"/MyModule/actuator");
+  ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 18) >>
   ChimeraTK::Device dev;"Dummy0");
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 3000 );
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 3000);
 /* test feeding a constant to a device register with a fan out. */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConstantToDeviceFanOut, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConstantToDeviceFanOut, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testConstantToDeviceFanOut" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
-  ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 20) >>"/MyModule/actuator")
-                                                      >>"/MyModule/readBack");
+  ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 20) >>
+"/MyModule/actuator") >>"/MyModule/readBack");
   ChimeraTK::Device dev;"Dummy0");
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 20, 3000 );
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/readBack") == 20, 3000 );
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 20, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/readBack") == 20, 3000);
 /* test subscript operator of DeviceModule */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDeviceModuleSubscriptOp, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testDeviceModuleSubscriptOp, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testDeviceModuleSubscriptOp" << std::endl;
@@ -412,23 +417,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDeviceModuleSubscriptOp, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(regacc == 120);
 /* test DeviceModule::virtualise()  (trivial implementation) */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testDeviceModuleVirtuallise ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testDeviceModuleVirtuallise) {
   std::cout << "testDeviceModuleVirtuallise" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<int> app;
-  app.testModule.feedingToDevice >>["MyModule"]("actuator");
+  app.testModule.feedingToDevice >>
-  BOOST_CHECK( &( == &( );
+  BOOST_CHECK(&( == &(;
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 384ef554..3e9e40ac 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -7,127 +7,126 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testDirectDeviceToCS
-#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
-#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "PeriodicTrigger.h"
-#include "DeviceModule.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "PeriodicTrigger.h"
 #include "TestFacility.h"
+#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
-#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                                                                   \
-    {                                                                                                               \
-      std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                  \
-      while(!(condition)) {                                                                                         \
-        bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now()-t0) > std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);  \
-        BOOST_CHECK( !timeout_reached );                                                                            \
-        if(timeout_reached) break;                                                                                  \
-        usleep(1000);                                                                                               \
-      }                                                                                                             \
-    }
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
+#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                              \
+  {                                                                            \
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 =                                 \
+        std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                      \
+    while (!(condition)) {                                                     \
+      bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t0) >         \
+                             std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);       \
+      BOOST_CHECK(!timeout_reached);                                           \
+      if (timeout_reached)                                                     \
+        break;                                                                 \
+      usleep(1000);                                                            \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {
-      ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().setDMapFilePath("test.dmap");
-    }
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {
+    ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().setDMapFilePath("test.dmap");
+  }
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
 /* dummy application for connectTo() test */
 struct TestApplicationConnectTo : ctk::Application {
-    TestApplicationConnectTo() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplicationConnectTo();
+  TestApplicationConnectTo() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplicationConnectTo();
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {
-      dev.connectTo(cs, trigger.tick);
-    }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() { dev.connectTo(cs, trigger.tick); }
-    ctk::PeriodicTrigger trigger{this, "trigger", ""};
+  ctk::PeriodicTrigger trigger{this, "trigger", ""};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"(dummy?"};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"(dummy?"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
-TestApplicationConnectTo::~TestApplicationConnectTo() {
-  shutdown();
+TestApplicationConnectTo::~TestApplicationConnectTo() { shutdown(); }
-template<typename T, typename LAMBDA>
-void testDirectRegister(ctk::TestFacility &test, ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T> sender,
-                                                 ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T> receiver,
-                                                 LAMBDA trigger, bool testMinMax=true) {
+template <typename T, typename LAMBDA>
+void testDirectRegister(ctk::TestFacility &test,
+                        ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T> sender,
+                        ChimeraTK::ScalarRegisterAccessor<T> receiver,
+                        LAMBDA trigger, bool testMinMax = true) {
+  sender = 42;
+  sender.write();
+  trigger();
+  test.stepApplication();
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(receiver, 42);
+  if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
+    sender = -120;
+    sender.write();
+    trigger();
+    test.stepApplication();
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(receiver, -120);
+  }
-    sender = 42;
+  if (testMinMax) {
+    sender = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( receiver, 42 );
-    if(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) {
-      sender = -120;
-      sender.write();
-      trigger();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( receiver, -120 );
-    }
-    if(testMinMax) {
-      sender = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
-      sender.write();
-      trigger();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( receiver, std::numeric_limits<T>::max() );
-      sender = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
-      sender.write();
-      trigger();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( receiver, std::numeric_limits<T>::min() );
-      sender = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-      sender.write();
-      trigger();
-      test.stepApplication();
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( receiver, std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() );
-    }
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(receiver, std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
+    sender = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
+    sender.write();
+    trigger();
+    test.stepApplication();
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(receiver, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
+    sender = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
+    sender.write();
+    trigger();
+    test.stepApplication();
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(receiver, std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
+  }
 /* test direct control system to device connections */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoDev, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testDirectCStoDev, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testDirectCStoDev" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -144,22 +143,21 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoDev, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 1);
   auto myFeeder = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myFeeder");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder->getName() == "/myFeeder" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder->getName() == "/myFeeder");
   myFeeder->accessData(0) = 18;
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 3000);
   myFeeder->accessData(0) = 20;
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 20, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 20, 3000);
 /* test direct control system to device connections with fan out */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoDevFanOut, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testDirectCStoDevFanOut, T, test_types) {
   std::cout << "testDirectCStoDevFanOut" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -167,8 +165,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoDevFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   auto pvManagers = ctk::createPVManager();
-  app.cs("myFeeder", typeid(T), 1) >>"/MyModule/actuator")
-                                   >>"/MyModule/readBack");
+  app.cs("myFeeder", typeid(T), 1) >>"/MyModule/actuator") >>
@@ -177,24 +175,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDirectCStoDevFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 1);
   auto myFeeder = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myFeeder");
-  BOOST_CHECK( myFeeder->getName() == "/myFeeder" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(myFeeder->getName() == "/myFeeder");
   myFeeder->accessData(0) = 18;
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 3000);
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/readBack") == 18, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 18, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/readBack") == 18, 3000);
   myFeeder->accessData(0) = 20;
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 20, 3000);
-  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/readBack") == 20, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/actuator") == 20, 3000);
+  CHECK_TIMEOUT(<T>("/MyModule/readBack") == 20, 3000);
 /* test connectTo */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTo ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testConnectTo) {
   std::cout << "testConnectTo" << std::endl;
   ctk::Device dev;
@@ -203,17 +200,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTo ) {
   TestApplicationConnectTo app;
   ctk::TestFacility test;
-  auto devActuator = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/MyModule/actuator");
-  auto devReadback = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/MyModule/readBack");
+  auto devActuator =
+      dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/MyModule/actuator");
+  auto devReadback =
+      dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/MyModule/readBack");
   auto devint32 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/Integers/signed32");
-  auto devuint32 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<uint32_t>("/Integers/unsigned32");
+  auto devuint32 =
+      dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<uint32_t>("/Integers/unsigned32");
   auto devint16 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int16_t>("/Integers/signed16");
-  auto devuint16 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<uint16_t>("/Integers/unsigned16");
+  auto devuint16 =
+      dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<uint16_t>("/Integers/unsigned16");
   auto devint8 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int8_t>("/Integers/signed8");
   auto devuint8 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<uint8_t>("/Integers/unsigned8");
   auto devfloat = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<double>("/FixedPoint/value");
-  auto devDeep1 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Tests/As/well");
-  auto devDeep2 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>("/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Another/test");
+  auto devDeep1 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>(
+      "/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Tests/As/well");
+  auto devDeep2 = dev.getScalarRegisterAccessor<int32_t>(
+      "/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Another/test");
   auto csActuator = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/MyModule/actuator");
   auto csReadback = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/MyModule/readBack");
   auto csint32 = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/Integers/signed32");
@@ -223,20 +226,21 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testConnectTo ) {
   auto csint8 = test.getScalar<int8_t>("/Integers/signed8");
   auto csuint8 = test.getScalar<uint8_t>("/Integers/unsigned8");
   auto csfloat = test.getScalar<double>("/FixedPoint/value");
-  auto csDeep1 = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Tests/As/well");
+  auto csDeep1 =
+      test.getScalar<int32_t>("/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Tests/As/well");
   auto csDeep2 = test.getScalar<int32_t>("/Deep/Hierarchies/Need/Another/test");
-  testDirectRegister(test, csActuator, devActuator, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, devReadback, csReadback, [&]{app.trigger.sendTrigger();});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csint32, devint32, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csuint32, devuint32, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csint16, devint16, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csuint16, devuint16, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csint8, devint8, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csuint8, devuint8, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csfloat, devfloat, []{}, false);
-  testDirectRegister(test, csDeep1, devDeep1, []{});
-  testDirectRegister(test, csDeep2, devDeep2, []{});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csActuator, devActuator, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, devReadback, csReadback,
+                     [&] { app.trigger.sendTrigger(); });
+  testDirectRegister(test, csint32, devint32, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csuint32, devuint32, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csint16, devint16, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csuint16, devuint16, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csint8, devint8, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csuint8, devuint8, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csfloat, devfloat, [] {}, false);
+  testDirectRegister(test, csDeep1, devDeep1, [] {});
+  testDirectRegister(test, csDeep2, devDeep2, [] {});
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 9c4b7413..5e542bb3 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testExceptionTest
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
-#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/NDRegisterAccessor.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "DeviceModule.h"
-#include "TestFacility.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "DeviceModule.h"
 #include "ExceptionDevice.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
+#include "TestFacility.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
   TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
   ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
   void defineConnections() {} // the setup is done in the tests
@@ -39,15 +40,19 @@ struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
   TestApplication app;
-  boost::shared_ptr<ExceptionDummy> backend = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ExceptionDummy>(
-      ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend("(ExceptionDummy?"));
+  boost::shared_ptr<ExceptionDummy> backend =
+      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ExceptionDummy>(
+          ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(
+              "(ExceptionDummy?"));;
   ctk::TestFacility test;
-  auto message = test.getScalar<std::string>("/Devices/(ExceptionDummy?");
-  auto status = test.getScalar<int>("/Devices/(ExceptionDummy?");
+  auto message = test.getScalar<std::string>(
+      "/Devices/(ExceptionDummy?");
+  auto status =
+      test.getScalar<int>("/Devices/(ExceptionDummy?");
   // initially there should be no error set
@@ -63,23 +68,26 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testThinkOfAName) {
   try {
     BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected.");
-  }
-  catch(ChimeraTK::runtime_error&) {
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::runtime_error &) {
-  // report exception to the DeviceModule: it should try reopening the device but fail
+  // report exception to the DeviceModule: it should try reopening the device
+  // but fail
   std::atomic<bool> reportExceptionFinished;
   reportExceptionFinished = false;
-  std::thread reportThread([&] { // need to launch in background, reportException() blocks
-"Some fancy exception text");
-    reportExceptionFinished = true;
-  });
+  std::thread reportThread(
+      [&] { // need to launch in background, reportException() blocks
+"Some fancy exception text");
+        reportExceptionFinished = true;
+      });
   // check the error status and that reportException() is still blocking
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<std::string>(message), "DummyException: This is a test"); // from the ExceptionDummy
+      static_cast<std::string>(message),
+      "DummyException: This is a test"); // from the ExceptionDummy
   BOOST_CHECK(status == 1);
   BOOST_CHECK(reportExceptionFinished == false);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 18c9b042..0ebed05c 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -9,68 +9,74 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testIllegalNetworks
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
-#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
+#include "ArrayAccessor.h"
 #include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
 /* the ApplicationModule for the test is a template of the user type */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingPush{this, "feedingPush", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingPush2{this, "feedingPush2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<T> feedingArray{this, "feedingArray", "MV/m", 10, "Description"};
-    void mainLoop() {}
+template <typename T> struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingPush{this, "feedingPush", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingPush2{this, "feedingPush2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m",
+                                        "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m",
+                                        "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m",
+                                         "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<T> feedingArray{this, "feedingArray", "MV/m", 10,
+                                   "Description"};
+  void mainLoop() {}
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule<T> testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
+  TestModule<T> testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
-/* test case for two scalar accessors, feeder in poll mode and consumer in push mode (without trigger) */
+/* test case for two scalar accessors, feeder in poll mode and consumer in push
+ * mode (without trigger) */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPollPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTwoScalarPollPushAccessors, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -79,17 +85,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoScalarPollPushAccessors, T, test_types ) {
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
 /* test case for no feeder */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testNoFeeder, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testNoFeeder, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -97,54 +101,49 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testNoFeeder, T, test_types ) {
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
 /* test case for two feeders */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTwoFeeders, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTwoFeeders, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
   try {
     app.testModule.feedingPush >> app.testModule.feedingPush2;
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
 /* test case for too many polling consumers */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTooManyPollingConsumers, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTooManyPollingConsumers, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
-"/MyModule/Variable") >> app.testModule.consumingPoll >> app.testModule.consumingPoll2;
+"/MyModule/Variable") >> app.testModule.consumingPoll >>
+      app.testModule.consumingPoll2;
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
 /* test case for different number of elements */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDifferentNrElements, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testDifferentNrElements, T, test_types) {
@@ -153,17 +152,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testDifferentNrElements, T, test_types ) {
   try {
     app.testModule.feedingArray >> app.testModule.consumingPoll;
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
 /* test case for "merging" two networks */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMergeNetworks, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testMergeNetworks, T, test_types) {
@@ -173,28 +170,26 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testMergeNetworks, T, test_types ) {
   try {
     app.testModule.consumingPush >> app.testModule.consumingPush2;
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
 /* test case for constant as trigger */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConstantTrigger, T, test_types ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConstantTrigger, T, test_types) {
   TestApplication<T> app;
-"/MyModule/Variable") [ ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<int>(true) ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush;
+      true)] >>
+      app.testModule.consumingPush;
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
+    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(e.what(););
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error &e) {
-    BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW( e.what(); );
-  }
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 006a91d3..981dc9c3 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 #include <fstream>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
@@ -28,23 +28,23 @@ using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
  * Define a test app to test the SoftwareMasterModule.
