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Overwrite config with env pars

Mikhail Karnevskiy requested to merge envParams into develop

There are several ways of authorization in asapo. The simplest one: use AlwaysAllowed beamtimes in asapo.

beamtime in asapo is a string. It is using in the log messages, in MongoDB and in authorization. Asapo services (broker, receiver) sends request to authoriser with beamtime string and gets path to the data. Additional Beamtime metadata parameters (like biamline path, beamline name) are optional.

Authorizer gets list of alwaysAllowed beamtimes from config. Now one can add a beamtime using env. variables.

Usage scenario is following:

  • One starts docker with asapo standalone with additional env. variable to define beamtime and path. Path in this case is defines inside of docker. Therefore one need to mount this path outside of docker.

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