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ci: extract CI job that builds asapo-standalone Docker image that can be used for testing

  • The CI job build-asapo-standalone-dev-docker-image creates the Docker image asapo-standalone-dev:dev-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}
  • CI jobs that extend .test_python_wheels_template use this image asapo-standalone-dev:dev-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA} when running the tests. These jobs can now run in the test stage! :-)
  • The CI job deploy-asapo-standalone-docker-image tags asapo-standalone-dev:dev-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA} as latest on the develop branch and tag branches. This CI job copies the image to asapo-standalone:${CI_COMMIT_TAG} and asapo-standalone:latest for CI_COMMIT_TAG.
  • The CI job build-services-docker-images creates one Docker image per ASAP::O service.
Edited by Marc-Olivier Andrez

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