 struct testApp : public ChimeraTK::Application {
-  testApp() : Application("test"), fileCreated(false){ }
+  testApp() : Application("test"), fileCreated(false) {}
   ~testApp() {
-    if(fileCreated){
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::filesystem::remove("/tmp/testLogging/test.log"), true);
+    if (fileCreated) {
+      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::filesystem::remove("/tmp/testLogging/test.log"),
+                        true);
       BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::filesystem::remove("/tmp/testLogging/"), true);
-  LoggingModule log { this, "LoggingModule",
-      "LoggingModule test" };
+  LoggingModule log{this, "LoggingModule", "LoggingModule test"};
   Logger logger{&log};
   ChimeraTK::ControlSystemModule cs;
-  void defineConnections() override{
+  void defineConnections() override {
     cs("targetStream") >> log.targetStream;
     cs("logLevel") >> log.logLevel;
     cs("logFile") >> log.logFile;
@@ -52,13 +52,12 @@ struct testApp : public ChimeraTK::Application {
-   }
+  }
   bool fileCreated;
   testApp app;
   ChimeraTK::TestFacility tf;
@@ -67,11 +66,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogMsg) {
   tailLength = 1;
-  std::string ss  = (std::string)tf.readScalar<std::string>("LogTail");
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ss.substr(ss.find("->")+3), std::string("test\n"));
+  std::string ss = (std::string)tf.readScalar<std::string>("LogTail");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ss.substr(ss.find("->") + 3), std::string("test\n"));
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogfileFails) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testLogfileFails) {
   testApp app;
   ChimeraTK::TestFacility tf;
@@ -82,19 +81,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogfileFails) {
   // message not considered here but used to step through the application
   app.logger.sendMessage("test", LogLevel::DEBUG);
-  std::string ss  = (std::string)tf.readScalar<std::string>("LogTail");
+  std::string ss = (std::string)tf.readScalar<std::string>("LogTail");
   std::vector<std::string> strs;
   boost::split(strs, ss, boost::is_any_of("\n"), boost::token_compress_on);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("->")+3), std::string("Failed to open log file for writing: /tmp/testLogging/test.log"));
+"->") + 3),
+      std::string(
+          "Failed to open log file for writing: /tmp/testLogging/test.log"));
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogfile) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testLogfile) {
   testApp app;
   ChimeraTK::TestFacility tf;
   auto logFile = tf.getScalar<std::string>("logFile");
-  if(!boost::filesystem::is_directory("/tmp/testLogging/"))
+  if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory("/tmp/testLogging/"))
   logFile = std::string("/tmp/testLogging/test.log");
@@ -105,17 +107,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogfile) {
   std::fstream file;"/tmp/testLogging/test.log");
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(file.good(), true);
-  if(file.good())
+  if (file.good())
     app.fileCreated = true;
   std::string line;
   std::getline(file, line);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(line.substr(line.find("->")+3), std::string("Opened log file for writing: /tmp/testLogging/test.log"));
+      line.substr(line.find("->") + 3),
+      std::string("Opened log file for writing: /tmp/testLogging/test.log"));
   std::getline(file, line);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(line.substr(line.find("->")+3), std::string("test"));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(line.substr(line.find("->") + 3), std::string("test"));
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogging) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testLogging) {
   testApp app;
   ChimeraTK::TestFacility tf;
@@ -133,9 +137,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testLogging) {
   app.logger.sendMessage("2nd test message", LogLevel::DEBUG);
   auto tail = tf.readScalar<std::string>("LogTail");
-  std::vector< std::string > result;
+  std::vector<std::string> result;
   boost::algorithm::split(result, tail, boost::is_any_of("\n"));
-  // result length should be 3 not 2, because new line is used to split, which results in 3 items although there are only two messages.
+  // result length should be 3 not 2, because new line is used to split, which
+  // results in 3 items although there are only two messages.
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result.size(), 3);
   /**** Test log level ****/
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 2c90cd82..0c480d82 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <future>
 #include <chrono>
+#include <future>
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testModules
@@ -25,200 +25,228 @@ namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 struct SomeGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
   using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-  ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string> inGroup{this, "inGroup", "", "This is a string", {"C", "A"}};
-  ctk::ArrayPushInput<int64_t> alsoInGroup{this, "alsoInGroup", "justANumber", 16, "A 64 bit number array", {"A", "D"}};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<std::string> inGroup{
+      this, "inGroup", "", "This is a string", {"C", "A"}};
+  ctk::ArrayPushInput<int64_t> alsoInGroup{
+      this, "alsoInGroup",           "justANumber",
+      16,   "A 64 bit number array", {"A", "D"}};
 /* A plain application module for testing */
 struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> someInput{this, "nameOfSomeInput", "cm", "This is just some input for testing", {"A", "B"}};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<double> someOutput{this, "someOutput", "V", "Description", {"A", "C"}};
-    SomeGroup someGroup{this, "someGroup", "Description of my test group"};
-    struct AnotherGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
-      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint8_t> foo{this, "foo", "counts", "Some counter", {"D"}};
-    } anotherGroup{this, "anotherName", "Description of my other group"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      while(true) {
-        int val = someInput;
-        someOutput = val;
-        someOutput.write();
-      }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> someInput{this,
+                                      "nameOfSomeInput",
+                                      "cm",
+                                      "This is just some input for testing",
+                                      {"A", "B"}};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<double> someOutput{
+      this, "someOutput", "V", "Description", {"A", "C"}};
+  SomeGroup someGroup{this, "someGroup", "Description of my test group"};
+  struct AnotherGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+    using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint8_t> foo{
+        this, "foo", "counts", "Some counter", {"D"}};
+  } anotherGroup{this, "anotherName", "Description of my other group"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      int val = someInput;
+      someOutput = val;
+      someOutput.write();
+  }
 /* Simple application with just one module */
 struct OneModuleApp : public ctk::Application {
-    OneModuleApp() : Application("myApp") {}
-    ~OneModuleApp() { shutdown(); }
+  OneModuleApp() : Application("myApp") {}
+  ~OneModuleApp() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule testModule{this, "testModule", "Module to test"};
+  TestModule testModule{this, "testModule", "Module to test"};
 /* Application with a vector of modules */
 struct VectorOfModulesApp : public ctk::Application {
-    VectorOfModulesApp(size_t nInstances)
-    : Application("myApp"),
-      _nInstances(nInstances)
-    {}
-    ~VectorOfModulesApp() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _nInstances; ++i) {
-        std::string name = "testModule_" + std::to_string(i) + "_instance";
-        vectorOfTestModule.emplace_back(this, name, "Description");
-      }
+  VectorOfModulesApp(size_t nInstances)
+      : Application("myApp"), _nInstances(nInstances) {}
+  ~VectorOfModulesApp() { shutdown(); }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < _nInstances; ++i) {
+      std::string name = "testModule_" + std::to_string(i) + "_instance";
+      vectorOfTestModule.emplace_back(this, name, "Description");
+  }
-    size_t _nInstances;
-    std::vector<TestModule> vectorOfTestModule;
+  size_t _nInstances;
+  std::vector<TestModule> vectorOfTestModule;
 /* An application module with a vector of a variable group*/
 struct VectorModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    VectorModule(ctk::EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, size_t nInstances,
-             bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ctk::ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags)
-    {
-      for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-        std::string name = "testGroup_" + std::to_string(i);
-        vectorOfSomeGroup.emplace_back(this, name, "Description 2");
-      }
+  VectorModule(ctk::EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+               const std::string &description, size_t nInstances,
+               bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+               const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ctk::ApplicationModule(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy,
+                               tags) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      std::string name = "testGroup_" + std::to_string(i);
+      vectorOfSomeGroup.emplace_back(this, name, "Description 2");
-    VectorModule() {}
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> someInput{this, "nameOfSomeInput", "cm", "This is just some input for testing", {"A", "B"}};
-    ctk::ArrayOutput<double> someOutput{this, "someOutput", "V", 1, "Description", {"A", "C"}};
-    std::vector<SomeGroup> vectorOfSomeGroup;
-    struct AnotherGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
-      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint8_t> foo{this, "foo", "counts", "Some counter", {"D"}};
-    } anotherGroup{this, "anotherName", "Description of my other group"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      while(true) {
-        int val = someInput;
-        someOutput[0] = val;
-        someOutput.write();
-      }
+  }
+  VectorModule() {}
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> someInput{this,
+                                      "nameOfSomeInput",
+                                      "cm",
+                                      "This is just some input for testing",
+                                      {"A", "B"}};
+  ctk::ArrayOutput<double> someOutput{this, "someOutput",  "V",
+                                      1,    "Description", {"A", "C"}};
+  std::vector<SomeGroup> vectorOfSomeGroup;
+  struct AnotherGroup : ctk::VariableGroup {
+    using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<uint8_t> foo{
+        this, "foo", "counts", "Some counter", {"D"}};
+  } anotherGroup{this, "anotherName", "Description of my other group"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      int val = someInput;
+      someOutput[0] = val;
+      someOutput.write();
+  }
 /* An module group with a vector of a application moduoles */
 struct VectorModuleGroup : public ctk::ModuleGroup {
-    VectorModuleGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, size_t nInstances,
-            bool eliminateHierarchy=false, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags={})
-    : ctk::ModuleGroup(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags)
-    {
-      for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-        std::string name = "test_" + std::to_string(i);
-        vectorOfVectorModule.emplace_back(this, name, "Description 3", nInstances);
-      }
+  VectorModuleGroup(EntityOwner *owner, const std::string &name,
+                    const std::string &description, size_t nInstances,
+                    bool eliminateHierarchy = false,
+                    const std::unordered_set<std::string> &tags = {})
+      : ctk::ModuleGroup(owner, name, description, eliminateHierarchy, tags) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      std::string name = "test_" + std::to_string(i);
+      vectorOfVectorModule.emplace_back(this, name, "Description 3",
+                                        nInstances);
+  }
-    VectorModuleGroup() {}
-    std::vector<VectorModule> vectorOfVectorModule;
+  VectorModuleGroup() {}
+  std::vector<VectorModule> vectorOfVectorModule;
-/* Application with a vector of module groups containing a vector of modules containing a vector of variable groups */
+/* Application with a vector of module groups containing a vector of modules
+ * containing a vector of variable groups */
 struct VectorOfEverythingApp : public ctk::Application {
-    VectorOfEverythingApp(size_t nInstances)
-    : Application("myApp"),
-      _nInstances(nInstances)
-    {}
-    ~VectorOfEverythingApp() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < _nInstances; ++i) {
-        std::string name = "testModule_" + std::to_string(i) + "_instance";
-        vectorOfVectorModuleGroup.emplace_back(this, name, "Description", _nInstances);
-      }
+  VectorOfEverythingApp(size_t nInstances)
+      : Application("myApp"), _nInstances(nInstances) {}
+  ~VectorOfEverythingApp() { shutdown(); }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < _nInstances; ++i) {
+      std::string name = "testModule_" + std::to_string(i) + "_instance";
+      vectorOfVectorModuleGroup.emplace_back(this, name, "Description",
+                                             _nInstances);
+  }
-    size_t _nInstances;
-    std::vector<VectorModuleGroup> vectorOfVectorModuleGroup;
+  size_t _nInstances;
+  std::vector<VectorModuleGroup> vectorOfVectorModuleGroup;
-/* Application with various modules that get initialised only during defineConnections(). */
+/* Application with various modules that get initialised only during
+ * defineConnections(). */
 struct AssignModuleLaterApp : public ctk::Application {
-    AssignModuleLaterApp()
-    : Application("myApp")
-    {}
-    ~AssignModuleLaterApp() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {
-      modGroupInstanceToAssignLater = VectorModuleGroup(this, "modGroupInstanceToAssignLater",
-                                                "This instance of VectorModuleGroup was assigned using the operator=()", 42);
-      modInstanceToAssignLater = VectorModule(this, "modInstanceToAssignLater",
-                                                "This instance of VectorModule was assigned using the operator=()", 13);
-    }
+  AssignModuleLaterApp() : Application("myApp") {}
+  ~AssignModuleLaterApp() { shutdown(); }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {
+    modGroupInstanceToAssignLater = VectorModuleGroup(
+        this, "modGroupInstanceToAssignLater",
+        "This instance of VectorModuleGroup was assigned using the operator=()",
+        42);
+    modInstanceToAssignLater = VectorModule(
+        this, "modInstanceToAssignLater",
+        "This instance of VectorModule was assigned using the operator=()", 13);
+  }
-    VectorModuleGroup modGroupInstanceToAssignLater;
-    VectorModule modInstanceToAssignLater;
+  VectorModuleGroup modGroupInstanceToAssignLater;
+  VectorModule modInstanceToAssignLater;
 /* test module and variable ownerships */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ownership ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ownership) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> test_ownership" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.getOwner() == &app );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.someGroup.getOwner() == &(app.testModule) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.anotherGroup.getOwner() == &(app.testModule) );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.getOwner() == &app);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.someGroup.getOwner() == &(app.testModule));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.anotherGroup.getOwner() == &(app.testModule));
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.someInput.getOwner() == &(app.testModule) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.someOutput.getOwner() == &(app.testModule) );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.someInput.getOwner() == &(app.testModule));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.someOutput.getOwner() == &(app.testModule));
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup.getOwner() == &(app.testModule.someGroup) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup.getOwner() == &(app.testModule.someGroup) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup) );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup.getOwner() ==
+              &(app.testModule.someGroup));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup.getOwner() ==
+              &(app.testModule.someGroup));
+              &(app.testModule.anotherGroup));
 /* test that modules cannot be owned by the wrong types */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_badHierarchies) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> test_badHierarchies" << std::endl;
   // ******************************************
@@ -230,8 +258,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       TestModule willFail(&(app.testModule), "willFail", "");
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -241,8 +268,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       TestModule willFail(&(app.testModule.someGroup), "willFail", "");
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -252,8 +278,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       TestModule willFail(nullptr, "willFail", "");
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -266,8 +291,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       SomeGroup willFail(&(app), "willFail", "");
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -278,8 +302,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       SomeGroup willFail(&(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[0]), "willFail", "");
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -289,8 +312,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       SomeGroup willFail(nullptr, "willFail", "");
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -303,8 +325,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       VectorModuleGroup willFail(&(app.testModule), "willFail", "", 1);
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -312,10 +333,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     OneModuleApp app;
     try {
-      VectorModuleGroup willFail(&(app.testModule.someGroup), "willFail", "", 1);
+      VectorModuleGroup willFail(&(app.testModule.someGroup), "willFail", "",
+                                 1);
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
@@ -325,18 +346,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_badHierarchies ) {
     try {
       VectorModuleGroup willFail(nullptr, "willFail", "", 1);
       BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
-    }
-    catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+    } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
 /* test that modules can be owned by the right types */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_allowedHierarchies ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_allowedHierarchies) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> test_allowedHierarchies" << std::endl;
   // ******************************************
@@ -351,7 +372,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_allowedHierarchies ) {
     VectorOfEverythingApp app(1);
-    TestModule shouldNotFail(&(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[0]), "shouldNotFail", "");
+    TestModule shouldNotFail(&(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[0]),
+                             "shouldNotFail", "");
   // ******************************************
@@ -382,228 +404,273 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_allowedHierarchies ) {
     VectorOfEverythingApp app(1);
-    VectorModuleGroup shouldNotFail(&(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[0]), "shouldNotFail", "", 1);
+    VectorModuleGroup shouldNotFail(&(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[0]),
+                                    "shouldNotFail", "", 1);
 /* test getSubmoduleList() and getSubmoduleListRecursive() */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_getSubmoduleList ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_getSubmoduleList) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> test_getSubmoduleList" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.getSubmoduleList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.front() == &(app.testModule) );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = app.getSubmoduleList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.front() == &(app.testModule));
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.testModule.getSubmoduleList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = app.testModule.getSubmoduleList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
     size_t foundSomeGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAnotherGroup = 0;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule.someGroup)) foundSomeGroup++;
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup)) foundAnotherGroup++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAnotherGroup == 1 );
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule.someGroup))
+        foundSomeGroup++;
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup))
+        foundAnotherGroup++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAnotherGroup == 1);
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.getSubmoduleListRecursive();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 3 );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = app.getSubmoduleListRecursive();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 3);
     size_t foundTestModule = 0;
     size_t foundSomeGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAnotherGroup = 0;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule)) foundTestModule++;
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule.someGroup)) foundSomeGroup++;
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup)) foundAnotherGroup++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundTestModule == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAnotherGroup == 1 );
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule))
+        foundTestModule++;
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule.someGroup))
+        foundSomeGroup++;
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup))
+        foundAnotherGroup++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundTestModule == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAnotherGroup == 1);
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.testModule.getSubmoduleListRecursive();    // identical to getSubmoduleList(), since no deeper hierarchies
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list =
+        app.testModule
+            .getSubmoduleListRecursive(); // identical to getSubmoduleList(),
+                                          // since no deeper hierarchies
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
     size_t foundSomeGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAnotherGroup = 0;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule.someGroup)) foundSomeGroup++;
-      if(mod == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup)) foundAnotherGroup++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAnotherGroup == 1 );
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule.someGroup))
+        foundSomeGroup++;
+      if (mod == &(app.testModule.anotherGroup))
+        foundAnotherGroup++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAnotherGroup == 1);
 /* test getAccessorList() and getAccessorListRecursive() */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_getAccessorList ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_getAccessorList) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> test_getAccessorList" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
     std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = app.testModule.getAccessorList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
     size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
     size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == app.testModule.someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var == app.testModule.someInput)
+        foundSomeInput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someOutput)
+        foundSomeOutput++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
     const SomeGroup &someGroup(app.testModule.someGroup);
-    const std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = someGroup.getAccessorList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+    const std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+        someGroup.getAccessorList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
     size_t foundInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup) foundInGroup++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup)
+        foundInGroup++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+        foundAlsoInGroup++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
     std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = app.getAccessorListRecursive();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 5 );
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 5);
     size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
     size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
     size_t foundInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundFoo = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == app.testModule.someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup) foundInGroup++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
-      if(var == foundFoo++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var == app.testModule.someInput)
+        foundSomeInput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someOutput)
+        foundSomeOutput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup)
+        foundInGroup++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+        foundAlsoInGroup++;
+      if (var ==
+        foundFoo++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
-    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = app.testModule.getAccessorListRecursive();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 5 );
+    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+        app.testModule.getAccessorListRecursive();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 5);
     size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
     size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
     size_t foundInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundFoo = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == app.testModule.someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup) foundInGroup++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
-      if(var == foundFoo++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var == app.testModule.someInput)
+        foundSomeInput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someOutput)
+        foundSomeOutput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup)
+        foundInGroup++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+        foundAlsoInGroup++;
+      if (var ==
+        foundFoo++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
-    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = app.testModule.anotherGroup.getAccessorListRecursive();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
+    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+        app.testModule.anotherGroup.getAccessorListRecursive();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
     size_t foundFoo = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == foundFoo++;
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var ==
+        foundFoo++;
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
 /* test function call operator of the ApplicationModule */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testApplicationModuleFnCallOp ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testApplicationModuleFnCallOp) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testApplicationModuleFnCallOp" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput") == static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.testModule.someInput) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput") != static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.testModule.someOutput) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("someOutput") == static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.testModule.someOutput) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getType() == ctk::NodeType::Application );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getMode() == ctk::UpdateMode::push );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getDirection().dir == ctk::VariableDirection::consuming );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getDirection().withReturn == false );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getValueType() == typeid(int) );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getName() == "nameOfSomeInput" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getQualifiedName() == "/myApp/testModule/nameOfSomeInput" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getUnit() == "cm" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getDescription() == "Module to test - This is just some input for testing" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getTags() == std::unordered_set<std::string>({"A", "B"}) );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput") ==
+              static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.testModule.someInput));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput") !=
+              static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.testModule.someOutput));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("someOutput") ==
+              static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.testModule.someOutput));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getType() ==
+              ctk::NodeType::Application);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getMode() ==
+              ctk::UpdateMode::push);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getDirection().dir ==
+              ctk::VariableDirection::consuming);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getDirection().withReturn ==
+              false);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getValueType() == typeid(int));
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getName() == "nameOfSomeInput");
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getQualifiedName() ==
+              "/myApp/testModule/nameOfSomeInput");
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getUnit() == "cm");
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getDescription() ==
+              "Module to test - This is just some input for testing");
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule("nameOfSomeInput").getTags() ==
+              std::unordered_set<std::string>({"A", "B"}));
   // check exception if variable not found
   try {
     BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&){
-  }
 /* test function call operator of the ApplicationModule */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testApplicationModuleSubscriptOp ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testApplicationModuleSubscriptOp) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testApplicationModuleSubscriptOp" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule["someGroup"].getName() == "someGroup" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule["anotherName"].getName() == "anotherName" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule["someGroup"].getName() == "someGroup");
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule["anotherName"].getName() == "anotherName");
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule["someGroup"]("inGroup") == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule["someGroup"]("alsoInGroup") == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule["someGroup"]("inGroup") ==
+              app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule["someGroup"]("alsoInGroup") ==
+              app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup);
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule["anotherName"]("foo") == );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule["anotherName"]("foo") ==
+    ;
   // check exception if group not found
   try {
     BOOST_FAIL("Exception expected");
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&){
-  }
 /* test finding variables by tag */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFindTags ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testFindTags" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
@@ -615,37 +682,41 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFindTags ) {
     // check direct variables
       std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagA.getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
       size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
       size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
-      for(auto var : list) {
-        if(var == app.testModule.someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-        if(var == app.testModule.someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
+      for (auto var : list) {
+        if (var == app.testModule.someInput)
+          foundSomeInput++;
+        if (var == app.testModule.someOutput)
+          foundSomeOutput++;
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
     // check number of submodules
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list = tagA.getSubmoduleList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list = tagA.getSubmoduleList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
     // check content of submodule
-      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagA["someGroup"].getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+          tagA["someGroup"].getAccessorList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
       size_t foundInGroup = 0;
       size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
-      for(auto var : list) {
-        if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup) foundInGroup++;
-        if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
+      for (auto var : list) {
+        if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup)
+          foundInGroup++;
+        if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+          foundAlsoInGroup++;
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
   // search for tag "D"
@@ -655,37 +726,40 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFindTags ) {
     // check direct variables
       std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagD.getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 0 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 0);
     // check number of submodules
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list = tagD.getSubmoduleList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list = tagD.getSubmoduleList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
     // check content of submodule "someGroup"
-      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagD["someGroup"].getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
+      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+          tagD["someGroup"].getAccessorList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
       size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
-      for(auto var : list) {
-        if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
+      for (auto var : list) {
+        if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+          foundAlsoInGroup++;
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
     // check content of submodule "anotherName"
-      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagD["anotherName"].getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
+      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+          tagD["anotherName"].getAccessorList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
       size_t foundFoo = 0;
-      for(auto var : list) {
-        if(var == foundFoo++;
+      for (auto var : list) {
+        if (var ==
+          foundFoo++;
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
   // search for tag "D", exclude tag "A"
@@ -695,34 +769,37 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFindTags ) {
     // check direct variables
       std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagDnotA.getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 0 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 0);
     // check number of submodules
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list = tagDnotA.getSubmoduleList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list = tagDnotA.getSubmoduleList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
     // check content of submodule "anotherName"
-      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = tagDnotA["anotherName"].getAccessorList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 1 );
+      std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+          tagDnotA["anotherName"].getAccessorList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 1);
       size_t foundFoo = 0;
-      for(auto var : list) {
-        if(var == foundFoo++;
+      for (auto var : list) {
+        if (var ==
+          foundFoo++;
-      BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+      BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
 /* test flatten() */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFlatten ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testFlatten) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testFlatten" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
@@ -731,39 +808,46 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testFlatten ) {
   // check number of submodules
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = flattened.getSubmoduleList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 0 );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = flattened.getSubmoduleList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 0);
   // check direct variables
     std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = flattened.getAccessorList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 5 );
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 5);
     size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
     size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
     size_t foundInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundFoo = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == app.testModule.someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup) foundInGroup++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
-      if(var == foundFoo++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var == app.testModule.someInput)
+        foundSomeInput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someOutput)
+        foundSomeOutput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup)
+        foundInGroup++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+        foundAlsoInGroup++;
+      if (var ==
+        foundFoo++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
 /* test addTag() */
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testAddTag" << std::endl;
   OneModuleApp app;
@@ -773,147 +857,183 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testAddTag ) {
   // check submodule hierarchy
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag.getSubmoduleList().size() == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag.getAccessorList().size() == 0 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag["testModule"].getSubmoduleList().size() == 2 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag["testModule"].getAccessorList().size() == 2 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag["testModule"]["someGroup"].getSubmoduleList().size() == 0 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag["testModule"]["someGroup"].getAccessorList().size() == 2 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag["testModule"]["anotherName"].getSubmoduleList().size() == 0 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( withNewTag["testModule"]["anotherName"].getAccessorList().size() == 1 );
+    BOOST_CHECK(withNewTag.getSubmoduleList().size() == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(withNewTag.getAccessorList().size() == 0);
+    BOOST_CHECK(withNewTag["testModule"].getSubmoduleList().size() == 2);
+    BOOST_CHECK(withNewTag["testModule"].getAccessorList().size() == 2);
+        withNewTag["testModule"]["someGroup"].getSubmoduleList().size() == 0);
+        withNewTag["testModule"]["someGroup"].getAccessorList().size() == 2);
+        withNewTag["testModule"]["anotherName"].getSubmoduleList().size() == 0);
+        withNewTag["testModule"]["anotherName"].getAccessorList().size() == 1);
   // check all variables
-    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list = withNewTag.getAccessorListRecursive();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 5 );
+    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> list =
+        withNewTag.getAccessorListRecursive();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 5);
     size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
     size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
     size_t foundInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
     size_t foundFoo = 0;
-    for(auto var : list) {
-      if(var == app.testModule.someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup) foundInGroup++;
-      if(var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup) foundAlsoInGroup++;
-      if(var == foundFoo++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundFoo == 1 );
+    for (auto var : list) {
+      if (var == app.testModule.someInput)
+        foundSomeInput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someOutput)
+        foundSomeOutput++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.inGroup)
+        foundInGroup++;
+      if (var == app.testModule.someGroup.alsoInGroup)
+        foundAlsoInGroup++;
+      if (var ==
+        foundFoo++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundFoo == 1);
 /* test correct behaviour when using a std::vector of ApplicationModules */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorOfApplicationModule ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testVectorOfApplicationModule) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testVectorOfApplicationModule" << std::endl;
   // create app with a vector containing 10 modules
   size_t nInstances = 10;
   VectorOfModulesApp app(nInstances);
-  // the app creates the 10 module instances in defineConnections, check if this is done proplery (a quite redundant test...)
+  // the app creates the 10 module instances in defineConnections, check if this
+  // is done proplery (a quite redundant test...)
   BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule.size() == 0);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule.size() == nInstances);
   // some direct checks on the created instances
-  for(size_t i=0; i<nInstances; ++i) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
     std::string name = "testModule_" + std::to_string(i) + "_instance";
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getName() == name );
-    auto node = static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someInput);
-    BOOST_CHECK( node.getQualifiedName() == "/myApp/"+name+"/nameOfSomeInput" );
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getName() == name);
+    auto node = static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(
+        app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someInput);
+    BOOST_CHECK(node.getQualifiedName() ==
+                "/myApp/" + name + "/nameOfSomeInput");
     // check accessor list
-    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> accList = app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getAccessorList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( accList.size() == 2 );
+    std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> accList =
+        app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getAccessorList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(accList.size() == 2);
     size_t foundSomeInput = 0;
     size_t foundSomeOutput = 0;
-    for(auto &acc : accList) {
-      if(acc == app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someInput) foundSomeInput++;
-      if(acc == app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someOutput) foundSomeOutput++;
+    for (auto &acc : accList) {
+      if (acc == app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someInput)
+        foundSomeInput++;
+      if (acc == app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someOutput)
+        foundSomeOutput++;
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeInput == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeOutput == 1 );
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeInput == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeOutput == 1);
     // check submodule list
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> modList = app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getSubmoduleList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( modList.size() == 2 );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> modList =
+        app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getSubmoduleList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(modList.size() == 2);
     size_t foundSomeGroup = 0;
     size_t foundAnotherGroup = 0;
-    for(auto mod : modList) {
-      if(mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup)) foundSomeGroup++;
-      if(mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup)) foundAnotherGroup++;
-    }
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundSomeGroup == 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK( foundAnotherGroup == 1 );
+    for (auto mod : modList) {
+      if (mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup))
+        foundSomeGroup++;
+      if (mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup))
+        foundAnotherGroup++;
+    }
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundSomeGroup == 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK(foundAnotherGroup == 1);
   // check if instances appear properly in getSubmoduleList()
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.getSubmoduleList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == nInstances );
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = app.getSubmoduleList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == nInstances);
     std::map<size_t, size_t> instancesFound;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) instancesFound[i] = 0;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-        if(mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i])) instancesFound[i]++;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i)
+      instancesFound[i] = 0;
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+        if (mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]))
+          instancesFound[i]++;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-      BOOST_CHECK( instancesFound[i] == 1 );
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(instancesFound[i] == 1);
   // check if instances appear properly in getSubmoduleListRecursive() as well
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.getSubmoduleListRecursive();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 3*nInstances );
-    std::map<size_t, size_t> instancesFound, instancesSomeGroupFound, instancesAnotherGroupFound;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = app.getSubmoduleListRecursive();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 3 * nInstances);
+    std::map<size_t, size_t> instancesFound, instancesSomeGroupFound,
+        instancesAnotherGroupFound;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
       instancesFound[i] = 0;
       instancesSomeGroupFound[i] = 0;
       instancesAnotherGroupFound[i] = 0;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-        if(mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i])) instancesFound[i]++;
-        if(mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup)) instancesSomeGroupFound[i]++;
-        if(mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup)) instancesAnotherGroupFound[i]++;
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+        if (mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]))
+          instancesFound[i]++;
+        if (mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup))
+          instancesSomeGroupFound[i]++;
+        if (mod == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup))
+          instancesAnotherGroupFound[i]++;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-      BOOST_CHECK( instancesFound[i] == 1 );
-      BOOST_CHECK( instancesSomeGroupFound[i] == 1 );
-      BOOST_CHECK( instancesAnotherGroupFound[i] == 1 );
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(instancesFound[i] == 1);
+      BOOST_CHECK(instancesSomeGroupFound[i] == 1);
+      BOOST_CHECK(instancesAnotherGroupFound[i] == 1);
   // check ownerships
-  for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getOwner() == &app );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someInput.getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]) );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someOutput.getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]) );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup.getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]) );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup.inGroup.getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup) );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup.alsoInGroup.getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup) );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup.getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]) );
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfTestModule[i] == &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup) );
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].getOwner() == &app);
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someInput.getOwner() ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]));
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someOutput.getOwner() ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]));
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup.getOwner() ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]));
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup.inGroup.getOwner() ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup));
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup.alsoInGroup.getOwner() ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].someGroup));
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup.getOwner() ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i]));
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfTestModule[i] ==
+                &(app.vectorOfTestModule[i].anotherGroup));
-/* test correct behaviour when using a std::vector of ModuleGroup, ApplicationModule and VariableGroup at the same time */
+/* test correct behaviour when using a std::vector of ModuleGroup,
+ * ApplicationModule and VariableGroup at the same time */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testVectorsOfAllModules) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testVectorsOfAllModules" << std::endl;
   // create app with a vector containing 10 modules
@@ -921,106 +1041,144 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
   VectorOfEverythingApp app(nInstances);
-  // the app creates the 10 module instances in defineConnections, check if this is done proplery (a quite redundant
-  // test...)
+  // the app creates the 10 module instances in defineConnections, check if this
+  // is done proplery (a quite redundant test...)
   BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup.size() == 0);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup.size() == nInstances);
-  for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule.size() == nInstances);
-    for(size_t k=0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
-      BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup.size() == nInstances);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule.size() ==
+                nInstances);
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
+      BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                      .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                      .vectorOfSomeGroup.size() == nInstances);
   // check presence in lists (getSubmoduleList() and getAccessorList())
-  { // checks on first hierarchy level (application has the list of module groups)
-    std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.getSubmoduleList();
-    BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == nInstances );
+  { // checks on first hierarchy level (application has the list of module
+    // groups)
+    std::list<ctk::Module *> list = app.getSubmoduleList();
+    BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == nInstances);
     std::map<size_t, size_t> found;
-    for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) found[i] = 0;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-        if(mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i])) found[i]++;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i)
+      found[i] = 0;
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+        if (mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]))
+          found[i]++;
-    for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) BOOST_CHECK( found[i] == 1 );
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i)
+      BOOST_CHECK(found[i] == 1);
-  { // checks on second hierarchy level (each module group has the list of modules)
-    for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list = app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].getSubmoduleList();
-      BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == nInstances );
+  { // checks on second hierarchy level (each module group has the list of
+    // modules)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list =
+          app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].getSubmoduleList();
+      BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == nInstances);
       std::map<size_t, size_t> found;
-      for(size_t k=0; k < nInstances; ++k) found[k] = 0;
-      for(auto mod : list) {
-        for(size_t k=0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
-          if(mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k])) found[k]++;
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k)
+        found[k] = 0;
+      for (auto mod : list) {
+        for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
+          if (mod ==
+              &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]))
+            found[k]++;
-      for(size_t k=0; k < nInstances; ++k) BOOST_CHECK( found[k] == 1 );
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k)
+        BOOST_CHECK(found[k] == 1);
-  { // checks on third hierarchy level (each module has accessors and variable groups)
-    for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-      for(size_t k=0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
+  { // checks on third hierarchy level (each module has accessors and variable
+    // groups)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
         // search for accessors
-        std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> accList = app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].getAccessorList();
-        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( accList.size(), 2 );
+        std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> accList =
+            app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                .getAccessorList();
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(accList.size(), 2);
         size_t someInputFound = 0;
         size_t someOutputFound = 0;
-        for(auto acc : accList) {
-          if(acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someInput) someInputFound++;
-          if(acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someOutput) someOutputFound++;
+        for (auto acc : accList) {
+          if (acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                         .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                         .someInput)
+            someInputFound++;
+          if (acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                         .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                         .someOutput)
+            someOutputFound++;
-        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( someInputFound, 1 );
-        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( someOutputFound, 1 );
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(someInputFound, 1);
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(someOutputFound, 1);
         // search for variable groups
-        std::list<ctk::Module*> modList = app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].getSubmoduleList();
-        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( modList.size(), nInstances + 1 );
+        std::list<ctk::Module *> modList = app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                                               .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                                               .getSubmoduleList();
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(modList.size(), nInstances + 1);
         std::map<size_t, size_t> someGroupFound;
-        for(size_t m=0; m < nInstances; ++m) someGroupFound[m] = 0;
+        for (size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m)
+          someGroupFound[m] = 0;
         size_t anotherGroupFound = 0;
-        for(auto mod : modList) {
-          for(size_t m=0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
-            if(mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m])) someGroupFound[m]++;
+        for (auto mod : modList) {
+          for (size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
+            if (mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                             .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                             .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]))
+              someGroupFound[m]++;
-          if(mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].anotherGroup)) anotherGroupFound++;
+          if (mod == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                           .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                           .anotherGroup))
+            anotherGroupFound++;
-        for(size_t m=0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( someGroupFound[m], 1 );
+        for (size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(someGroupFound[m], 1);
-        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( anotherGroupFound, 1 );
+        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(anotherGroupFound, 1);
   { // checks on fourth hierarchy level (each variable group has accessors)
-    for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-      for(size_t k=0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
-        for(size_t m=0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
+        for (size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
           // search for accessors
           std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> accList =
-                  app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].getAccessorList();
+              app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                  .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                  .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                  .getAccessorList();
           BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(accList.size(), 2);
           size_t inGroupFound = 0;
           size_t alsoInGroupFound = 0;
-          for(auto acc : accList) {
-            if(acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].inGroup) {
+          for (auto acc : accList) {
+            if (acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                           .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                           .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                           .inGroup) {
-            if(acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].alsoInGroup) {
+            if (acc == app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                           .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                           .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                           .alsoInGroup) {
@@ -1028,9 +1186,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
           BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(alsoInGroupFound, 1);
           // make sure no further subgroups exist
-          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].
-                                vectorOfSomeGroup[m].getSubmoduleList().size(), 0);
+          BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                                .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                                .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                                .getSubmoduleList()
+                                .size(),
+                            0);
@@ -1038,53 +1199,96 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
   // check ownerships
-  for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-    BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].getOwner() == &app );
-    for(size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
-      BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].getOwner() == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]) );
-      BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someInput.getOwner()
-                     == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]) );
-      BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someOutput.getOwner()
-                     == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]) );
-      for(size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
-        BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].getOwner()
-                       == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]) );
-        BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].inGroup.getOwner()
-                       == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m]) );
-        BOOST_CHECK( app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].alsoInGroup.getOwner()
-                       == &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m]) );
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+    BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].getOwner() == &app);
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
+          app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].getOwner() ==
+          &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]));
+      BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                      .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                      .someInput.getOwner() ==
+                  &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]));
+      BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                      .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                      .someOutput.getOwner() ==
+                  &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]));
+      for (size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
+        BOOST_CHECK(
+            app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                .getOwner() ==
+            &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k]));
+        BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                        .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                        .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                        .inGroup.getOwner() ==
+                    &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                          .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                          .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]));
+        BOOST_CHECK(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                        .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                        .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                        .alsoInGroup.getOwner() ==
+                    &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                          .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                          .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]));
   // check pointers to accessors in VariableNetworkNode
-  for(size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
-    for(size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+    for (size_t k = 0; k < nInstances; ++k) {
         auto a = &(static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(
-                        app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someInput).getAppAccessorNoType());
-        auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someInput);
-        BOOST_CHECK( a == b );
+                       app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                           .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                           .someInput)
+                       .getAppAccessorNoType());
+        auto b = &(
+            app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someInput);
+        BOOST_CHECK(a == b);
         auto a = &(static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(
-                        app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someOutput).getAppAccessorNoType());
-        auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].someOutput);
-        BOOST_CHECK( a == b );
+                       app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                           .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                           .someOutput)
+                       .getAppAccessorNoType());
+        auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                       .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                       .someOutput);
+        BOOST_CHECK(a == b);
-      for(size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
+      for (size_t m = 0; m < nInstances; ++m) {
           auto a = &(static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(
-                          app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].inGroup).getAppAccessorNoType());
-          auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].inGroup);
-          BOOST_CHECK( a == b );
+                         app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                             .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                             .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                             .inGroup)
+                         .getAppAccessorNoType());
+          auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                         .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                         .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                         .inGroup);
+          BOOST_CHECK(a == b);
           auto a = &(static_cast<ctk::VariableNetworkNode>(
-                          app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].alsoInGroup).getAppAccessorNoType());
-          auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i].vectorOfVectorModule[k].vectorOfSomeGroup[m].alsoInGroup);
-          BOOST_CHECK( a == b );
+                         app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                             .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                             .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                             .alsoInGroup)
+                         .getAppAccessorNoType());
+          auto b = &(app.vectorOfVectorModuleGroup[i]
+                         .vectorOfVectorModule[k]
+                         .vectorOfSomeGroup[m]
+                         .alsoInGroup);
+          BOOST_CHECK(a == b);
@@ -1093,30 +1297,30 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
   // search for tags and check result
   auto searchResult = app.findTag("A");
-  std::list<ctk::Module*> list = searchResult.getSubmoduleList();
+  std::list<ctk::Module *> list = searchResult.getSubmoduleList();
   { // checks on first hierarchy level
     BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == nInstances);
     std::map<std::string, int> nameMap;
-    for(auto mod : list) {
+    for (auto mod : list) {
-    for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
       std::string name = "testModule_" + std::to_string(i) + "_instance";
       BOOST_CHECK(nameMap[name] == 1);
   { // checks on second hierarchy level
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list2 = mod->getSubmoduleList();
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list2 = mod->getSubmoduleList();
       BOOST_CHECK(list2.size() == nInstances);
       std::map<std::string, int> nameMap;
-      for(auto mod2 : list2) {
+      for (auto mod2 : list2) {
-      for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
         std::string name = "test_" + std::to_string(i);
         BOOST_CHECK(nameMap[name] == 1);
@@ -1124,17 +1328,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
   { // checks on third hierarchy level
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list2 = mod->getSubmoduleList();
-      for(auto mod2 : list2) {
-        std::list<ctk::Module*> list3 = mod2->getSubmoduleList();
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list2 = mod->getSubmoduleList();
+      for (auto mod2 : list2) {
+        std::list<ctk::Module *> list3 = mod2->getSubmoduleList();
         BOOST_CHECK(list3.size() == nInstances);
         std::map<std::string, int> nameMap;
-        for(auto mod3 : list3) {
+        for (auto mod3 : list3) {
-        for(size_t i=0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstances; ++i) {
           std::string name = "testGroup_" + std::to_string(i);
           BOOST_CHECK(nameMap[name] == 1);
@@ -1143,64 +1347,75 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testVectorsOfAllModules ) {
   { // checks on fourth hierarchy level (actual variables)
-    for(auto mod : list) {
-      std::list<ctk::Module*> list2 = mod->getSubmoduleList();
-      for(auto mod2 : list2) {
-        std::list<ctk::Module*> list3 = mod2->getSubmoduleList();
-        for(auto mod3 : list3) {
+    for (auto mod : list) {
+      std::list<ctk::Module *> list2 = mod->getSubmoduleList();
+      for (auto mod2 : list2) {
+        std::list<ctk::Module *> list3 = mod2->getSubmoduleList();
+        for (auto mod3 : list3) {
           std::list<ctk::VariableNetworkNode> vars = mod3->getAccessorList();
           BOOST_CHECK(vars.size() == 2);
           size_t foundInGroup = 0;
           size_t foundAlsoInGroup = 0;
-          for(auto var : vars) {
-            if(var.getName() == "inGroup") ++foundInGroup;
-            if(var.getName() == "alsoInGroup") ++foundAlsoInGroup;
+          for (auto var : vars) {
+            if (var.getName() == "inGroup")
+              ++foundInGroup;
+            if (var.getName() == "alsoInGroup")
+              ++foundAlsoInGroup;
-          BOOST_CHECK( foundInGroup == 1 );
-          BOOST_CHECK( foundAlsoInGroup == 1 );
+          BOOST_CHECK(foundInGroup == 1);
+          BOOST_CHECK(foundAlsoInGroup == 1);
 /* test late initialisation of modules using the assignment operator */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_assignmentOperator ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_assignmentOperator) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> test_assignmentOperator" << std::endl;
   std::cout << std::endl;
   AssignModuleLaterApp app;
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.getSubmoduleList().size() == 0 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getSubmoduleList().size(), 0 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.getSubmoduleList().size() == 0);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getSubmoduleList().size(),
+                    0);
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getName() == "modGroupInstanceToAssignLater" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getDescription() == "This instance of VectorModuleGroup was assigned using the operator=()" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getName() ==
+              "modGroupInstanceToAssignLater");
+      app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getDescription() ==
+      "This instance of VectorModuleGroup was assigned using the operator=()");
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.modInstanceToAssignLater.getName() == "modInstanceToAssignLater" );
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.modInstanceToAssignLater.getDescription() == "This instance of VectorModule was assigned using the operator=()" );
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.modInstanceToAssignLater.getName() ==
+              "modInstanceToAssignLater");
+      app.modInstanceToAssignLater.getDescription() ==
+      "This instance of VectorModule was assigned using the operator=()");
   auto list = app.getSubmoduleList();
-  BOOST_CHECK( list.size() == 2 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(list.size() == 2);
   bool modGroupInstanceToAssignLater_found = false;
   bool modInstanceToAssignLater_found = false;
-  for(auto mod : list) {
-    if(mod == &(app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater)) modGroupInstanceToAssignLater_found = true;
-    if(mod == &(app.modInstanceToAssignLater)) modInstanceToAssignLater_found = true;
+  for (auto mod : list) {
+    if (mod == &(app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater))
+      modGroupInstanceToAssignLater_found = true;
+    if (mod == &(app.modInstanceToAssignLater))
+      modInstanceToAssignLater_found = true;
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getSubmoduleList().size(), 42 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( app.modInstanceToAssignLater.getSubmoduleList().size(), 14 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.modGroupInstanceToAssignLater.getSubmoduleList().size(),
+                    42);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(app.modInstanceToAssignLater.getSubmoduleList().size(), 14);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index 44222aa7..a571531a 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -5,228 +5,244 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <future>
 #include <chrono>
+#include <future>
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testTestFacilities
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "DeviceModule.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
+#include "TestFacility.h"
 #include "TestableModeAccessorDecorator.h"
 #include "VariableGroup.h"
-#include "TestFacility.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
-#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                                                                   \
-    {                                                                                                               \
-      std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                  \
-      while(!(condition)) {                                                                                         \
-        bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now()-t0) > std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);  \
-        BOOST_CHECK( !timeout_reached );                                                                            \
-        if(timeout_reached) break;                                                                                  \
-        usleep(1000);                                                                                               \
-      }                                                                                                             \
-    }
+#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                              \
+  {                                                                            \
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 =                                 \
+        std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                      \
+    while (!(condition)) {                                                     \
+      bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t0) >         \
+                             std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);       \
+      BOOST_CHECK(!timeout_reached);                                           \
+      if (timeout_reached)                                                     \
+        break;                                                                 \
+      usleep(1000);                                                            \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
 constexpr char dummySdm[] = "sdm://./";
-/* the BlockingReadTestModule blockingly reads its input in the main loop and writes the result to its output */
+/* the BlockingReadTestModule blockingly reads its input in the main loop and
+ * writes the result to its output */
-template<typename T>
+template <typename T>
 struct BlockingReadTestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> someInput{this, "someInput", "cm", "This is just some input for testing"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> someOutput{this, "someOutput", "cm", "Description"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      while(true) {
-        T val = someInput;
-        someOutput = val;
-        usleep(10000);  // wait some extra time to make sure we are really blocking the test procedure thread
-        someOutput.write();
-      }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> someInput{this, "someInput", "cm",
+                                    "This is just some input for testing"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> someOutput{this, "someOutput", "cm", "Description"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      T val = someInput;
+      someOutput = val;
+      usleep(10000); // wait some extra time to make sure we are really blocking
+                     // the test procedure thread
+      someOutput.write();
+  }
-/* the AsyncReadTestModule asynchronously reads its input in the main loop and writes the result to its output */
+/* the AsyncReadTestModule asynchronously reads its input in the main loop and
+ * writes the result to its output */
-template<typename T>
+template <typename T>
 struct AsyncReadTestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> someInput{this, "someInput", "cm", "This is just some input for testing"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> someOutput{this, "someOutput", "cm", "Description"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      while(true) {
-        auto future = someInput.readAsync();
-        future.wait();
-        T val = someInput;
-        someOutput = val;
-        usleep(10000);  // wait some extra time to make sure we are really blocking the test procedure thread
-        someOutput.write();
-      }
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> someInput{this, "someInput", "cm",
+                                    "This is just some input for testing"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> someOutput{this, "someOutput", "cm", "Description"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      auto future = someInput.readAsync();
+      future.wait();
+      T val = someInput;
+      someOutput = val;
+      usleep(10000); // wait some extra time to make sure we are really blocking
+                     // the test procedure thread
+      someOutput.write();
+  }
-/* the ReadAnyTestModule calls readAny on a bunch of inputs and outputs some information on the received data */
-template<typename T>
-struct ReadAnyTestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    struct Inputs : public ctk::VariableGroup {
-      using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v1{this, "v1", "cm", "Input 1 for testing"};
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v2{this, "v2", "cm", "Input 2 for testing"};
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v3{this, "v3", "cm", "Input 3 for testing"};
-      ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v4{this, "v4", "cm", "Input 4 for testing"};
-    };
-    Inputs inputs{this, "inputs", "A group of inputs"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> value{this, "value", "cm", "The last value received from any of the inputs"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<uint32_t> index{this, "index", "", "The index (1..4) of the input where the last value was received"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      auto group = inputs.readAnyGroup();
-      while(true) {
-        auto justRead = group.readAny();
-        if(inputs.v1.getId() == justRead) {
-          index = 1;
-          value = (T)inputs.v1;
-        }
-        else if(inputs.v2.getId() == justRead) {
-          index = 2;
-          value = (T)inputs.v2;
-        }
-        else if(inputs.v3.getId() == justRead) {
-          index = 3;
-          value = (T)inputs.v3;
-        }
-        else if(inputs.v4.getId() == justRead) {
-          index = 4;
-          value = (T)inputs.v4;
-        }
-        else {
-          index = 0;
-          value = 0;
-        }
-        usleep(10000);  // wait some extra time to make sure we are really blocking the test procedure thread
-        index.write();
-        value.write();
+/* the ReadAnyTestModule calls readAny on a bunch of inputs and outputs some
+ * information on the received data */
+template <typename T> struct ReadAnyTestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  struct Inputs : public ctk::VariableGroup {
+    using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v1{this, "v1", "cm", "Input 1 for testing"};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v2{this, "v2", "cm", "Input 2 for testing"};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v3{this, "v3", "cm", "Input 3 for testing"};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> v4{this, "v4", "cm", "Input 4 for testing"};
+  };
+  Inputs inputs{this, "inputs", "A group of inputs"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> value{this, "value", "cm",
+                             "The last value received from any of the inputs"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<uint32_t> index{
+      this, "index", "",
+      "The index (1..4) of the input where the last value was received"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    auto group = inputs.readAnyGroup();
+    while (true) {
+      auto justRead = group.readAny();
+      if (inputs.v1.getId() == justRead) {
+        index = 1;
+        value = (T)inputs.v1;
+      } else if (inputs.v2.getId() == justRead) {
+        index = 2;
+        value = (T)inputs.v2;
+      } else if (inputs.v3.getId() == justRead) {
+        index = 3;
+        value = (T)inputs.v3;
+      } else if (inputs.v4.getId() == justRead) {
+        index = 4;
+        value = (T)inputs.v4;
+      } else {
+        index = 0;
+        value = 0;
+      usleep(10000); // wait some extra time to make sure we are really blocking
+                     // the test procedure thread
+      index.write();
+      value.write();
+  }
-/* the PollingReadModule is designed to test poll-type transfers (even mixed with push-type) */
-template<typename T>
-struct PollingReadModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> push{this, "push", "cm", "A push-type input"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> push2{this, "push2", "cm", "A second push-type input"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> poll{this, "poll", "cm", "A poll-type input"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> valuePush{this, "valuePush", "cm", "The last value received for 'push'"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> valuePoll{this, "valuePoll", "cm", "The last value received for 'poll'"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<int> state{this, "state", "", "State of the test mainLoop"};
-    void mainLoop() {
-      while(true) {
-        valuePush = (T)push;
-        valuePoll = (T)poll;
-        valuePoll.write();
-        valuePush.write();
-        state = 1;
-        state.write();
-        push.readNonBlocking();
-        valuePush = (T)push;
-        valuePoll = (T)poll;
-        valuePoll.write();
-        valuePush.write();
-        state = 2;
-        state.write();
-        push.readLatest();
-        valuePush = (T)push;
-        valuePoll = (T)poll;
-        valuePoll.write();
-        valuePush.write();
-        state = 3;
-        state.write();
-      }
+/* the PollingReadModule is designed to test poll-type transfers (even mixed
+ * with push-type) */
+template <typename T> struct PollingReadModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> push{this, "push", "cm", "A push-type input"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> push2{this, "push2", "cm",
+                                "A second push-type input"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> poll{this, "poll", "cm", "A poll-type input"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> valuePush{this, "valuePush", "cm",
+                                 "The last value received for 'push'"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> valuePoll{this, "valuePoll", "cm",
+                                 "The last value received for 'poll'"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> state{this, "state", "", "State of the test mainLoop"};
+  void mainLoop() {
+    while (true) {
+      valuePush = (T)push;
+      valuePoll = (T)poll;
+      valuePoll.write();
+      valuePush.write();
+      state = 1;
+      state.write();
+      push.readNonBlocking();
+      valuePush = (T)push;
+      valuePoll = (T)poll;
+      valuePoll.write();
+      valuePush.write();
+      state = 2;
+      state.write();
+      push.readLatest();
+      valuePush = (T)push;
+      valuePoll = (T)poll;
+      valuePoll.write();
+      valuePush.write();
+      state = 3;
+      state.write();
+  }
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testApplication") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // setup is done in the tests
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{""};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{dummySdm,""};
-    BlockingReadTestModule<T> blockingReadTestModule{this,"blockingReadTestModule", "Module for testing blocking read"};
-    AsyncReadTestModule<T> asyncReadTestModule{this,"asyncReadTestModule", "Module for testing async read"};
-    ReadAnyTestModule<T> readAnyTestModule{this,"readAnyTestModule", "Module for testing readAny()"};
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  TestApplication() : Application("testApplication") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // setup is done in the tests
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{""};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{dummySdm, ""};
+  BlockingReadTestModule<T> blockingReadTestModule{
+      this, "blockingReadTestModule", "Module for testing blocking read"};
+  AsyncReadTestModule<T> asyncReadTestModule{this, "asyncReadTestModule",
+                                             "Module for testing async read"};
+  ReadAnyTestModule<T> readAnyTestModule{this, "readAnyTestModule",
+                                         "Module for testing readAny()"};
 /* second application */
-template<typename T>
-struct PollingTestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    PollingTestApplication() : Application("testApplication") {}
-    ~PollingTestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+template <typename T> struct PollingTestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  PollingTestApplication() : Application("testApplication") {}
+  ~PollingTestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    void defineConnections() {}             // setup is done in the tests
+  void defineConnections() {} // setup is done in the tests
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{""};
-    PollingReadModule<T> pollingReadModule{this,"pollingReadModule", "Module for testing poll-type transfers"};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs{""};
+  PollingReadModule<T> pollingReadModule{
+      this, "pollingReadModule", "Module for testing poll-type transfers"};
-/* test that no TestableModeAccessorDecorator is used if the testable mode is not enabled */
+/* test that no TestableModeAccessorDecorator is used if the testable mode is
+ * not enabled */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testNoDecorator, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testNoDecorator, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testNoDecorator<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -243,19 +259,25 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testNoDecorator, T, test_types ) {
   // check if we got the decorator for the input
   auto hlinput = app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput.getHighLevelImplElement();
-  BOOST_CHECK( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(hlinput) == nullptr );
+      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(
+          hlinput) == nullptr);
   // check that we did not get the decorator for the output
-  auto hloutput = app.blockingReadTestModule.someOutput.getHighLevelImplElement();
-  BOOST_CHECK( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(hloutput) == nullptr );
+  auto hloutput =
+      app.blockingReadTestModule.someOutput.getHighLevelImplElement();
+      boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ctk::TestableModeAccessorDecorator<T>>(
+          hloutput) == nullptr);
 /* test blocking read in test mode */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testBlockingRead, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testBlockingRead, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testBlockingRead<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -270,32 +292,35 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testBlockingRead, T, test_types ) {
   auto pvOutput = test.getScalar<T>("output");
-  // test blocking read when taking control in the test thread (note: the blocking read is executed in the app module!)
-  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
-    pvInput = 120+i;
+  // test blocking read when taking control in the test thread (note: the
+  // blocking read is executed in the app module!)
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+    pvInput = 120 + i;
     BOOST_CHECK(pvOutput.readNonBlocking() == false);
     CHECK_TIMEOUT(pvOutput.readNonBlocking() == true, 200);
     int val = pvOutput;
-    BOOST_CHECK(val == 120+i);
+    BOOST_CHECK(val == 120 + i);
 /* test async read in test mode */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testAsyncRead, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testAsyncRead, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testAsyncRead<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
   app.cs("input") >> app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
   app.asyncReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("output");
-  app.blockingReadTestModule.connectTo(app.cs["blocking"]); // avoid runtime warning
+  app.blockingReadTestModule.connectTo(
+      app.cs["blocking"]);                            // avoid runtime warning
   app.readAnyTestModule.connectTo(app.cs["readAny"]); // avoid runtime warning
   ctk::TestFacility test;
@@ -306,28 +331,29 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testAsyncRead, T, test_types ) {
   // test blocking read when taking control in the test thread
-  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
-    pvInput = 120+i;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+    pvInput = 120 + i;
     BOOST_CHECK(pvOutput.readNonBlocking() == false);
     bool ret = pvOutput.readNonBlocking();
     BOOST_CHECK(ret == true);
-    if(!ret) {
+    if (!ret) {
       CHECK_TIMEOUT(pvOutput.readNonBlocking() == true, 10000);
     int val = pvOutput;
-    BOOST_CHECK(val == 120+i);
+    BOOST_CHECK(val == 120 + i);
 /* test testReadAny in test mode */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testReadAny, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testReadAny, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testReadAny<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -335,8 +361,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testReadAny, T, test_types ) {
   app.readAnyTestModule.value >> app.cs("value");
   app.readAnyTestModule.index >> app.cs("index");
-  app.blockingReadTestModule.connectTo(app.cs["blocking"]);  // avoid runtime warning
-  app.asyncReadTestModule.connectTo(app.cs["async"]);  // avoid runtime warning
+  app.blockingReadTestModule.connectTo(
+      app.cs["blocking"]);                            // avoid runtime warning
+  app.asyncReadTestModule.connectTo(app.cs["async"]); // avoid runtime warning
   ctk::TestFacility test;
   auto value = test.getScalar<T>("value");
@@ -432,12 +459,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testReadAny, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(value == 50);
   BOOST_CHECK(index == 2);
-  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is available
+  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is
+  // available
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("IllegalParameter exception expected.");
-  }
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
   // check that we still don't receive anything anymore
@@ -460,15 +487,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testReadAny, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(index.readNonBlocking() == true);
   BOOST_CHECK(value == 35);
   BOOST_CHECK(index == 1);
-/* test the interplay of multiple chained modules and their threads in test mode */
+/* test the interplay of multiple chained modules and their threads in test mode
+ */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testChainedModules, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "==> testChainedModules<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testChainedModules, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testChainedModules<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -541,33 +571,35 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testChainedModules, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(value == 13);
   BOOST_CHECK(index == 3);
-  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is available
+  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is
+  // available
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("IllegalParameter exception expected.");
-  }
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
   // check that we still don't receive anything anymore
   BOOST_CHECK(value.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(index.readNonBlocking() == false);
 /* test combination with fan out */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithFanOut, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testWithFanOut, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testWithFanOut<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
   // distribute a value to multiple inputs
-  app.readAnyTestModule.value >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput >> app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
+  app.readAnyTestModule.value >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput >>
+      app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
   app.blockingReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("valueFromBlocking");
   app.asyncReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("valueFromAsync");
   app.readAnyTestModule.index >> app.cs("index");
@@ -645,12 +677,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)valueFromAsync, 13);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((unsigned int)index, 3);
-  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is available
+  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is
+  // available
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("IllegalParameter exception expected.");
-  }
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
   // check that we still don't receive anything anymore
@@ -658,24 +690,26 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromBlocking.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromAsync.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(index.readNonBlocking() == false);
 /* test combination with trigger */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithTrigger, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testWithTrigger, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testWithTrigger<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
   // distribute a value to multiple inputs
   auto triggernode = app.cs("trigger", typeid(int), 1);
   app.cs("v1") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1;
-"REG2") [ triggernode ] >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2;
+"REG2")[triggernode] >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2;
   app.cs("v3") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v3;
   app.cs("v4") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v4;
-  app.readAnyTestModule.value >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput >> app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
+  app.readAnyTestModule.value >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput >>
+      app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
   app.blockingReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("valueFromBlocking");
   app.asyncReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("valueFromAsync");
   app.readAnyTestModule.index >> app.cs("index");
@@ -736,12 +770,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithTrigger, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromAsync == 22);
   BOOST_CHECK(index == 2);
-  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is available
+  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is
+  // available
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("IllegalParameter exception expected.");
-  }
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
   // check that we still don't receive anything anymore
@@ -749,25 +783,27 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithTrigger, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromBlocking.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromAsync.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(index.readNonBlocking() == false);
 /* test combination with trigger distributed to mutliple receivers */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithTriggerFanOut, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "==> testWithTriggerFanOut<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testWithTriggerFanOut, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testWithTriggerFanOut<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
   // distribute a value to multiple inputs
   auto triggernode = app.cs("trigger", typeid(int), 1);
-"REG1") [ triggernode ] >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1;
+"REG1")[triggernode] >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1;
   app.cs("v2") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2;
   app.cs("v3") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v3;
   app.cs("v4") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v4;
-"REG2") [ triggernode ] >> app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
-"REG3") [ triggernode ] >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput;
+"REG2")[triggernode] >> app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
+"REG3")[triggernode] >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput;
   app.readAnyTestModule.value >> app.cs("valueFromAny");
   app.readAnyTestModule.index >> app.cs("index");
   app.blockingReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("valueFromBlocking");
@@ -854,12 +890,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithTriggerFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromAny == 6);
   BOOST_CHECK(index == 1);
-  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is available
+  // check that stepApplication() throws an exception if no input data is
+  // available
   try {
     BOOST_ERROR("IllegalParameter exception expected.");
-  }
-  catch(ChimeraTK::logic_error&) {
+  } catch (ChimeraTK::logic_error &) {
   // check that we still don't receive anything anymore
@@ -868,15 +904,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testWithTriggerFanOut, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromAsync.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(valueFromAny.readNonBlocking() == false);
   BOOST_CHECK(index.readNonBlocking() == false);
 /* test convenience read functions */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConvenienceRead, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "==> testConvenienceRead<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConvenienceRead, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testConvenienceRead<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
   TestApplication<T> app;
@@ -888,38 +926,47 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConvenienceRead, T, test_types ) {
   ctk::TestFacility test;
-  // test blocking read when taking control in the test thread (note: the blocking read is executed in the app module!)
-  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
-    test.writeScalar<T>("input", 120+i);
+  // test blocking read when taking control in the test thread (note: the
+  // blocking read is executed in the app module!)
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+    test.writeScalar<T>("input", 120 + i);
-    CHECK_TIMEOUT(test.readScalar<T>("output") == T(120+i), 200);
+    CHECK_TIMEOUT(test.readScalar<T>("output") == T(120 + i), 200);
-  // same with array function (still a scalar variable behind, but this does not matter)
-  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
-    std::vector<T> myValue{T(120+i)};
+  // same with array function (still a scalar variable behind, but this does not
+  // matter)
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+    std::vector<T> myValue{T(120 + i)};
     test.writeArray<T>("input", myValue);
-    CHECK_TIMEOUT(test.readArray<T>("output") == std::vector<T>{T(120+i)}, 200);
+    CHECK_TIMEOUT(test.readArray<T>("output") == std::vector<T>{T(120 + i)},
+                  200);
 /* test testable mode when reading from constants */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConstants, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testConstants, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testConstants<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
     TestApplication<T> app;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 18) >> app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 20) >> app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 22) >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 23) >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 24) >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v3;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 18) >>
+        app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 20) >>
+        app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 22) >>
+        app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 23) >>
+        app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 24) >>
+        app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v3;
     app.blockingReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("blockingOutput");
     app.asyncReadTestModule.someOutput >> app.cs("asyncOutput");
     app.cs("v4") >> app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v4;
@@ -929,61 +976,63 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testConstants, T, test_types ) {
     ctk::TestFacility test;
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput, 18 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput, 20 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1, 22 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2, 23 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v3, 24 );
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.blockingReadTestModule.someInput, 18);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.asyncReadTestModule.someInput, 20);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v1, 22);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v2, 23);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.readAnyTestModule.inputs.v3, 24);
     test.writeScalar<T>("v4", 27);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<uint32_t>("index"), 4 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<T>("value"), 27 );
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<uint32_t>("index"), 4);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<T>("value"), 27);
     test.writeScalar<T>("v4", 30);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<uint32_t>("index"), 4 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<T>("value"), 30 );
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<uint32_t>("index"), 4);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<T>("value"), 30);
     PollingTestApplication<T> app;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 18) >> app.pollingReadModule.push2;
-    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 20) >> app.pollingReadModule.poll;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 18) >>
+        app.pollingReadModule.push2;
+    ctk::VariableNetworkNode::makeConstant<T>(true, 20) >>
+        app.pollingReadModule.poll;
     ctk::TestFacility test;
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.pollingReadModule.push2, 18 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( (T)app.pollingReadModule.poll, 20 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<T>("push2"), 18 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<T>("poll"), 20 );
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.pollingReadModule.push2, 18);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)app.pollingReadModule.poll, 20);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<T>("push2"), 18);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<T>("poll"), 20);
     test.writeScalar<T>("push", 22);
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<int>("state"), 1 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<T>("valuePush"), 22 );
-    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( test.readScalar<T>("valuePoll"), 20 );
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<int>("state"), 1);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<T>("valuePush"), 22);
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test.readScalar<T>("valuePoll"), 20);
     // continuing will now stall the tests
     test.writeScalar<T>("push", 23);
     try {
       BOOST_ERROR("Exception expected.");
-    }
-    catch(ctk::Application::TestsStalled&) {
+    } catch (ctk::Application::TestsStalled &) {
 /* test poll-type transfers mixed with push-type */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testPolling, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testPolling, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testPolling<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
   PollingTestApplication<T> app;
@@ -1012,7 +1061,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testPolling, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_valuePush, 120);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_state, 1);
-  // this time the application gets triggered by push2, push is read non-blockingly (single value only)
+  // this time the application gets triggered by push2, push is read
+  // non-blockingly (single value only)
   pv_push = 22;
   pv_poll = 44;
@@ -1028,7 +1078,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testPolling, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_valuePush, 22);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_state, 2);
-  // this time the application gets triggered by push2, push is read with readLatest()
+  // this time the application gets triggered by push2, push is read with
+  // readLatest()
   pv_push = 24;
   pv_poll = 46;
@@ -1041,5 +1092,4 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testPolling, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_valuePoll, 46);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_valuePush, 24);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((T)pv_state, 3);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index cf3bac55..837ce1be 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -5,29 +5,29 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <future>
 #include <chrono>
+#include <future>
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testTrigger
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
-#include <ChimeraTK/DummyBackend.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/Device.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/DeviceAccessVersion.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/DummyBackend.h>
-#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/PVManager.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/ControlSystemPVManager.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/DevicePVManager.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/ControlSystemAdapter/PVManager.h>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
-#include "DeviceModule.h"
 #include "ControlSystemModule.h"
+#include "DeviceModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
 namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
@@ -35,93 +35,110 @@ namespace ctk = ChimeraTK;
 constexpr char dummySdm[] = "sdm://./";
 // list of user types the accessors are tested with
-typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t,uint8_t,
-                         int16_t,uint16_t,
-                         int32_t,uint32_t,
-                         float,double>        test_types;
-#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                                                                   \
-    {                                                                                                               \
-      std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                  \
-      while(!(condition)) {                                                                                           \
-        bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now()-t0) > std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);  \
-        BOOST_CHECK( !timeout_reached );                                                                            \
-        if(timeout_reached) break;                                                                                  \
-        usleep(1000);                                                                                               \
-      }                                                                                                             \
-    }
+typedef boost::mpl::list<int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
+                         float, double>
+    test_types;
+#define CHECK_TIMEOUT(condition, maxMilliseconds)                              \
+  {                                                                            \
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t0 =                                 \
+        std::chrono::steady_clock::now();                                      \
+    while (!(condition)) {                                                     \
+      bool timeout_reached = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - t0) >         \
+                             std::chrono::milliseconds(maxMilliseconds);       \
+      BOOST_CHECK(!timeout_reached);                                           \
+      if (timeout_reached)                                                     \
+        break;                                                                 \
+      usleep(1000);                                                            \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
 class TestTransferGroupDummy : public ChimeraTK::DummyBackend {
-  public:
-    TestTransferGroupDummy(std::string mapFileName) : DummyBackend(mapFileName) {}
-    static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend> createInstance(std::string, std::string, std::list<std::string> parameters, std::string) {
-      return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(new TestTransferGroupDummy(parameters.front()));
-    }
-    void read(uint8_t bar, uint32_t address, int32_t* data,  size_t sizeInBytes) override {
-      last_bar = bar;
-      last_address = address;
-      last_sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes;
-      numberOfTransfers++;
-      DummyBackend::read(bar,address,data,sizeInBytes);
-    }
-    std::atomic<size_t> numberOfTransfers{0};
-    std::atomic<uint8_t> last_bar;
-    std::atomic<uint32_t> last_address;
-    std::atomic<size_t> last_sizeInBytes;
+  TestTransferGroupDummy(std::string mapFileName) : DummyBackend(mapFileName) {}
+  static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>
+  createInstance(std::string, std::string, std::list<std::string> parameters,
+                 std::string) {
+    return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(
+        new TestTransferGroupDummy(parameters.front()));
+  }
+  void read(uint8_t bar, uint32_t address, int32_t *data,
+            size_t sizeInBytes) override {
+    last_bar = bar;
+    last_address = address;
+    last_sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes;
+    numberOfTransfers++;
+    DummyBackend::read(bar, address, data, sizeInBytes);
+  }
+  std::atomic<size_t> numberOfTransfers{0};
+  std::atomic<uint8_t> last_bar;
+  std::atomic<uint32_t> last_address;
+  std::atomic<size_t> last_sizeInBytes;
 /* the ApplicationModule for the test is a template of the user type */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
-    using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
+template <typename T> struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
+  using ctk::ApplicationModule::ApplicationModule;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m", "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m", "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m",
+                                        "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPushInput<T> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m",
+                                         "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m", "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m", "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m",
+                                        "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m",
+                                         "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarPollInput<T> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m",
+                                         "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> theTrigger{this, "theTrigger", "MV/m", "Description"};
-    ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingToDevice{this, "feedingToDevice", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> theTrigger{this, "theTrigger", "MV/m", "Description"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<T> feedingToDevice{this, "feedingToDevice", "MV/m",
+                                       "Description"};
-    void mainLoop() {}
+  void mainLoop() {}
 /* dummy application */
-template<typename T>
-struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {
-      ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType("TestTransferGroupDummy", "",
-        &TestTransferGroupDummy::createInstance, CHIMERATK_DEVICEACCESS_VERSION);
-    }
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule<T> testModule{this,"testModule", "The test module"};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
-    ctk::DeviceModule dev2{dummySdm};
-    ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
+template <typename T> struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {
+    ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType(
+        "TestTransferGroupDummy", "", &TestTransferGroupDummy::createInstance,
+  }
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
+  TestModule<T> testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev{"Dummy0"};
+  ctk::DeviceModule dev2{dummySdm};
+  ctk::ControlSystemModule cs;
-/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an app variable */
+/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an
+ * app variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToApp, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "==> testTriggerDevToApp<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTriggerDevToApp, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testTriggerDevToApp<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
@@ -129,7 +146,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToApp, T, test_types ) {
   app.testModule.feedingToDevice >>"/MyModule/actuator");
-"/MyModule/readBack") [ app.testModule.theTrigger ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush;
+"/MyModule/readBack")[app.testModule.theTrigger] >>
+      app.testModule.consumingPush;
@@ -144,32 +162,41 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToApp, T, test_types ) {;
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
-  // launch read() on the consumer asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive anything
-  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async, [&app]{; });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  // launch read() on the consumer asynchronously and make sure it does not yet
+  // receive anything
+  auto futRead = std::async(std::launch::async,
+                            [&app] {; });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
   // write to the feeder
   app.testModule.feedingToDevice = 120;
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 42);
   // send trigger
   // check that the consumer now receives the just written value
-  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  BOOST_CHECK( app.testModule.consumingPush == 120 );
+  BOOST_CHECK(futRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 120);
-/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to control system variable */
+/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to
+ * control system variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToCS, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "==> testTriggerDevToCS<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTriggerDevToCS, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testTriggerDevToCS<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
@@ -180,7 +207,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToCS, T, test_types ) {
   app.testModule.feedingToDevice >>"/MyModule/actuator");
-"/MyModule/readBack", typeid(T), 1) [ app.testModule.theTrigger ] >> app.cs("myCSVar");
+"/MyModule/readBack", typeid(T), 1)[app.testModule.theTrigger] >>
+      app.cs("myCSVar");
@@ -188,7 +216,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToCS, T, test_types ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pvManagers.first->getAllProcessVariables().size(), 1);
   auto myCSVar = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myCSVar");
-  // single theaded test only, since the receiving process scalar does not support blocking
+  // single theaded test only, since the receiving process scalar does not
+  // support blocking
   BOOST_CHECK(myCSVar->readNonBlocking() == false);
   app.testModule.feedingToDevice = 42;
   BOOST_CHECK(myCSVar->readNonBlocking() == false);
@@ -211,10 +240,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerDevToCS, T, test_types ) {
-/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to control system variable */
+/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to
+ * control system variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerByCS, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTriggerByCS, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testTriggerByCS<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
@@ -226,7 +258,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerByCS, T, test_types ) {
   app.testModule.feedingToDevice >>"/MyModule/actuator");
-"/MyModule/readBack", typeid(T), 1) [ app.cs("theTrigger", typeid(T), 1) ] >> app.cs("myCSVar");
+"/MyModule/readBack", typeid(T),
+          1)[app.cs("theTrigger", typeid(T), 1)] >>
+      app.cs("myCSVar");
@@ -235,7 +269,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerByCS, T, test_types ) {
   auto myCSVar = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/myCSVar");
   auto theTrigger = pvManagers.first->getProcessArray<T>("/theTrigger");
-  // single theaded test only, since the receiving process scalar does not support blocking
+  // single theaded test only, since the receiving process scalar does not
+  // support blocking
   BOOST_CHECK(myCSVar->readNonBlocking() == false);
   app.testModule.feedingToDevice = 42;
   BOOST_CHECK(myCSVar->readNonBlocking() == false);
@@ -260,11 +295,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerByCS, T, test_types ) {
-/* test that multiple variables triggered by the same source are put into the same TransferGroup */
+/* test that multiple variables triggered by the same source are put into the
+ * same TransferGroup */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerTransferGroup, T, test_types ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-  std::cout << "==> testTriggerTransferGroup<" << typeid(T).name() << ">" << std::endl;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(testTriggerTransferGroup, T, test_types) {
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "==> testTriggerTransferGroup<" << typeid(T).name() << ">"
+            << std::endl;
@@ -272,12 +311,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerTransferGroup, T, test_types ) {
   ChimeraTK::Device dev;;
-  auto backend = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TestTransferGroupDummy>(ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(dummySdm));
-  BOOST_CHECK( backend != NULL );
+  auto backend = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TestTransferGroupDummy>(
+      ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().createBackend(dummySdm));
+  BOOST_CHECK(backend != NULL);
-  app.dev2("/REG1") [ app.testModule.theTrigger ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush;
-  app.dev2("/REG2") [ app.testModule.theTrigger ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush2;
-  app.dev2("/REG3") [ app.testModule.theTrigger ] >> app.testModule.consumingPush3;
+  app.dev2("/REG1")[app.testModule.theTrigger] >> app.testModule.consumingPush;
+  app.dev2("/REG2")[app.testModule.theTrigger] >> app.testModule.consumingPush2;
+  app.dev2("/REG3")[app.testModule.theTrigger] >> app.testModule.consumingPush3;
@@ -300,7 +340,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerTransferGroup, T, test_types ) {;;;
-  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush  == 11);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 11);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 22);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 33);
@@ -320,10 +360,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE( testTriggerTransferGroup, T, test_types ) {;;;
-  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush  == 12);
+  BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush == 12);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush2 == 23);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.consumingPush3 == 34);
diff --git a/tests/executables_src/ b/tests/executables_src/
index ce64ed52..63fd5145 100644
--- a/tests/executables_src/
+++ b/tests/executables_src/
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
  *      Author: Martin Hierholzer
-#include <future>
 #include <chrono>
+#include <future>
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE testVariableGroup
+#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
 #include "Application.h"
-#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "ApplicationModule.h"
+#include "ScalarAccessor.h"
 #include "VariableGroup.h"
 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
@@ -31,21 +31,32 @@ struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
   struct MixedGroup : public ctk::VariableGroup {
     using ctk::VariableGroup::VariableGroup;
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<int> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<int> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-    ctk::ScalarPollInput<int> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> consumingPush{this, "consumingPush", "MV/m",
+                                            "Descrption"};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> consumingPush2{this, "consumingPush2", "MV/m",
+                                             "Descrption"};
+    ctk::ScalarPushInput<int> consumingPush3{this, "consumingPush3", "MV/m",
+                                             "Descrption"};
+    ctk::ScalarPollInput<int> consumingPoll{this, "consumingPoll", "MV/m",
+                                            "Descrption"};
+    ctk::ScalarPollInput<int> consumingPoll2{this, "consumingPoll2", "MV/m",
+                                             "Descrption"};
+    ctk::ScalarPollInput<int> consumingPoll3{this, "consumingPoll3", "MV/m",
+                                             "Descrption"};
-  MixedGroup mixedGroup{this, "mixedGroup", "A group with both push and poll inputs"};
+  MixedGroup mixedGroup{this, "mixedGroup",
+                        "A group with both push and poll inputs"};
   ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPush{this, "feedingPush", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPush2{this, "feedingPush2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPush3{this, "feedingPush3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPush2{this, "feedingPush2", "MV/m",
+                                      "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPush3{this, "feedingPush3", "MV/m",
+                                      "Descrption"};
   ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPoll{this, "feedingPoll", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPoll2{this, "feedingPoll2", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
-  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPoll3{this, "feedingPoll3", "MV/m", "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPoll2{this, "feedingPoll2", "MV/m",
+                                      "Descrption"};
+  ctk::ScalarOutput<int> feedingPoll3{this, "feedingPoll3", "MV/m",
+                                      "Descrption"};
   void mainLoop() {}
@@ -54,19 +65,20 @@ struct TestModule : public ctk::ApplicationModule {
 /* dummy application */
 struct TestApplication : public ctk::Application {
-    TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
-    ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
+  TestApplication() : Application("testSuite") {}
+  ~TestApplication() { shutdown(); }
-    using Application::makeConnections;     // we call makeConnections() manually in the tests to catch exceptions etc.
-    void defineConnections() {}             // the setup is done in the tests
+  using Application::makeConnections; // we call makeConnections() manually in
+                                      // the tests to catch exceptions etc.
+  void defineConnections() {}         // the setup is done in the tests
-    TestModule testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
+  TestModule testModule{this, "testModule", "The test module"};
 /* test module-wide read/write operations */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testModuleReadWrite ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(testModuleReadWrite) {
   std::cout << "*** testModuleReadWrite" << std::endl;
   TestApplication app;
@@ -203,14 +215,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testModuleReadWrite ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll == 23);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll2 == 33);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll3 == 44);
-/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an app variable */
+/* test trigger by app variable when connecting a polled device register to an
+ * app variable */
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
-  std::cout << "*********************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "***************************************************************"
+               "******************************************************"
+            << std::endl;
   std::cout << "==> testReadAny" << std::endl;
   TestApplication app;
@@ -286,9 +300,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll2 == 11);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll3 == 12);
-  // launch readAny() asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive anything
-  auto futureRead = std::async(std::launch::async, [&group]{ group.readAny(); });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  // launch readAny() asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive
+  // anything
+  auto futureRead =
+      std::async(std::launch::async, [&group] { group.readAny(); });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 0);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 666);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 120);
@@ -301,7 +318,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
   // check that the group now receives the just written value
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 3);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 666);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 120);
@@ -309,9 +327,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll2 == 11);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll3 == 12);
-  // launch another readAny() asynchronously and make sure it does not yet receive anything
-  auto futureRead2 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&group]{ group.readAny(); });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  // launch another readAny() asynchronously and make sure it does not yet
+  // receive anything
+  auto futureRead2 =
+      std::async(std::launch::async, [&group] { group.readAny(); });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 3);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 666);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 120);
@@ -328,7 +349,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
   // make sure readAny still does not receive anything
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 3);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 666);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 120);
@@ -341,7 +363,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
   // check that the group now receives the just written values
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead2.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 3);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 123);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 120);
@@ -350,8 +373,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll3 == 88);
   // two changes at a time
-  auto futureRead3 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&group]{ group.readAny(); });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) == std::future_status::timeout);
+  auto futureRead3 =
+      std::async(std::launch::async, [&group] { group.readAny(); });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)) ==
+              std::future_status::timeout);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 3);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 123);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 120);
@@ -364,14 +389,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testReadAny ) {
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
-  auto futureRead4 = std::async(std::launch::async, [&group]{ group.readAny(); });
-  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead4.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) == std::future_status::ready);
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead3.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
+  auto futureRead4 =
+      std::async(std::launch::async, [&group] { group.readAny(); });
+  BOOST_CHECK(futureRead4.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2000)) ==
+              std::future_status::ready);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush == 3);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush2 == 234);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPush3 == 345);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll == 66);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll2 == 77);
   BOOST_CHECK(app.testModule.mixedGroup.consumingPoll3 == 88);
diff --git a/tests/include/ExceptionDevice.h b/tests/include/ExceptionDevice.h
index 07927de3..5fb56957 100644
--- a/tests/include/ExceptionDevice.h
+++ b/tests/include/ExceptionDevice.h
@@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
-#include <ChimeraTK/DummyBackend.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/BackendFactory.h>
 #include <ChimeraTK/DeviceAccessVersion.h>
+#include <ChimeraTK/DummyBackend.h>
 class ExceptionDummy : public ChimeraTK::DummyBackend {
- public:
-  ExceptionDummy(std::string mapFileName) : DummyBackend(mapFileName) { throwException = false; }
+  ExceptionDummy(std::string mapFileName) : DummyBackend(mapFileName) {
+    throwException = false;
+  }
   bool throwException;
-  static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend> createInstance(std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string> parameters) {
-    return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(new ExceptionDummy(parameters["map"]));
+  static boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>
+  createInstance(std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string> parameters) {
+    return boost::shared_ptr<DeviceBackend>(
+        new ExceptionDummy(parameters["map"]));
   void open() override {
-    if(throwException) {
+    if (throwException) {
       throw(ChimeraTK::runtime_error("DummyException: This is a test"));
-    }
-    else
+    } else
   class BackendRegisterer {
-   public:
+  public:
   static BackendRegisterer backendRegisterer;
@@ -27,6 +30,9 @@ class ExceptionDummy : public ChimeraTK::DummyBackend {
 ExceptionDummy::BackendRegisterer ExceptionDummy::backendRegisterer;
 ExceptionDummy::BackendRegisterer::BackendRegisterer() {
-  std::cout << "ExceptionDummy::BackendRegisterer: registering backend type ExceptionDummy" << std::endl;
-  ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType("ExceptionDummy", &ExceptionDummy::createInstance);
+  std::cout << "ExceptionDummy::BackendRegisterer: registering backend type "
+               "ExceptionDummy"
+            << std::endl;
+  ChimeraTK::BackendFactory::getInstance().registerBackendType(
+      "ExceptionDummy", &ExceptionDummy::createInstance);